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Don’t Think There Was a Concept of India Till the British Gave it One : Saif Ali Khan

Pakistan's Indus River Valley was historically linked to Afghanistan and Eastern Iran, this area was known as Khurasaan in Persia. Afghans called this wider area as Ariana, because this was the main homeland of settled Iranic tribes.

Indus River Valley always had a distinct identity, being one of the first settled sites in of human beings, others being Egypt, China, Babylon, and Greece.

Indians claim wrongly that Aryan invasions displaced original inhabitants to India, but this is not factual. Aryan/Iranic tribes intermarried with IVC descendants and our DNA merged together, eventually Iranic component became the per-eminent one as more tribes migrated to the region including Scythians, Kushans, and Hepthalites.

History and culture of the Gangetic River and Padma Delta is totally different, and it is this same difference that led to Pakistan and Bangladesh becoming two separate countries in 1971.

Civilization-wise and racially Indians and Bangladeshis are the same people.

Pakistanis are genetically linked to Afghans and Iranians. Islam only reinforced that linkage, but it was one from antiquity.




as per my knowledge marathas are stubborn nationalists .
RSS and nationalists movements were mostly started either by marathis or from maharastra.

To politely reply. - QED - point proved, not from or by indiana or wherever else-
your trying to play games with the captions


Marrarastrian beat people who dont speak their launguage - isnt your national language Hindian?
some natinlaism that is.

  • Shiv Sena party are at loggerheads with the RSS and other parties
  • although the Shiv Sena ally with the Right wing than leftist pope parties like Con-g-RSS.
  • They historically had a large number of Abyssianian mercanires helping their Empire (not Hindian nation)


I'm surprised no one quoted Sir Winston Churchill on this issue. comparing concept of IU to the equator.

- it seems in the current envronment there in IU
- if a Mr Jinnah ran in the next elections on issue of devolution and dissolution of IU Union
he would certainly win a large mandate if free & fair, and huge amount of the non-brahmin/non RSS protest vote ?

  • Looks like someon bit off more vegan sugar-cane than they can suck or swallow ?

    >>> *cow fecal - conquest pills.


Afghania (not modern afghanistan republic) was historically around Pesh Khabur and is clearly documented as an outpost for the lost tribes of Israel who spoke Aramaic.

This includes
The additional nations are no lmited to but:

Turan- the Gokturk and Central Asian also hosted Lost tribes of Israel and formed Turkic and
  • Genshis khan part of the hindian super race
balochistan - is colonial outpost of the Arabs and Baloch
  • Are arabs part of the hindian super race.
As well as Greek-Macedoinian and some indegenous tribes.
  • are Greeks part of the Hindian grand super race ?

Later in the day Oghus tribes, Mamlukes (circassians chenens etc) and Mongols expanded in this region.
  • The manaic laugh on Putin's face when he hears this one joke of Circassains being part of Hindian super Race ..

As part of Brexit there are delusional people in FCO who think that there is a chance to rule a Greater Hindia.

The concept of Hindia was created there in the FCO office (colonioal office) and resisted by greats like Churchill.


The pseudo concept of idea of sub continent is flawed - there is no such thing a s sub-continent as homogenous ethnic people:

- this is an english game play by Hindian academics to desperately hypehate Pakistan and Indian as one polity

..eventualy simply refering to it as indian sub contiment for ease and create a psychological concept
  • e.g 1 cultural colonisation - most pakistanians refer to their culture and cuisine as indian:
  • e.g 2 all tanned people including israelis italians & Greeks sometimes being referred to as bollywood !
In the minds of people to make them accept the domination of RSs type expansionist rather th

Modern Pakistan is actually the overspill of old afghania...

The actual argument should be why is afghania split into three - 4 countries

  • in this regard the Obama hyphenation is more correct - Af-Pak


The most justifiable concept for the Indian Union is the Maha-Bharat chronicles and epics of Ashoka

This has been recognised bt the forces of the RSS who ibn their various manifestations use this as the basis, of synthesising racism with relgion and colour and caste supremacy
(ie disgusting idology like Hitler.)

  • Lighter skinned straighter haired Brahmin/babylonian from Iraq needing to conquered darker skin tamils/ curly haired dravids.
ie Pseudo-Religious - Ethno-supremacist cult movement not the same as an Ethnically homogenous Nation state movement.


The issue here is the Colonial patronised oligarchy in Pakistan Punjab and Sind , Bhutto dynsty and their likes forming the Civil establishment- buraucracy/Feudal class

- this clique use sindi and punjabi natinalism to brainwash people into the RSS ideology - and they are very anti-semetic, they are the most favourable elements to an enosis to form greater Hindian.

They have been unreliable to both their state, their neighbours and colonial patrons..

This is the reason why pakistanians are not able to de-hyphenate themselves from H-Indian Union
nor shake off their image.

This is why they srpread anti-semitism to distract you from their disinformation campaign.


Since this being the case they use the idea of and hyphenated india-pakistan conlict and dispute to keep the idea of indian alive

same way they stop israel from becoming a Religious country, and keeping secular israel alive by hyphenating israel with secualr palestine... hency Benjy franklin bills, lover bibi is happy for this designation.

We are Religous states of Israel Judea and Samaria not some russian secular h*m*sexuals hiding behind the state.


Pradoxiacally - ironaically - The idea of Hindian is kept alive by Pakistanan.

these conspiracies of holy cruade of hindian is also proporaged to ensure the term hindian is spread far and wide.


as soon as pakistanian identify with central asia and middle east Centric, you will start to see that the more disntergrations of the hindian union will occur as Nations tend to rise up for their ethnic rights.

Rajiv Gandhi got his dose of Hindian Nationalism from the Tamils, as did the Sikhs.


Sind = was the originally location of indus valley civilisation, wiped out by nature/act of G-D.
very small region compared to today. alsmost micro province.

Gangetic region = seperate civilisation. again not homogenous.
However Sankrit scripture and Santa Darma made its homeson the Ganges in Varanasi.

this led to cultural appropriation and religous appropriation of various pagan rituals, being referred to by outsiders as hindian

- as the invasions in general came from the western passes toward the east ie encoutered sind river first before the ganges rivers


via linguistic domination pro-colonial/hindian Imeprialists used the english language techniques

In media, and international legal sphere to bind together and Indian union by a hyphenating it to a Pakistanian boogeyman.

No boogey man no need to "..unite.."


thats enough for now otherwise risk another ban for talking about feudals..
Last edited:
To politely reply. - QED - point proved, not from or by indiana or wherever else-
your trying to play games with the captions


Marrarastrian beat people who dont speak their launguage - isnt your national language Hindian?
some natinlaism that is.

  • Shiv Sena party are at loggerheads with the RSS and other parties
  • although the Shiv Sena ally with the Right wing than leftist pope parties like Con-g-RSS.
  • They historically had a large number of Abyssianian mercanires helping their Empire (not Hindian nation)


I'm surprised no one quoted Sir Winston Churchill on this issue. comparing concept of IU to the equator.

- it seems in the current envronment there in IU
- if a Mr Jinnah ran in the next elections on issue of devolution and dissolution of IU Union
he would certainly win a large mandate if free & fair, and huge amount of the non-brahmin/non RSS protest vote ?


Afghania (not modern afghanistan republic) was historically around Pesh Khabur and is clearly documented as an outpost for the lost tribes of Israel who spoke Aramaic.

This includes

  • Looks like someon bit off more vegan sugar-cane than they can suck or swallow ?
The additional nations are no lmited to but:

Turan- the Gokturk and Central Asian also hosted Lost tribes of Israel and formed Turkic and
  • Genshis khan part of the hindian super race
balochistan - is colonial outpost of the Arabs and Baloch
  • Are arabs part of the hindian super race.
As well as Greek-Macedoinian and some indegenous tribes.
  • are Greeks part of the Hindian grand super race ?

Later in the day Oghus tribes, Mamlukes (circassians chenens etc) and Mongols expanded in this region.
  • The manaic laugh on Putin's face when he hears this one joke of Circassains being part of Hindian super Race ..

As part of Brexit there are delusional people in FCO who think that there is a chance to rule a Greater Hindia.

The concept of Hindia was created there in the FCO office (colonioal office) and resisted by greats like Churchill.


The pseudo concept of idea of sub continent is flawed - there is no such thing a s sub-continent as homogenous ethnic people:

- this is an english game play by Hindian academics to desperately hypehate Pakistan and Indian as one polity

..eventualy simply refering to it as indian sub contiment for ease and create a psychological concept
  • e.g 1 cultural colonisation - most pakistanians refer to their culture and cuisine as indian:
  • e.g 2 all tanned people including israelis italians & Greeks sometimes being referred to as bollywood !
In the minds of people to make them accept the domination of RSs type expansionist rather th

Modern Pakistan is actually the overspill of old afghania...

The actual argument should be why is afghania split into three - 4 countries

  • in this regard the Obama hyphenation is more correct - Af-Pak


The most justifiable concept for the Indian Union is the Maha-Bharat chronicles and epics of Ashoka

This has been recognised bt the forces of the RSS who ibn their various manifestations use this as the basis, of synthesising racism with relgion and colour and caste supremacy
(ie disgusting idology like Hitler.)

  • Lighter skinned straighter haired Brahmin/babylonian from Iraq needing to conquered darker skin tamils/ curly haired dravids.
ie Pseudo-Religious - Ethno-supremacist cult movement not the same as an Ethnically homogenous Nation state movement.


The issue here is the Colonial patronised oligarchy in Pakistan Punjab and Sind , Bhutto dynsty and their likes forming the Civil establishment- buraucracy/Feudal class

- this clique use sindi and punjabi natinalism to brainwash people into the RSS ideology - and they are very anti-semetic, they are the most favourable elements to an enosis to form greater Hindian.

They have been unreliable to both their state, their neighbours and colonial patrons..

This is the reason why pakistanians are not able to de-hyphenate themselves from H-Indian Union
nor shake off their image.

This is why they srpread anti-semitism to distract you from their disinformation campaign.


Since this being the case they use the idea of and hyphenated india-pakistan conlict and dispute to keep the idea of indian alive

same way they stop israel from becoming a Religious country, and keeping secular israel alive by hyphenating israel with secualr palestine... hency Benjy franklin bills, lover bibi is happy for this designation.

We are Religous states of Israel Judea and Samaria not some russian secular h*m*sexuals hiding behind the state.


Pradoxiacally - ironaically - The idea of Hindian is kept alive by Pakistanan.

these conspiracies of holy cruade of hindian is also proporaged to ensure the term hindian is spread far and wide.


as soon as pakistanian identify with central asia and middle east Centric, you will start to see that the more disntergrations of the hindian union will occur as Nations tend to rise up for their ethnic rights.

Rajiv Gandhi got his dose of Hindian Nationalism from the Tamils, as did the Sikhs.


Sind = was the originally location of indus valley civilisation, wiped out by nature/act of G-D.
very small region compared to today. alsmost micro province.

Gangetic region = seperate civilisation. again not homogenous.
However Sankrit scripture and Santa Darma made its homeson the Ganges in Varanasi.

this led to cultural appropriation and religous appropriation of various pagan rituals, being referred to by outsiders as hindian

- as the invasions in general came from the western passes toward the east ie encoutered sind river first before the ganges rivers


via linguistic domination pro-colonial/hindian Imeprialists used the english language techniques

In media, and international legal sphere to bind together and Indian union by a hyphenating it to a Pakistanian boogeyman.

No boogey man no need to "..unite.."


thats enough for now otherwise risk another ban for talking about feudals..
mannn you have a whole lot of info thier man,
hindi is not national language of india.
and marathis beat up UP (uttar pradesh) , BIHARIS ,thats true , but its not the question of separate race but its some reaction by the local marathis to the mischievous deeds by the UP , BIHARIS diaspora in maharastra.
marathis dont randomly beat up the northern indians .
rather they live with more brotherhood .
Man RSS is not that dangerous as you stated ,rather its a social group which has been propogated or compared by pakistanis and left parties like congress party in india for its propoganda of vote banks.
pakistan have promoted RSS more than RSS itself in the sense LOL:omghaha:

mannn you have a whole lot of info thier man,
hindi is not national language of india.
and marathis beat up UP (uttar pradesh) , BIHARIS ,thats true , but its not the question of separate race but its some reaction by the local marathis to the mischievous deeds by the UP , BIHARIS diaspora in maharastra.
marathis dont randomly beat up the northern indians .
rather they live with more brotherhood .
Man RSS is not that dangerous as you stated ,rather its a social group which has been propogated or compared by pakistanis and left parties like congress party in india for its propoganda of vote banks.
pakistan have promoted RSS more than RSS itself in the sense LOL:omghaha:
I think someone excaped from the asylum today.
I think someone excaped from the asylum today.

Soon people will escape from your open air toilet asylum.

mannn you have a whole lot of info thier man,
hindi is not national language of india.
and marathis beat up UP (uttar pradesh) , BIHARIS ,thats true , but its not the question of separate race but its some reaction by the local marathis to the mischievous deeds by the UP , BIHARIS diaspora in maharastra.
marathis dont randomly beat up the northern indians .
rather they live with more brotherhood .
Man RSS is not that dangerous as you stated ,rather its a social group which has been propogated or compared by pakistanis and left parties like congress party in india for its propoganda of vote banks.
pakistan have promoted RSS more than RSS itself in the sense LOL:omghaha:

a civilised reply - i think you are the exception than the rule, although disagree.

The point you mentioned orf harmless R-SS is like British PM Neville Chamberlein thinking Hitler and the SS wasnt going to attack.
  • when hitler was roaming the pubs people said he would become chancellor - 6 million of our people in gas ovens later some people ,still live in denial.
We already saw the trailer in states in Gujerat; where the holocaust there was preceeded by changes int he text books to include Mein Kampf extracts.

R-SS is the Reborn-SS.

In a strange way it is bad but also has an uninteneed beneficial consequence of waking the world to the horrors and new holocaust being preached.

  • Maratiarastians are against other people on racial lines - ie independent race.
  • Kashmiris are not same as Bengalis or tamils
  • Afghani pashtun not the same as andaman islanders.
  • Sikhs not the same the Thailander or Burmese.

The Ultimate end point is Sanskritisation, for Ashoka's Maha-Bahrat, and unitary currency (rupee to be changed to another name and further demonitised)_.
  • Your constitution says 351 article to make it offical government language, and to replace foreign words with Hindi words.
  • However since you do not have a Hindi language or alphabet you use sanskrit script or as close as possible and sankritsation of words.

  • It doesnt have to be law but since the government adopts it - it becomes law by common law by common practice.
Additionally your intellectual and cilvil bureaucracy promote to also play with arabic and turco-persic words by changing the consonant letter dialects as a matter of policy not as some people on here think is mis-pronounciation.

We have the document available on the governments open source internet if you like to access it for yourself.


I think someone excaped from the asylum today.

your statemnt shows perspective or lack of it - the english gave you even the hole in the ground...let alone concept of super state, show that Mr prince showver said the statment in this thread title was spot on!

  • a sanctuary which is clean with toilets and scent is an asylum to you..

I'm sure if not you, others will be will be glad to escape your asylum with the open air defecation - (cow fecal pills kicking in) - correction that' asylums your country !
Can you give some examples to prove your accusation Pakistani's get sensitive when it comes to related topics?

Here are some examples... 2/3rds of Pakistan are Indic people and most will deny this, or how Hindi and Urdu are pretty much similar languages but it will be denied, or how both India and Pakistan didn't really have a history prior to the British and their history was joint, but this will also be denied.

I try not to speak of these since some will get offended, but I have to be balanced from time to time so long as its not opinios and its mainly facts...
The point you mentioned orf harmless R-SS is like British PM Neville Chamberlein thinking Hitler and the SS wasnt going to attack
I am a RSS member too .
and I dont seem to kill people in gas chambers if that isnt favourable to us.
see bro you need to shake or break the coconut to know if it has water inside .
the condition here in india is all well and stable , here people favour breaking of coconut and drinking actual coconut water, rather than shaking and falling victim to the propoganda and false allegations on some community or organisation spreaded by anti-india forces (you know what i mean).
and believe me there can be no comparision between RSS and schutzstaffel .

We already saw the trailer in states in Gujerat; where the holocaust there was preceeded by changes int he text books to include Mein Kampf extracts.
that's some wrong info bro its not there .
and even if its there in textbook , hitler is not celebrated hero in india nor will be . when we talk nationalism in india its parallel to patriotism, thats what leftists or communists in india hates and promotes false propoganda about INDIA.

  • Maratiarastians are against other people on racial lines - ie independent race.
  • Kashmiris are not same as Bengalis or tamils
  • Afghani pashtun not the same as andaman islanders.
  • Sikhs not the same the Thailander or Burmese
I disagree . i am maharastrian and i dont fight everday with northern indians unless they abuse local population.
as i said its just action to reaction no hate towards north indians . even maharastrians fight among themselves . so will it be even considered racial fight. and yeah kashmiri is different than bengali and sikh different than tamil , and so are the maharastrians as the location changes in india so the culture and people.

Your constitution says 351 article to make it offical government language, and to replace foreign words with Hindi words.
not only hindi there are 22 official languages in india . hindi is preferred because its widely spoken thats all:smart:
Here are some examples... 2/3rds of Pakistan are Indic people and most will deny this, or how Hindi and Urdu are pretty much similar languages but it will be denied, or how both India and Pakistan didn't really have a history prior to the British and their history was joint, but this will also be denied.

I try not to speak of these since some will get offended, but I have to be balanced from time to time so long as its not opinios and its mainly facts...

Geneologists are starting to link Pakistan with Central Asia instead of the subcontinent for a reason.

I suggest you check out my threads on Pakistani history which I linked to previously on this thread.

Punjabis, Kashmiris, and Sindhis also have their genome from IVC (ancient civilization which had close ties to Babylon) and Iranic nomadic settlers originally from Altai mountains, Mongolia, and the Tarim Basin (Aryans, Scythians, Kushans, and Hepthalites.)

There is absolutely no ancestry from ancestral Indian Dravidian stock at all.

As far as language, Dari used to be the official language of the states which ruled coterminus Pakistan in the past. The British made it illegal and forced Urdu on us.

Urdu also has a major component of Punjabi, maybe even more than any other languages as the two are almost intelligible. Punjabi is one of the oldest languages of the world and interestingly enough one of a few tonal languages.

We don't like the term "Indic" because it implies origin from modern India, which is simply not true. It is a shame that another nation is named after our main river and civilizational origin, but not much can be done now.

The Indus river flows fully in Pakistan, the southern part has civilizational commonality and ancient trade ties with Arabs and East Africa, the central part is the agricultural breadbasket of the region which deep links into Iran, Afghanistan, and Turkic lands, while the northern extreme is connected to Uyghurs of China and the Wakhan corridor by culture and race.
There is absolutely no ancestry from ancestral Indian Dravidian stock at all.
Still spewing bullshit I see. ASI or the old Dravidians were a mix of AASI (Ancient) and Iranian agriculturalists which created the Indus Valley Civilization. ANI or Ancient North Indians has a difference, that is they have Steppe pastoralists mixed into them. Which is not present in ASI (Ancient South Indians).

Dravidians are a mix of ANI and ASI, with the presence of later being prominent.
Here are some examples... 2/3rds of Pakistan are Indic people and most will deny this, or how Hindi and Urdu are pretty much similar languages but it will be denied, or how both India and Pakistan didn't really have a history prior to the British and their history was joint, but this will also be denied.

I try not to speak of these since some will get offended, but I have to be balanced from time to time so long as its not opinios and its mainly facts...

Did you take a survey to come up with such statistics? From my own village we have people who are Sethi, Janjua, Satti, Raja and Khokar. I could go on but the lists is too long. Guess what they are the majority and families who have ancestry outside of the subcontinent are in the minority. You made such a sweeping statement without even knowing the true facts. One of the richest men in Pakistan Malik Riaz is a Taili. The current Chief of the Army is a Jatt.

Urdu and Hindi are similar but also different. Pure Urdu is very difficult to understand and most Hindi speakers won't understand the words and vice versa. No one will deny India and Pakistan don't have some joint history especially in the North, but what irks some Pakistani's is the assumption that some of their ancestors were Hindu and forcibly converted. My ancestors were Persian and my family tree which has the name of most of my forefathers is the only proof I need to know who I am. If I was born as a Satti then I would also be content and proud of where I come from. You aren't balance unfortunately otherwise you wouldn't have come up with those arguments.
You Disprove your own claim .

The Marathians claim to be a seperate race and from information speaking to some of them they will not tolerate another language in their Bombay state.

If this is so Babur and xixinping are also Sindians ?
Maharashtrians don't consider themselves as a separate race. Don't know where you get the notion from. Also, it's Mumbai not Bombay. And it's not a state. Mumbai is a city in Maharashtra. It's the capital to be more precise.

You have a lot of incorrect knowledge. Also, Maharashtrians are proud Indians first and Maharashtrians next. Both the identities go hand in hand.
Did you take a survey to come up with such statistics? From my own village we have people who are Sethi, Janjua, Satti, Raja and Khokar. I could go on but the lists is too long. Guess what they are the majority and families who have ancestry outside of the subcontinent are in the minority. You made such a sweeping statement without even knowing the true facts. One of the richest men in Pakistan Malik Riaz is a Taili. The current Chief of the Army is a Jatt.

Urdu and Hindi are similar but also different. Pure Urdu is very difficult to understand and most Hindi speakers won't understand the words and vice versa. No one will deny India and Pakistan don't have some joint history especially in the North, but what irks some Pakistani's is the assumption that some of their ancestors were Hindu and forcibly converted. My ancestors were Persian and my family tree which has the name of most of my forefathers is the only proof I need to know who I am. If I was born as a Satti then I would also be content and proud of where I come from. You aren't balance unfortunately otherwise you wouldn't have come up with those arguments.

Then I hope in the future you will not become offended if I present my points so long as they are factual, and if you can counter them with facts then that's fine. I don't intend to hide away from what is the truth, and if I am posting wrong information, then it is your duty or someone else's to prove me otherwise.

Geneologists are starting to link Pakistan with Central Asia instead of the subcontinent for a reason.

I suggest you check out my threads on Pakistani history which I linked to previously on this thread.

Punjabis, Kashmiris, and Sindhis also have their genome from IVC (ancient civilization which had close ties to Babylon) and Iranic nomadic settlers originally from Altai mountains, Mongolia, and the Tarim Basin (Aryans, Scythians, Kushans, and Hepthalites.)

There is absolutely no ancestry from ancestral Indian Dravidian stock at all.

As far as language, Dari used to be the official language of the states which ruled coterminus Pakistan in the past. The British made it illegal and forced Urdu on us.

Urdu also has a major component of Punjabi, maybe even more than any other languages as the two are almost intelligible. Punjabi is one of the oldest languages of the world and interestingly enough one of a few tonal languages.

We don't like the term "Indic" because it implies origin from modern India, which is simply not true. It is a shame that another nation is named after our main river and civilizational origin, but not much can be done now.

The Indus river flows fully in Pakistan, the southern part has civilizational commonality and ancient trade ties with Arabs and East Africa, the central part is the agricultural breadbasket of the region which deep links into Iran, Afghanistan, and Turkic lands, while the northern extreme is connected to Uyghurs of China and the Wakhan corridor by culture and race.

Do you by any chance have a source to this bro, I want to do more research as currently I am not way too much educated in this.
hindustvas dont even know the importance of nanda empire or mahapadma nanda, probably first pan indian empire which stretched all the way to karnataka, mysore and not only reserved at godavari river. these empires were also not ''hindu empires, as major religion propagated by them was buddhism/jainism, they were also based in bihar, and one indian politician/most probably hindutva talked about exchanging bihar with pakistani kashmir.

so pan hindutvaism doesnt do beyond rants etc

I know about the Nanda empire and it was just before the Maurya empire if I'm not wrong. Anyway, certain empires receive more coverage as compared to some other empires. It just happens. Like in Pakistan, I'm sure many people don't know about the Nanda empire/Gupta empire/Maurya empire as well. Many don't know about the Shahi dynasty, etc.

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