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Dear Kashmiris: Only War Can End Occupation and You Would Have to Fight that War Yourself

My analysis is that we would be compelled by the forces of circumstances to help them and we would essentially be drawn into a war of existence with India. My idea is that now the freedom and sovereignty of Pakistan is strongly linked with the freedom of Kashmir, and in my humble opinion, there is no escape from it.

If what you conclude is true AND if the rumors of the Indian designs on IoK are true then, yes, nothing else but war is the option.
But both of those conditions have be to true at the same time. THAT's where the discussion in Pakistan should focus on. And if the firm conclusion is that both those conditions are valid then... start planning for a war in which Pakistan will fight possibly alone...
When America went into Afghanistan you know what they did ? India is not carpet bombing Kashmiri's , Nor I want to see that , but unless they themselves do something crazy to IA , they wont feel the heat in this conflict .

Comparison with Afghanistan is quite pointless. Main difference is US always wanted to get the hell out of there and hand over government to anyone but Taliban. Since taliban continue to kill, suicide attacks etc making current government in Kabul useless hence Trump deal with taliban to win 2020 election. Not to forget they had porous border to take refuge in Pakistan when ever under attack and then go back.

India isn't going anywhere. Now only thing to see is how desperate Kashmiris get. If low level insurgency like before is the answer then this conflict can go on for forever as far as India is concerned. They need to take the fight to mainland India. Pressure from general Indian public can bring end to this conflict. So far these gangu telis feel safe in gangaland while dreaming about taking light skinned Kashmiri wives.
and if you kids are so scared then forget freedom and stop this rona dhona go live in india and let us live in peace .
Before you make such a statement, make sure you’re mentally ready to remove K from Pakistan. You’re being strangled right now and you don’t even know it.
Comparison with Afghanistan is quite pointless. Main difference is US always wanted to get the hell out of there and hand over government to anyone but Taliban. Since taliban continue to kill, suicide attacks etc making current government in Kabul useless hence Trump deal with taliban to win 2020 election. Not to forget they had porous border to take refuge in Pakistan when ever under attack and then go back.

India isn't going anywhere. Now only thing to see is how desperate Kashmiris get

Correct. Comparison with the American presence is not significantly relevant. I'd also add that, unlike for Americans where even one dead soldier in Afg makes news, India has plenty of capacity for taking losses. Look at the darn population!!

IF the designs of Hindutva govt is to truly repeat Israel's occupation and annexation of the West Bank then Kashmiris should get desperate enough to start attacking any collaborators inside, targeting their relatives, shunning them from the social circle. All those are entirely likely now that even the figleaf of the Article 370 is gone and the collaborative leaders of the past 70 years are imprisoned.
If what you conclude is true AND if the rumors of the Indian designs on IoK are true then, yes, nothing else but war is the option.
But both of those conditions have be to true at the same time. THAT's where the discussion in Pakistan should focus on. And if the firm conclusion is that both those conditions are valid then... start planning for a war in which Pakistan will fight possibly alone...

Sorry. May be, I have failed to convey, what I intended. I am not saying that war is an option or choice. In my view, it is becoming a compulsion for both sides, as the situation is unfolding. Of course, it is only an assessment; but, in my judgment, all the actions of the either sides are leading towards a severe armed conflict; unless some extraordinary counter forces come into action, to avert this scenario. When a war is imposed, then it hardly matters, whether you are prepared for it or not.
Then wait for carpet bombing. Even after that, some will advice caution. War is not an option. Aman ko Moqa Do...

are you 100% certain you can win it ? what if you lose the other half of Kashmir ?
are you 100% certain you can win it ? what if you lose the other half of Kashmir ?
Certainly, it will not be acceptable and nuclear threshold will be crossed. Pakistan has supported insurgency in the past without any full blown war and we can do it again. We have to increase the cost for occupation forces, otherwise we will lose it. It will not be a short commitment, it will be a long drawn, costly and risky affair. Unfortunately, no other option is viable in current scenario.
I am not saying that war is an option or choice. In my view, it is becoming a compulsion for both sides, as the situation is unfolding

It's okay. We are all here making assessments.

But if something is a 'compulsion' then there are hardly choices or options.

BTW, for the foreseeable future, if the rumors are true about Modi's intentions, then India would be glad to consolidate its post 370 gains, change the demographics, and then think of the next step (maybe getting Azad Kashmir). War is not any compulsion for India currently. For Pakistan, as the OP writes, it can become a compulsion pretty soon.

But I honestly don't know for sure what's in the mind of the Indian leadership. Unlike in Pakistan's foreign policy postures, which are pretty much inline with the military, India DOES have a significant other narrative: The Indian National Congress. We had come fairly close to at least dignified peace under Musharraf-Manmohan era.

It's always good to not over-react or reach in haste. It will not be cowardice. Prudence. Pakistan should study the situation in IoK for at least next few weeks/months very closely.
It's always good to not over-react or reach in haste. It will not be cowardice. Prudence. Pakistan should study the situation in IoK for at least next few weeks/months very closely.
Absolutely. Gather intelligence, asses, debate, draw a conclusion, gather national support, set your objectives clearly, plan, prepare, mobilize all national power and then act. It shouldn't be done in a hurry because opponent is fully prepared.
It's okay. We are all here making assessments.

But if something is a 'compulsion' then there are hardly choices or options.

BTW, for the foreseeable future, if the rumors are true about Modi's intentions, then India would be glad to consolidate its post 370 gains, change the demographics, and then think of the next step (maybe getting Azad Kashmir). War is not any compulsion for India currently. For Pakistan, as the OP writes, it can become a compulsion pretty soon.

But I honestly don't know for sure what's in the mind of the Indian leadership. Unlike in Pakistan's foreign policy postures, which are pretty much inline with the military, India DOES have a significant other narrative: The Indian National Congress. We had come fairly close to at least dignified peace under Musharraf-Manmohan era.

It's always good to not over-react or reach in haste. It will not be cowardice. Prudence. Pakistan should study the situation in IoK for at least next few weeks/months very closely.

By and large, what you have said is correct. I think that India would attack Pakistan only, if it fails substantially to implement its agenda in IoJK, owing to some stiff resistance from Kashmiris, and it perceives that Pakistan is playing very active role in it.

The unease has started within India specially in its minority ethnicities.

Pakistani establishment has to be the most lame of all times. Having seen the one in 80s, this lot is just embarrassing to say the least..

India is sitting on keg. Ignite fires all around, not just Kashmir.
The title explains itself

Only way to end Indian occupation is war. A long war. An extremely bloody brutal war. A war where India and its military suffer fatalities. A war where Kashmiris as a nation are ready to kill and get killed. No stone pelting. No protests. No appeals to UN or Muslim Ummah or even Pakistan. There is no peaceful way to end occupation. There is no humane way to get freedom. Each and every Kashmiri would have to take it on themselves and act like a soldier or fighter to fight occupation and its forces. It would be a war to liberate village by village, town by town and city by city. It would be a war to capture your own neighborhood. It would be a war to inflict maximum damage on occupation forces. There won't be anything peaceful about it. Forget peace for next few years or might even at least 2 decades if you want freedom

You won't get freedom on a plate. You won't get it as a gift.

On other hand we Pakistanis would ensure that we fight side by side with you against the enemy. We would and are willing to sacrifice our people, our economy and our own peace for you. We would ensure that we fight at our best to help you in every way possible

But in the end it would be and should be you as Kashmiris who need to lead this war. You should start and end this war. You should be willing to give it all to end occupation.

You already missed a lot of opportunities. You missed the opportunity in 1947 when you listened to Sheikh Abdullah instead of Jinnah. You missed it in 1962. You missed it again in 1965. You missed it even in 1999 when during Kargil war India was in immense pressure. And with each missed opportunity the cost of freedom raised to a new level. You miss the opportunity given to you today by Modi government and the cost would go up further

You can't get your freedom by pelting stones or joining Kashmir police or voting for National Congress or PDP. Only a very painful war can do that.

The choice is yours.
In short we can't do jackshit .... Do all the things yourselves ... Get killed ... We will provide you moral support
While Kashmiris fighting inside the IOK, Pak can always lend some help!!! Some interesting stuffs from Turkey for Pak to ponder:

ASELSAN MILKAR-3A3 tactical mobile jammer, especially useful at the borders....
In short we can't do jackshit .... Do all the things yourselves ... Get killed ... We will provide you moral support

Well if that's the message you have got with your low IQ then fine for us
Yes kashmiris, please go fight those 500,000+ trained indian army troops. Run into the gunfire. Get killed and then leave your wives, mothers, daughters, kids, at the mercy of those indian army rapists.

Guy thinks its easy as heck to go fight one of the biggest armies in the world with literally nothing.
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