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Don’t Think There Was a Concept of India Till the British Gave it One : Saif Ali Khan

India Etymology

clearly you are dismissing the evidence of the greek writers who clearly state that mauryas were ruling entire ''india''. The British made the name India is what is probably tought in misleading history books and nothing to do with reality. you notion of british origin of word iraq is also not correct at all as well.

making the british origin of everything just goes to show how much you know about history and probably you have been fed how british started everything for atleast the place you belong.

the official name is Bharat in indian constitution not india, india is officially called bharat in both hindi as well as urdu, if you click on urdu page of india wikipedia article, the word ''Bharat would appear.


You are wrong, you are dismissing the importance of Sindh/Indus, which was separate from the Ganges. Even Hindus made that distinction as Caste Hindus were not allowed to stay in Non-Caste Aryan territory of Sindh/Indus region. You can find all about that here: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/hist...d-its-people-rarely-part-of-india-ivc.598015/

Prophet Muhammad saws even made the distinction between the two.

My close friend, the truthful one, the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) told me: “Among this Ummah there will be an expedition to Sindh and Hind.” If I live to see it and am martyred, all well and good, and if I return, I am Abu Hurairah the freed, I will be ransomed from the Fire. [Nisai, and Ahmad]

Also, change your flags, Gangu. Looking at your -53 rating, I am sure I haven't been the only one to tell you so.
You are wrong, you are dismissing the importance of Sindh/Indus, which was separate from the Ganges. Even Hindus made that distinction as Caste Hindus were not allowed to stay in Non-Caste Aryan territory of Sindh/Indus region. You can find all about that here: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/hist...d-its-people-rarely-part-of-india-ivc.598015/

Prophet Muhammad saws even made the distinction between the two.

My close friend, the truthful one, the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) told me: “Among this Ummah there will be an expedition to Sindh and Hind.” If I live to see it and am martyred, all well and good, and if I return, I am Abu Hurairah the freed, I will be ransomed from the Fire. [Nisai, and Ahmad]

Also, change your flags, Gangu. Looking at your -53 rating, I am sure I haven't been the only one to tell you so.

im not sure, you will need to show other sources which discriminate between sindh and hind, sindh is mentioned as exclusive or inclusive region of hind cannot be discerned from the saying, secondly its not even for certain whether its the authentic words of prophet muhammad pbuh.

im also not sure if prophet believed in flags, discrimination and mocking people who are not from sindh, or hateful rants.

Interesting opinion by Gangu Saif Ali Kahn Hindustani.

15 pages of discussion on a confused statement by convicted animal abuser.

Tsk Tsk Tsk !!
im not sure, you will need to show other sources which discriminate between sindh and hind, sindh is mentioned as exclusive or inclusive region of hind cannot be discerned from the saying, secondly its not even for certain whether its the authentic words of prophet muhammad pbuh.

im also not sure if prophet believed in flags, discrimination and mocking people who are not from sindh, or hateful rants.


Why do all Indians talk in this condescending tone?

If you don't believe in geography, history, or ahadith, I can't help you.

False flaggers are the worse.
Sir ji,

There is no denying that a war will not happen, however, the way it is presented makes us feel over confident.

If we think realistically, a significant percentage of our population thinks that whatever they do, they will win the next war. These kind of predictions were true for Sahaba, who were highest in Iman, and who used to spend significant amount time in practicing for war, and rest in praying, I mean the entire Muslim population of the first few decades of Islam was like that. Every home had mothers who used to curse their sons for not preparing for Jihad.

In Pakistan, we have accepted the fact that no matter what we do, we will be successful in the end and beat the hell out of India. This can't happen. Nowadays, our youth spends time on tiktok, facebook, network games, chatting/ talking with girls all night, not praying five times let alone night prayers.. how can we say that they can take part in Jihad? When a country has to fight an enemy that is 7 times larger in size, and more than 10 times economically, whole nation prepares itself for the war. It includes making cadet training compulsory, slowing down the internet speeds after midnight in residential areas, imposing huge taxes on calls made after 12 midnight, good moral and religious education in schools and comparable conventional education in madarsas, no concessions for corrupt etc etc. Our army is top notch, but even if one lion is surrounded by several hyenas, it is compromised, unless it is not supported by other members of the pride.

On top of that, we consider ourselves as the best humans genetically. Praising heritage is one thing, but saying that our genes are better than most people living on this planet is just height of foolishness.

We are not ready for the next war to be honest. However, scenario will go like this (as you have mentioned many times in your posts too, and I agree with that):

India will definitely attack Pakistan, and probably will "take very very good care of us" in the beginning. The second stage will be of realization of truth on us, and that's when we will rely on the help of Allah more than our genes, our strength and our high morale.. and the third and final stage that will follow will be the help from Allah in the form of his best soldiers, not just from what we consider the land of pure, but from the land of Allah (which is the entire planet earth). In this stage, they will gather in the plains of what currently is called Pakistan, and defeat India. It will be an all out effort by all the Muslims who will gather on this land, around the river indus. There will be no pride on the race, color, creed, nationality, at all.. Black from somalia will be as dearer to us as the white turks and bosnians.

One more thing, India will have to kill all Pakistanis if it has to win completely. It won't be a cake walk for Indians if they just occupy us. They will have to kill us in order to win, because we can accept anything, but not a Hindu rule on us, and India will try to kill millions (either by using WMDs or whatever), that will be the trigger when real Muslims will wake up from their deep sleep.

This is all my own analysis and it could go wrong as well. But good things that we could take out from it are:

- The nation will realize that the source of real strength is not hidden in genes or heritage, but in eman, practicing equality among all the citizens of ummah and preparation for war

- We will be the source of unity of ummah

- We (all Muslims from around the world) will finish the menace of hindu rashtra one last time from this planet.
The tide has already turned into the favor of Turkey and Pak. Hence, it might be easier this time....
Believe I have posted these maps before, but will post again since they are relevant to discussion and have not been refuted.

They sure look a lot like modern India

Believe I have posted these maps before, but will post again since they are relevant to discussion and have not been refuted.

They sure look a lot like modern India

View attachment 601232 View attachment 601232

in your history none of these so called empires lasted more than 5 decades before collapsing on their own artificial weight.

'India' is always ruled by priests and princes. modern capitalist and priests of RSS included
in your history none of these so called empires lasted more than 5 decades before collapsing on their own artificial weight.

'India' is always ruled by priests and princes. modern capitalist and priests of RSS included
This poster, you are quoting, is very fond of posting some ridiculous maps, on any thread, wherever he gets an opportunity to do so.:lol:

Mujhay tau yeh koi Naqsha Nawees lagta hae.:p:
i have always been fascinated by historical maps
Why do all Indians talk in this condescending tone?

If you don't believe in geography, history, or ahadith, I can't help you.

False flaggers are the worse.

not only you are calling me a liar, refusing to believe im a pakistani, calling me an indian, hence lying yourself, but also displaying an extreme maniac case of ethno nationalism, what does islam say on this, is it allowed?


Believe I have posted these maps before, but will post again since they are relevant to discussion and have not been refuted.

They sure look a lot like modern India

View attachment 601232 View attachment 601232

why do you refuse to show dehli sultanate and mughal empires, not to mention british empire?

not supporting your agenda?


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