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Indonesia Defence Forum

You guys sound like our MoD has decided that our pair of fighters in TNI-AU will be SU-35 + F-16 EDA. That'd be so much win. Can I start the party yet?:D

About the "bantingan" I'd love to interpret it as : "Well, we don't have money to buy Shornet, Eagle, Viper, or even your desert inventory. So to sweeten the CAATSA waiver deal, we will buy some AH-1Z Viper for our Navy instead"😁
You guys sound like our MoD has decided that our pair of fighters in TNI-AU will be SU-35 + F-16 EDA. That'd be so much win. Can I start the party yet?:D

About the "bantingan" I'd love to interpret it as : "Well, we don't have money to buy Shornet, Eagle, Viper, or even your desert inventory. So to sweeten the CAATSA waiver deal, we will buy some AH-1Z Viper for our Navy instead"😁
Naaah... need more platform ASAP right now...
Even make the bureaucracy a little bit faster is more possible than that.
This is another interesting stuff regarding EF Typhoon. This is about maintenance cost per flight hour.

As we know maintenance cost is one of the most expensive part of CPFH.

This data is for RAF operated Typhoon. They presented the data based on the whole fleet (not per aircraft) for 2 financial years 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. As of 1 April 2016 RAF operated 132 Typhoons.

The 1st data is the total flight hours, the next is the total maintenance cost. As you can see the maintenance cost (done by contractors) includes upgrade to airframe, maintenance to ensure the availability of the fleets, parts, and labour costs.


From the data above we got maintenance cost per hour for Typhoon which is £5459 for 2014/2015 and £4636 for 2015/2016. Using current rate it's about $7204 and $6117.

This is right before RAF started the project with BAE Systems and Leonardo to reduce the maintenance cost so the Typhoon operating cost would be similar to F-16 (I shared here : https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/indonesia-defence-forum.229571/post-12802097)

I would't be surprised if that 15% decrease in those 2 financial years was in part due to this project that's started in 2016.

source :

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lets wait and see where the drama will ends , or it will be another mbuletisasi drama with hundred season and episode :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Indonesia's Prabowo trots globe to cut fighter jet deal
Minister weighs costs and diplomacy on trips to US, Austria, France and Turkey

JAKARTA -- Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto last month spent more than two weeks on a mission to solve a long-standing riddle of how Indonesia will replace its aging fighter jets.

Subianto, who flew to the U.S., Austria, France and Turkey, was also bargain hunting as Indonesia is constrained by a limited state budget and because his defense ministry had its funding slashed when COVID-19 demanded tax revenue be spent elsewhere.

"What Prabowo is doing now is looking for the best option, the best deal," said Muhamad Haripin, a defense researcher at the Centre for Political Studies at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences.

Defense received more funds than any other ministry in this year's state budget, but Prabowo still must narrow his choices down to one option, Haripin said, as buying from several countries may "require the whole defense budget."
The Indonesian Air Force's mainstay fighter, the U.S.-made F-5, has been in operation for nearly four decades with few upgrades. Rising tensions in the South China Sea make it critical that Jakarta swiftly upgrade its military equipment.
One option, joint fighter jet production with South Korea, has hit a snag. Having failed to pay its second installment in August, Indonesia reportedly is trying to renegotiate its share of the cost.

Sukhoi Su-35 jets from Russia remain the best bet. Although Indonesia in 2018 agreed to buy 11 of the fighters for $1.1 billion, it harbors reservations as the U.S. has threatened sanctions over arms deals with Moscow.
For this reason, Subianto's visit to the U.S. on the first leg of his tour stood out. He was invited to the Pentagon -- a significant move that required Washington to first lift its two-decade entry ban on Subianto due to alleged human rights violations -- as part of a campaign to pull Southeast Asian countries away from China.

The invitation also gave the U.S. another opportunity to try to talk Indonesia out of purchasing the Russian fighters.
Indonesian defense officials say the talks included discussions on fighter jets. The U.S. has reportedly been pushing to sell Indonesia fourth-generation F-16s retrofitted with new technologies; pilot training and other extras would be thrown in. But Jakarta is said to be playing its cards for fifth-generation F-35s.

The pending deal with Russia appeals to cash-strapped Indonesia because half the payment is to be made in exports of palm oil, rubber and other commodities. This also provides Subianto with leverage in the U.S., where F-35s are expensive, as he tries to pry a more competitive price from Washington.

Jakarta holds bitter memories of being dependent on U.S. weaponry, having been subject to a U.S. arms embargo from 1999 to 2005 due to human rights violations in East Timor. The ban left Indonesia's military short of spare parts and munitions.

A variable here is Democrat Joe Biden's presidential election victory, which might alter U.S.-Russia relations and affect Indonesia's plans.

An Indonesian fighter jet releases flares during a show in Jakarta in 2016. © AP

Subianto's fallback option is Austria and 15 Eurofighter Typhoon jets that Vienna is keen to offload as it restructures its air force. In Europe, Subianto held talks with counterpart Klaudia Tanner on the issue, according to defense ministry officials.
The secondhand Eurofighters could save Indonesia some rupiah, but the potential purchase has come under scrutiny within the country. Critics say the fighters are outdated and that maintenance costs would drain state coffers. The purchase would also need approval from the U.K., Germany, Italy and Spain, which were involved in the jet's development.

Less likely options are France and Turkey, Subianto's final ports of call. Reports from the defense minister's previous trip to Paris, in January, said he expressed an interest in France's Rafale fighter jets -- reports Subianto later said constituted the wishes of the French government. Turkey, meanwhile, has its own fighter jet development program and is reportedly keen on inviting Muslim nations to participate in it.

Indonesian defense ministry officials said the recent discussions in France concerned potential purchases of unspecified defense equipment, while the talks in Turkey were over submarine systems and "potential cooperation in unmanned aerial vehicles."

Rizal Sukma, a senior researcher at Indonesia's Center for Strategic and International Studies, said a lot of other considerations go into major arms purchases, like ensuring supplies of spare parts and maintenance. "The Indonesian government will need to pay attention to this," the former ambassador to the U.K. said.
* Biological Lab lvl 3 or lvl 4 di pulau galang - "dekat dgn lab lvl 3 & 4" kyknya apa yg dibilang Nike bener, kerjasama sama "temen" deket mereka disana :enjoy:
* Interoperability among assets, in short he said its going to be upgraded from analog to digital. He also mentioned Gen 4.5. I assume next new assets to get must be 4.5 (just like what TNI AU want?).

Nevertheless its an interesting video to look for hints/goals/direction while eating gorengan and seruput kopi :D

Eps.16 Edisi khusus "30 Menit Bersama Panglima TNI"
* Biological Lab lvl 3 or lvl 4 di pulau galang - "dekat dgn lab lvl 3 & 4" kyknya apa yg dibilang Nike bener, kerjasama sama "temen" deket mereka disana :enjoy:
* Interoperability among assets, in short he said its going to be upgraded from analog to digital. He also mentioned Gen 4.5. I assume next new assets to get must be 4.5 (just like what TNI AU want?).

Nevertheless its an interesting video to look for hints/goals/direction while eating gorengan and seruput kopi :D

Eps.16 Edisi khusus "30 Menit Bersama Panglima TNI"
Don't forget,the Chief of staff hint that Indonesian navy next hospital ship will be equipped with isolation room for supposed biological warfare patient...
Salam to every brother and sister from Indonesia. How are you all ??? And How is Indonesia ? Also what is the situation of COVID 19 in Indonesia and what is latest in defence matters of Indonesia.

@Indos @Gundala @Soman45 @umigami and everyone else
Salam to every brother and sister from Indonesia. How are you all ??? And How is Indonesia ? Also what is the situation of COVID 19 in Indonesia and what is latest in defence matters of Indonesia.

@Indos @Gundala @Soman45 @umigami and everyone else
Wa Alaikum Salam.. we are fine in here.. ty.
It is 5000 case in 2 days now..
There is still mbulatisasi about our fighter procurement, and we have agreement with japan for defense cooperation..jap offer us 4 destroy and other 4 to build in pt.pal shipbulding
Salam to every brother and sister from Indonesia. How are you all ??? And How is Indonesia ? Also what is the situation of COVID 19 in Indonesia and what is latest in defence matters of Indonesia.

@Indos @Gundala @Soman45 @umigami and everyone else

Walaikum salam @Zarvan I am fine, alhamdulillah. You can check Economic thread to understand about our current state, including about pandemic situation, in short there is declining of infection rate in the past 2-3 weeks, alhamdulillah.

Big order for Pindad this year, that is the update for defense matter. Need to wait until next year to see another possible order.
Wa Alaikum Salam.. we are fine in here.. ty.
It is 5000 case in 2 days now..
There is still mbulatisasi about our fighter procurement, and we have agreement with japan for defense cooperation..jap offer us 4 destroy and other 4 to build in pt.pal shipbulding
Indonesia should work on developing ballistic and cruise missiles. Indonesia should have destroyers which can carry and fire long range land attack cruise missiles.
Also what is the situation of COVID 19 in Indonesia

I just answer this from COVID-19 aspect from more of grass root level perspective. Its horrible here nationwide. The vast majority of the grass root public doesn't believe this plague is real, they typically think this as another gov't sanctioned hype. It's the same thing with the municipal level politician & career officials who merely barking about the so call "health protocol" in front of the media but failed of doing it themselves or within their household. In fact most of them doesn't even understand what all those healths's protocol is all about. While those like me who is potentially vulnerable (health condition) to this great plague are struggling to staying away from any potential health related risk such as crowded place (which is damn near impossible in practice). The vast majority of the infection happen within Java northern coast while other area are less affected (but still at risk nonetheless)

Few things that even Indonesia news media doesn't dare to publish are ;
  • There is a lack of test kit particularly PCR machine & qualified personnel. Most of the test were done using Anti-gen test, with some municipal gov't claiming it was PCR test.
  • Lack of clinical PPE. So far the gov't is stuck using their "business as usual" procurement style. Thus even when N95 respirator from 3M is available at commercial market they won't reach the health care workers. What worse is, many healthcare officials still conducting "business as usual" practice with the medical equipment vendors / suppliers. So far Indonesia medical worker took most of the brunt of this plague while the gov't at all level doesn't seem to care much about them other than giving lip service in the media.
  • Municipal gov't have different method of reporting COVID-19 death. Some municipal will report anyone pass away while having COVID-19 as COVID-19 casualty regardless the actual cause of death, For example someone who were killed in road / traffic accident or fallen of the cliff while having COVID-19 will be count as COVID-19 casualty.
  • COVID-19 mitigation fund doesn't reach is intended target, mostly because municipal gov't doesn’t know what to do with them other than spending the money to something (whatever that is)
  • Many politician / officials just blatantly ignore health protocol (some openly) simply because they can.
Indonesia is already entering economic recision due to this great plague. Those who are laid off from their jobs mostly going entrepreneur, unfortunately that make too many supplies with not enough demand. My own parents for example opening up a small dine in place unfortunately there isn't much customer while this plague persist. Even their other business units such as agricultural produces is currently having trouble with late payment from the customer (back debt), even their other business unit in petroleum related also aren't exception. Myself who mostly get my income from crypto mining & forex trading also struggling hard due to market volatility associated with this great plague.
Indonesia should work on developing ballistic and cruise missiles. Indonesia should have destroyers which can carry and fire long range land attack cruise missiles.

Those that you mentioned already become our strategic defense program (except destroyer thing). For rocket the target is to reach 300 km above the earth in 2024-2025. We plan to launch micro satellite using our own rocket.
First ever vaccine listed under WHO emergency use

First ever vaccine listed under WHO emergency use


WHO today listed the nOPV2 vaccine (Bio Farma, Indonesia) for emergency use to address the rising cases of a vaccine-derived polio strain in a number of African and East Mediterranean countries. Countries in WHO’s Western Pacific and South-East Asia regions are also affected by these outbreaks. The emergency use listing, or EUL, is the first of its kind for a vaccine and paves the way for potential listing of COVID-19 vaccines.

The world has made incredible progress toward polio eradication, reducing polio cases by 99.9% in the last 30 years. But the last steps to ending this disease are proving the most difficult, particularly with continuing outbreaks of circulating vaccine-derived polio viruses (cVDPVs).

cVDPVs are rare and occur if the weakened strain of the poliovirus contained in the oral polio vaccine (OPV) circulates among under-immunized populations for a long time. If not enough children are immunized against polio, the weakened virus can pass between individuals and over time genetically revert to a form that can cause paralysis. Type 2 cVDPVs are currently the most prevalent form of the vaccine-derived virus.

The EUL procedure and how it could help to speed up access to a future COVID-19 vaccine

The EUL procedure assesses the suitability of yet to be licensed health products during public health emergencies, such as polio and COVID. The objective is to make these medicines, vaccines and diagnostics available faster to address the emergency. The assessment essentially weighs the threat posed by the emergency against the benefit that would accrue from the use of the product based on a robust body of evidence.

The procedure was introduced during the West Africa Ebola outbreak of 2014-2016, when multiple Ebola diagnostics received emergency use listing; since then, numerous COVID-19 diagnostics have also been listed. The nOPV2 is the first such listing for a vaccine.

I just answer this from COVID-19 aspect from more of grass root level perspective. Its horrible here nationwide. The vast majority of the grass root public doesn't believe this plague is real, they typically think this as another gov't sanctioned hype. It's the same thing with the municipal level politician & career officials who merely barking about the so call "health protocol" in front of the media but failed of doing it themselves or within their household. In fact most of them doesn't even understand what all those healths's protocol is all about. While those like me who is potentially vulnerable (health condition) to this great plague are struggling to staying away from any potential health related risk such as crowded place (which is damn near impossible in practice). The vast majority of the infection happen within Java northern coast while other area are less affected (but still at risk nonetheless)

Few things that even Indonesia news media doesn't dare to publish are ;
  • There is a lack of test kit particularly PCR machine & qualified personnel. Most of the test were done using Anti-gen test, with some municipal gov't claiming it was PCR test.
  • Lack of clinical PPE. So far the gov't is stuck using their "business as usual" procurement style. Thus even when N95 respirator from 3M is available at commercial market they won't reach the health care workers. What worse is, many healthcare officials still conducting "business as usual" practice with the medical equipment vendors / suppliers. So far Indonesia medical worker took most of the brunt of this plague while the gov't at all level doesn't seem to care much about them other than giving lip service in the media.
  • Municipal gov't have different method of reporting COVID-19 death. Some municipal will report anyone pass away while having COVID-19 as COVID-19 casualty regardless the actual cause of death, For example someone who were killed in road / traffic accident or fallen of the cliff while having COVID-19 will be count as COVID-19 casualty.
  • COVID-19 mitigation fund doesn't reach is intended target, mostly because municipal gov't doesn’t know what to do with them other than spending the money to something (whatever that is)
  • Many politician / officials just blatantly ignore health protocol (some openly) simply because they can.
Indonesia is already entering economic recision due to this great plague. Those who are laid off from their jobs mostly going entrepreneur, unfortunately that make too many supplies with not enough demand. My own parents for example opening up a small dine in place unfortunately there isn't much customer while this plague persist. Even their other business units such as agricultural produces is currently having trouble with late payment from the customer (back debt), even their other business unit in petroleum related also aren't exception. Myself who mostly get my income from crypto mining & forex trading also struggling hard due to market volatility associated with this great plague.
May ALLAH end COVID 19 may Indonesia recover from this crisis along with Pakistan and entire world. Ameen
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