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Don’t Think There Was a Concept of India Till the British Gave it One : Saif Ali Khan

hungry people eat grass and woe to make atom bomb to fight 1000 year old war

Well said. That is the core problem of India.:lol:


Satyam Pastolum Sundaram.:p:
You hurt many trolls who have nothing else to contribute except quote some Idiot to mental Mus****ation. Infact, When Hu en Tsang came to India and wrote his famous book, he refereed this part of world as India.

Only because it is truth. There are lots of things from which we can take pride and learn. Those who do not have roots or history are hell band to prove that India to does not have any history like them.
The modern word India (and its ancient derivatives) was an umbrella title assigned to the whole region by foreign entities due to it being perceived as a subcontinent akin to Europe. Indus River and the ancient Indus Valley Civilization have a lot to do with shaping a lasting identity for the region at large.

On the surface, subcontinent was split among different kingdoms and Empires much like ancient Europe, and even today.

The British popularized [use] of the modern word India in the subcontinent and otherwise. This is the intended point of Saif Ali Khan.
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What about England 12 century Magna Carta accord.about the nation state with a constitutional reforms and rights for king and civilians.
The French, Germans , swiss , Hungary , Imperial Russia.
All these countries rise on a theory of nation state. They fight each other only for their own theory of superior over the others.
Way before the 18th century.
Ashoka was a man who renounced violence and regretted his actions. His Shame, regret and renouncing violence is what made him exceptional.

Unlike other mass murderers who continue to be "heroes" because of their genocidal past.

18th century then.
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i think you forgot your bhutto who wanted to eat grass and fight for 1000 years , india never attacked pakistan .

The post, you have quoted, shows that it is you, who worship arms and ammunition.:lol:
Good to hear that.

I am now above 60 and I have been discussing politics and religion with Pakistanis, for the last about 40 years, and, during that period, I would have conversed with hundreds of people, from different walks of life. This issue never turned up, nor most of the Pakistanis have any inclination towards waging a war on India, in the medieval fashion.

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