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Is India using Hindu pilgrimages to tighten its grip around Kashmir?


Nov 21, 2015
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TRT World

Published on Aug 2, 2019

Amarnath Yatra is an annual Hindu pilgrimage which takes place in Indian Occupied Kashmir. But is it being used by India to tighten its grip on Kashmir? Here are 5 things you need to know.

Is India using Hindu pilgrimages to tighten its grip around Kashmir?

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JULY 28, 2019 / 10:35 AM / 5 DAYS AGO
India boosts Hindu pilgrimage to holy cave in conflict-torn Kashmir

Alasdair Pal

PAHALGAM, India (Reuters) - India is hailing a Hindu pilgrimage to a holy cave high in the snow-capped mountains of contested Kashmir as an example of communal harmony, in a region where the Muslim-majority population is overwhelmingly hostile to its rule.

Hindu pilgrims trek through mountains to reach the holy Amarnath cave shrine, where they worship an ice stalagmite that Hindus believe to be the symbol of Lord Shiva, near Pahalgam in the Kashmir region, July 27, 2019. REUTERS/Alasdair Pal
India and arch-rival Pakistan have fought two wars over Kashmir, and came close to a third in February after a suicide-bomb attack by Pakistan-based militants on Indian paramilitary police near the pilgrimage route.

India’s Hindu-nationalist government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made “pilgrimage tourism” a focus, spending huge sums on January’s Kumbh Mela festival, where more than a hundred million Indians came to bathe in the holy Ganges river.

For the Amarnath Yatra pilgrimage in the Pahalgam area, the Jammu and Kashmir state government has spent a record $72 million on preparations for the six-week event that began on July 1.

“It is a perfect example of religious harmony,” said Anup Kumar Soni, additional chief executive of the Amarnath Ji Shrine Board, which organizes the pilgrimage.

Amarnath Cave, covered by snow almost all year round, contains an ice stalagmite that is considered a physical manifestation of Lord Shiva, a Hindu god.

Saffron-clad Hindu ascetics, some barefoot and with photos of the cave around their necks, trudge the 46 km (28 mile) route to the cave across glaciers and waterlogged trails.

Muslim Kashmiri villagers in long woolen coats clear the way of snow and ice, and thousands of Indian troops are deployed to guard against attacks by Muslim militant groups.

The route is arduous. One in four of the 300,000 pilgrims who have visited this year have required medical treatment, and 24 have died, mainly from heart attacks and hypertension, according to government statistics.


While thousands of Kashmiris work to clear the path, thousands more rent ponies and palanquins to the pilgrims, and tents for them to sleep in.

“Everyone is always friendly, there is no hostility here,” said a Hindu pilgrim who give his name as Abhhinav, hiking up a steep track in driving rain to one of the passes on the route that reaches nearly 4,500 meters (15,000 feet) in places.

The pilgrimage has been attacked repeatedly by militant groups - the last time in 2017 when eight pilgrims were killed in an ambush.

This year, the government has set up a bar-coding system, allowing only registered people onto the trail.

Separatists in Muslim-majority Kashmir have been campaigning against the government of Hindu-majority India for years, including a campaign of violence by militants, and an Indian security force response that Kashmiris often condemn as heavy handed.

The trouble has badly affected the region’s farming and tourism industries.

Slideshow (8 Images)
In Pahalgam, the pilgrimage offers a lifeline for many families.

“There is no private sector here, and so educated youth and many other Kashmiris are depending on the Yatra,” said Firoz Ahmed Wani, a history graduate and part-time tutor renting out two tents to pilgrims paying 200 rupees ($2.90) a night, at a camp along the route.

“We’re ordinary people. The conflict is something for the politicians to decide.”

India's Chanakya Modus Operandi in Kashmir(IOK).

-Spook up religious sentiments, encourage people to go to Amarnath Yatra in Kashmir(IOK), this year about 90,000 Indians has taken the arduous journey.

- Create fake provocative reports of Pakistan supported Kahsmiris attacking the Indian Yatris and make it possible to transport more than 30,000 Indian troops to the region.

- Create polarization between Kahmiri Muslims and Hindus of mainland and talk about Kashmir Pandits persecution, incite hatred and sympathy and won electorates...elections are coming in IOK.

Chanakya statecraft # 7
No bro, it is not cheap propaganda. It is simple plain truth. Just think logically.


With the recent success of inciting religious polarization between Hindus and Muslims by the Saffron terror outfits in India, take the example of Rath Yatra in Ayodhya, Babri Mosque demolition and the huge incitement and provocation between Muslims and Hindus was a success...led to the fringe RSS(BJP)/VHP/Bajrang Dal in the central govt. of India...

India trying to do the same here in Kashmir, spook up and incite religious sentiments of Hindus(dormant till many years), make them do the Amarnath Yatra in Kashmir(IOK), govt. sponsors and privileges, create fake propaganda of Pak supported Kashmiris attacking the Yatris, move the extra troops, double benefits here...coming election strategy by the Modi's BJP...been there done that.

A fake false flag attack on the Hindu Yatris will do here...blame it on Pak and Pak supported groups.

With the recent success of inciting religious polarization between Hindus and Muslims by the Saffron terror outfits in India, take the example of Rath Yatra in Ayodya, Babri Mosque demolition and the huge incitement and provocation between Muslims and Hindus was a success...led to the fringe RSS(BJP)/VHP/Bajrang Dal in the central govt. of India...

India trying to do the same here in Kashmir, spook up and incite religious sentiments of Hindus(dormant till many years), make them do the Amarnath Yatra in Kashmir(IOK), govt. sponsors and privileges, create fake propaganda of Pak supported Kashmiris attacking the Yatris, move the extra troops, double benefits here...coming election strategy by the Modi's BJP...been there done that.

Fully agree.
What's peaceful in occupation through military means?
You mean to say average hindu pilgrims who visit the place and generate money for normal Kashmiris have any ill will against them and they themselves have occupied Kashmir ?
You mean to say average hindu pilgrims who visit the place and generate money for normal Kashmiris have any ill will against them and they themselves have occupied Kashmir ?

I have never seen Hindus generating money for Muslims, where did that come from?
Post some stats. and acknowledgment of Kashmiris.
I have never seen Hindus generating money for Muslims, where did that come from?
Post some stats. and acknowledgment of Kashmiris.
If indians visit kashmir won't it generate revenue for local Kashmiris ... Don't be so blind in hate... Even Kashmiris say that indians should visit Kashmir without any fear ...
Anyways good for my state of Uttarakhand more religious pilgrims would now visit Badrinath and Kedarnath so yeahh
Cheap propoganda channels cannot even let peaceful historical pilgrimage go off without adding a twist
It's not propaganda. Don't bury your head in the sand and pretend all is well. It's a clever manoeuvre by India, as one small element of a grand strategy being implemented as we speak, to nudge Kashmir towards their ultimate goal of making it a Hindutva state.

If I was Modi (Allah save me from such torture), this is precisely what I would do.

Every step being taken at present needs to be looked at in totality with all the others (I.e. legislation changes, increased pilgrimage of Hindus, military build up). Overall the policies are unidirectional, and that direction is to reduce the Muslim footprint in Kashmir.

Hope the world doesn't sleepwalk into another "nakbah".
If indians visit kashmir won't it generate revenue for local Kashmiris ... Don't be so blind in hate... Even Kashmiris say that indians should visit Kashmir without any fear ...
Anyways good for my state of Uttarakhand more religious pilgrims would now visit Badrinath and Kedarnath so yeahh
When hinus visit kashmir they only loot, rape and kidnap.
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