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Turkey says Macron suffers ‘eclipse of the mind’ over Libya

France has America and EU on its side though. If Turkey butts heads with France it could lead to something else happening.
Which, whether you intended it that way or not, is precisely what is wrong with France.

On their own, the French simply don't have the stomach to invest the blood and treasure needed to pull off anything like an intervention in Libya against a strong foe.
Which, whether you intended it that way or not, is precisely what is wrong with France.

On their own, the French simply don't have the stomach to invest the blood and treasure needed to pull off anything like an intervention in Libya against a strong foe.
France is much stronger than Turkey but thats another conversation.
France is much stronger than Turkey but thats another conversation.
What exactly does France gain from a Haftar led government after what is likely to be another bloody and protracted civil war that demands increasing amounts of blood and treasure from the parties involved?

It's not about strength, but the capacity of a nation and its leadership to expend blood and treasure in pursuit of goals with limited to zero impact on national security.

The Turks under the AKP have the stomach to see this through, the US does, Russia does, the French do not.
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France is completely backing India also and has adopted a hostile posture towards Pakistan.

We Pakistanis should make it costly for our enemies and their supporters.
I really don't see France investing much in Libya beyond limited material resources and diplomatic capital.

They, like the rest of the world, are coming off the COVID-19 driven socio-economic impact, which will reduce the appetite for tangible and significant investments in Libya even further.
Nah, France has way more clout than Turkey could ever have.
Since WW2 no G20 country ever had a war with another G20 country and now in this case 2 NATO members. There will be no clashe between France and Turkey.

It is just France needs to digest Turkey's Growing role in the region. When they can digest this, life would be more easy for them.
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Turkey may miss calculate. With Egyptian + French aggression getting much stronger IDK how the Turkish airfare with only 200 F-16s will be able to put up with a combined Egyptian/French force. Throw Russia into the mix and it looks a lot more worisome. Jeez a few F-35s could def make a huge difference right now.
Since WW2 no G20 country ever had a war with another G'0 country and now in this case 2 NATO members. There will be no clashe between France and Turkey.

It is just France needs to digest Turkey's Growing role in the region. When they can digest this, life would be more easy for them.
Who knows what will happen?
Turkey may miss calculate. With Egyptian + French aggression getting much stronger IDK how the Turkish airfare with only 200 F-16s will be able to put up with a combined Egyptian/French force. Throw Russia into the mix and it looks a lot more worisome. Jeez a few F-35s could def make a huge difference right now.
are you marketing for f-35 right now??:D:D

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