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Nagaland announcing Independence from India!!

May 20, 2011
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
This twit claims with the support of the video that Nagaland is now going to celebrate its independence day on 14th of August rather than 15th August, the independence day for India.
The twit also claims that Nagland has its own national anthem etc.

Is this news true!! Shed light please.

There are some concerns there as they have situation like kashmir where Indians from other states cannot buy property.. just that.. nothing else. a landlocked small naga cannot survive anyway.
If its true then india have no choice to launch a war to keep heeself united.
There are some concerns there as they have situation like kashmir where Indians from other states cannot buy property.. just that.. nothing else. a landlocked small naga cannot survive anyway.
if sikhs are there to accompany...then it can
.. btw who told you that landlocked countries can't survive?? lol
India not has enough army and resources to control kashmir and nagaland simultaneously with the use of force
With 74% voter turnout in recent election and with NDA winning MP seat not remotely possible..
This twit claims with the support of the video that Nagaland is now going to celebrate its independence day on 14th of August rather than 15th August, the independence day for India.
The twit also claims that Nagland has its own national anthem etc.

Is this news true!! Shed light please.

Nope. Wishful thinking by keyboard warriors.
Ohh no Nagaland is independent ... Sikhs are mutining ... All after revoking articl 370 .... We are doomed .... Pakistan should grasp the situation and formally recognise Nagaland as independent country
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