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Dear Kashmiris: Only War Can End Occupation and You Would Have to Fight that War Yourself

facts for which was I named as a traitor when I did wrote last week and years ago about the passed strategic chances in 1947,1965,1971,1999.! But let it go, it seems that Pakistan is only lived by largely ignorant and blatant lye believing youth and population! Corruption and apocalyptic daily life are what they prefer over a rational and futuristic country build up! 70 years and still unchallenged in its hell, still sinking deeper, hopefully, these Khan can bring some changes ...but even he is afraid to be fingered as a traitor !
its very simple every passing year both india and pakistan getting more and more strong sir and chances of taking land of each other are getting less day by day ,leave corruption politics aside both countries are almost same but they never compromise national security sir .

Like they say, "mangnay say na milay to bharti terrorist state k halaq men haath daal kar cheen lo AZADI"
they are resting in houses since last 10 days i am failed to see what they say that if someone touch articles hell doors will be opened :lol:
Kashmiri cannot have it both ways, that is, live a peaceful/settled life and expect indian military to f*** off from Kashmir. Kashmiris will have to "perform" if they want to get the freedom from Indain chutiya Brahmin establishment. They will have prove courage and grow some balls and should come out of their homes to defy the curfew imposed on them by indian military.

You are not the only one being too harsh on Kashmiris; Others too. And then some racist guy in this thread is harsh on Indian 'Dalit Converted Muslims'.

First to Kashmiris:
What more can the Kashmiris do? If numbers are to be believed, they have lost 100,000 since 1989. Even if we accept half of that as losses but let's consider the population of Kashmir: Barely 10-12 million. That's a huge loss for such a tiny population. Compare with Pakistan: A country of 200 million people where people keep (and rightfully) crying about the loss of 70,000 since 9/11. Kashmiris have tried. Tried very hard. But, thanks to lack of adequate support, and thanks to the Arab terrorists of AQ types, their cause has taken a big hit globally. And yet since Burhan Wani's death they have made the lives of Indian security forces hell.

Now to Indian Muslims:
Same with the Indian Muslims. Firstly: Why should they revolt against India? Maybe their condition is not as bad as PDF makes it sound like? I have dozens of cousins in India. More or less everyone is fairly content. There are hotspots in India against Muslims but Modi's craziness is probably not as pervasive as it's made out to be--at least not yet! And Even if Indian Muslims are under tyranny, what kinds of options they have? They are geographically distributed. Even the Sikhs in E. Punjab don't simply have the numbers to form a viable Khalistan. So why should the Indian Muslims and the Indian Sikhs ask to be slaughtered, given the odds against them? Both of these communities have seen plenty of very violent pogroms against them. They KNOW their odds. Let them be. Until and unless their demographic situation changes, they have no chance.
You are not the only one being too harsh on Kashmiris; Others too. And then some racist guy in this thread is harsh on Indian 'Dalit Converted Muslims'.

First to Kashmiris:
What more can the Kashmiris do? If numbers are to be believed, they have lost 100,000 since 1989. Even if we accept half of that as losses but let's consider the population of Kashmir: Barely 10-12 million. That's a huge loss for such a tiny population. Compare with Pakistan: A country of 200 million people where people keep (and rightfully) crying about the loss of 70,000 since 9/11. Kashmiris have tried. Tried very hard. But, thanks to lack of adequate support, and thanks to the Arab terrorists of AQ types, their cause has taken a big hit globally. And yet since Burhan Wani's death they have made the lives of Indian security forces hell.

Now to Indian Muslims:
Same with the Indian Muslims. Firstly: Why should they revolt against India? Maybe their condition is not as bad as PDF makes it sound like? I have dozens of cousins in India. More or less everyone is fairly content. There are hotspots in India against Muslims but Modi's craziness is probably not as pervasive as it's made out to be--at least not yet! And Even if Indian Muslims are under tyranny, what kinds of options they have? They are geographically distributed. Even the Sikhs in E. Punjab don't simply have the numbers to form a viable Khalistan. So why should the Indian Muslims and the Indian Sikhs ask to be slaughtered, given the odds against them? Both of these communities have seen plenty of very violent pogroms against them. They KNOW their odds. Let them be. Until and unless their demographic situation changes, they have no chance.

As often, an excellent post.

It is often very difficult and hard to imagine and appreciate the plight of those people, who, by a stroke of destiny, are in a less privileged position or are trampled upon by the forces of circumstances.
Pakistan is a new name to the world, and many propagate Pakistanis to be mostly converted Indian Hindus, who should work out their differences with their brethren.

There is a good reason Pakistan was created and still exists, and only the races and tribes that know us can be expected to be loyal.

If you believe any thing else, you are a fool.
I wonder how hard it would be to rush few Indian soldiers and snatch their rifles ?

Then what will happen after snatching of weapons? Soon, this group will be identified and then eliminated.

We need to understand this fact that India has largely consolidated itself in the valley in 70 years. They have well established administrative setup which is helping them in day to day ruining of the valley. In fact, Muslims of the valley are managing this administrative setup. These Muslims have now become the stake holder in the setup. Their daily lives and well being of their families are dependent on jobs and associated facilities provided by Indian government. It will proved to be extremely difficult for the separatist to remove this hurdle as some Muslims have aliened themselves with India and they are also enjoying huge benefits.

We need to alienate these Muslims from rest of the freedom loving Kashmirs. They need to be humiliated and if necessary tactics of Taliban can be adopted.

Occupational forces have also built a very strong and effective counter insurgency mechanism in the valley.They have an effective intelligence gathering mechanism and are outspending and outdoing us in this field specially in the occupied valley. Some traitors among Muslims are willingly helping them. We cant outspend them, but we can outmanoeuvre them by narrative building.

Moral backing and support is essential for the freedom struggle to succeed. In this regard narrative building is the most important. After 9/11, state of Pakistan has changed it's narrative completely regarding Kashmir freedom fighters. Our government and media is no longer calling them Mujaheddin, instead we are using the terms like militants and sometimes terrorist.

Whether, we like it or not, but the fact is that no narrative can beat the narrative of Jihad and separate Muslim identity. On ideological level, the Muslim separatism should be encouraged, by using media and other state propaganda tools. An ideological environment must be created for smooth sailing on practical levels. Jihad is the best tool to encourage Kashmiri youth to lift arms. This narrative will also help in further alienation of traitors and Hindu bakers in the valley.

Lastly, we must have to provide intelligence, tactical, logistical and military support to freedom fighters. LOC will definitely heat up and it will go in our favour as it will be then easy for us to provide covering fire for infiltration and extraction.

In short, half measures are not going to work. We need to move in with meticulous long term planing. Otherwise, just forget Kashmir.
Then what will happen after snatching of weapons? Soon, this group will be identified and then eliminated.

We need to understand this fact that India has largely consolidated itself in the valley in 70 years. They have well established administrative setup which is helping them in day to day ruining of the valley. In fact, Muslims of the valley are managing this administrative setup. These Muslims have now become the stake holder in the setup. Their daily lives and well being of their families are dependent on jobs and associated facilities provided by Indian government. It will proved to be extremely difficult for the separatist to remove this hurdle as some Muslims have aliened themselves with India and they are also enjoying huge benefits.

We need to alienate these Muslims from rest of the freedom loving Kashmirs. They need to be humiliated and if necessary tactics of Taliban can be adopted.

Occupational forces have also built a very strong and effective counter insurgency mechanism in the valley.They have an effective intelligence gathering mechanism and are outspending and outdoing us in this field specially in the occupied valley. Some traitors among Muslims are willingly helping them. We cant outspend them, but we can outmanoeuvre them by narrative building.

Moral backing and support is essential for the freedom struggle to succeed. In this regard narrative building is the most important. After 9/11, state of Pakistan has changed it's narrative completely regarding Kashmir freedom fighters. Our government and media is no longer calling them Mujaheddin, instead we are using the terms like militants and sometimes terrorist.

Whether, we like it or not, but the fact is that no narrative can beat the narrative of Jihad and separate Muslim identity. On ideological level, the Muslim separatism should be encouraged, by using media and other state propaganda tools. An ideological environment must be created for smooth sailing on practical levels. Jihad is the best tool to encourage Kashmiri youth to lift arms. This narrative will also help in further alienation of traitors and Hindu bakers in the valley.

Lastly, we must have to provide intelligence, tactical, logistical and military support to freedom fighters. LOC will definitely heat up and it will go in our favour as it will be then easy for us to provide covering fire for infiltration and extraction.

In short, half measures are not going to work. We need to move in with meticulous long term planing. Otherwise, just forget Kashmir.

Of course, what you have written holds true. A long, dark, tedious and painful night has fallen on Kashmiris.
Agree with OP...The logical conclusion to this Kashmir mess can not be achieved through peaceful way...A war will eventually finish one of us so that we can create a peaceful world for our next gen..
Then what will happen after snatching of weapons? Soon, this group will be identified and then eliminated.

Who will identity them among the thousands ? and there are some who will sell them out than Kashmiri's needs to handle that issue first .
Of course, what you have written holds true. A long, dark, tedious and painful night has fallen on Kashmiris.
Absolutely, we should ask the next question. Are we going to help them practically in this long night? Or we will prefer comfort, enjoy the blessings of freedom sitting in air conditioned rooms, enjoying all luxuriates of life, while our brothers suffering under occupation. Why our media is not raising this most important question?

Who will identity them among the thousands ? and there are some who will sell them out than Kashmiri's needs to handle that issue first .
Half million strong force with huge security apparatus will not sit idle. They are there for that job only. And we should not underestimate them.

If we are just thinking of diplomatic, moral and political support, then my friend Kashmir is lost.
Absolutely, we should ask the next question. Are we going to help them practically in this long night? Or we will prefer comfort, enjoy the blessings of freedom sitting in air conditioned rooms, enjoying all luxuriates of life, while our brothers suffering under occupation. Why our media is not raising this most important question?

My analysis is that we would be compelled by the forces of circumstances to help them and we would essentially be drawn into a war of existence with India. My idea is that now the freedom and sovereignty of Pakistan is strongly linked with the freedom of Kashmir, and in my humble opinion, there is no escape from it.

میرے بدن کا سارا توازن تجھی سے ھے
تو گر پڑے تو میں بھی الٹ جاؤں تیرے ساتھ
Absolutely, we should ask the next question. Are we going to help them practically in this long night? Or we will prefer comfort, enjoy the blessings of freedom sitting in air conditioned rooms, enjoying all luxuriates of life, while our brothers suffering under occupation. Why our media is not raising this most important question?

Half million strong force with huge security apparatus will not sit idle. They are there for that job only. And we should not underestimate them.

If we are just thinking of diplomatic, moral and political support, then my friend Kashmir is lost.

When America went into Afghanistan you know what they did ? India is not carpet bombing Kashmiri's , Nor I want to see that , but unless they themselves do something crazy to IA , they wont feel the heat in this conflict .
Then what will happen after snatching of weapons? Soon, this group will be identified and then eliminated.

We need to understand this fact that India has largely consolidated itself in the valley in 70 years. They have well established administrative setup which is helping them in day to day ruining of the valley. In fact, Muslims of the valley are managing this administrative setup. These Muslims have now become the stake holder in the setup. Their daily lives and well being of their families are dependent on jobs and associated facilities provided by Indian government. It will proved to be extremely difficult for the separatist to remove this hurdle as some Muslims have aliened themselves with India and they are also enjoying huge benefits.

We need to alienate these Muslims from rest of the freedom loving Kashmirs. They need to be humiliated and if necessary tactics of Taliban can be adopted.

Occupational forces have also built a very strong and effective counter insurgency mechanism in the valley.They have an effective intelligence gathering mechanism and are outspending and outdoing us in this field specially in the occupied valley. Some traitors among Muslims are willingly helping them. We cant outspend them, but we can outmanoeuvre them by narrative building.

Moral backing and support is essential for the freedom struggle to succeed. In this regard narrative building is the most important. After 9/11, state of Pakistan has changed it's narrative completely regarding Kashmir freedom fighters. Our government and media is no longer calling them Mujaheddin, instead we are using the terms like militants and sometimes terrorist.

Whether, we like it or not, but the fact is that no narrative can beat the narrative of Jihad and separate Muslim identity. On ideological level, the Muslim separatism should be encouraged, by using media and other state propaganda tools. An ideological environment must be created for smooth sailing on practical levels. Jihad is the best tool to encourage Kashmiri youth to lift arms. This narrative will also help in further alienation of traitors and Hindu bakers in the valley.

Lastly, we must have to provide intelligence, tactical, logistical and military support to freedom fighters. LOC will definitely heat up and it will go in our favour as it will be then easy for us to provide covering fire for infiltration and extraction.

In short, half measures are not going to work. We need to move in with meticulous long term planing. Otherwise, just forget Kashmir.

Indeed large numbers of Kashmiris are collaborators.
You are not the only one being too harsh on Kashmiris; Others too. And then some racist guy in this thread is harsh on Indian 'Dalit Converted Muslims'.

First to Kashmiris:
What more can the Kashmiris do? If numbers are to be believed, they have lost 100,000 since 1989. Even if we accept half of that as losses but let's consider the population of Kashmir: Barely 10-12 million. That's a huge loss for such a tiny population. Compare with Pakistan: A country of 200 million people where people keep (and rightfully) crying about the loss of 70,000 since 9/11. Kashmiris have tried. Tried very hard. But, thanks to lack of adequate support, and thanks to the Arab terrorists of AQ types, their cause has taken a big hit globally. And yet since Burhan Wani's death they have made the lives of Indian security forces hell.

Now to Indian Muslims:
Same with the Indian Muslims. Firstly: Why should they revolt against India? Maybe their condition is not as bad as PDF makes it sound like? I have dozens of cousins in India. More or less everyone is fairly content. There are hotspots in India against Muslims but Modi's craziness is probably not as pervasive as it's made out to be--at least not yet! And Even if Indian Muslims are under tyranny, what kinds of options they have? They are geographically distributed. Even the Sikhs in E. Punjab don't simply have the numbers to form a viable Khalistan. So why should the Indian Muslims and the Indian Sikhs ask to be slaughtered, given the odds against them? Both of these communities have seen plenty of very violent pogroms against them. They KNOW their odds. Let them be. Until and unless their demographic situation changes, they have no chance.
There was no problems before tht modi 4.0 started, for Indian Muslims or other minorities in India bt now, as modi wants to complete his so called hindu state there is no place for any Indian, Muslim, kashmiris, Sikhs, dalits or evn chirstians bt as of the numbers speak I gss, Indian Muslims has bigger majority of all other communities in India and because of thier ruling past thy are the ezy target or punching bag for RSS terrorists to make Indian Muslims or thier kashmiri siblings a worst of example for all other, communities bt then again these stupids forgotten tht, the chip in the mind set of any Muslim let them stand up against any or all of so called enemies in the history doesn't matters evn if thy hve losted it bt thy will react and for this time in the world even if the so called Muslim world is bzy in fighting among themselves there is a new growing factor among Muslims which is to take power individually with out any state support?
And tht brings, terrostist oraganinizations like al qeada and ISIS who listens non, and hit all?
So if Indian local RSS terrorists r thinking tht thy can continue with mob lynching of Muslims and other communities thn thy r giving a open invitation to all others who just wants to fight without any reasons and Thts where I'm prty sure Indian state can't stand any chance?
Jst imagine ISIS take over to RSS headquarters and blowing it off in the air thn Start targeting RSS leadership will, these RSS goons has Power to stand and fight face to face?
No I don't think so, it will Jst blow dam india into smaller states like khalistan, Nagaland and similar pattern?
Pakistans problem was leadership, a strong civilian leader who is listened well in the west and Thts why IMRAN khan was created his politics r bad, his economic strategies r none, bt he is listened openly in the west and in any time of conflict he ill gather much more support thn any of pak former leadership in the past?
And I think, with a strong leadership pakistan can gradually begin to grow as a power and as a nation, Thts the best way to do so pls don't paint a heavenly Picture of great india where Muslims, Sikhs, Kashmiris, dalits all r living in harmony no its not, all r in fear bt once its gone, anger will take its place and thn it ill be impossible for RSS state to stop india falling down in pieces, it won't be happening in months or weeks but certainly sure in few years all tht so called fear ill be gone slowly

Absolutely, we should ask the next question. Are we going to help them practically in this long night? Or we will prefer comfort, enjoy the blessings of freedom sitting in air conditioned rooms, enjoying all luxuriates of life, while our brothers suffering under occupation. Why our media is not raising this most important question?

Half million strong force with huge security apparatus will not sit idle. They are there for that job only. And we should not underestimate them.

If we are just thinking of diplomatic, moral and political support, then my friend Kashmir is lost.
We hve seen far bigger better military set up falling done like paper jets in, Vietnam and then again in Afghanistan it all comes to the passion and will to fight till last bullet, Kashmiris and Sikhs fighting for thier independence while RSS sponsored state fighting to keep its control on its slaves is a huge differnce between 2 sides and I think, this time it's RSS state which don't know which bullet train is heading towards its way at what speed?
When America went into Afghanistan you know what they did ? India is not carpet bombing Kashmiri's , Nor I want to see that , but unless they themselves do something crazy to IA , they wont feel the heat in this conflict .
Then wait for carpet bombing. Even after that, some will advice caution. War is not an option. Aman ko Moqa Do...
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