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Don’t Think There Was a Concept of India Till the British Gave it One : Saif Ali Khan

Don't use broad strokes like that. Jinnah and the one who came up with idea of "PAKSTAN" were both Anglophiles who spenmt significant part of their lives in Britain.

Giving birth is easy. Nurturing and defending is much more difficult. Thank those homegrown Pakistanis who have been defending Pakistan ever since Anglophiles left Pakistan as an orphan with in a year of the birth.
Better a Pakhtun for one day then a Maratha for 1,000 years.

India? India is just a British invention. No East India Company. No India. It's that simple. Pray. What conjoins a Sikh Punjabi with a Keralite? What conjoins a Assamese with a Telagu? British rule. British laws. British administrative machine etc.

Death of British India ....


Funny they named -

  • West Indians
  • Indiana
  • Indochina
  • Dutch East Indies

Are all these 'India's going by your dumb logic?
Red Indians (former name of native Americans) are genetically related to Indian Indians also....
A region isn't the same as a country. India was as much a country prior to 1947 as Europe is.

Honestly speaking....there were hardly any countries before 18th century...earliest I could recall is Act of Union (making England, Scotland and Wales forming one country) which was signed in 1707....US was actually bunch of federations till 1787....India for that matter was far unified under Mughals and was called "Hindustan".

And it's entirely not right to say India was coined by British...western sea explorers (Portuguese, Dutch and Spanish) always knew place called India and were finding routes to it.....Columbus set sail to find new route to India, China Japan.....
Red Indians (former name of native Americans) are genetically related to Indian Indians also....
RED Indians are genetically closer to the native Siberians who migrated to Americas through the Bering straight during the frozen months. They pioneered domesticating dogs and used sled dogs for transport to Americas.
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the name given to south asia by muslims was hind because of sindh and changed into india in europe.

Nope...not Sindh but Hindu came from River Sindhu (ancient Sanskrit name for river Indus). The first description of the name Hindu was mentioned in Persian texts....Darius 1 annexed Indus valley including Sindhu in 515 BC...the present day Sindh, which was called Hindu in Persian. During the time of Xerxes, the term "Hindu" was also applied to the lands to the east of Indus.... and to your statement that Muslims called it Hindu....Persians were not Muslims...there were no Muslims before 7th Century AD.
Concept of Nation state itself never existed before 19th century.

A region isn't the same as a country. India was as much a country prior to 1947 as Europe is.

US became a nation in 1776
thank you

18th century concept of nation-state refers to homogenous one ethnic state, this is not to be confused with "state," a single political entity (kingdom, sultanate, empire...) which had long existed.

For most of history, India was not a state/one political entity, the few large empire were short-lived, did not achieve a common identity until British came. Post 1947, India became an independent state, but not a nation-state, due to it's vast diversity. India is an union of many nation-states.

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What a silly argument you have. They wouldn't be superstars in the first place if they were constantly threatened. And you guys don't even appreciate the love all non-Muslims have given to these stars. We don't them. They took efforts and reached that level. I don't think you can even understand that. Almost all co-stars say that SRK is one the of the most hardworking person on the set. You don't need to look at the person's religion to see that.

And if we didn't have Muslim superstars, you would have cried that how India doesn't has Muslim superstars. When we have Muslim superstars, you cry that it's just a show. We don't care tbh.
you can not convince pakistanis because they are hell bent on not to be convinced, seeing the mess they have created themselves they are frustrated by progress of india . here by bashing india they are satisfying themselves only .
any way world knows where we stand and where they stand.

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