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  1. Mithridates

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    Turkish Alpagu backpackable loitering Munition. Range : 5 km Mission Time: 10 minutes Above Ground Level (AGL): 400 ft Cruise Speed: 50 knots Maximum Speed: 65 knots Weight: 1.9 kg Temperature: -20 / + 50 °C Power: LiPo Battery Preparation Period: Maximum 1 minute we should do the similar...
  2. Mithridates

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    they are for acrojet team.
  3. Mithridates

    Washington Report on Terrorism: A Tribute to Saudi Arabia and the Libyan Army and a Condemnation of

    so we are facilitating al qaeda activities in Iran and send money to Syrian groups like FSA and HTS, then kill them?? lololololol we didn't smuggled fuel, we looked in your eyes, while you were threatening us and sent the fuel to our beloved friends in Venezuela. i hope we station several...
  4. Mithridates

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    actually today IRGC did a military drill in Kurdistan area threatening KRG. last week also we were bombing them, it's weird timing for them to do an operation specially against turkey and from our region. US would not let you to do that.
  5. Mithridates

    US drone strikes hit Syrian opposition factions in Idlib

    which group exactly?? HTS??
  6. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    i can't remember doing that.
  7. Mithridates

    Iranian Chill Thread

    i prefer to do not discuss with you guys regarding military stuff, turkey is doing good even better than France.:enjoy::enjoy:
  8. Mithridates

    Iran exported goods and services to Iraq worth $800 million in one-month period between April & May

    but bro if you do not import from Iran you will import from another country. to me it seems like a management issue from Iraqi government.
  9. Mithridates

    Featured Al-Sisi: Any Egyptian intervention in Libya has become legal

    how they feel about our involvements in Lebanon and Yemen?? do they have any specific name calling for Iran or they just do not like our involvements and express it in their words??
  10. Mithridates

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    that missile is not brimstone it's AGM-169 which was suppose to replace TOW and mavericks and it's range is less than 40 km. seems like our american friend is confused about these two similar missiles.
  11. Mithridates

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    they have lol i can't remember how i know this as my memory is a little fuzzy about it but during the tanker wars back in 80's IRGC boats had manpads and even targeted a US AH-1. helicopters can be a real threat to small boats...
  12. Mithridates

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    we don't see manpads because they store them inside the boats.
  13. Mithridates

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    the most important thing in my opinion here is the fact that the biggest US navy threat to IRGC missile boats are the planes like A-10 and attack helicopters. if we manage to build this naval version of 3rd khordad, our small boats can get closer to US fleet without being scared of their air...
  14. Mithridates

    Turkey says Macron suffers ‘eclipse of the mind’ over Libya

    are you marketing for f-35 right now??:D:D
  15. Mithridates

    Iran to establish permanent IRGC military base in Indian Ocean by March 2021

    people please stick to the thread topic. thnks
  16. Mithridates

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    well the recent drill demonstrated that 3rd khordad can fire in sea condition and while ships are moving. I guess it can solve many issues regarding the possibility of integration of two systems.
  17. Mithridates

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    why we have to combine the CMs and SAMs?? instead we can deploy like three boats with CMs and one with SAMs
  18. Mithridates

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    there are several types of speed boats, worst case scenario: design a vessel that can carry the missiles.
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