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Modi's performance for India - a series of defeats and losses


Jul 21, 2009
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Narendra Modi has proven himself a curse upon the state of India with defeats and collapses everywhere. On the surface, Modi is making popular decisions yet in reality, he has lost Indian interest outside and within. Consider a few points;
  • In Afghanistan, India is lost. Taliban hate them, USA doesn't back them and Northern Alliance refuse to be with them. India is out from the future of Afghanistan.
  • In Pakistan, Indian lost influences. In Baluchistan, KPK, and Karachi where India used to control terrorists and political fractions are now out of options. No one in media or political fabric sides with India anymore.
  • On the opposite side of India, Myanmar is buying military hardware from Pakitan and giving Pakistan Army a foothold it never enjoyed before.
  • In Kashmir liberation movement has risen to unprecedented levels. No group or political party is left which could support India. Kashmir is internationalized and is talk of the town.
  • India is divided and fragmented within. Hates are high and national bonding is thin. Muslims, Dalits, Christians, Sikhs, and Naxals are all alienated further. Nagaland just announced Independence on 14th of August, Sikhs holding a plebiscite in 2020 and Kashmir is so hot that 800,000 army still needed curfews to keep them in control.
  • On the global stage, India lost old allies like Russia and new ones like USA and France. No Permanent or non-permanent security council member backed them on Kashmir.
  • China is pushed closer with Pakistan with the highest military sale, JVs and they are frequently conducting joint war games.
  • The Indian military is demoralized to limits, IAF defeated, army officers resigning and complaining on social media and committing suicides.
  • Indian economy is suffering terribly with the highest unemployment, the highest number of farmers committing suicides.
Modi is controlling Indian media and you don't get to see a series of defeats India is suffering, but the reality is that Modi has ruptured Hindustan like a swiss cake, and the best aspect is that delusional Indians are still supporting him and backing this crime against the state of India - how fantastic is that?
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If such is the case why is Pakistan crying all around the world ... Calling leaders of the world huh ?
Just let modi do his work of destroying India ...
All the points are subjective can you give a concrete example how india lost Russia as an ally ? If so then why are we buying billions of dollars of military hardware from them?
You in indian army that you know indian military is demoralized ?
Indian economy suffering still fdi is highest ever ? Forex reserves are highest ever ?
Yes kashmir is internationalised but to what end ? Just some headlines in some newspapers we can deal with it ...
India has lost international support so why none of India's neighbour made an offical statement rejecting India's move ( don't give me headline of some newspapers )
China conducting war games ? Haha do you even know that india -china now conduct joint military excercises and that Xi jinping is visiting india this November (continuation of Wuhan meeting )
India is getting divided ? Last i heard regular bombings are happing in our western neighbour not ours...
I know you guys need something after India just burried this referendum thingy in kashmir but atleast give me some evidence to support your claims ...
There is a long list but you will only be able to see it when you take off your HINDUTWA glasses from your eyes. Isnt it enough that after 54 years UNO is again consideirng the Kashmir Issue?
I can only wish that Pak govt and miilitary is also living in this fool's paradise only to face a rude awakening when they take any bold (read foolish in reality) measure.
If our enemies hate him so much he must be doing something very right. None of the points that are mentioned has anything substantial in them. Modi's achievements are basically internal reforms like GST etc he did things which were pending from last 20 years, anyways he is PM of India and not the world and he is most popular leader in India.
If such is the case why is Pakistan crying all around the world ... Calling leaders of the world huh ?
Just let modi do his work of destroying India ...
All the points are subjective can you give a concrete example how india lost Russia as an ally ? If so then why are we buying billions of dollars of military hardware from them?
You in indian army that you know indian military is demoralized ?
Indian economy suffering still fdi is highest ever ? Forex reserves are highest ever ?
Yes kashmir is internationalised but to what end ? Just some headlines in some newspapers we can deal with it ...
India has lost international support so why none of India's neighbour made an offical statement rejecting India's move ( don't give me headline of some newspapers )
China conducting war games ? Haha do you even know that india -china now conduct joint military excercises and that Xi jinping is visiting india this November (continuation of Wuhan meeting )
India is getting divided ? Last i heard regular bombings are happing in our western neighbour not ours...
I know you guys need something after India just burried this referendum thingy in kashmir but atleast give me some evidence to support your claims ...

We are exposing bjp ideology in front of the world like never before. RSS ideology has been usually ignored at global level but not anymore under Imran Khan. Previous PMs of Pakistan were submissive and lack balls. IK speaks clearly and constantly and world is listening him. You used the word 'crying'. Well it's aggressive foreign policy in our eyes under this new leadership of IK.

I can only wish that Pak govt and miilitary is also living in this fool's paradise only to face a rude awakening when they take any bold (read foolish in reality) measure.

Nops, Pakistan is not India. It was India who took a foolish measure on Feb 26 and got a rude awakening very next day.
Street sh!tters will always support modi since he allows them to kill Muslims and rape women with impunity.
Nothing else matters.
If our enemies hate him so much he must be doing something very right. None of the points that are mentioned has anything substantial in them. Modi's achievements are basically internal reforms like GST etc he did things which were pending from last 20 years, anyways he is PM of India and not the world and he is most popular leader in India.
Trust me prayed for this guy to come to power becoz only an idiot like him can destroy India from inside, People like manmohan singh are most dangerous for Pakistan, Idiots like Modi are always welcome.
Trust me prayed for this guy to come to power becoz only an idiot like him can destroy India from inside, People like manmohan singh are most dangerous for Pakistan, Idiots like Modi are always welcome.

The man works for 16 hours a day, haven't taken a leave in 20 years (3 terms as CM of Gujarat and 1 term as PM), has an uncorruptable images, has stopped or is trying to stop or leakages/wineing an dining of media/buerocrats on public money I can go on and on, visit the below link to see his work.


Trust me we are blessed to have such a leader. Yes, corrupt, anti-India gang, the ones whoses illegal shops he has closed, people who play votebank politics and politics of religion hate him, but we love him for that.
The man works for 16 hours a day, haven't taken a leave in 20 years (3 terms as CM of Gujarat and 1 term as PM), has an uncorruptable images, has stopped or is trying to stop or leakages/wineing an dining of media/buerocrats on public money I can go on and on, visit the below link to see his work.


Trust me we are blessed to have such a leader. Yes, corrupt, anti-India gang, the ones whoses illegal shops he has closed, people who play votebank politics and politics of religion hate him, but we love him for that.

You have a leader who is known as the butcher of Gujrat, and is afraid to answer questions by the media....even the hijra media that India has.

Modi is no leader, he's a bad parody of Hitler.
At least Hitler made the trains run on time.
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