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another SU-35 news....(Btw nice camo for SU-35 here)

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photo : Alex Sidharta

Kemendag Upayakan Imbal Dagang Sukhoi Su-35 Rampung Tahun Ini

Ilham wibowo • 13 September 2019 16:10

Jakarta: Kementerian Perdagangan (Kemendag) masih mengupayakan hadirnya produk olahan sebagai imbal dagang 11 unit jet tempur Sukhoi Su-35 dari Rusia. Peningkatan ekspor produk bernilai tambah Tanah Air jadi komitmen untuk dikedepankan.

Staf Ahli Bidang Iklim Usaha dan Hubungan Antar Lembaga Kemendag Karyanto Suprih mengatakan pihaknya terus melakukan diskusi penyelesaian proses ini bersama Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Lyudmila Georgievna Vorobieva. Beragam produk RI telah ditawarkan untuk pembelian pesawat dengan nilai total USD1,14 miliar atau setara Rp17 triliun tersebut.

"Secepatnya itu lebih baik, semoga bisa selesai tahun ini dan kami terus bicara sama Dubes Rusia," kata Karyanto ditemui di JCC, Senayan, Jakarta, Jumat, 13 September 2019.

Menurut Karyanto produk yang terus ditawarkan dari Indonesia seperti makanan dan minuman. Beragam produk olahan rempah-rempah Tanah Air juga jadi fokus untuk dimasukkan dalam 50 persen dana pembelian pesawat tersebut.

"Banyak (yang ditawarkan) misalnya produk rempah-rempah dan kita maunya produk jadi, jangan cuma produk yang raw material," kata Karyanto.

Karyanto memastikan Kemendag bukan dalam posisi menghambat kebutuhan alutsista pertahanan RI. Saat ini, diskusi masih terus dilakukan agar produk yang menjadi imbal dagang bisa maksimal bermanfaat bagi negara dan masyarakat.

"Soal imbal dagang sebenarnya tidak ada masalah, buat perdagangan bagus, tapi itu kan terkait politik dunia, kalau soal politik bersumber imamnya di Kemlu," paparnya.

Sebelumnya, Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Lyudmila Vorobieva membeberkan ada beberapa kendala terkait pengiriman Sukhoi ke Indonesia. Progres kontrak dagang RI dengan Rusia ini hanya perlu merampungkan masalah teknis.

"Beberapa masalah teknis dalam kesepakatan ini. Tapi Indonesia dan Rusia sudah melakukan penandatanganan pembelian, dan masalah ada di teknisnya saja," tutur Lyudmila dalam jumpa pers di Jakarta, Rabu, 4 September 2019 lalu.

Dia mengatakan pembahasan mengenai pembelian dan pengiriman Sukhoi ini agak lambat. Penyebabnya banyak, termasuk pemilihan presiden beberapa waktu lalu.

"Masalah teknis dalam implementasi kesepakatan ini, kita harapkan bisa segera diselesaikan agar pengiriman bisa berjalan lancar," imbuhnya.

This cpo for sukhoi thing again, huh...
Who know for how much long this saga will end?
Btw good choice of camo, why they not use camo from other sukhoi?
That stand looks so familiar, did they using Hobby master diecast?
Yg beginian yg kadang buat saya ngelus dada dan pesimis soal interoperability, padahal ini cuma soal dogtag -_-
TC-300 Cameras on Indonesian Navy AS565MBe

Indonesian Navy ordered two TrakkaCam TC-300 compact, high performance cameras as part of the mission equipment package of the AS565MBe Panther helicopters. The single-LRU multi-sensor surveillance system weights 20 Kgs ~ 44 lbs DSEI 2019

TC-300 Cameras on Indonesian Navy AS565MBe

Trakka, September 12, 2019 - Trakka Systems is pleased to announce that the Indonesian Navy has selected and integrated two TrakkaCam TC-300 cameras, as part of their mission equipment package on the AS565 MBe Panther.

“We are extremely pleased that the TC-300 has, again, been chosen for an international critical missions’ program. We look forward to supporting the Indonesian Navy on this program and future programs to come,” said Glen Rowling, VP Business Development of Trakka Systems.

The TrakkaCam TC-300 is a compact, high performance, new generation single-LRU multi-sensor surveillance system, setting new standards for innovative, ergonomic, industrial design.

The system comprises an innovative lightweight 300mm gimbal and has a total mass of approximately 20kg.

It features high performance fully digital 4-axis gyro-stabilization, with a base payload suite comprising of a MWIR thermal imager, and HDTV EO/Spotter with continuous zoom.

The TC-300 also includes eye-safe laser range finder, NVG compatible laser pointer, a fully integrated IMU/GPS for Geo-Location and Moving Map Integration, Auto Tracker, an advanced HD video engine and options for searchlight slaving, haze reduction, image blending and Moving Target Indicator (MTI).

Saab offers are actually interesting though the chance for Gripen is very low however other products like RBS-70, AT-4, Carl Gustav & NLAW ATGM, Girraffe radar, and Erieye AEWC they are more or less competitive to our needs.
Btw what's the preference for the fighters
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Preference on tankers
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Preference on heavy lift helicopters
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Preference on AEWC ( add Wedgetail since they officially offer us now in their web page )
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I think we already have winner on this
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Credit to Angkasa Review
- FA-50 (For IFX)
- A330 MRTT
- MI-26 (more cargo for disaster relief(
- C295
Ijin gabung...
Just share the Breaking News and viral in my WA group.

BREAKING NEWS : Gudang Senjata di Kompleks Mako Brimob Srondol Semarang Terbakar Disertai Ledakan

Editor: Catur waskito Edy

TRIBUNJATENG.COM, SEMARANG -- Gudang senjata atau bahan peledak (handak) di komplek Mako Brimob Polda Jateng, Srondol, Kota Semarang terbakar, Sabtu (14/9/2019) pagi.

Suara rentetan ledakan mirip mercon terus terdengaroleh warga di area sekitarnya. Bahkan dilaporkan juga terdengar hingga ke Tembalang dan Sekaran, Gunungpati. Pantauan Tribunjateng.com di lapangan, suasana masih mencekam dan panik.

Bahkan petugas Damkar yang sudah ada di sekitar mako tidak berani mendekat, khawatir masih akan ada ledakan.
Sari, warga Srondol Wetan Gang Mangga RT 2 RW 5 yang rumahnya berdekatan,menyatakan sekitar pukul 07.30 mendengar suara ledakan mirip mercon. Semakin lama suara letusan itu tambah kencang, tidak berhenti pula.

"Awalnya kami yang dekat mengira suara letusan itu adalah latihan.
Terus ada warga yang penasaran, kok tambah besar suaranya.

Waktu coba melihat, ada asap mengepul dari salah satu bangunan sehingga warga langsung lari semua," terangnya di pinggir Jalan Setiabudi. Sumber lain menyebutkan, peristiwa ini terjadi pukul 07.05 yang berasal dari di gudang penyimpanan bahan peledak di Mako Brimob Srondol.

Kebakaran yang menimbulkan ledakan tersebut tidak menimbulkan korban jiwa. Namun, beberapa rumah di sekitar lokasi gudang Handak rusak berat. Sejumlah sepeda motor dan mobil di sekitar lokasi juga mengalami kerusakan. Mobil pemadam kebakaran sudah datang namun tidak berani mendekat karena khawatir masih akan ada ledakan. (*)

Artikel ini telah tayang di https://jateng.tribunnews.com/2019/...mako-brimob-srondol-terbakar-disertai-ledakan.

Editor: Catur waskito Edy
I have seen an American aviator opinion about the Osprey vs conventional heli...
He said that the Osprey is more difficult to fly and much more pain in the *** for maintenance
And because of that, the maintenance cost is high

I have no link to his answer because it's an answer from a long time ago
Thank you
Nanti setelah perundingan imbal dagannya selesai pasti akan ada perundingan lagi yang selesainya pertengahan tahun depan, kemudian saat tahun depan akan ada perundingan lagi (ga tau apa).

Kalau memang ga niat ambil Cy-35 mendingan di cancel saja sebenarnya. Sekalipun jadi ambil 11 pesawat jumlah total armada Sukhoi kita juga cuma sedikit.
wkwkw biasa bro, ini sebenernya dah masuk ranah politik. Kita ngasih statement lg tentang sukro, terus nunggu respon dr om sam. Macam test the water gitu, gossip terakhir sih dah bukan caatsa tp mrk pake senjata gsp ke kita. Mau batalin kontrak jg susah, ada denda biasanya. Kemarin2 ada statement kita mau masukin ini didalam klausul force majore tp kyknya lom ada titik temu sama rusky. Duduk manis aja deh kita, nonton dagelan sukro sambil seruput kupi sama tahu goreng :D
Kemarin2 ada statement kita mau masukin ini didalam klausul force majore tp kyknya lom ada titik temu sama rusky.

Sekalipun ditrima sebgai force majeure pihaknya rusky pasti minta kompensasi walaupun valuenya jauh lebih sedikit daripada penalty (uang kaget). Dan kalau saya liat jauh lebih baik begitu daripada terbebani di kemudian hari buat plihara armada sukro yg service nya aja harus dibawa ke Belarusia segala.
After watching this video i i still remember statement of one of petinggi tni ad,they wanted abrams but unfortunately we aren't US close friends in that time so we picked Leopard instead is there any plan to modernize our leopard 2a4 to 2ri in the future?
After watching this video i i still remember statement of one of petinggi tni ad,they wanted abrams but unfortunately we aren't US close friends in that time so we picked Leopard instead is there any plan to modernize our leopard 2a4 to 2ri in the future?
The last time i heard that they wanted more leopard 2s.....now the news vanishes in thin air
Iberian wings [DSEI19D3]
12 September 2019



Portuguese unmanned aerial vehicle manufacturer Tekever (Stand N2-830) has been awarded a contract from the UK Ministry of Defence to demonstrate the ability of its AR4 to be operated from a manned platform. The ultimate aim of the project is for the British Army to assess the potential for a UAV to be operated from a helicopter, but this first phase will see it controlled from an armoured vehicle.

Contracted in recent weeks, the testing will fall under the auspices of the Army Warfighting Experiment and will take place in the first half of 2020. It will involve Tekever introducing enhanced processing into the UAV’s command and control system in order to enable the manned-unmanned teaming.

The UK’s Maritime and Coastguard Agency has also issued a tender in recent weeks seeking information on UAVs that could support the various operations that fall under its remit, to which Tekever has submitted an offer. A response from the government is expected imminently. This requirement is along the same lines as work underway in support of the European Maritime Safety Agency, under which a number of UAV companies are carrying out contracted services in support of missions, including pollution and fishery monitoring, of which Tekever is one. It is using the twin-engine AR5 to support this project, having flown from Portugal and Spain during previous phases of the operations. AR5 will also be used in the RAPSODY project, which will test the application of unmanned aerial systems in a maritime context.

Additionally, the company has recently been supporting wildfire monitoring missions in Indonesia with the AR4, and has been carrying out work under the EU’s Single European Sky ATM Research project’s SAFIR effort that is exploring the future requirements for unmanned ATM.

Both the AR4 and AR5 are on display during the show.

(300 words)

After watching this video i i still remember statement of one of petinggi tni ad,they wanted abrams but unfortunately we aren't US close friends in that time so we picked Leopard instead is there any plan to modernize our leopard 2a4 to 2ri in the future?

Really bad idea if we buying Abrams (any variant). Keep in mind Abrams is powered by turbine engine instead of diesel. While turbine engine have superior power-to-weight ratio compare to any other type of engine it lose all efficiency at lower power band. Even running it in full power the Abrams power pack is still not efficient because it was design under the assumption of US military logistical capability to continuously supplying them with fuel.
Sekalipun ditrima sebgai force majeure pihaknya rusky pasti minta kompensasi walaupun valuenya jauh lebih sedikit daripada penalty (uang kaget). Dan kalau saya liat jauh lebih baik begitu daripada terbebani di kemudian hari buat plihara armada sukro yg service nya aja harus dibawa ke Belarusia segala.
Yea I hate it as well, having to send each fighter overseas for maintenance is really sucks. Regardless I think AU still need a heavy fighters to follow their doctrine. Tho if we really want to drop it perhaps it will be wise to push the air tanker project forward then go ahead with the Viper acquisition. This way they can still have the range their needed and quantity as well. Maybe instead of paying cancelation fee we can get some flankers missiles from rusky as compensation to compliment what we already have. Tho I doubt AU want to do it and the govt sure doesnt like to loose face if they fail to make it happen. Bad politic publication is something they have to calculate both domestic, and internationally.
Really bad idea if we buying Abrams (any variant). Keep in mind Abrams is powered by turbine engine instead of diesel. While turbine engine have superior power-to-weight ratio compare to any other type of engine it lose all efficiency at lower power band. Even running it in full power the Abrams power pack is still not efficient because it was design under the assumption of US military logistical capability to continuously supplying them with fuel.
Spot on. Abrams is a fuel guzzler.
After watching this video i i still remember statement of one of petinggi tni ad,they wanted abrams but unfortunately we aren't US close friends in that time so we picked Leopard instead is there any plan to modernize our leopard 2a4 to 2ri in the future?
No it wasn't because of that.

The actual reason was because of the Abrams high price both in construction and maintenance. A couple of the younger officers I work with went through the US Army armor course in Ft. Benning and they said they had no faith in TNI mechanics being able to keep the Abrams jet turbine engine running let alone its numerous electronic sub systems.

I work on the Leopards here. Earlier on, the TNI tankers weren't used to the constant preventive maintenance checks and regular engine checkups (tanks are like planes, they'll still break even if you just let them sit in their hangars) that you have to do on MBT's. Nowadays they've gotten used to the routine so everything is running pretty smoothly.
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