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What do you have to say about PDF?

Bhai drinking chordo. Apne Rab ki taraf ajao
بے شک سب نے لوٹ کر رب کے پاس ہی جانا ہے بھائی ۔

شور ہے ہر طرف سحاب سحاب
ساقیا ساقیا! شراب شراب

آب حیواں کو مے سے کیا نسبت
پانی پانی ہے اور شراب شراب

رند بخشے گئے قیامت میں
شیخ کہتا رہا حساب حساب

اک وہی مست با خبر نکلا
جس کو کہتے تھے سب خراب خراب

مجھ سے وجہ گناہ جب پوچھی
سر جھکا کے کہا شباب شباب

جام گرنے لگا تو بہکا شیخ
تھامنا تھامنا کتاب کتاب

کب وہ آتا ہے سامنے کشفیؔ
جس کی ہر اک ادا حجاب حجاب

A great opportunity for young pakistanis to see things from a different perspective.

there is no other forum for pakistanis where open discussions are had with opposing sides and opposing minds—some high quality posters—-sharing information that is generally not available locally.

Information is a two way street. On this forum, pakistani kids who come with an open mind—-for them this forum is a treasure trove.

it is all about what you want to get out of it.
To all members!

For fun as well as communication. Comment about the current state of the forum.

Q1. What do you like about PDF?

Q.2. What don't you like about PDF?

Q. 3. What would you like to see changed?

Not for trolling but do have fun.

1. love the historical topics , being taught history by the elders and the scholars both Pakistani & Indian

2. The mockery of God by the usual suspects both Pakistanis , Indians and the British ..Racism that is allowed to prevail on here mostly by the British Asians stirring the pot .

3. zero tolerance for racism and flaim bating of other cultures . It’s 2020 not 1864
Military campaigns are extension of politics by other means. One who thinks that military is a separate entity, is a naive person. I advise that person to attend a recognized defense course.
To all members!

For fun as well as communication. Comment about the current state of the forum.

Q1. What do you like about PDF?

Good discussion regarding race,phenotype,anthropology,history,nationalism,civilization with certain sections of PDF

Q.2. What don't you like about PDF?

Trolls seeing everything as Islamic or Anti-Islamic and managing to bring out also the worst in me

Also weaponized rape threads that donot give a damn about the women

Right now a much more empathetic thread about the rape-and-murder of a Pakistani child has been created by Pak members..the discussions are much more reasonable, that's why I as a person of Indian origin refuse to take part there and just read the voices of the Pak people

Q. 3. What would you like to see changed?

Not for trolling but do have fun.

A Bigger space for those who want to talk about race,phenotype,history,nationalism,civilization,rise and fall of empires, rise and fall of civilizations, military history, geography, wildlife, Enlightenment without any religious sectarianism

May be a dedicated sub-forum for the secularists,atheists,agnostics, moderate religionists (those who are loathe to bring religion in to the discussion)
Q1. What do you like about PDF?
To say it is a great platform would be an understatement. It is where I learnt almost everything and many biases were exposed. Interacting with members from all walks of life and all nationalities was a great experience. PDF is a complete community and it has been a great help in learning new things and participating in learned discussions.
Q.2. What don't you like about PDF?
Lack of enforcement of forum rules. I also hate how the PDF is withering away in quality.
Q. 3. What would you like to see changed?
Here's what I proposed almost 2 years back which didn't get to materialize and passed to oblivion. Sharing some of it here:
  1. Review of the Rules and Regulations. Many rules originally stated are outdated and needs amendment. PDF needs to make all rules and postings in the light of Cyber Crime Bill recently passed by the parliament. We need to adhere to the guidelines given in it.

  2. PDF essentially being a defence forum needs pro-active, strict implementation of the rules. For this purpose, we need to increase the quantity of Moderators along with their training by their seniors.

  3. One suggestion regarding titles is that we give the members their professional titles such as Journalist, Economist, Doctor along with their already shown pdf ranks…This will be a good step. But, permission from the members is a pre-requisite.

  4. We need to stop members from creating emotional threads and posts that are mostly without any substance and give no positive contribution to PDF.

  5. A lot of information is taken from the PDF and we are not given the credit for it. We need to look towards our copyrights.

  6. Trolling needs our special attention. We need to set limit that up to what level we can show flexibility/leniency.

  7. We need to set up a Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) for the improvement/suggestions in PDF.

  8. A list of Banned members might be welcoming for members who have lost track of their country members. The list should only include members that were active in the past 3 months.

  9. The forum will continuously evolve. We need to take input form quality members.
one side tilted forum,ie pro Pti , moderators are biased and even sometimes don't have any clue about sociopolitical depths,some pro pti members have unlimited liberty to insult neutral members and they don't get banned while others get banned for nothing, I am here because I don't have a alternate to this forum and this is it's only plus point,
The only thing that can be considered bad on this forum are the indian trolls, they are the only nationality whose members are comprised on 100% trolls on this forum. They members from the rest of the countries of the world behave like normal people but indian members of this forum are without a doubt a disgrace for this forum.

The only thing that can be considered bad on this forum are the indian trolls, they are the only nationality whose members are comprised on 100% trolls on this forum. They members from the rest of the countries of the world behave like normal people but indian members of this forum are without a doubt a disgrace for this forum.
Buhh huuuuhh cry baby

One of the most active communities and sources of meaningful information.

Q2: Trolling; Accusations; Threats*.

I deeply respect Pakistani armed forces for their professionalism and sacrifices in holding this country together in spite of all its internal shortcomings and difficulties in navigating through challenging times. However, I do not visit this forum to swear allegiance to Pakistan and/or Pakistani establishment on a daily basis in order to appease some members here if they happen to not like my views in relation to any topic. My Pakistani identity should be enough to tell anybody which country I feel strongly about and where I live.

1. I strive for truthfulness only (Islamic characteristic by the way).

2. I visit this forum to learn about numerous technologies and/or receive updates about numerous defense applications from knowledgeable members of the forum. Now of-course, being a researcher and based on my own experiences and connections, I have a high opinion of Western technologies and rightfully so. Why is this a NEGATIVE in this forum?

One often finds it challenging to be NEUTRAL in his/her views about various themes/topics in this forum, somebody is very likely to question one's allegiance/loyality in one of the threads out of the blue, and this is completely uncalled for. PDF risk transforming into an echo-chamber of ultra-nationalism and Fauj worship otherwise.

Members shall be allowed to CRITIC Pakistani armed forces and institutions in a positive way in this forum. Pakistan is POWERFUL in the ways of the Force without any doubt but WE cannot afford to be unrealistic in our assessment of our military might and geopolitics.

Nevertheless; if 'my' views are not welcome here in PDF, I expect from the ADMINISTRATION to let me know in clear terms.

False-flagging is a genuine issue without any doubt but ADMINISTRATION of this forum is responsible for curbing this menace, and should be adequately equipped for this matter. This isn't the prerogative of average members.

Trolling should be absolutely discouraged in PDF because it sparks/fuels conflict and/or misunderstandings between members of the forum. However, trolling is not to be confused with an exchange of jokes/witty contributions.

Q3: Some suggestions below :-

1. Greater emphasis on discussions about technologies and quality contributions.

I would appreciate if PDF have a more technology-focused discourse than politics-focused discourse. Members such as @gambit used to be excellent contributors to this forum but not active anymore - considerable loss IMHO.

Indian member Austerlitz was booted from PDF even though he was among the finest contributors to this forum. I understand that he had a lapse in judgement in one of his exchanges with Pakistani members but removing him from the position of Think Tank was sufficient punishment/warning to him. Outright booting him from PDF was too much even if some Pakistani members disliked him in person, given his valuable contributions to this forum.

Emphasis mine:
PDF should RESPECT its most valuable contributors irrespective of their nationality. By all means, enforce RULES and be completely fair in moderation, but do not utterly silence otherwise QUALITY VOICES here.

2. Greater emphasis on the diversity of membership base.

PDF is in greater need of diversity in its membership base than ever before. There is a bare minimum presence of American and Arab nationals in this forum. This vaccum creates an imbalance in exchange of perspectives about various topics here. If more of these nationals are encouraged to join PDF, there will not be a need for non-Americans and non-Arabs to speak on the behalf of and/or to highlight potential perspectives of Americans and/or Arabs in relation to various topics here. This isn't about patronizing Americans and/or Arabs in discussions but to have their perspective in various topics which is actually good for this forum and Pakistan itself. Forums enable people-to-people contacts after all.

3. Greater emphasis on the SAFETY of members.

*ADMINISTRATION is expected to take safety-related considerations of a member very seriously.

My take is that political discussions have the potential to create misunderstandings between otherwise decent people. Nevertheless, Pakistan strives to be a DEMOCRATIC society in practice - this is for the best of all its nationals in real life and otherwise. A democratic society allows an individual to express his/her views without FEAR of potential repercussions in real life and otherwise. People are not infallible and not perfect in real life - any person can have a lapse in judgement and/or post an exceedingly controversial POV in relation to any topic which might not sit well with the masses. This does not warrant the need to abuse him/her in a discussion, and to go as far as to issue threats to him/her (i.e. threaten consequences in real life). REPORTING should be encouraged instead.

I suggest a SAFETY POLICY for members of this forum due to serious nature of ongoing discussions here.

In fact, much better to let members know what to post here and what not to.

Advisory and Review Panel
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@Mr Robot
Hey, you know you remind me of myself when I first came here. It was awesome to meet you here!

Precisely why I joined too. I was promoted for these back then and was just overwhelmed that my thoughts were welcomed here, you may like to check 'em out:



Such a nice comment to make :cry: :cry: Thank you my friend. You have made me feel very welcome here. I am going to read your threads. Please let me know if I can do anything whilst I am here to improve this forum. I will do my part for you in any way I can.

P.s sorry for any confusion. I managed to change my username to what I originally wanted. I am Mr Robot.

Just want to say something important before I post my replies. We have lost some important elder members on this forum and that is unfortunate. We should do something for those members who contribute alot on this forum, so that everyone and the members themselves know they are needed on this forum. I can understand once you reach 35+ you might get busy in life but I think we can still visit atleast once a week, stay in touch with this great forum. Just use it for positive purposes and not negative and use self discipline in life so you can manage your time and priorities, also pass it on to your children so they too can learn. I've learnt alot from this forum, I used to be anti Pak army when I joined because I thought Pak army is causing problems for Pakistan and is not helping muslims around the world but I realised there is alot more than the eye meets. In the real world we have so many people trying to misguided you and confuse you, they use emotions to brainwash you.

Q1. What do you like about PDF?
I learnt alot about politics, Military, Pakistan, other muslim nations, ummah.
Helped improve my life by answering questions which existed in my head.
Professional online forum.
Educated members who know what they are talking about.
Members from different backgrounds and countries come together to share their views.
Different topics to discuss ie politics, education, health.
Report button is great.
Forum makes you learn alot and this can benefit you in your life.

Q.2. What don't you like about PDF?
Indian trolls.
Childish topics and comments.
Website could be improved.
Moderators backing certain political parties, they have to be neutral and let members share their point of views and take action when needed with neutral mindset.
If you disagree with Pak army action, this does not mean your anti Pakistani.

Q. 3. What would you like to see changed?

Need a button where you could follow your favourite member.
A modern app.
Online youtube channel.
Long term members should be valued with a different colour display or a badge.
Members who contribute alot should be respected in some way.
Make partnership with valued members like Quwa etc.
Have more topics like Career, Personal development, Learning etc.
Ban of anti Pakistani elements who troll, otherwise anti pak views should be countered
Arrange official/Pak defence promo meet ups, in a restaurant or hall. So members can actually meet up, alot of YouTubers organise meetups and invite professionals for QA s
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I realized the Robot has upgraded to the Philosopher, mate. I'm glad I could reach out to you and make you feel welcomed because I think often we focus on negatives and not on positives. So, you are welcome here, mate and I see great things for you. I'm glad you enjoyed my posts and will be seeing more of you; I think the forum and you can both grow because of each other!

Best regards, mate, I'm glad you enjoyed my work.
Such a nice comment to make :cry: :cry: Thank you my friend. You have made me feel very welcome here. I am going to read your threads. Please let me know if I can do anything whilst I am here to improve this forum. I will do my part for you in any way I can.

P.s sorry for any confusion. I managed to change my username to what I originally wanted. I am Mr Robot.

Karna para, Imran bahi, zindagi aysi ban gai thi. Bahut khushi hui apko yaad hain hum. :) Aur ayse na bolien ap, hum hain ap ke liaye yahan!
sab mast chal raha hai dost . nhi hum nhi bhooly ap hi rasta bhool gay thy idher ka

maza a raha hai

Our young days, Mastan bahi :)

A great opportunity for young pakistanis to see things from a different perspective.

there is no other forum for pakistanis where open discussions are had with opposing sides and opposing minds—some high quality posters—-sharing information that is generally not available locally.

Information is a two way street. On this forum, pakistani kids who come with an open mind—-for them this forum is a treasure trove.

it is all about what you want to get out of it.

Any suggestions, brother?
I believe we have decayed from how it was several years ago, Jingoism is spoiling this forum and has also damaged our diversity.

I think with increased moderation and quality moderation, it would be easy to address these issues.
1. love the historical topics , being taught history by the elders and the scholars both Pakistani & Indian

2. The mockery of God by the usual suspects both Pakistanis , Indians and the British ..Racism that is allowed to prevail on here mostly by the British Asians stirring the pot .

3. zero tolerance for racism and flaim bating of other cultures . It’s 2020 not 1864
To all members!

For fun as well as communication. Comment about the current state of the forum.

Q1. What do you like about PDF?

Q.2. What don't you like about PDF?

Q. 3. What would you like to see changed?

Not for trolling but do have fun.

A1 - Freedom of Expression

A2 - Freedom of Expression

A3 - Freedom of Expression
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