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Don’t Think There Was a Concept of India Till the British Gave it One : Saif Ali Khan

Then I hope in the future you will not become offended if I present my points so long as they are factual, and if you can counter them with facts then that's fine. I don't intend to hide away from what is the truth, and if I am posting wrong information, then it is your duty or someone else's to prove me otherwise.

Do you by any chance have a source to this bro, I want to do more research as currently I am not way too much educated in this.

Check the Pakistan History section. You can also look at previous threads opened by me on ancient Pakistan history in my profile.
Based on Plutarch's evidence, historians state Chandragupta Maurya belonged to the Ashvaka (q.v.) or Assakenoi clan of Swat/Kunar valley (modern Mer-coh or Koh-I-Mor — the Meros of the classical writings).

according to the colonial scholars, the mauryas were an import from persia, but the modern scholarship has completely debunked such nonsense. the mauryas were as east indian as it could get.

according to the colonial scholars, the mauryas were an import from persia, but the modern scholarship has completely debunked such nonsense. the mauryas were as east indian as it could get.


To me, you sound more nonsense giving no references to your modern scholarship fable.
a large part of present day Pakistan was part of persian empire back then so nothing was really imported,it was already here.And its not an import of colonial thats how Greeks forwarded it,you dont believe them good for you, but most scholars agree on this that sandrokuttos (chandrgupta) Mauryas rose from gandhara and his language was the IVC language (Kashtoriya) and he was primarily Mahayana Buddhist not Hindu like Indians claim.Regarding his origin a lot of lies have been dispelled, but they cant asnwer when asked what was he as a small boy(schandrgupt) doing next to Chanakaya in Taxila if he was supposed to be from Bihar.
Can you please show me that "evidence" Megesthenes specificallly described the Mauryan capital as Patiliputra, modern Patna. Maurya is also a common caste in Northern India.
I was talking about the origin not the capital.The capital of maurya thing is also shrouded in mysteries.Maurya as a caste in Northern India means little.
I have heard some fringe theories claiming that Chandragupta was actually from Iran, but this is new to me.
There was no Iran back then.Only an empire (Achaemanid).Present day contemporary Pakistan was largely part of that empire. Aramaic language coins were found from Taxila from Mauryan era which proves my above point.
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according to the colonial scholars, the mauryas were an import from persia, but the modern scholarship has completely debunked such nonsense. the mauryas were as east indian as it could get.


Mods @waz @Horus @Dubious

He should be forced to change his flags back to Indian ones.

The Maurya dynasty was founded in Taxila, which is in present day Pakistan. They were Hellenized Buddhists.

they cant asnwer when asked what was he as a small boy(schandrgupt) doing next to Chanakaya in Taxila if he was supposed to be from Bihar.

This is the main point here which they cannot answer.
Mods @waz @Horus @Dubious

He should be forced to change his flags back to Indian ones.

The Maurya dynasty was founded in Taxila, which is in present day Pakistan. They were Hellenized Buddhists.

This is the main point here which they cannot answer.

Its ok dear...let him keep whatever flags he wants.. I truly understand where he is coming from..

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