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Çay Bahçesi

2014 den önce de sahsen hic bir yorumum yoktur. Cünkü ben 2009 da ciktim. Daha teenager idim.

Sizinle ugrasacak ne vaktim var ne enerjim. Siz 15 temmuz da terroristlerle taraf tuttunuz.

Asil siz FETÖ'cusunuz ki 2016, 15 temmuz da onlarin zaferini kutlamaya basladiniz.

Vay halinize, yazik sizlere.
2014 den önce de sahsen hic bir yorumum yoktur. Cünkü ben 2009 da ciktim. Daha teenager idim.

Sizinle ugrasacak ne vaktim var ne enerjim. Siz 15 temmuz da terroristlerle taraf tuttunuz.

Asil siz FETÖ'cusunuz ki 2016, 15 temmuz da onlarin zaferini kutlamaya basladiniz.

Vay halinize, yazik sizlere.
Bir kac kere 180 derece yaptilar 15 Temmuzda darbenin basarisiz olacagini anladiktan sonra. Yoksa Kemalistlerin en sevdigi sey halkin oylariyla gelen adamlari ordu ile indirmek
Members including the Turkish mod are challenged by @Zulkarneyn to show any single post of @Zulkarneyn that insults Atatürk. On this call, I listed many posts of him that

  1. Insult Atatürk,
  2. Degrade Turkishness,
  3. Sugar talk about Fethullah Gülen Cemaat(FETÖ) and insult members who call FETÖ criminals;
  4. Label Turkey as oppressor and become a PKK terrorism apologist.
Each of those is a direct breach in Turkish law and morality in Turkish public.
Each of those is claimed ever and never to be said by @Zulkarneyn , and accused other members of slandering him.

Now, @Zulkarneyn sets a timeline of his posts for ''us'' in order to get away from his own personality/character.

Do you see any honour in this situation?
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  • Insult Atatürk,
  • Degrade Turkishness,
  • Sugar talk about Fethullah Gülen Cemaat(FETÖ) and insult members who call FETÖ criminals;
  • Label Turkey as oppressor and become a PKK terrorism apologist.
Prove any one of them. Everything you have posted so far doesn't prove any one of the 4. The closest and only post you could come to me "degrading" turkishness is this post

"I am trying to follow this thread, but the vast array of opinions make it unfollow-able. Iran as a sovereign country may supress these movements, which is natural since they are radical nationalists (grey wolves). It is a nationalistic pan-turkish movement which had hands in many controversies everywhere. Since i am against extreme nationalism, i don't support grey wolves at all. They try to show that Turkish nationalism as the highest honor a person can achieve, which is an ugly thing. People should pursue greater visions, not some ultra-nationalistic garbage. We are all human, though our skin color may differ we are all the same."

The closest you have come to me "sugarcoating" Gulen movement is this post from 2012

"Do you ever wonder why so many military personnel is jailed. Who are providing the intel? Who took over the police, the universities the political space, the hospitals, the bureaucracy, the Turkish consuls etc etc. You will be surprised about their numbers. And they have only one priority: to raise a youth conscious of their religion, history etc and who have the best education. You are sleeping

Edit: in other words they have infiltrated every institution that comes to mind."

The closest you come to me insulting Ataturk is this post from 2011
"I don't see him as Turkey' founder, Turkey is only the successor for Ottoman. Our history goes way back, which was way much more succesfull. Since the creation of the Republic (Especially after M. Kemal) Turkey has been a failure, except the last decade."

You have dug deep in order to undermine me. And almost all of the posts you have dug are from 6-7 years ago, when i was 21-22 years old, and much more naive. Yet thanks to you digging up my past i can clearly see the same pattern among you Kemalists and i can also clearly observe who acted ugly and who acted with common decency and manners.

Don't talk about something you are completely void of - honor
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No need to drag this conversation.

To everyone with an ounce of logic, it's clear that who were the accomplices of the Cemaat.
I felt for a moment that I'm Erdogan himself!

Indeed it is clear who are supporters of FETÖ. For you, anyone is good if he fights against Erdogan. This man is your worst nightmare indeed.

You even supported FETÖ because he was going to (try to) bring down Erdogan.

What level of dignity, honor and integrity do you have? = 0

You're like belly dancers.

In a 3 minute search, you can see honour and personality of a member who claims never and ever to have said such things:

  1. Insult Atatürk,
  2. Degrade Turkishness,
  3. Sugar talk about Fethullah Gülen Cemaat(FETÖ) and insult members who call FETÖ criminals;
  4. Label Turkey as oppressor and become a PKK terrorism apologist.








Fethullah Gülen Cemaati:











How many times more do you plan to spam this post?
You know someone is really miserable when he finds posts from 7 years ago to find excuse for his lack of arguement and personality. You don't go for the message, the only thing you lot do is shoot the messenger. Pathetic
What level of dignity, honor and integrity do you have? = 0

You even supported FETÖ
As you can see the man who lectures people about honor, feels free to resort to slander.

You know someone is really miserable when he finds posts from 7 years ago to find excuse for his lack of arguement and personality. You don't go for the message, the only thing you lot do is shoot the messenger. Pathetic
In contrast, you can't find anything about me that i supported or sympathized for Cemaat.

You can look as far as back in to history. Why ? because i'm not a belly dancer.


I dropped arguing with people, for like a year in this forum. Yet, after seeing what kind of people you are, i will not stop arguing with you till you both get perma banned.
As you can see the man who lectures people about honor, feels free to resort to slander.

For me a man who was supporting the FETÖ during 15th July is not just honorless or without dignity, but totally worthless as well. Where is the "Slander" in this? Do you even know what slander means?
For me a man who was supporting the FETÖ during 15th July is not just honorless or without dignity, but totally worthless as well. Where is the "Slander" in this? Do you even know what slander means?
If you have any proof that i supported your ex-leader, bring it forward....or else you are Slandering.
How many times more do you plan to spam this post?

@Zulkarneyn put his honour and personality on the table for us to question. On this request, I have posted a few links that crystal clear show the personality and honour of @Zulkarneyn who claimed never and ever to have said those things in the links.

Now @Zulkarneyn cannot even defend himself, instead blame us for his own personality and honour. Wake up we are not your parents.

A few weeks ago, the picture of Said Nursi who made a few shirk to Allah in his own books was in your avatar.

Now, you put the picuture of a Turkish general in your avatar.

That tells all about your personality and honour.

Pathetic enough?
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Yes, i wrote that 7 years ago. Cause back then i thought Kemal is exactly that.
Was he a dictator? Yes.
Was he islam-hater?
@The Eagle

While you are taking a shot at Islamic faith & secularism, , i think, you also need to take look at what these guys wrote about our beloved leader. How would you react if some guy openly insults Jinnah ?

Oh, my legs are trembling, some kemalists are gonna get me banned on PDF :(
Sinan, you supported the 15 July coup, i've countless evidence for this and you have provided much about yourself. If i were you i'd rather think about my professional life as someone who openly supported 15 July.
I think, you need to re-read those SS, to see if i supported FETÖ or not ?

As, you were previously implying.
I think, you need to re-read the those SS, to see if i supported FETÖ or not ?

As, you were previously implying.
Who was implying you supported FETO? Selim mentioned that. I know you supported the 15 July coup- i dont care whether you supported FETO or not, BUT i've countless evidence for your support for July 15 coup on PDF. I don't want to spam these screenshots
In-case of any offensive post or against the forum rule, report the same without quoting back and move on. Any member that quote back and does the same thing, will be warned or dealt as same as the first offender. Use English language (the forum language) so none can walk away with any offense. Any post found in other than English, will be treated as "use of regional language offense". Any member has any issue with warning etc, can contact GHQ Section for review of moderation action but none is allowed to discuss in open like this or personally attack any staff member.

Civility is the main concern and respect each other. It is not necessary that one will always agree with other so in-case of conflict, agree to disagree and move on. No insults, offense, provocation, trolling etc will be tolerated at all. I repeat, report the post and move on.
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