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Don’t Think There Was a Concept of India Till the British Gave it One : Saif Ali Khan

Ghazwa e hind will happen, it will be the Indians themselves who will convert to Islam of their own free will, once they realize that westernization and modernization comes crashing down. At that point it will be the Hindu elites who will use history as a weapon to revive false sentiments into ignorant Hindus just to stay in power.

For now I say patience, patience and more patience, and simply propagating our message. The rest Allah will take care of... in time.
I don't think Hindus on their own will accept Islam.

if you think lower castes are oppressed and they are waiting to adopt Islam on their own - you are deeply mistaken.

There is infact a higher chance of the Brahmins accepting Islam than other castes.

My two cents - with the experience of living among them.

I agree with this overall.

Except the part where you mention 'voluntary'. You have to produce some inducement - a drug addiction is not easily cured on its own.

@The_Showstopper There is hope. We MUST not lose heart.

The only way...and this is the only way----Ghazwa-e-Hind can happen

A rerun of the Korean War

China invades India

India seeks the assistance of a hypothetical Muslim hyperpower to defeat the Chinese

Indo-Islam alliance becomes victorious

Extensive industrial,military,technoligcal,academic,cultural investment starts flowing into India from the said Islamic hyperpower

The Islamic hyperpower helps India to become a first world nation like USA did to South Korea

India gladly takes up Islam and another 40 percent of Indians become Muslim over the subsequent 100 years

The 20th century American-Korea model of religious proselytization is the only model ..PERIOD . (and even then Christian percentage is only at 30 in s. korea, though it went from 0 to 30 percent in a 100 years but stablized after that)

Seeing India as the enemy and not the friend, will not work
Ghazwa-e-Hind is a reaity---->it's called Pakistan...created in the name of Islam...no other polity in South Asian History has ever been created in the name of Islam....

I think the future of Ghazwa-E-Hind is vertical expansion rather than lateral expansion...expansion of GDP per capita rather than expansion of geography
Again with this lie?

Pakistan is a SAFE HAVEN FOR MUSLIMS FROM HINDUTVA. It is not an Islamic state or polity shmolity, no matter what wikipedia's Indian authors keep saying ad nauseam. Jinnah himself originally contemplated a single India United but he realised safety of Muslims was paramount and could only be assured through Pakistan.

It is a citadel of faith, a symbol of high resolve, a bounteous realm.

A "citadel" protects that which is within it.

It is not a "catapult" or a "cannon" but a "citadel".

Islam and anyone who is non-Muslim that falls within the protectorate of this citadel is safe eternally from Hindutva. That is Pakistan's promise.

This is totally unconnected to the Islamic notion of ghazwa e Hind, which others here have already explained.

Pakistan will not trigger ghazwa.

Watch and see. Modi will give birth to ghazwa by turning his nation inside out, all while ISI are on shore leave.
Again with this lie?

Pakistan is a SAFE HAVEN FOR MUSLIMS FROM HINDUTVA. It is not an Islamic state or polity shmolity, no matter what wikipedia's Indian authors keep saying ad nauseam. Jinnah himself originally contemplated a single India United but he realised safety of Muslims was paramount and could only be assured through Pakistan.

It is a citadel of faith, a symbol of high resolve, a bounteous realm.

A "citadel" protects that which is within it.

It is not a "catapult" or a "cannon" but a "citadel".

Islam and anyone who is non-Muslim that falls within the protectorate of this citadel is safe eternally from Hindutva. That is Pakistan's promise.

This is totally unconnected to the Islamic notion of ghazwa e Hind, which others here have already explained.

Pakistan will not trigger ghazwa.

Watch and see. Modi will give birth to ghazwa by turning his nation inside out, all while ISI are on shore leave.

We also gave refuge to Punjabi Christians and Ahmadiyyas from Hindu genocide during Partition.
What giveth, sport?

You are not sharp today.
..throwing half hearted curve balls in not your thing.. Tired?

As I have said so many times.. I shall repeat... Everyone is More Human than I Am. Meaning... even that untouchable who goes down in the gutter to clean ... is More Human than I Am.

Now regarding Ganguz
... it is NOT a slur but a definition from OurLanguage Urdu... @Indus Pakistan

Gangu = People Belonging to GangeesCivilisation ... (this cann't be applied to Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan as they are muslims... self explanatory... you should know!!!!)

You have adopted the name given by the Brits... your choice...but each language defines its own terms... same as French don't call Germany ..Germany or Duitsland...but....

Now coming back to your 'lolz'... well, if Ganguz attack us we go Woodstock Sufism on them again... then we are toast.... hence, the only option left is to Make Glass out of GanguBones....even if they are muslims in your army...we must not show any mercy....

And throwing this weak cruve ball constantly bringing in Islam in discourse is becoming a bit boring... either you up your game or let it pass....

Have you seen me bringing in Hinduism?

It is not about religion... it is the Essence of Power and Momentum of History....

As Nobody is below me and nobody is above me... I can only be!

I do have high hopes that you would spend your High IQ on Cracking the Code...but I guess you need distractions too... you are human afterall!!!

Now you be good...and drive safely!!!

P.S. All that jazz about remaining celebit and what notz... and you getiting married... All the very best of wishes and goodluck!!!!
Ironically, Urdu is a Gangu language.
What giveth, sport?

You are not sharp today.
..throwing half hearted curve balls in not your thing.. Tired?

As I have said so many times.. I shall repeat... Everyone is More Human than I Am. Meaning... even that untouchable who goes down in the gutter to clean ... is More Human than I Am.

Now regarding Ganguz
... it is NOT a slur but a definition from OurLanguage Urdu... @Indus Pakistan

Gangu = People Belonging to GangeesCivilisation ... (this cann't be applied to Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan as they are muslims... self explanatory... you should know!!!!)

You have adopted the name given by the Brits... your choice...but each language defines its own terms... same as French don't call Germany ..Germany or Duitsland...but....

Now coming back to your 'lolz'... well, if Ganguz attack us we go Woodstock Sufism on them again... then we are toast.... hence, the only option left is to Make Glass out of GanguBones....even if they are muslims in your army...we must not show any mercy....

And throwing this weak cruve ball constantly bringing in Islam in discourse is becoming a bit boring... either you up your game or let it pass....

Have you seen me bringing in Hinduism?

It is not about religion... it is the Essence of Power and Momentum of History....

As Nobody is below me and nobody is above me... I can only be!

I do have high hopes that you would spend your High IQ on Cracking the Code...but I guess you need distractions too... you are human afterall!!!

Now you be good...and drive safely!!!

P.S. All that jazz about remaining celebit and what notz... and you getiting married... All the very best of wishes and goodluck!!!!

Thanks Sir...Why I changed from perfect celibacy is something I would convey to you in PM ...

I did paint a picture of a REALISTIC Ghazwa-E-Hind..may be you may like to read it..take care of yourself Sir
The authenticity of Ghazwa e Hind hadiths is questionable.

For the information of BELEIVERS on this thread, we have an extremely strict grading system of Prophet PBUH saying. Hundreds of thousands of hadiths have been rejected due to not complying with the authenticity requirements. Following are few classifications of hadith:

Ṣaḥīḥ - transmitted through an unbroken chain of narrators all of whom are of sound character and memory. Such a hadith should not clash with a more reliable report and must not suffer from any other hidden defect.

Ḥasan - transmitted through an unbroken chain of narrators all of whom are of sound character but weak memory. This hadith should not clash with a more reliable report and must not suffer from any other hidden defect.

Ḍaʻīf - which cannot gain the status of hasan because it lacks one or more elements of a hasan hadith. (For example, if the narrator is not of sound memory and sound character, or if there is a hidden fault in the narrative or if the chain of narrators is broken).

Mawḍūʻ - fabricated and wrongly ascribed to Muhammad.

Maqlūb - It is that hadith, in two different narrations of which the names of narrators have been changed.

First two are the reliable classifications, while later are not. Ghazwa e Hind Hadiths are not classified as Sahih, as well as Hassan as far as I know, but they are NOT classified as fabricated either.

So, they could be reliable or fabricated.

It will be a big problem for India if Ghazwa e Hind hadiths become reality because predictions mentioned in reliable hadith have come, or are in the process of coming true. Some of them I am listing here for you to judge yourselves:


“And if you see the barefoot, naked, shepherds of camels competing [for praise] in the construction of high-rise buildings, then this is from among the signs [of the Hour].” (Self explanatory)

“The Hour will not commence before people boast of their mosques.” (we see in Pakistan and many other countries, how the mosques are being constructed and praised e.g. third largest mosque etc.)

“A time will come over the people when they will consume ribā (interest).” “Whoever does not consume it will [still] be reached by its dust.” (can anyone save himself from interest when the whole economy of the country is being run on IMF?)

“women who are clothed yet naked, walking with an enticing gait, with something on their heads that looks like the humps of camels, leaning to one side. They will never enter Paradise or even smell its fragrance, although its fragrance can be detected from such and such a distance.” (woman dressing and hair styles.. feminists will cry of course but it is what it is, criticize the hadith, not me)

“And fornication never becomes prevalent among a people, to the degree that they practice it openly, except that epidemics become rampant among them which had never before existed in their ancestors.” (p0rn??, AIDS/HIV??)

“A woman will [one day] be taken and have her stomach cut open, then what is inside her womb will be taken and discarded, out of fear of having children.” (abortion, and removing ovaries)

“The Hour will not commence until people mate in the streets just as donkeys mate.” (Time is very near, when people will see videos of their acquaintances on the internet, with the agreement of both, or one party at least)

“The nations will soon invite one another to devour you, just as diners are invited to a dish.” It was said, “Will it be because of our small number on that day?” He said, “No, rather you will be many on that day, but you will be [weightless] foam, like the foam on the river. And Allah will remove the fear of you from the hearts of your enemies, and will cast weakness into your hearts.” “The love of this world, and the hatred of death.” (current situation... Palestine, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Kashmir, Rohingya etc)

“Once my nation considers five things permissible, then destruction will befall them: when cursing one another appears, wine is drunk, silk is worn [by men], musical instruments are played, and men suffice themselves with men and women suffice themselves with women.” (silk ties worn by men???)

“By the One in whose hand is my soul, the Hour will not commence until predators speak to people, and until the tip of a man’s whip and the straps on his sandals speak to him, and his thigh informs him of what occurred with his family after he left.” (dog translator?, Mobile phone connected with live camera installed in the home??)

Please note that this is an informative post only. Non-believers should just ignore.. and believers shouldn't respond to any troll posts.


@Mangus Ortus Novem @SIPRA @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Syed Hammad Ahmed

Please take the efforts to read my other posts. I have clearly mentioned that SRK is a superstar because of his hardwork. Didn't expect you to cherry pick my posts being a fellow Indian.
I quoted the exact thing you posted, neither added nor removed any content. So where is the cherry picking? You seem to take offence to what I posted. Is it wrong that they scaled great heights due to their hardwork and their skills? So why take offence?

There was no genocide of Buddhists. We don't have strict codes of spreading our religion anywhere. Religion too is a Western construct where all people from that religion believe on the same 'idea'. There is no scope for doubt in the Western religion.

In fact, Hindus adopted teachings of Buddha as well. I am myself a big fan of Buddha and consider him one of the greatest people to ever be born on Earth along with the likes of Mahatma Gandhi, Mahavira, Swami Vivekananda, Sant Dnyaneshwar, Sant Tukaram, Guru Nanak in terms of spirituality. Buddha himself was born in India. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism are the Dharmic faiths that have originated in India.

In present times, we have also given asylum to the Dalai Lama.
No genocide of Buddhists?? Really... Refer this thread and stop living in denial

The authenticity of Ghazwa e Hind hadiths is questionable.

I don't know your firqa, but I will detail the issue assuming you are Ahlus Sunnah wa Al Jama'ah.

Sahih Ahadith.

Two groups amongst my Ummah would be whom Allah has freed from fire; one group would fight against India (Hind) & the Second would be that who would accompany Isa Ibn Maryam(A.S.)”.

Sources: Imam Ahmad, Imam Nisai, Imam Bukhari, Tabrani; Behqi; Ibn Kathir, and more

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (r.a) says, Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.w) promised us of Ghazwa Hind. If I get a chance to participate in it, I would spend all my energy & wealth for it. If I get killed, I would be considered among the greatest martyrs. And if I come back alive, then I would be a freed Abu-Hurairah”.

Sources: Imam Hanbal, Nisai

Other Ahadith

“Definitely, one of your troop would do war with Hind, Allah would grant success to those warriors, as far as they would bring their kings by dragging them in chains/fetters. And Allah would forgive those warriors (by the Blessing of this great war). And when those Muslims would return, they would find Hazrat Isa Ibn Maryam(A.S.) in Syria”.

Sources: Kitab al Fitan of Nu'im bin Hammad, and Ishaq bin Rahwayh

Some people of my Ummah will fight India (Hind,) Allah would grant them success, even they would find the Indian kings being trapped in fetters. Allah would forgive those warriors. When they would move towards Syria, then would find Isa Ibn Maryam(A.S.) over there”.

Sources: Kitab al Fitan of Nu'im bin Hammad

Some other Ahadith are found here with further sources.
Please note that this is an informative post only. Non-believers should just ignore.. and believers shouldn't respond to any troll posts.

This is a very good point. We should follow this policy.

“And if you see the barefoot, naked, shepherds of camels competing [for praise] in the construction of high-rise buildings, then this is from among the signs [of the Hour].” (Self explanatory)

“The Hour will not commence before people boast of their mosques.” (we see in Pakistan and many other countries, how the mosques are being constructed and praised e.g. third largest mosque etc.)

“A time will come over the people when they will consume ribā (interest).” “Whoever does not consume it will [still] be reached by its dust.” (can anyone save himself from interest when the whole economy of the country is being run on IMF?)

“women who are clothed yet naked, walking with an enticing gait, with something on their heads that looks like the humps of camels, leaning to one side. They will never enter Paradise or even smell its fragrance, although its fragrance can be detected from such and such a distance.” (woman dressing and hair styles.. feminists will cry of course but it is what it is, criticize the hadith, not me)

“And fornication never becomes prevalent among a people, to the degree that they practice it openly, except that epidemics become rampant among them which had never before existed in their ancestors.” (p0rn??, AIDS/HIV??)

“A woman will [one day] be taken and have her stomach cut open, then what is inside her womb will be taken and discarded, out of fear of having children.” (abortion, and removing ovaries)

“The Hour will not commence until people mate in the streets just as donkeys mate.” (Time is very near, when people will see videos of their acquaintances on the internet, with the agreement of both, or one party at least)

“The nations will soon invite one another to devour you, just as diners are invited to a dish.” It was said, “Will it be because of our small number on that day?” He said, “No, rather you will be many on that day, but you will be [weightless] foam, like the foam on the river. And Allah will remove the fear of you from the hearts of your enemies, and will cast weakness into your hearts.” “The love of this world, and the hatred of death.” (current situation... Palestine, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Kashmir, Rohingya etc)

“Once my nation considers five things permissible, then destruction will befall them: when cursing one another appears, wine is drunk, silk is worn [by men], musical instruments are played, and men suffice themselves with men and women suffice themselves with women.” (silk ties worn by men???)

“By the One in whose hand is my soul, the Hour will not commence until predators speak to people, and until the tip of a man’s whip and the straps on his sandals speak to him, and his thigh informs him of what occurred with his family after he left.” (dog translator?, Mobile phone connected with live camera installed in the home??)

Scary stuff brother, coupled with the Hadith of the destruction of Syria and Yemen, which Prophet Muhammad saws predicted would happen at the same time.

The next up is Egypt.
Funny how they named the company "East INDIA company" when "India" itself never existed. :coffee:

The original name given to India was Indus by the Persians. This term stems from the Sanskrit word Sindhu. When the British came they called the land India. Many Hindu extremists have even advocated in the past to change the name to Bharat which is more indigenous than India.

Seems like a thought has been expressed, everyone has an opinion regardless. The question now is whether or not India will go 1984 style and have this listed as a thought crime.

If I were personally ruling India I would ignore this as a remark of a fool and show my magnanimity. Indians on the other hand are getting offended which shows their fragility of an India. But to be fair to the Indians, Pakistanis also get sensitive when it comes to related topics.

Can you give some examples to prove your accusation Pakistani's get sensitive when it comes to related topics?

even greek writers stated ''chandragupta was in possession of entire india'' like plutarch and justin indicating maurya empire ruling entire india/ISC during that period.


Greek writers never wrote the term India to describe the land. They called the land as Indoi which translates to "the people of the Indus" present-day Pakistan. India throughout its history has never been ruled by one dynasty and when you look at the record no single ruler in the archives called it India. The British made the name India just like they did with Iraq.

According to his post, British arrived in 1795.:lol:/QUOTE]

Indians should read more history. The British came to present-day India in 1603 in the southern port town of Masulipatnam. By the 1800s they had controlled and looted much of the wealth of the region.
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Greek writers never wrote the term India to describe the land. They called the land as Indoi which translates to "the people of the Indus"

According to the Oxford English Dictionary (Third Edition 2009), the name "India" is derived from the Classical Latin India, a reference to South Asia and an uncertain region to its east; and in turn derived successively from: Hellenistic Greek India ( Ἰνδία); ancient Greek Indos ( Ἰνδός); Old Persian Hindush, an eastern province of the Achaemenid empire; and ultimately its cognate, the Sanskrit Sindhu, or "river," but especially the Indus river and, by implication, its well-settled southern basin.[55][56] The ancient Greeks referred to the Indians as Indoi (Ἰνδοί), which translates as "The people of the Indus".[57]

India Etymology

India throughout its history has never been ruled by one dynasty and when you look at the record no single ruler in the archives called it India. The British made the name India just like they did with Iraq.

clearly you are dismissing the evidence of the greek writers who clearly state that mauryas were ruling entire ''india''. The British made the name India is what is probably tought in misleading history books and nothing to do with reality. you notion of british origin of word iraq is also not correct at all as well.

The Arabic name العراق al-ʿIrāq has been in use since before the 6th century. There are several suggested origins for the name. One dates to the Sumerian city of Uruk (Biblical Hebrew Erech) and is thus ultimately of Sumerian origin, as Uruk was the Akkadian name for the Sumerian city of Urug, containing the Sumerian word for "city", UR.[13][14] An Arabic folk etymology for the name is "deeply rooted, well-watered; fertile".[15]

During the medieval period, there was a region called ʿIrāq ʿArabī ("Arabian Iraq") for Lower Mesopotamia and ʿIrāq ʿAjamī ("Persian Iraq"),[16] for the region now situated in Central and Western Iran.[16] The term historically included the plain south of the Hamrin Mountains and did not include the northernmost and westernmost parts of the modern territory of Iraq.[17] Prior to the middle of the 19th century, the term Eyraca Arabica was commonly used to describe Iraq.[18][19]

The term Sawad was also used in early Islamic times for the region of the alluvial plain of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, contrasting it with the arid Arabian desert. As an Arabic word, عراق means "hem", "shore", "bank", or "edge", so that the name by folk etymology came to be interpreted as "the escarpment", viz. at the south and east of the Jazira Plateau, which forms the northern and western edge of the "al-Iraq arabi" area.[20]

The Arabic pronunciation is [ʕiˈrɑːq]. In English, it is either /ɪˈrɑːk/ (the only pronunciation listed in the Oxford English Dictionary and the first one in Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary[21]) or /ɪˈræk/ (listed first by MQD), the American Heritage Dictionary,[22] and the Random House Dictionary.[23] The pronunciation /aɪˈræk/ is frequently heard in US media.[citation needed]

In accordance with the 2005 Constitution, the official name of the state is the "Republic of Iraq" (Jumhūrīyyat al-'Irāq).

making the british origin of everything just goes to show how much you know about history and probably you have been fed how british started everything for atleast the place you belong.

Many Hindu extremists have even advocated in the past to change the name to Bharat which is more indigenous than India.

the official name is Bharat in indian constitution not india, india is officially called bharat in both hindi as well as urdu, if you click on urdu page of india wikipedia article, the word ''Bharat would appear.

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