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Don’t Think There Was a Concept of India Till the British Gave it One : Saif Ali Khan

Several events are foretold by our Prophet saws. Many of us forget the primary function of Prophets, which is tell the future (prophesize.)

We don't know the exact date, may be next year or 100 years from now, Allahu Alim, Allah knows best, but that is the final destiny of the region

Ghazwa e Hind has not happened yet. Pakistan is not Ghazwa e Hind because the Prophet Muhammad saws clearly referred to it at Sindh, also in a Sahih Hadith 1400 years ago.

Previous empires also were not Ghazwa e Hind because a Ghazwa is a prophesied war either fought by a Prophet or foretold by him. The nature of a Ghazwa is the complete change of the territory which is conquered, i.e. complete voluntary conversion to Islam and absolute defeat of Kufr (disbelief.)

The conquest of Constantinople was an example of a Ghazwa after the death of the Prophet saws. The vast majority of the population converted to Islam, the rest accepted the rule of Islam via allegiance to the ruler. Istanbul has been a Muslim city ever since.

This has not happened to India yet.

@Hakim Dawary @Taimur Khurram
Islam means unconditional surrender to Allah's supremacy— the supreme and the only Lord. Islam doesn't allow any human being to become a Lord and dominate over other human beings. There is no place of apartheid of black white rich poor etc in Islam. ISLAM is more egalitarian than communism or any other ideology. Tribalism /Nationalism is not allowed Islam either.The first public announcement of Azan in Islam came from an ex slave black Habashi person Bilal(RA) at the request of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Gazwa e Hind or the conquest of Hindustan will ultimately lead the people of Hind to surrender to the supremacy of Allah, the supreme and only Lord and let all other hegemony dissapear. Justice will be restored from Oxus to Indus and beyond. It is never about domination. Please beware of any person who claims to be a Muslim but preaches racism, tribalism and apardheid. These are munafiques or hypocrits of the highest order. GAZWA E HIND will be lead by brave and honest Muslims , it could come from any corner of the earth. We can fairly say that the upcoming Panipat IV will spark the beginning of Gazwa.
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Several events are foretold by our Prophet saws. Many of us forget the primary function of Prophets, which is tell the future (prophesize.)

We don't know the exact date, may be next year or 100 years from now, Allahu Alim, Allah knows best, but that is the final destiny of the region

Ghazwa e Hind has not happened yet. Pakistan is not Ghazwa e Hind because the Prophet Muhammad saws clearly referred to it at Sindh, also in a Sahih Hadith 1400 years ago.

Previous empires also were not Ghazwa e Hind because a Ghazwa is a prophesied war either fought by a Prophet or foretold by him. The nature of a Ghazwa is the complete change of the territory which is conquered, i.e. complete voluntary conversion to Islam and absolute defeat of Kufr (disbelief.)

The conquest of Constantinople was an example of a Ghazwa after the death of the Prophet saws. The vast majority of the population converted to Islam, the rest accepted the rule of Islam via allegiance to the ruler. Istanbul has been a Muslim city ever since.

This has not happened to India yet.

@Hakim Dawary @Taimur Khurram

Ghazwa e hind will happen, it will be the Indians themselves who will convert to Islam of their own free will, once they realize that westernization and modernization comes crashing down. At that point it will be the Hindu elites who will use history as a weapon to revive false sentiments into ignorant Hindus just to stay in power.

For now I say patience, patience and more patience, and simply propagating our message. The rest Allah will take care of... in time.
Ghazwa e hind will happen, it will be the Indians themselves who will convert to Islam of their own free will, once they realize that westernization and modernization comes crashing down. At that point it will be the Hindu elites who will use history as a weapon to revive false sentiments into ignorant Hindus just to stay in power.

For now I say patience, patience and more patience, and simply propagating our message. The rest Allah will take care of... in time.
I don't think Hindus on their own will accept Islam.

if you think lower castes are oppressed and they are waiting to adopt Islam on their own - you are deeply mistaken.

There is infact a higher chance of the Brahmins accepting Islam than other castes.

My two cents - with the experience of living among them.

Several events are foretold by our Prophet saws. Many of us forget the primary function of Prophets, which is tell the future (prophesize.)

We don't know the exact date, may be next year or 100 years from now, Allahu Alim, Allah knows best, but that is the final destiny of the region

Ghazwa e Hind has not happened yet. Pakistan is not Ghazwa e Hind because the Prophet Muhammad saws clearly referred to it at Sindh, also in a Sahih Hadith 1400 years ago.

Previous empires also were not Ghazwa e Hind because a Ghazwa is a prophesied war either fought by a Prophet or foretold by him. The nature of a Ghazwa is the complete change of the territory which is conquered, i.e. complete voluntary conversion to Islam and absolute defeat of Kufr (disbelief.)

The conquest of Constantinople was an example of a Ghazwa after the death of the Prophet saws. The vast majority of the population converted to Islam, the rest accepted the rule of Islam via allegiance to the ruler. Istanbul has been a Muslim city ever since.

This has not happened to India yet.

@Hakim Dawary @Taimur Khurram
I agree with this overall.

Except the part where you mention 'voluntary'. You have to produce some inducement - a drug addiction is not easily cured on its own.

@The_Showstopper There is hope. We MUST not lose heart.
we are all Black Gangus here? why would Muslims want to mix themselves with Black Gangus and risk the contamination of their purer,fairer Indus features?
What on earth does this have to do with ghazwa e Hind??

Firstly it doesn't matter what Muslims or Hindus or Modi or anyone wants. What happens happens. Modi will quicken that happening though, for sure. Modi may trigger ghazwa e Hind. What delicious irony.

Aside from that, race is irrelevant.

Further aside from that, it may well be that some gangus are oppressed by other gangus to the degree that non-gangus intervene on humanitarian grounds. I can certainly see that happening, yet another possible mechanism of Modi-induced ghazwa.
What on earth does this have to do with ghazwa e Hind??

Firstly it doesn't matter what Muslims or Hindus or Modi or anyone wants. What happens happens. Modi will quicken that happening though, for sure. Modi may trigger ghazwa e Hind. What delicious irony.

Aside from that, race is irrelevant.

Further aside from that, it may well be that some gangus are oppressed by other gangus to the degree that non-gangus intervene on humanitarian grounds. I can certainly see that happening, yet another possible mechanism of Modi-induced ghazwa.

Ghazwa-e-Hind is a reaity---->it's called Pakistan...created in the name of Islam...no other polity in South Asian History has ever been created in the name of Islam....

I think the future of Ghazwa-E-Hind is vertical expansion rather than lateral expansion...expansion of GDP per capita rather than expansion of geography
@PakSword @SIPRA


Gazwa e Hind
is Our Best PsyOp and you guys are telling them Ganguz it is not....

Shouldn't you be saying: Yeah... 220mln Paks are preparing and will be joined by Turks, Afghans and Persians... Imagine the nightmares Ganguz would be having....

The Truth is:
We Separated from GanguDaesh so that we could prepare and launch Gazwa e Hind!

Didn't DGISPR said
... we have studied you for 72 years... lads, it was hint towards Gazwa e Hind...

And Muslims in MaboozaHindustan are also preparing that is why GanguFacistRegime is in such Panic that it is imposing DarkLawz...

Pleaes, let Ganguz remain in terrified state!!!



Sir ji,

There is no denying that a war will not happen, however, the way it is presented makes us feel over confident.

If we think realistically, a significant percentage of our population thinks that whatever they do, they will win the next war. These kind of predictions were true for Sahaba, who were highest in Iman, and who used to spend significant amount time in practicing for war, and rest in praying, I mean the entire Muslim population of the first few decades of Islam was like that. Every home had mothers who used to curse their sons for not preparing for Jihad.

In Pakistan, we have accepted the fact that no matter what we do, we will be successful in the end and beat the hell out of India. This can't happen. Nowadays, our youth spends time on tiktok, facebook, network games, chatting/ talking with girls all night, not praying five times let alone night prayers.. how can we say that they can take part in Jihad? When a country has to fight an enemy that is 7 times larger in size, and more than 10 times economically, whole nation prepares itself for the war. It includes making cadet training compulsory, slowing down the internet speeds after midnight in residential areas, imposing huge taxes on calls made after 12 midnight, good moral and religious education in schools and comparable conventional education in madarsas, no concessions for corrupt etc etc. Our army is top notch, but even if one lion is surrounded by several hyenas, it is compromised, unless it is not supported by other members of the pride.

On top of that, we consider ourselves as the best humans genetically. Praising heritage is one thing, but saying that our genes are better than most people living on this planet is just height of foolishness.

We are not ready for the next war to be honest. However, scenario will go like this (as you have mentioned many times in your posts too, and I agree with that):

India will definitely attack Pakistan, and probably will "take very very good care of us" in the beginning. The second stage will be of realization of truth on us, and that's when we will rely on the help of Allah more than our genes, our strength and our high morale.. and the third and final stage that will follow will be the help from Allah in the form of his best soldiers, not just from what we consider the land of pure, but from the land of Allah (which is the entire planet earth). In this stage, they will gather in the plains of what currently is called Pakistan, and defeat India. It will be an all out effort by all the Muslims who will gather on this land, around the river indus. There will be no pride on the race, color, creed, nationality, at all.. Black from somalia will be as dearer to us as the white turks and bosnians.

One more thing, India will have to kill all Pakistanis if it has to win completely. It won't be a cake walk for Indians if they just occupy us. They will have to kill us in order to win, because we can accept anything, but not a Hindu rule on us, and India will try to kill millions (either by using WMDs or whatever), that will be the trigger when real Muslims will wake up from their deep sleep.

This is all my own analysis and it could go wrong as well. But good things that we could take out from it are:

- The nation will realize that the source of real strength is not hidden in genes or heritage, but in eman, practicing equality among all the citizens of ummah and preparation for war

- We will be the source of unity of ummah

- We (all Muslims from around the world) will finish the menace of hindu rashtra one last time from this planet.
What on earth does this have to do with ghazwa e Hind??

Firstly it doesn't matter what Muslims or Hindus or Modi or anyone wants. What happens happens. Modi will quicken that happening though, for sure. Modi may trigger ghazwa e Hind. What delicious irony.

Aside from that, race is irrelevant.

Further aside from that, it may well be that some gangus are oppressed by other gangus to the degree that non-gangus intervene on humanitarian grounds. I can certainly see that happening, yet another possible mechanism of Modi-induced ghazwa.

Right brother.

Pakistanis of Balochistan and Sindh intermarried Black Africans who came with Islamic armies to the region. Muslim Punjabis intermarried with Muslim refugees from various states of India after Partition. Pukhtoons intermarried Punjabis forming Hindkowan, people of Hazara region of KPK. Kashmiris and Punjabis had been intermarrying since ancient times.

One Kashmiri even became Sher e Punjab, one Muhajir became Sultan Rahi, Maula Jatt.

Islam does away with this disgusting concept of race supremacy. You can marry anyone you like, provided they are Muslim or Ahle Kitab women (Christian or Jewish.)

Even scientists today say that genetic diversity is healthy for humanity.

Ghazwa-e-Hind is a reaity---->it's called Pakistan...created in the name of Islam...no other polity in South Asian History has ever been created in the name of Islam....

I think the future of Ghazwa-E-Hind is vertical expansion rather than lateral expansion...expansion of GDP per capita rather than expansion of geography

Ghazwa e Hind is found in Hadith, therefore only hadith can elucidate the concept.

North of us is Afghanistan, not Hind.

Stop concocting theories, this is not an RSS forum.
Right brother.

Pakistanis of Balochistan and Sindh intermarried Black Africans who came with Islamic armies to the region. Muslim Punjabis intermarried with Muslim refugees from various states of India after Partition. Pukhtoons intermarried Punjabis forming Hindkowan, people of Hazara region of KPK. Kashmiris and Punjabis had been intermarrying since ancient times.

One Kashmiri even became Sher e Punjab, one Muhajir became Sultan Rahi, Maula Jatt.

Islam does away with this disgusting concept of race supremacy. You can marry anyone you like, provided they are Muslim or Ahle Kitab women (Christian or Jewish.)

Even scientists today say that genetic diversity is healthy for humanity.

Ghazwa e Hind is found in Hadith, therefore only hadith can elucidate the concept.

North of us is Afghanistan, not Hind.

Stop concocting theories, this is not an RSS forum.

How is Hind defined in Islamic sacred texts?
Indians waiting for Ghazwa-e-hind to happen
Several events are foretold by our Prophet saws. Many of us forget the primary function of Prophets, which is tell the future (prophesize.)

We don't know the exact date, may be next year or 100 years from now, Allahu Alim, Allah knows best, but that is the final destiny of the region

Ghazwa e Hind has not happened yet. Pakistan is not Ghazwa e Hind because the Prophet Muhammad saws clearly referred to it at Sindh, also in a Sahih Hadith 1400 years ago.

Previous empires also were not Ghazwa e Hind because a Ghazwa is a prophesied war either fought by a Prophet or foretold by him. The nature of a Ghazwa is the complete change of the territory which is conquered, i.e. complete voluntary conversion to Islam and absolute defeat of Kufr (disbelief.)

The conquest of Constantinople was an example of a Ghazwa after the death of the Prophet saws. The vast majority of the population converted to Islam, the rest accepted the rule of Islam via allegiance to the ruler. Istanbul has been a Muslim city ever since.

This has not happened to India yet.

@Hakim Dawary @Taimur Khurram

good this posts are worthy of being recorded...Are Kufars allowed to fight back in Islam, when conquering in the name of Islam is being carried out?
I can not do anything other than totally agreeing with.

I believe... humain phelay kut paray gi... phir hum uklaht uthain gae... aur bakki...sub Allah kay hath mein hae....

Come what may.... We will make Glass Out of GanguBones!

Don't take to heart about those wannabe Ethnofacists.... only character is superior... we have discussed it so many times... since Islamic discussion are banned on PDF... we shall leave it at that...

But The Last Sermon.....

I do see fitna has started in MaqboozaHindustan.... there is no denying in it... Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan have been recieving kut for so long... and something tells me...they will stop taking it anymore... they are also Muslims!!!

Reality is but a layer... and then there is MetaMaterial Reality.... we don't know anything... just moving towards our demise... Life is fleeting....

LoLz there won't be much Gangu Islamic piety left if you make glass out of Gangu Bones...what would be the fate of the Gangu Muslim?
LoLz there won't be much Gangu Islamic piety left if you make glass out of Gangu Bones...what would be the fate of the Gangu Muslim?
I really don't understand pakistani' obsession with the Ganga. Could it have something to do with the Gangetic Plains historical cultural dominance over eh greater south asia region?
All the poor Bastard said was before the British there was no real concept of the Indian state

just various smaller states and kingdoms or larger empires

and extremist India has turned him into a honorary Pakistani :rofl::rofl:

Oh oh what has become of india

Thanks to Allah and Jinnah and our forefathers
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