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Don’t Think There Was a Concept of India Till the British Gave it One : Saif Ali Khan

I'll just leave these images as food for thought:




Indians drew thess maps while sh1tting on street with their wild imagination..Hilarious!!
Their successors today still sh!t on street and draw map of india with whole Kashmir and AP.
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Please can you show sources. I know there might be a few sources but they are not on the scale of Muslim persecution of both Hindus and Buddhists. I can give you thousands of sources where Muslim writers themselves glorify killings of 'kaffirs'. Please accept the fact that Buddhists were wiped out by Muslims. Also, there is no evidence of genocide of Buddhists by Hindus. Please have some shame.
genocide of buddhists theory is mostly propagated by historians propagated by modern day Marxist, congress congress historians installed by nehru and indira gandhi in different indian universities , they were led by mostly aligarh and JNU historians.
this was just agenda of congress to get muslim votes .
Its not the Ptolemy map problem its their head..They believe in a mythical figure called Ashoka.They believe in lots of other dumbsh!t from vedicc times they wouldnt dare to discuss here else they know they would get pwned..
British + Hindutva = Alternative history. It helped the British to eliminate all Muslim oppositions following the genocide and targetted assassinations which wiped out all the Mughals in the subcontinent.
Arundhati Roy Zindabad.

marvi sarmad zindabad :victory::victory::victory:

Honestly speaking....there were hardly any countries before 18th century...earliest I could recall is Act of Union (making England, Scotland and Wales forming one country) which was signed in 1707....US was actually bunch of federations till 1787....India for that matter was far unified under Mughals and was called "Hindustan".

And it's entirely not right to say India was coined by British...western sea explorers (Portuguese, Dutch and Spanish) always knew place called India and were finding routes to it.....Columbus set sail to find new route to India, China Japan.....

there was a country pakistan since ice ages .
This was how the British found the subcontinent when they arrived, before they were a major power

Even that map of the Maratha confederacy(then the biggest power in the subcontinent) shows that it has most of modern India within its borders.

I concur that and after slaughtering close to a lac people in the battle of I think Kalinga? Ashoka converted to the religion of indus (Pakistan) which was Buddhism at that time and went on to his pilgrimage
Buddihsm as a religious philosophy originated in Varanasi, India. Even today, most of the holiest sites of Buddhism are in India
Don't include our beautiful land in your stink.

According to his post, British arrived in 1795.:lol:

there was a country pakistan since ice ages .

There was a country India, which came into existence, within millionth of a second, after Big Bang.:lol:

genocide of buddhists theory is mostly propagated by historians propagated by modern day Marxist, congress congress historians installed by nehru and indira gandhi in different indian universities , ......

Nehru kay baad Gandhi ki baari kab aaye gi.:lol:
This was how the British found the subcontinent when they arrived, before they were a major powerView attachment 600969

Even that map of the Maratha confederacy(then the biggest power in the subcontinent) shows that it has most of modern India within its borders.

Buddihsm as a religious philosophy originated in Varanasi, India. Even today, most of the holiest sites of Buddhism are in India
Why don't I see any indigenous Pakistani kingdom that Pakistanis are so proud about. Oh sorry, they don't have one to show. That's the reason they associate with invaders. The Timur they empathize slaughtered fellow Muslims themselves in his quest to conquer. Even now, ISIS slaughters fellow Muslims, Saudi, Iran, bomb mosques, slaughter fellow Muslims, etc. Oh...but Hindus and Jews are the cause of all problems. Even in ancient times when there were no Hindus and Jews to blame, still they Hindus and Jews are the cause of all problems. And how can I leave out Christians? Clearly, Muslims are the most pious and peaceful people on planet Earth.
Better a Pakhtun for one day then a Maratha for 1,000 years.

India? India is just a British invention. No East India Company. No India. It's that simple. Pray. What conjoins a Sikh Punjabi with a Keralite? What conjoins a Assamese with a Telagu? British rule. British laws. British administrative machine etc.

Death of British India ....


Funny they named -

  • West Indians
  • Indiana
  • Indochina
  • Dutch East Indies

Are all these 'India's going by your dumb logic?
Are you seriously saying 'better a Pakhtun than Maratha'? Look at the state of Afghanistan who are dependent on India for financial aid. Look at Maharashtra, which has the financial capital of India. I can't even dream of being born in Afghanistan. Of course, if I were born in Afghanistan, I know I would have been brainwashed to think that Hindus/Buddhists/Jains are kaffirs.

So no thank you.

All Thanks to their hardwork and acting prowess...
Please take the efforts to read my other posts. I have clearly mentioned that SRK is a superstar because of his hardwork. Didn't expect you to cherry pick my posts being a fellow Indian.

What a wonderful slaughter of Indian nationalism, bravado, and superiority we have witnessed today on this thread at the hands of @Mangus Ortus Novem @Areesh @crankthatskunk @Indus Pakistan @Taimur Khurram @Mentee @SIPRA @hussain0216 and others
Lol what slaughter are you talking about? Of course, it can be in your head so I can't do much about it. I know you guys have a hard time understanding rationality.

you can not convince pakistanis because they are hell bent on not to be convinced, seeing the mess they have created themselves they are frustrated by progress of india . here by bashing india they are satisfying themselves only .
any way world knows where we stand and where they stand.
Their frustration is clearly visible. Shows their true nature as well when the openly defend invaders who are known to slaughter people. Religion clearly comes first for them. It doesn't matter whether a person is good or not but religion is the main thing they look at apparently.

I am blessed to see myself being born in a Hindu family after looking at the mindset of these people. I am sure I would have been devoid of all logic like them if I were born in Pakistan. Fate was kind to me.
I really don't understand why Hindu Indians are so persistent on the point that India is a very ancient country. Even if that claim is true how that changes the ground facts today ? How will that help an average Indian put food on the table, get better education or in overall help them to have a more prosperous life ? In reality it will only give them brownie points in a debate or argument. In contrast Arabs have a very glorious past starting from the 8th century until the time when Genghis Khan stormed through Baghdad. Living in that past or blaming Genghis Khan is not going to help the Arabs to solve the problems they're facing today.

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