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What do you have to say about PDF?

The forum also helped me to improve my English skills,it is day and night compared to when I joined 6 years ago. Nobody probably cares,but I wanted to point out this fact.
This helped me a lot too. I am thinking this has helped a lot of members. However, those who remain shy to post, will not improve much.
Q1. What do you like about PDF?
  • Very informative. Always up to date with the current events.
Q.2. What don't you like about PDF?
  • Too many sub sections. Such as Russian, Turkish and Bangladeshi Defence Forums.
  • Articles from Indian based news agencies allowed to post on Pakistani affairs.
Q. 3. What would you like to see changed?
The following are my humble suggestions and the ones highlighted in red are my humble requests.
  • Too many out of date, dead sticky threads on each forum. There should be a maximum of 10. Sometimes it takes quite a bit of scrolling down to find new threads.
  • Merge Senior Cafe into Welcome to Pakistan Defence Forum.
  • Insaf - Justice subforum should be merged into Social & Current Events subforum.
  • Infrastructure & Development and CPEC subforums should be merged into Pakistan Economy subforum.
  • All the subforums within the World Affairs Forum should be merged into World Affairs and this should be moved into World Military Forum.
  • Bangladesh, Turkish and Russian Defence Forums should be removed or moved into a singular World Armed Forces Forum and further moved into World Military Forum. These nations do not have land or sea borders with Pakistan.
  • Create a dedicated Kashmir Defence Forum since its our Government's national policy to internationalise Kashmir.
  • Create a dedicated Pakistan Space Forum as this is a new sphere that Pakistan is paying of a lot of attention to since December 2017.
  • Restrictions on postings of news articles from Indian based news agencies.
  • Allow older posts to be edited.
  • Allow pictures to be posted individually.
  • Allow posts to be added individually instead of automatically merging them together. This gives less importance to a post that may seem like a long, boring single post and as a result, number of replies ignored in one go.
Do have a personal opinion as well. Where I know someone I ask a neutral mod to take up moderation and everyone is free to report me if I do something wrong, sir. I'm very open about the people I know.
I have one suggestion for you. Being a senior mod stop taking sides of certain members that you like on this forum.

Noted, sir, thank you for your elaboration and suggestions. Obviously it'll take some time to adjust the direction but I'm sure you'd find it pleasing. Can't promise that everything you've said would be included but your voice is certainly heard.

On the space program, would you be willing to help us make some articles that would instill some interest amongst the members?
  • Very informative. Always up to date with the current events.
  • Too many sub sections. Such as Russian, Turkish and Bangladeshi Defence Forums.
  • Articles from Indian based news agencies allowed to post on Pakistani affairs.

The following are my humble suggestions and the ones highlighted in red are my humble requests.
  • Too many out of date, dead sticky threads on each forum. There should be a maximum of 10. Sometimes it takes quite a bit of scrolling down to find new threads.
  • Merge Senior Cafe into Welcome to Pakistan Defence Forum.
  • Insaf - Justice subforum should be merged into Social & Current Events subforum.
  • Infrastructure & Development and CPEC subforums should be merged into Pakistan Economy subforum.
  • All the subforums within the World Affairs Forum should be merged into World Affairs and this should be moved into World Military Forum.
  • Bangladesh, Turkish and Russian Defence Forums should be removed or moved into a singular World Armed Forces Forum and further moved into World Military Forum. These nations do not have land or sea borders with Pakistan.
  • Create a dedicated Kashmir Defence Forum since its our Government's national policy to internationalise Kashmir.
  • Create a dedicated Pakistan Space Forum as this is a new sphere that Pakistan is paying of a lot of attention to since December 2017.
  • Restrictions on postings of news articles from Indian based news agencies.
  • Allow older posts to be edited.
  • Allow pictures to be posted individually.
  • Allow posts to be added individually instead of automatically merging them together. This gives less importance to a post that may seem like a long, boring single post and as a result, number of replies ignored in one go.
What do I like?
It has been the only constant in my life for nearly a decade

What do I hate?
It has genuinely made me into a bad person.

What would I change?
Appeals process for infractions.
Or at the very least, as way to voice your innocence.
Nothing is more frustrating then being flagged and not being able to defend yourself.
Hi, brother, nice to see you're still here! I hope PDF becomes a Positive Decade Factor for you now (terrible pun, i know) and we're making some changes to the moderation section. I hope you'll like them and it won't be a problem now on.
What do I like?
It has been the only constant in my life for nearly a decade

What do I hate?
It has genuinely made me into a bad person.

What would I change?
Appeals process for infractions.
Or at the very least, as way to voice your innocence.
Nothing is more frustrating then being flagged and not being able to defend yourself.

Missed your post, brother, sorry.

I agree with all of your points and I think your p#2 and #3 are related. Once we have a more intellectually welcoming environment then such members would come themselves and contribute. We don't focus on pushing a narrative but on providing the platform because of that sometimes there may be a bias, for instance, more PTI supporters use the internet (thus post more) than any other party. Granted, if there's something wrong in our process we'd course correct.
Doing our best and IA will do better :) glad to have you, brother.
Great And very much needed Thread @jaibi

A1 - Now this question itself has many answers

- Great and well versed members, high/medium knowledge on diverse topics ranging from defense to strategics, politics or science, media or everyday life activities/discussions.

- I might be new here, but been following discussions here since school years, thanks to google for bringing this site up in results that i know about it.

- Presence of Professionals of Armed forces of various countries, popular enthusiasts, editors of various military magazines.

- Presence of members from many different countries including highly unexpected countries.


- Moderation is a bit down these days, i myself never faced any problem rather i have good experience with mods here, but too much sectarianism and racism and yet the specific hate speech members aren’t banned yet. One such example is in a specific thread I wouldn’t name, even though i am not from that specific sect but our brother @Rafi had to read some very rubbish comments from a member on his school of thought due to which Rafi tried to abandon the forum. The guy, I wouldn’t name is on this thread as well, and not yet banned. Point is, this is a defense forum and this is a very much international image of Pakistan and it requires utmost harmonious behavior from our countrymen to display a better and united image.

- Topic derailing (i myself do that sometimes to small extent due to convo requirements)

- Ghaddar fatway (not my experience but i have witnessed some getting taunted in this way)

- Selective political posting on an agenda

- Constant troll conversations between Chinese, Arabs and Turks on this forum.


- Bring in more international members, use reddit to lure in people from various countries.

- Attract Professionals/Retired as well as high/low level journalists, Writers and give them titles of journalists similar to thinktank consultants/analysts or Professionals.

- Make some scientifics section which shows some summarized/brief description on working of a system or group of systems connected together or parts such as engines or radio waves and radars.

- Make some special title for our highly regarded and learned members who are unique in convos and always come up with reasonable stances and comments. Some senior or elite members are just senior or elite by posts instead of thanks or acknowledged posts. There SHOULD be a criteria to differentiate these gems of pdf from rest of us.

- Encourage elite and old members or staff to participate more in convos or have there own convos in some senior section threads. This promotes a sense of activeness on this forum which in turn encourages others to participate even more.
Noted, sir, thank you for your elaboration and suggestions. Obviously it'll take some time to adjust the direction but I'm sure you'd find it pleasing. Can't promise that everything you've said would be included but your voice is certainly heard.

On the space program, would you be willing to help us make some articles that would instill some interest amongst the members?

Thank you.

I would be more than happy to help with anything related to Pakistani space program.

I can't say I know much except only what's available freely on the web but I am more than willing to contribute to research of anything related to space activities.
@jaibi sir you used the word 'fun'. So I want to know as you've said that you served in the armed forces, how do you spend fun time in the armed forces. I mean, are the juniors allowed to copy/mimic the seniors?
If your senior is that close to you then yes. They're more like your annoyed elder brother. Every birthday we would have kambal parades, brother, cover the b'day boy in a quilt and beat him up (lightly), shower him in cold water in winters, smoke all night, make bonfires and make our own meals on it; tea as well. Sometimes snrs would even order jnrs to make mimic others. The military life especially when you're a bacholar is filled with fun. The seriousness is only on the outside - internally military personnel are the most live hearted people you'd ever meet, brother.
@jaibi sir you used the word 'fun'. So I want to know as you've said that you served in the armed forces, how do you spend fun time in the armed forces. I mean, are the juniors allowed to copy/mimic the seniors?
PDF has gone staid and boring. You really need a 'Skunk works' section where few members with open minds and dazzling IQ's are allowed to think, write and operate beyond the normal space. Sort of radical platform for new ideas to be burnished. There should be total freedom to explore ideas and concepts etc. Even if most are crazy ....
If your senior is that close to you then yes. They're more like your annoyed elder brother. Every birthday we would have kambal parades, brother, cover the b'day boy in a quilt and beat him up (lightly), shower him in cold water in winters, smoke all night, make bonfires and make our own meals on it; tea as well. Sometimes snrs would even order jnrs to make mimic others. The military life especially when you're a bacholar is filled with fun. The seriousness is only on the outside - internally military personnel are the most live hearted people you'd ever meet, brother.

That's great. Seniors on this forum are enjoying unquestioned superiority. No one can ask anything from them. But Jaidi will ask and will keep a check on them.


Some comments for the questions in the OP.

Q1. What do you like about PDF?
Everything except below.

Q.2. What don't you like about PDF?
I've talked about Roman Urdu in another section from admins perspective. Here I'll talk from members perspective.

Writing one or two sentences in Roman Urdu makes a writing spicy and sometimes a sentence written in Roman Urdu becomes a punch line. But more than that makes you stop reading.

Q. 3. What would you like to see changed?
I. We've military ranks but no salute protocol. Every post should start with a salute and end with a salute.

II. There could be 'Top Stories' section on the main page, based on most views in last ten days etc.

Working on something like that. Not necessarily radical but a space for ideas to be discussed without the bashing and poison that comes in our part of the world.
PDF has gone staid and boring. You really need a 'Skunk works' section where few members with open minds and dazzling IQ's are allowed to think, write and operate beyond the normal space. Sort of radical platform for new ideas to be burnished. There should be total freedom to explore ideas and concepts etc. Even if most are crazy ....

Why don't you make a saluting gif of what you like and we'd incorporate it. That's another military norm btw, if you open your mouth be ready to back it up; you seem very interested in the military so why not follow your interests? I'd love to see what you come up with.
That's great. Seniors on this forum are enjoying unquestioned superiority. No one can ask anything from them. But Jaidi will ask and will keep a check on them.


Some comments for the questions in the OP.

Q1. What do you like about PDF?
Everything except below.

Q.2. What don't you like about PDF?
I've talked about Roman Urdu in another section from admins perspective. Here I'll talk from members perspective.

Writing one or two sentences in Roman Urdu makes a writing spicy and sometimes a sentence written in Roman Urdu becomes a punch line. But more than that makes you stop reading.

Q. 3. What would you like to see changed?
I. We've military ranks but no salute protocol. Every post should start with a salute and end with a salute.

II. There could be 'Top Stories' section on the main page, based on most views in last ten days etc.

Why don't you make a saluting gif of what you like and we'd incorporate it. That's another military norm btw, if you open your mouth be ready to back it up; you seem very interested in the military so why not follow your interests? I'd love to see what you come up with.

I'll back it up sir.

My Rohaani Ustad:

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