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In-case of any offensive post or against the forum rule, report the same without quoting back and move on. Any member that quote back and does the same thing, will be warned or dealt as same as the first offender. Use English language (the forum language) so none can walk away with any offense. Any post found in other than English, will be treated as "use of regional language offense". Any member has any issue with warning etc, can contact GHQ Section for review of moderation action but none is allowed to discuss in open like this or personally attack any staff member.

Civility is the main concern and respect each other. It is not necessary that one will always agree with other so in-case of conflict, agree to disagree and move on. No insults, offense, provocation, trolling etc will be tolerated at all. I repeat, report the post and move on.

The member @Zulkarneyn challenged and demanded us to question him in his own posts regarding insulting Atatürk, and now we are doing it without breaking any rule.

Will you please take it easy on us.
@The Eagle

While you are taking a shot at Islamic faith & secularism, , i think, you also need to take look at what these guys wrote about our beloved leader. How would you react if some guy openly insults Jinnah ?

My dear, as I said, report such posts without engaging back and move on and Team will do the needful/necessary action. No one is allowed to insult anyone. We can discuss the contents but only in respected and good manners.

Trust me, no one takes any shot but discussion by Mods are made as a soft reminder in advance to the members before taking any action.

You want Eagle or other moderators to ban me because i said M. Kemal was a dictator exactly 7 years ago?

Discussion is not prohibited until & unless, one does not cross the line or be offensive. Do not use provocative or any such remarks, discuss the content/matter, respect each other without getting personal and move on.

Necessary deletion will be done here.

On topic: This is one of the few threads (light corner) that I have been visiting to read quietly and leave and I liked it.
Who was implying you supported FETO? Selim mentioned that. I know you supported the 15 July coup- i dont care whether you supported FETO or not, BUT i've countless evidence for your support for July 15 coup on PDF. I don't want to spam these screenshots
Rather than that if you read my comments, i just wanted all AKP ministers, officials, all of them to pay for their crimes. And I still do.

For i hope that for All those bribes, for ruining the Turkish democracy, for ruining the independent Judiciary, for ruining the TSK by letting it infested with FETÖ dogs, for ruining the free press, for shitting into constitution. I want justice, I want a fair trial for all of them.

On topic: This is one of the few threads (light corner) that I have been visiting to read quietly and leave and I liked it.
Tell me about it. :rolleyes:
The member @Zulkarneyn challenged and demanded us to question him in his own posts regarding insulting Atatürk, and now we are doing it without breaking any rule.

Will you please take it easy on us.

My dear, no one is being hard here as we all can see what members have been doing. It is just to say that manners to kept in view while discussing any matter.

Enjoy the discussion and respect each other.

This thread is meant to be for light discussion. If you guys continue to engage in flamebait, I will change temporary thread ban to permanent one

Thank you
Tell me about it. :rolleyes:

A tea corner indeed.... since the day I joined PDF, soon I found this corner and mostly I use to copy remarks and paste into google for translation and it was like a chit chat corner thing but unfortunately, this place is now turned into political scuffle, insults (don't mind but that is how it looks like which it shouldn't be at all) and also, about Mod.

How about all you member wants to discuss a subject as to say either any leader or decision of Government or any party, by creating a separate thread with quality, one member may take initiative and other participate which may not just help to discuss the matter but also will develop a quality and productive discussion/posting and will be attracting many other members as well that interests into reading good posts. Anyone?
How about all you member wants to discuss a subject as to say either any leader or decision of Government or any party, by creating a separate thread with quality, one member may take initiative and other participate which may not just help to discuss the matter but also will develop a quality and productive discussion/posting and will be attracting many other members as well that interests into reading good posts. Anyone?
Oh, we done it. We said no more political stuff.

Those who wants to talk about political subjects, should post in this thread https://defence.pk/threads/turkish-politics-internal-affairs.280659/

But some members, not obeying to rules. I was not gonna participate but after sawing the insults against Atatürk and believing that this political discussion can not be ended...i decide to participate....
If you have any proof that i supported your ex-leader, bring it forward....or else you are Slandering.
Now that moderators keep warning the thread, I don't know if I can answer your concern, but the earlier screenshots that Zulkarneyn provided clearly showed which side you took in coup d'etat in Turkey. And that side was clearly not government but FETÖ - hence my remark.

Anyways. I hope also this thread can chill again, I don't like this tense aura.

To mods: I already made a thread on GHQ, because I really feel degenerated and threatened by the Turkish mod earlier yesterday.

And I guess most of the discussion that emerged was an extension of the Turkish mods accusations and "threats".

Thank you.
Now that moderators keep warning the thread, I don't know if I can answer your concern, but the earlier screenshots that Zulkarneyn provided clearly showed which side you took in coup d'etat in Turkey. And that side was clearly not government but FETÖ - hence my remark.

Anyways. I hope also this thread can chill again, I don't like this tense aura.

To mods: I already made a thread on GHQ, because I really feel degenerated and threatened by the Turkish mod earlier yesterday.

And I guess most of the discussion that emerged was an extension of the Turkish mods accusations and "threats".

Thank you.
Well at that time I also suspected him as a FETÖ member and confronted him in many places, as a result he ignored my account.

But after following him a while, I have come to the conclusion that he is not such a person.
Değerli üyeler, Bundan sonraki süreçte bu ve buna benzer adeta nefret söylemleri içinde yetişmiş, bir zamanlar tek derdi Atatürk'ü ve kurduğu Cumhuriyeti yermek, küçümsemek, bu ülkenin verdiği bağımsızlık mücadelesini neredeyse yok saymak derecesine varabilecek çılgınlıkta olan ve tarihi kapalı kapılar ardında kendilerine empoze edildiği gibi tersten okutmak olan bu tip kişilerin sıkı takibi olacaktır. Hiç insult yok deniyordu, kaynak çıktı gençtik oldu, 5 sene önceydi, 7 sene önce demiştim öyle zannetmiştim gibi acziyet çağrıları, dün dündü siz şuana bakın tarzı imalar bu net savaşçısı bir zamanların FETO proxileri açısından utanç verici olması gerekirken halen daha eleştirenleri suçlamaları acziyetin açık bir göstergesidir. Bu ve buna benzer kurulu beyinler ancak ve ancak kendileri gibi kapalı kapılar ardında eğitilmiş zatlarla veya kardeşleriyle anlaşabilirler diye düşünüyorum yani bu bir parti meselesi kesinlikle değildir bunu her Türkiye Cumhuriyeti vatandaşı çok iyi bilir. İlgili kaynakların birinde bu zatın Yorumları karşısında şaşırıp kalmış bir Pakistanlı üye dahi bu zata Türk olup olmadığını soruyor yani bu süreçte bir Türk vatandaşının okudukları karşısında rahatsızlık duymaması mümkün değildir. İşin garibi bu zat, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti sokaklarında burada yazdıklarını söyleyebilecek cesarete sahip midir gerçekten bilmek isterdim yani kendi ülke ve halkının realitelerinden bihaber, Atatürkü partiler düzeyine indirgeyip bir bloğun kendisi gibi düşündüğünü zanneden şahıs sözkonusu net olduğunda her türlü hakareti bu ülke değeri olarak görülen kişi ve birimlere yağdırmayı kendilerine görev addedebiliyor. Değiştik deniyor biz de öyle olduğunu umut ediyoruz deneyip göreceğiz.

Bundan sonraki süreçte Politik mevzularda bu üyelere ait olan ve paylaşılan kaynaklardakine benzer herhangi bir girişimin sizin tarafınızdan modlara acilen rapor edilmesini rica ediyorum.

Bunun dışında politika konuşmak bu bölümde yasak ve ısrarla bu kararı önemsemeyen üyeler warningle cezalandırılacaktır.

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Now that moderators keep warning the thread, I don't know if I can answer your concern, but the earlier screenshots that Zulkarneyn provided clearly showed which side you took in coup d'etat in Turkey. And that side was clearly not government but FETÖ - hence my remark.

Anyways. I hope also this thread can chill again, I don't like this tense aura.

To mods: I already made a thread on GHQ, because I really feel degenerated and threatened by the Turkish mod earlier yesterday.

And I guess most of the discussion that emerged was an extension of the Turkish mods accusations and "threats".

Thank you.
How can you support Güllen if you dont know its Güllen behind the coup?
The Screenshots were like in the early hours of the coup.

Also dont post them around like a threat all the time. Amk where has this country come to. In the past Kurds would claim that someone he did not like was a PKK member in order to get him away. Now its the same with Güllencis but in the whole country.
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