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Don’t Think There Was a Concept of India Till the British Gave it One : Saif Ali Khan

Funny how they named the company "East INDIA company" when "India" itself never existed. :coffee:

You hurt many trolls who have nothing else to contribute except quote some Idiot to mental Mus****ation. Infact, When Hu en Tsang came to India and wrote his famous book, he refereed this part of world as India.

Even if that claim is true how that changes the ground facts today ?

Only because it is truth. There are lots of things from which we can take pride and learn. Those who do not have roots or history are hell band to prove that India to does not have any history like them.
He is clever. His film is now a hit so he can say these things. Had he said it couple of weeks ago his film would have flopped like Chhapak
genocide of buddhists theory is mostly propagated by historians propagated by modern day Marxist, congress congress historians installed by nehru and indira gandhi in different indian universities , they were led by mostly aligarh and JNU historians.
this was just agenda of congress to get muslim votes .
There was no genocide of Buddhists. We don't have strict codes of spreading our religion anywhere. Religion too is a Western construct where all people from that religion believe on the same 'idea'. There is no scope for doubt in the Western religion.

In fact, Hindus adopted teachings of Buddha as well. I am myself a big fan of Buddha and consider him one of the greatest people to ever be born on Earth along with the likes of Mahatma Gandhi, Mahavira, Swami Vivekananda, Sant Dnyaneshwar, Sant Tukaram, Guru Nanak in terms of spirituality. Buddha himself was born in India. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism are the Dharmic faiths that have originated in India.

In present times, we have also given asylum to the Dalai Lama.
I really don't understand why Hindu Indians are so persistent on the point that India is a very ancient country. Even if that claim is true how that changes the ground facts today ? How will that help an average Indian put food on the table, get better education or in overall help them to have a more prosperous life ? In reality it will only give them brownie points in a debate or argument. In contrast Arabs have a very glorious past starting from the 8th century until the time when Genghis Khan stormed through Baghdad. Living in that past or blaming Genghis Khan is not going to help the Arabs to solve the problems they're facing today.

problem lies with mentality of people who name their weapons after names of invaders who looted raped and ravaged the land where they live . they are hell bent on changing the history .
oh didnt he say in movie "hum ghar mein ghus ker marain gay"
Dil kay phapolay jal uthay sinay kay dagh say
!s ghar ko aag lag gaye ghar kay chirag say.
problem lies with mentality of people who name their weapons after names of invaders who looted raped and ravaged the land where they live . they are hell bent on changing the history .
But we can't blame them actually. They just don't have any strong leader from their own soil. And the strong leaders were either Hindu, Sikhs or Buddhists. And theirs is an Islamic Republic. So eventually they have to look at foreign invaders. It doesn't matter if they distort history according to them. What matters for them is to have an anti-India identity or specifically anti-Hindu identity.
I really don't understand why Hindu Indians are so persistent on the point that India is a very ancient country. Even if that claim is true how that changes the ground facts today ? How will that help an average Indian put food on the table, get better education or in overall help them to have a more prosperous life ? In reality it will only give them brownie points in a debate or argument. In contrast Arabs have a very glorious past starting from the 8th century until the time when Genghis Khan stormed through Baghdad. Living in that past or blaming Genghis Khan is not going to help the Arabs to solve the problems they're facing today.

halaku stormed baghdad , not ghengis khan if i remember correctly .
oh didnt he say in movie "hum ghar mein ghus ker marain gay"
Dil kay phapolay jal uthay sinay kay dagh say
!s ghar ko aag lag gaye ghar kay chirag say.

he is patriotic indian , he will do whatever is required in way to defend the country.
P.S. we need to work on the Composite Emergence of OurAncientCivilisation out of nowhere... I find it most uncovered subject by us lot @Sher Shah Awan ... let us get the right people with proper background to uncover this mystery.... Pakistanwali goes so much back in time...

What a wonderful slaughter of Indian nationalism, bravado, and superiority we have witnessed today on this thread at the hands of @Mangus Ortus Novem @Areesh @crankthatskunk @Indus Pakistan @Taimur Khurram @Mentee @SIPRA @hussain0216 and others

Brothers, I created 4 threads on Ancient Pakistani history a wile back based on the book 'Historical Background of Pakistan and its People', is written by Ahmed Abdulla and edited by K. Hasan.

Historical Background of Pakistan and its People/Rarely part of India/IVC

Coming of the Aryans/ Persian Rule

Alexander the Great/ Mauryans/ Graeco-Bactrians


I was going through this book and creating threads on these topics (really need to finish.) A great resource with some interesting discussions.

British + Hindutva = Alternative history. It helped the British to eliminate all Muslim oppositions following the genocide and targetted assassinations which wiped out all the Mughals in the subcontinent.

Exactly this. Few remember this outside our community, the burning of Dilli, Lucknow, Agra, and the extermination of the Mughals from these areas.

Red Indians (former name of native Americans) are genetically related to Indian Indians also....

I don't think so, they don't look like Indians or Austronesians at all. Mostly they are probably related to Asian nomads. Aztecs, Mayans, and other native people share the same origin.
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he is patriotic indian , he will do whatever is required in way to defend the country.
hmmm i read somewhere
"jab rishtay sachay hon to sanmbhalnay nahi pertay,
or jin rishton ko sanmbhalna paray vo sachay nahi hotay.
he cud be anyone pay him he will do it for you.
I really don't understand why Hindu Indians are so persistent on the point that India is a very ancient country. How will that help an average Indian put food on the table, get better education or in overall help them to have a more prosperous life ?

When a state can't feed its population properly; it is left with no option, but to serve them with dishes of make-believe fantasies and myths.:lol:
When a state can't feed its population properly; it is left with no option, but to serve them with dishes of make-believe fantasies and myths.:lol:
hungry people eat grass and woe to make atom bomb to fight 1000 year old war
My take
Yes india as a political entity did not exist before British but as a civilization it surely did ...
This is the reason its called indica, al hind ,hindistan, yindu by greeks , arabs,persians,chinese
They must have felt something distinct and unique about this land ....
Now as various german states unified the same way our many small kingdoms unified over the time ... Its as simple as that ...
My take
Yes india as a political entity did not exist before British but as a civilization it surely did ...
This is the reason its called indica, al hind ,hindistan, yindu by greeks , arabs,persians,chinese
They must have felt something distinct and unique about this land ....
Now as various german states unified the same way our many small kingdoms unified over the time ... Its as simple as that ...
some people here dont want to accept what greeks, chinese, arabs , persians , europeans already knew .
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