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  1. TheWolf

    New Turkish Serial: Resurrection "Ertuğrul"

    Some Posters;
  2. TheWolf

    Çay Bahçesi

    Thats true... Good point :D Anyway, why there isn't any safavid soldier? (Just curiosity...) (And I know, It would be ironic, too.. :D )
  3. TheWolf

    Çay Bahçesi

    A Temurlane (Timur) Soldier and an Ottoman Soldier... I think it's a little bit ironic :D Battle of Ankara - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  4. TheWolf

    Çay Bahçesi

    A little bit, Yes actually... But you know Turkish cinema did not do any fantasy films after millennium. (Only in 70s maybe...) And some comedy films... So I think, It'll be a nice experiment... You know 2014 was 100th year of the Turkish film industry...
  5. TheWolf

    Çay Bahçesi

    Guys look at that, A new movie... Made by us... About Fatih Sultan Mehmet and Kara Murat. And probly all Turkish members knows Kara Murat... :) A Fantasy Film.
  6. TheWolf

    Çay Bahçesi

    Oh, This poem is perfect... Just, I Love it...
  7. TheWolf

    New Turkish Serial: Resurrection "Ertuğrul"

    Yes, Engin Altan Düzyatan. Engin Altan Düzyatan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  8. TheWolf

    Çay Bahçesi

    Actually Thats right too, Because of that I said ''I havent any problem about that'' Anyway, It was 800 years ago... So Talking about that is pointless... :)
  9. TheWolf

    Çay Bahçesi

    Didn't we came anatolia from central asia? So They were protect themselves... Am I wrong? In Turkish 'Dağdan gelip bağdakini kovmak...' Edit: Crusaders destroyed even istanbul.- So they were worst. But we wasn't angels at all...
  10. TheWolf

    Çay Bahçesi

    You must admit it, We were the bad guys. But Crusaders were worst... So I haven't any problem about that...
  11. TheWolf

    Çay Bahçesi

    Oh, Dont you remember me? ... Sad...
  12. TheWolf

    Çay Bahçesi

    Diriliş Ertuğrul Fight Scene with Eng. Sub. : And Hi bro's and sisters :)
  13. TheWolf

    Cay Bahcesi

    Çok komik cidden.. Biz bu adamlara sınırı kapattık, bizim burdan oraya zaten mal akmıyor. Gürcistan üzerinden kazık yiye yiye alıyorlar. Birde çıkmış böyle bir kampanya başlatmışlar.. Hayır, yani cebinde ki 3 kuruş parayı Koca Türkiye cumhuriyetine Gürcistan üzerinden versen ne olur vermesen ne...
  14. TheWolf


    @ELTurco Pes, diyor başka bir şey diyemiyorum sana. Adamlara domuz yiyorlar diye çık 'Adam olmaz bunlardan.' de, sonra biz mi kafatasçı olduk? Sana mı düştü milletin dinini sorgulamak?! Sen kimsin? Adamlar canları isterse kedi yer bu da onların Türklüklerini zerre bozmaz, nitekim, Türkler...
  15. TheWolf


    Doğru konuş, İslamla Türklüğün ne ilgisi var, Türkler ilk başta Müslümanmıydı? İster Şaman olsun ister satanist, Türk Olduktan sonra zerre umrumda olmaz. Aç Jobbik partisini araştır. Sonra gel böyle konuşabiliyorsan konuş. Kan ve düşünce birliği önemli olan. Yoksa gördük 1. dünya savaşında o...
  16. TheWolf


    At first I was said, He might be banned. Değerini bil :D
  17. TheWolf


    @ghara ghan Welcome mate. :)
  18. TheWolf


    I'm writing a little faster. So Some errors can be overlooked. (İts School English :D )
  19. TheWolf


    I dont know, but he was saying 'I will banned..' And As you can see, he's not hear..
  20. TheWolf


    @ghara ghan ...
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