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Dear Kashmiris: Only War Can End Occupation and You Would Have to Fight that War Yourself

Cut the crap, india is too big of a bully right now for any pretentious leaders of Islam to put tbeir balls on the line for Kashmir right now. Pakistan Arabia Iran and Turkey all have said no to war.

I mean for ffs read the title of this thread, Kashmiris are being urged to fight others wars, nobody willing to do jackshyt, its accepted for us now.
They are not fighting others war, they are fighting their own war, simply they want freedom from India, gives them rights to decides their future to which country they gonna live with as per UN chatter @Black_Wolf_Jesus
Then either help or stop telling us when and who to fight.

Its not your war, freedom has to cone from all India China and Pakistan and removal of forced borders dividing Kashmiris for 70 years or so.
you're illegally occupied Kashmir as per UN, imagine this some country illegally captured you province of UP, then what is UP peoples to fight to their freedom for their country, and you're the occupiers not we @Black_Wolf_Jesus
I am illegally occupying Kashmir!! Hahaha sure , another punjabi or Up ghis giving fatwas on Kashmir.

You both nedd to gtfo out of Kashmir asap.
This is not my Fatwa and don't insult my religion, if not i have lot for your religion, look history of world if the country not like foreign rules they struggle for freedom even USA struggle for freedom for british empire in 16/17th century, give this message to your narrow mined fellow countrymen, if they want independence from us we agree, its Indias turn now @Black_Wolf_Jesus
Europe was not liberated through peace and protests. It was liberated from clutches of fascism when Allies stormed beaches in west and Red Army winter offensive steam rolled fascist in east. History is testimony that nothing great has ever been achieved without use of force or power(it can be both hard or soft).

I guess Independence of India, South Africa are some examples, not agreeing fully with the bold part above.
Also, there is a saying, "People who live in glass houses must not throw stones on others". Considering our state of affairs, our too much interventions in other's affairs can easily backfire in FATA,Balochistan etc. So our next step should be well thought off and measured and rational...certainly not under the influence of emotions, jingoism.
I guess Independence of India,
millions of people died in that process, you need to revisit your history lessons.If you do not act now you will lose everything. This is the last chance. Today they annexed IOK tomorrow it will be AJK and then the next thing you know indian troops are marching in Islamabad.
The title explains itself

Only way to end Indian occupation is war. A long war. An extremely bloody brutal war. A war where India and its military suffer fatalities. A war where Kashmiris as a nation are ready to kill and get killed. No stone pelting. No protests. No appeals to UN or Muslim Ummah or even Pakistan. There is no peaceful way to end occupation. There is no humane way to get freedom. Each and every Kashmiri would have to take it on themselves and act like a soldier or fighter to fight occupation and its forces. It would be a war to liberate village by village, town by town and city by city. It would be a war to capture your own neighborhood. It would be a war to inflict maximum damage on occupation forces. There won't be anything peaceful about it. Forget peace for next few years or might even at least 2 decades if you want freedom

You won't get freedom on a plate. You won't get it as a gift.

On other hand we Pakistanis would ensure that we fight side by side with you against the enemy. We would and are willing to sacrifice our people, our economy and our own peace for you. We would ensure that we fight at our best to help you in every way possible

But in the end it would be and should be you as Kashmiris who need to lead this war. You should start and end this war. You should be willing to give it all to end occupation.

You already missed a lot of opportunities. You missed the opportunity in 1947 when you listened to Sheikh Abdullah instead of Jinnah. You missed it in 1962. You missed it again in 1965. You missed it even in 1999 when during Kargil war India was in immense pressure. And with each missed opportunity the cost of freedom raised to a new level. You miss the opportunity given to you today by Modi government and the cost would go up further

You can't get your freedom by pelting stones or joining Kashmir police or voting for National Congress or PDP. Only a very painful war can do that.

The choice is yours.


Kashmiris want to act victims and weak and hence their fate has always been decided by foreigners. They even had a Hindu Maharaja when the Independence took place.

They need to look at the Taliban, they have fought and overcome the mightiest of forces the world could throw at them.

A Muslim is never afraid to die, but Kashmirirs unfortunately have come to fear other men, that too the lesser of the lesser men of india.

Kashmiris want to act victims and weak and hence their fate has always been decided by foreigners. They even had a Hindu Maharaja when the Independence took place.

They need to look at the Taliban, they have fought and overcome the mightiest of forces the world could throw at them.

A Muslim is never afraid to die, but Kashmirirs unfortunately have come to fear other men, that too the lesser of the lesser men of india.

What the hecks wrong with you? Now the kashmiris are being dissed instead.

Thank you for once thinking about the cost to Kashmiris and not being a coward egging other weaker people to fight your wars.

The opening post is just misguided and emotional. I wouldn't call them all cowards though.

Most of these guys however, would do nothing more than what the kashmiris have done though, so they need to stop expecting kashmiris to "rise up" or whatever the heck that means. The kashmiris have paid with 10,000s of lives, so many women raped, many people blinded by pellet guns etc... It's like what more do they want from kashmiris?
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What the hecks wrong with you? Now the kashmiris are being dissed instead.

I'm criticizing Kashmiris from buying in to the indian propaganda and going all gaga with them for the 72 years. Some Kashmiris have resisted, but have them all?
What did they do during the 1965 war and Op Gibraltar before that?

Pakistan should of course do more, Pakistan should trust Allah and put His fear in the mind and not that of mislead men and their devices. But then again, do we have Allah fearing elite on top?

It's not just one hand that needs to move to deliver a clap...
I'm criticizing Kashmiris from buying in to the indian propaganda and going all gaga with them for the 72 years. Some Kashmiris have resisted, but have them all?
What did they do during the 1965 war and Op Gibraltar before that?

Pakistan should of course do more, Pakistan should trust Allah and put His fear in the mind and not that of mislead men and their devices. But then again, do we have Allah fearing elite on top?

It's not just one hand that needs to move to deliver a clap...

I do not believe we have Allah fearing elite at the top. Neither in our government or our army. Even us on here, I've done many bad things too, so I do not pretend to be some Salahuddin figure in the making, I am part of the problem. The Muslims who openly attack parts of Islam and some of them even favour western systems like secularism in our land, they too are part of the problem. When our society is so bad, how are we going to expect victory?

At the same time, I do not believe that kashmiris need to do more. Many of the people on this thread who want to see something more, would do exactly the same as kashmiris are doing. Some would fight, some would protest, some would dislike the situation but deal with it in patience and some traitors would sell out all the way.

If an army like ours, which has tanks and planes and all sorts of technology, cannot destroy the Indian army. Than what do you think 10 million lightly armed, or no arms at all, kashmiris would do against 500k+ trained soldiers? It's asking for a bloodbath bro. Do you guys want the men to be dead and the women to be raped and stuff? They'd get massacred, moral would break, and the entire thing would fall appart and then the punishment would follow on the population. Man I've seen what alawites did to Muslims in syria and these hindus are the same, they will have little mercy.

I do not think you are a coward but your idea is unwise bro.
The title explains itself

Only way to end Indian occupation is war. A long war. An extremely bloody brutal war. A war where India and its military suffer fatalities. A war where Kashmiris as a nation are ready to kill and get killed. No stone pelting. No protests. No appeals to UN or Muslim Ummah or even Pakistan. There is no peaceful way to end occupation. There is no humane way to get freedom. Each and every Kashmiri would have to take it on themselves and act like a soldier or fighter to fight occupation and its forces. It would be a war to liberate village by village, town by town and city by city. It would be a war to capture your own neighborhood. It would be a war to inflict maximum damage on occupation forces. There won't be anything peaceful about it. Forget peace for next few years or might even at least 2 decades if you want freedom

You won't get freedom on a plate. You won't get it as a gift.

On other hand we Pakistanis would ensure that we fight side by side with you against the enemy. We would and are willing to sacrifice our people, our economy and our own peace for you. We would ensure that we fight at our best to help you in every way possible

But in the end it would be and should be you as Kashmiris who need to lead this war. You should start and end this war. You should be willing to give it all to end occupation.

You already missed a lot of opportunities. You missed the opportunity in 1947 when you listened to Sheikh Abdullah instead of Jinnah. You missed it in 1962. You missed it again in 1965. You missed it even in 1999 when during Kargil war India was in immense pressure. And with each missed opportunity the cost of freedom raised to a new level. You miss the opportunity given to you today by Modi government and the cost would go up further

You can't get your freedom by pelting stones or joining Kashmir police or voting for National Congress or PDP. Only a very painful war can do that.

The choice is yours.

Yep we Pakistanis are too busy in ‘do numbari’, most of our politicians are in jail because they are also corrupt... we have become blind to injustice whether it is being meted out to us or to our Muslim brethren in Kashmir.... our religion has become strange to us which is why we face such calamities.

Horrifying pictures and stories are coming out of Kashmir but we sit still. I pray that Allah ta’ala changes our hearts, make us one the first people to enter the masjid for fajr prayer - only then will we think abt a call to jihad.


Kashmiris want to act victims and weak and hence their fate has always been decided by foreigners. They even had a Hindu Maharaja when the Independence took place.

They need to look at the Taliban, they have fought and overcome the mightiest of forces the world could throw at them.

A Muslim is never afraid to die, but Kashmirirs unfortunately have come to fear other men, that too the lesser of the lesser men of india.

I respectfully disagree with you.... the Kashmiris have now reached the same mental level as the Palestinians. They don’t fear death at the hands of the occupier anymore - for them that is victory because as a Muslim if we achieve shahadat that itself is the greatest reward.

However I despise the mentality of our liberal & nationalist brigade who sit on their backside and diss our Kashmiri brethren who have faced repression for the last 70+yrs. They have seen generations tortured, maimed, raped and killed - and some dude sitting in DHA/Bahria has the gall to criticise them for being placid - WTF???
Also why no calls for Azaadi to Pakistans part of occupied Kashmir, that is just being two faced hypocrites.

Because people of AJK And GB are satisfied with Pakistan which isn't the case with IOK?

Simple logic. No hypocrisy

At the same time, I do not believe that kashmiris need to do more.

Then Kashmiris should forget about freedom too
See brother, it is not about satisfaction, it is about doing the right thing and not having two different standards.

Kashmir was one before, it should be treated as one now, why treat half of us different?

Ill tell you how it looks like this side of the border, that pakistanis are two faced about kashmir.

People of AJK and GB are satisfied with Pakistan but you want us to force them for seccession

What kind of logic is this?
See brother, it is not about satisfaction, it is about doing the right thing and not having two different standards.

Kashmir was one before, it should be treated as one now, why treat half of us different?

Ill tell you how it looks like this side of the border, that pakistanis are two faced about kashmir.

Whole point of partition was that Muslim majority areas of india like Kashmir had immense resentment and aversion to hindus and indians and wanted a separate muslim state where we could abide by our own culture, faith and way of life unhindered by any of the B.S of hindus

Azad Kashmir and GB has that, a muslim state as part of a muslim country as per partition

what india did was force a state full of muslims into a union full of hindus and create decades of hostilities, today once again to subdue the seething hatred Kashmiris have for india, India has violated their democratic and free right to choosh their future, banned all internet, banned all phone use, all communications, enforced a curfew, forced the people into their homes just so the people of kashmir cant express their resentment and anger towards india

Kashmir is a religious, cultural, linguistic extention of Northern Pakistan, what india has done is intolerable
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