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What do you have to say about PDF?

Just give me a week's time (maybe 2) and I'll make a post about the direction. I'll tag you and have your thougths first and then you can see where you can pitch in.
Sure Jaibi... what kind of help would
you like ?
Just give me a week's time (maybe 2) and I'll make a post about the direction. I'll tag you and have your thougths first and then you can see where you can pitch in.
Ok ..whenever you’re ready.
Modding is on the radar, sir.
Could you elaborate on the countries you think should be added with a small justification, not for me but for everyone? A magizine would be great! Awesome idea, sir. Let's get PDF on the track towards it!
Thank you for your response.

Countries I would like to have added is in the country defense forum section.
We don't have a dedicated defence forum for the world biggest arms producer on PDF. USA produces most defence equipment yet that defense equipment goes without any discussion here. We have discussed Chinese Z-10 but have we ever discussed apache ever here. In future India will buy a lot of equipment from USA but that equipment will never be discussed here as there is no dedicated section here. Then France is a big weapons producer that equipment also seeks away from under the pdf radar.
Here's my thinking about it. I agree with you. In order to make some such threads, we'd need to ease our users into it. So would you be willing to contribute some articles about these? I would take this up as well but that's just my thinking from an average user's pov.
Thank you for your response.

Countries I would like to have added is in the country defense forum section.
We don't have a dedicated defence forum for the world biggest arms producer on PDF. USA produces most defence equipment yet that defense equipment goes without any discussion here. We have discussed Chinese Z-10 but have we ever discussed apache ever here. In future India will buy a lot of equipment from USA but that equipment will never be discussed here as there is no dedicated section here. Then France is a big weapons producer that equipment also seeks away from under the pdf radar.
Here's my thinking about it. I agree with you. In order to make some such threads, we'd need to ease our users into it. So would you be willing to contribute some articles about these? I would take this up as well but that's just my thinking from an average user's pov.

I contribute as much info as I can on weapons systems. If you start a thread there are many users here who contribute and with effective moderating the unnecessary stuff can be thrown out. The major reason of my demand for a USA defence forum is that if you go through pdf you will find info on Chinese systems that is good to know about the systems your country can use in future but India is in transition from Russia to USA in procuring military hardware so one should also have knowledge of the system your enemy can get his hands on in future. Opportunities are always exploited by a prepared mind.
Noted. I'll forward your suggestion and may I count on you to help us in making our original content to promote this section?
I contribute as much info as I can on weapons systems. If you start a thread there are many users here who contribute and with effective moderating the unnecessary stuff can be thrown out. The major reason of my demand for a USA defence forum is that if you go through pdf you will find info on Chinese systems that is good to know about the systems your country can use in future but India is in transition from Russia to USA in procuring military hardware so one should also have knowledge of the system your enemy can get his hands on in future. Opportunities are always exploited by a prepared mind.

Indeed,PDF is a great forum where you can meet and debate with people from different parts of the world,different religions,different mindsets and opinions. I've met many great people here and it is always a joy to read them. Sadly,many have left or aren't active anymore,but that's how life is,people come and go.

The forum also helped me to improve my English skills,it is day and night compared to when I joined 6 years ago. Nobody probably cares,but I wanted to point out this fact.

And above all,PDF is the most active and vibrant international defence forum out there,so it is a reference.

I believe though there's much less trolling (but there's still trolling) than there was few years ago,mods have clearly much less tolerance to trolling now,which is a good thing,although there are still some trolls who hijack discussions and turn them into insult and name calling-fests.

@MastanKhan @LeGenD Damn,you guys were here at the very beginning of PDF,2005 and 2006,time goes by so fast!
How are you, brother, long time, eh? Hope you remember me. The modding would be taken care of. That's priority number one.
A more balanced moderation team.
Currently most of the mods/TTA's are right-wing, pro-saudi and anti-Punjab

Sir, I'm very happy that PDF helped you :) it helped me in my writing skills as well :) Mastan bahi (Urdu for brother) and Legend bahi are old, indeed but the real OG is the Webby :D it's great to meet a professional here (I served too). I hope to meet more of you and perhaps bug you for some advice or collabs if you don't mind?

We are going to address the modding issue.

Indeed,PDF is a great forum where you can meet and debate with people from different parts of the world,different religions,different mindsets and opinions. I've met many great people here and it is always a joy to read them. Sadly,many have left or aren't active anymore,but that's how life is,people come and go.

The forum also helped me to improve my English skills,it is day and night compared to when I joined 6 years ago. Nobody probably cares,but I wanted to point out this fact.

And above all,PDF is the most active and vibrant international defence forum out there,so it is a reference.

I believe though there's much less trolling (but there's still trolling) than there was few years ago,mods have clearly much less tolerance to trolling now,which is a good thing,although there are still some trolls who hijack discussions and turn them into insult and name calling-fests.

@MastanKhan @LeGenD Damn,you guys were here at the very beginning of PDF,2005 and 2006,time goes by so fast!
Sir, I'm very happy that PDF helped you :) it helped me in my writing skills as well :) Mastan bahi (Urdu for brother) and Legend bahi are old, indeed but the real OG is the Webby :D it's great to meet a professional here (I served too). I hope to meet more of you and perhaps bug you for some advice or collabs if you don't mind?

We are going to address the modding issue.

The cheese eating frog I am would be glad to help you as long as it is within my knowledge. Nice to hear you served your country,which branch were you in ?
How are you, brother, long time, eh? Hope you remember me. The modding would be taken care of. That's priority number one.

Sir, I'm very happy that PDF helped you :) it helped me in my writing skills as well :) Mastan bahi (Urdu for brother) and Legend bahi are old, indeed but the real OG is the Webby :D it's great to meet a professional here (I served too). I hope to meet more of you and perhaps bug you for some advice or collabs if you don't mind?

We are going to address the modding issue.

I have one suggestion for you. Being a senior mod stop taking sides of certain members that you like on this forum.
Great And very much needed Thread @jaibi

A1 - Now this question itself has many answers

- Great and well versed members, high/medium knowledge on diverse topics ranging from defense to strategics, politics or science, media or everyday life activities/discussions.

- I might be new here, but been following discussions here since school years, thanks to google for bringing this site up in results that i know about it.

- Presence of Professionals of Armed forces of various countries, popular enthusiasts, editors of various military magazines.

- Presence of members from many different countries including highly unexpected countries.


- Moderation is a bit down these days, i myself never faced any problem rather i have good experience with mods here, but too much sectarianism and racism and yet the specific hate speech members aren’t banned yet. One such example is in a specific thread I wouldn’t name, even though i am not from that specific sect but our brother @Rafi had to read some very rubbish comments from a member on his school of thought due to which Rafi tried to abandon the forum. The guy, I wouldn’t name is on this thread as well, and not yet banned. Point is, this is a defense forum and this is a very much international image of Pakistan and it requires utmost harmonious behavior from our countrymen to display a better and united image.

- Topic derailing (i myself do that sometimes to small extent due to convo requirements)

- Ghaddar fatway (not my experience but i have witnessed some getting taunted in this way)

- Selective political posting on an agenda

- Constant troll conversations between Chinese, Arabs and Turks on this forum.


- Bring in more international members, use reddit to lure in people from various countries.

- Attract Professionals/Retired as well as high/low level journalists, Writers and give them titles of journalists similar to thinktank consultants/analysts or Professionals.

- Make some scientifics section which shows some summarized/brief description on working of a system or group of systems connected together or parts such as engines or radio waves and radars.

- Make some special title for our highly regarded and learned members who are unique in convos and always come up with reasonable stances and comments. Some senior or elite members are just senior or elite by posts instead of thanks or acknowledged posts. There SHOULD be a criteria to differentiate these gems of pdf from rest of us.

- Encourage elite and old members or staff to participate more in convos or have there own convos in some senior section threads. This promotes a sense of activeness on this forum which in turn encourages others to participate even more.
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