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  1. uk29

    India ran to uncle sam to force Pakistan to retreat!

    Meanwhile pakistani pm in UN ( plijjj take notice of india ... Plijjj nazii this nazi thatt.... Genocide ... rss ... We are peaceful ... La la la )
  2. uk29

    Strategic options on kashmir issue

    Start twitter trends .. lol
  3. uk29

    What do you have to say about PDF?

    Boring Buhh huuuuhh cry baby
  4. uk29

    India: Groom’s father & bride’s mother ‘elope’, wedding called off.

    Good to see Bollywood still thriving in Pakistan
  5. uk29

    India: Groom’s father & bride’s mother ‘elope’, wedding called off.

    This ... This news changes everything... Its a major geopolitical development ... Must be studied in detail as its repurcussions are far reaching
  6. uk29

    Don’t Think There Was a Concept of India Till the British Gave it One : Saif Ali Khan

    My take Yes india as a political entity did not exist before British but as a civilization it surely did ... This is the reason its called indica, al hind ,hindistan, yindu by greeks , arabs,persians,chinese They must have felt something distinct and unique about this land .... Now as various...
  7. uk29

    Indian infestation has greatly reduced

    Yup just right now major riots are happenig dont know how only my internet connection is working ... I must be special Why you guys always hope for a civil war ? Don't you guys have confidence in your army or what ? In my opinion this site has lost its relevance now ... Twitter is the new fad...
  8. uk29

    Should Imran Khan Visit India For SCO?

    Pakistan should also ask china to boycott the meeting to show solidarity
  9. uk29

    Indian Soldier Slips on Snow and Reaches Pakistan

    Tell them that mr Doval and bipin Rawat are from the same region ... Maybe then they will understand .... :P
  10. uk29

    Indian Soldier Slips on Snow and Reaches Pakistan

    There are indian states which cover Himalayas as well ... Let me give you my own example my native village is at an altitude of 2300 mtrs probably 10 times higher than the punjab plains you guys live in ...
  11. uk29

    Indian Soldier Slips on Snow and Reaches Pakistan

    Majority of the Himalayas exist in india ... We have our fair share of people living in high altitude .... Don't you worry ...
  12. uk29

    Indian General's remarks by WajSKhan

    But but i thought sikhs deserting indian army following lord fawad Chaudhary's request ?
  13. uk29

    Modi's performance for India - a series of defeats and losses

    If such is the case why is Pakistan crying all around the world ... Calling leaders of the world huh ? Just let modi do his work of destroying India ... All the points are subjective can you give a concrete example how india lost Russia as an ally ? If so then why are we buying billions of...
  14. uk29

    Dear Kashmiris: Only War Can End Occupation and You Would Have to Fight that War Yourself

    In short we can't do jackshit .... Do all the things yourselves ... Get killed ... We will provide you moral support
  15. uk29

    Nagaland announcing Independence from India!!

    Ohh no Nagaland is independent ... Sikhs are mutining ... All after revoking articl 370 .... We are doomed .... Pakistan should grasp the situation and formally recognise Nagaland as independent country
  16. uk29

    Pakistani Minister Fawad Choudhary appeals to Punjabis for help

    Hmmm right so a toronto guy has more credibility but i i who have studied in sikh school ,lives in a city founded by sikhs do not ... Sure man
  17. uk29

    Pakistani Minister Fawad Choudhary appeals to Punjabis for help

    So you mean to say Sikhs who remain loyal during 1980's punjab insurgency ... Will now revolt cause some random 'chaudhary' is asking them to do so ... Hmmm
  18. uk29

    25000 more indian BSF troops on the way to kashmir in a special train

    So when will you bomb us man ... More and more troops are coming in Kashmir ... Are you guys fooling Kashmiris with all this big talk without any action ?
  19. uk29

    Is India using Hindu pilgrimages to tighten its grip around Kashmir?

    If indians visit kashmir won't it generate revenue for local Kashmiris ... Don't be so blind in hate... Even Kashmiris say that indians should visit Kashmir without any fear ... Anyways good for my state of Uttarakhand more religious pilgrims would now visit Badrinath and Kedarnath so yeahh
  20. uk29

    Is India using Hindu pilgrimages to tighten its grip around Kashmir?

    You mean to say average hindu pilgrims who visit the place and generate money for normal Kashmiris have any ill will against them and they themselves have occupied Kashmir ?
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