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Dear Kashmiris: Only War Can End Occupation and You Would Have to Fight that War Yourself

Partition was a deal between India and Pakistan, Kashmir was independent whole, and needs to be again, other than that there is no meaning of azaadi.

If we only have to choose between India Pakistan then thats a separate discussion altogether.

We would only look out for our interests and chhose the best bride out the two.

partition was the muslim population rejecting living in a union full of hindus

Jinnah was clear, the hindus carried the burden of 1000 years of muslim domination and were not to be trusted as they would justify the murder of even unarmed muslim civilians as a response to centuries of domination, ergo Pakistan MUST be made.

forcing Kashmir a state full of muslims into a hindu india was the most stupid thing india has done, indian greed has created decades of turmoil and now they are trying to silence the voices of kashmir and force them into a hindu india
Wasnt that the promise by Nehru, Jinnah and the UN?

Is it too much to ask for?

Wheres the fairness for kashmir in all this?

Isnt thats what the UN resolition says, all of Kashmir not pick and choose?

We are ready to fulfill this promise. India doesn't want to fulfill this promise and is the biggest obstacle in resolution of Kashmir issue
I know it going to be very difficult to wake up these Dalit converts, but I think if Modi keeps rolling on his path this might happen. Pakistan should wish India even more Modi. Sort of drown India in Modism. That might wake up the testicless 200 million shemale Indian Muslims.

That should be fun to watch. Although chances are they will all run to Pakistan .... with Modi having the last laugh.
And on reaching Pakistan they become keyboard warriors like @Areesh and @newb3e spewing rhetoric and venom against India.
people posting here asking people of Kashmir to take up arms have no clue. They are neither reps of Kashmir nor ar they reps of all muslims. just a self-appointed crew of keyboard tappers.

violence does not ever accomplish anything. 20+ years of war on terror should have taught one that.
Fight. To be or not to be. Fight. But only few people can do that. Special people. Races born to fight. To rule. To never be slaves. And you can count Turks, Iranians in. For South Asia. Afghans. Yes the men who fight with AK-47s and sandals. Bring down USA and NATO to it's knees. For rest run away from your enemies is option. But for some. Land. Your land is sacred. You never give inch of it.

A lesson for many chest thumpers here.
Glad that atleast some ppl understad this fact.
If the so called brave ppl had it in thm they wudnt have been slaves for milleniums to every other invader on horseback wid a sword.
Talking big n beating thr chest is the most they can do.
Even these kind of threads r a just thr own way of justifying thr lack of guts n will.(they had to find an excuse somehow)
I think its time for bhayyas on both sides to dispassionately study thr history n except the the fact tht despite living in a resource rich region they were always cleaning foreign boots for a reason,,,,lets not be harsh n call it cowardice n incompetence,,,,,call it there survival instinct.They survived the way they best cud,,,i.e under occupation.(jiski jo aukat)
Only after this self realization of bhayyas peace can come to subcontinent.
I think its time for bhayyas on both sides to dispassionately study thr history n except the the fact tht despite living in a resource rich region they were always cleaning foreign boots for a reason,,,,lets not be harsh n call it cowardice n incompetence,,,,,call it there survival instinct.They survived the way they best cud,,,i.e under occupation.(jiski jo aukat)
Only after this self realization of bhayyas peace can come to subcontinent.

And on reaching Pakistan they become keyboard warriors like @Areesh and @newb3e spewing rhetoric and venom against India.
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