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Iran's answer to all doubters! 22 of Bahman

Haters gonna die.

We probably don't have good economy but the least we have independence.

Iran will never become a liberal country like Turkey, if hijab, drinking etc... is pain in your head go to Turkey.

La ikraha feddin means you are not allowed to threaten a pagan to death to become Muslim by force, but society values are completely different from that Quranic aya.

No where in the Quran allows you to force Hijab on women! Hell it doesn't even say a thing about women covering their Hair!

During the prophets rule when Abu Bakar was the Governor of Mecca people would walk around naked around the Kaabeh, ONLY thing the prophet did about that was to send Ali to Mecca to proclaim that NO ONE was to walk "naked" around the Kaabeh!

So your delusions about what Islam is due to your lack of knowledge! Not reality!

Forcing women to cover their hair is against Islam! And you can't be an Islamic Country without having "La Ekraha Fed Dean"
Your deluded, uninformed version of Islam is not the same as mine & you have no right to enforce your deluded version on me!

For 38 years the U.S. Media hasn't been able to go a single year without showing Iran in a negative light!
That is a FACT!
For 38 Years the U.S. has funded & provided a voice for every anti Iranian group whether they be the Pahlavi supporters who are still stuck in the 60's or MKO nut job traitors who have 0 support in Iran to any other anti Iranian group!
So Iran's response in terms of many social freedoms at home is reactionary to the actions and behavior of the most powerful country on the planet who has attempted coups in Iran before!

America has it's war party who are the Christian Conservative right wings Republicans for 38 years Iran has been threatened, attacked, sanctioned & meddled with so currently every political party in Iran is a war party from the reformist to the ultra conservatives
You can't constantly be under threat & expect to behave like Switzerland!

Fact is if you are trusted you can criticize but someone like you or me can't go to Iran and write articles but that has more to do with U.S. behavior against Iran in the past 38 years! Iran's response is only reactionary to that!
Or else here

What do these hooligans gain by such behavior? It's really shameful and unnecessary. This conduct, exhibited by "basijies", is one of the reasons why I would never want to visit IRI. They are such bullies; they remind me of Donald Trump and his minions. Mr. Zibakalam said it best when he said even with all the levers of the state at their disposal, these basijies would deprive those that disagree with them the opportunity to have an open and honest discussion. Shame.
why I would never want to visit IRI.
That is very kind of you, stay in your dictatorship state which directly rules by some terrorist freemason jews.

You Americans have NEVER had any freedom. You are being ruled by elephants and donkeys FOR TWO CENTUARIES. So when a guy from YOUR OWN PEOPLE will become a president or even an senator?
No where in the Quran allows you to force Hijab on women! Hell it doesn't even say a thing about women covering their Hair!

During the prophets rule when Abu Bakar was the Governor of Mecca people would walk around naked around the Kaabeh, ONLY thing the prophet did about that was to send Ali to Mecca to proclaim that NO ONE was to walk "naked" around the Kaabeh!

So your delusions about what Islam is due to your lack of knowledge! Not reality!

Forcing women to cover their hair is against Islam! And you can't be an Islamic Country without having "La Ekraha Fed Dean"
Your deluded, uninformed version of Islam is not the same as mine & you have no right to enforce your deluded version on me!
That's true, Arab idol worshippers worshipped idols completely naked... it was an old Yemeni, hijzai habit... Even in their cities they were naked.

But since you use la ekraha feddin aya I would use these ayas of Quran.

O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and wives of the believers that they should draw over themselves some of their outer garments [when in public], so as to be recognized and not harmed. God is most forgiving and most merciful.

And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments except to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or those whom their right hands possess, or the male servants not having need (of women), or the children who have not attained knowledge of what is hidden of women; and let them not strike their feet so that what they hide of their ornaments may be known; and turn to Allah all of you, O believers! so that you may be successful. [24:31]

Now tell me there is no Hijab in Islam.
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The Only Way to get rid of the Hijab is to Get rid of America, Israel and Liberate Europe. In Other words I can only say mollahs can leave when the western swine culture no longer exists. Hell with your womens whore rights, hell with your guys rights to put it up other guys asses and your rights to go molest children, phedo scum.

Iran is not America or Turkey. If Germany, France and all of Europe want to follow USA/UK western rubbish then you are all in the other camp. Take your degenerate failed society to saudi arabia and have your orgies. No aryan lands will be subjected to this nonsense.

If anything we should go occupy "israel" for the Iranian Holocaust of Millions of Iranians.

Crazy right? lol.

Now tell me there is no Hijab in Islam.

Iran First, Islam Later. Dont need Islam to tell you right from wrong, everybody will twist religion their own way.

Our biggest priority is the destruction of this western swine who sells his wives, and women left and right. We need a world war man. lol..
The Only Way to get rid of the Hijab is to Get rid of America, Israel and Liberate Europe. In Other words I can only say mollahs can leave when the western swine culture no longer exists. Hell with your womens whore rights, hell with your guys rights to put it up other guys asses and your rights to go molest children, phedo scum.

Iran is not America or Turkey. If Germany, France and all of Europe want to follow USA/UK western rubbish then you are all in the other camp. Take your degenerate failed society to saudi arabia and have your orgies. No aryan lands will be subjected to this nonsense.

If anything we should go occupy "israel" for the Iranian Holocaust of Millions of Iranians.

Crazy right? lol.

Iran First, Islam Later. Dont need Islam to tell you right from wrong, everybody will twist religion their own way.

Our biggest priority is the destruction of this western swine who sells his wives, and women left and right. We need a world war man. lol..
I was just stating Hijab is in Quran. If majority (50% +1) of people believe hijab shouldn't be necessary then it shouldn't be. Simple as it is...

This Vevak guy bring hijab in half of his posts. Even in Iranian missile thread he brought hijab... :happy:

I like your name and avatar.
I was just stating Hijab is in Quran. If majority (50% +1) of people believe hijab shouldn't be necessary then it shouldn't be. Simple as it is...

This Vevak guy bring hijab in half of his posts. Even in Iranian missile thread he brought hijab... :happy:

I like your name and avatar.

Hes trying to encourage our women to be allowed to do like american, uk, german, turkish, european, moroccan whores. we cant allow that. hijab stays to remind them who makes the rules, why and whats acceptable.

cultural invasion corruption, feminist rights are all time high risk, look how european women, asian, turk women have been corrupted overnight.

allows you to force Hijab on women!

western brainwashed feminist mangina. weak betamale argument!
@Rustam Not sure I agree with everything you say but you have very clear and concise outlook. That is much to be respected.
That is very kind of you, stay in your dictatorship state which directly rules by some terrorist freemason jews.

You Americans have NEVER had any freedom. You are being ruled by elephants and donkeys FOR TWO CENTUARIES. So when a guy from YOUR OWN PEOPLE will become a president or even an senator?

That's true, Arab idol worshippers worshipped idols completely naked... it was an old Yemeni, hijzai habit... Even in their cities they were naked.

But since you use la ekraha feddin aya I would use these ayas of Quran.

O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and wives of the believers that they should draw over themselves some of their outer garments [when in public], so as to be recognized and not harmed. God is most forgiving and most merciful.

And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments except to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or those whom their right hands possess, or the male servants not having need (of women), or the children who have not attained knowledge of what is hidden of women; and let them not strike their feet so that what they hide of their ornaments may be known; and turn to Allah all of you, O believers! so that you may be successful. [24:31]

Now tell me there is no Hijab in Islam.

@Asghar1234 What do you mean dictatorship state? Are you referring to the one that provides equal rights to all citizens, regardless of race, religion, origin, gender, or sexual orientation? If that dictatorship state you are referring to, then you are right it's unfree. For a moment I thought you were referring to the dictatorship state that enslaves women, hangs gays and lesbians, burns down churches and synagogues, does not believe in human rights, and executes its critics for trumped up charges. That one definitely is my favorite state to live in.

And what is wrong with being Jewish again?
That is very kind of you, stay in your dictatorship state which directly rules by some terrorist freemason jews.

You Americans have NEVER had any freedom. You are being ruled by elephants and donkeys FOR TWO CENTUARIES. So when a guy from YOUR OWN PEOPLE will become a president or even an senator?

That's true, Arab idol worshippers worshipped idols completely naked... it was an old Yemeni, hijzai habit... Even in their cities they were naked.

But since you use la ekraha feddin aya I would use these ayas of Quran.

O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and wives of the believers that they should draw over themselves some of their outer garments [when in public], so as to be recognized and not harmed. God is most forgiving and most merciful.

And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments except to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or those whom their right hands possess, or the male servants not having need (of women), or the children who have not attained knowledge of what is hidden of women; and let them not strike their feet so that what they hide of their ornaments may be known; and turn to Allah all of you, O believers! so that you may be successful. [24:31]

Now tell me there is no Hijab in Islam.

Wrong translation! The real translation is to Cover over your UNDERGRMITS!

Undergarment = Underwear

Dressing modestly vs putting women in beekeeper suits are completely different!!!

Those people used to walk around practically naked! Islam brought them shame & modesty! But the prophet NEVER forced any women to cover their hair!
When he was in power all he asked of them was NOT freaking walk around the Kaabeh Naked!

Now people are turning "Covering over your undergarments aka underwear" Into Chador's & Burka's

Also Hijab is a women's choice! It's to distinguish the devote from the others! Not a tool for men to use to govern! Not a tool oppress women! It's a choice for the devote so they can proclaim their devotion to Islam to all who see them so it losses most of it's meaning when enforced by governments & men!
Hes trying to encourage our women to be allowed to do like american, uk, german, turkish, european, moroccan whores. we cant allow that. hijab stays to remind them who makes the rules, why and whats acceptable.

western brainwashed feminist mangina. weak betamale argument!

That's all you have to say? I tell you that during the Prophets own government when Abu Bakar was the Governor of Mecca people would walk around the Kaabeh completely naked! The only thing the Prophet (PBUH) did was to send Ali(S) to Mecca to ban people from walking around completely "naked" around the Kaabeh!

The Prophet of Islam NEVER forced a single women to cover her hair!

Now we have fools like you who think they are more Muslim than the Prophet!

I don't give a damn about feminist values! When it comes to your version of Hejab the only thing I give a damn about is Iran's Economy and the countries Brain Drain!
And your only comeback to historical facts & facts about Islam is that I'm a feminist and that I should move to Turkey! Pathetic! And it would seem that your the one that's been brainwashed!

Clearly you know nothing of Islam and you clearly can't think for yourself! Iran's economy has to suffer because people like you have so little self control that seeing a women's hair turns you into a sexual predator! And that say's more about you then the women! You have so little self control that if you saw a liquor store or a nightclub you wouldn't be able to control yourself!

You think people can't get Alcoholic beverages in Iran today? Anyone that wants can have it delivered to the house with a simple phone call! The only difference is criminals control it rather than the government & it's not being taxed! And rather than being produced in Iran under regulations it's being imported or produced in Iran underground that's causing ppl to go blind!

You think we don't have underground clubs in Iran? Again only difference is it's being done without rules and regulations with no regard to location or age rather than it being in a controlled area where the police can monitor it make sure people aren't driving drunk & the government can actually benefit from it both through tourism, licensing & taxing.

All those things that you hate that are in Turkey are in Iran as well and worse the only difference is their government is taking better advantage of it & rules and regulations allow the government to better protect the people and their country is a better tourist attraction with repeat tourist that actually bring money into the country!
No where in the Quran allows you to force Hijab on women! Hell it doesn't even say a thing about women covering their Hair!

During the prophets rule when Abu Bakar was the Governor of Mecca people would walk around naked around the Kaabeh, ONLY thing the prophet did about that was to send Ali to Mecca to proclaim that NO ONE was to walk "naked" around the Kaabeh!

So your delusions about what Islam is due to your lack of knowledge! Not reality!

Forcing women to cover their hair is against Islam! And you can't be an Islamic Country without having "La Ekraha Fed Dean"
Your deluded, uninformed version of Islam is not the same as mine & you have no right to enforce your deluded version on me!
Nowhere , their useless emotional law make hijab worthless ...

اینها بعد از صد سال هنوز نمی توانند قانون تجارت ایران رو اصلاح کنند ( قانون تجارت آیران مال ۱۳۱۱ ) هست ولی
Do you live in Canada? If yes, then I rest my case. Iran wasn't surly the place to stay in. If you have immigrated to Canada, then how can you blame any country for its good relationship with the West, where your actions that speak louder than your words, confirmed to us that you clearly preferred the West over Iran. Iran's best option (if not dream) is to seek %50 of what S. Korea has achieved. It is all about being realistic. Living in utopia is just way too dangerous to be a public policy, or a state ideology.
Again Stereotyping. You don't know why I am here. And for your information it has nothing to do with government and or how the country is run. And I don't give a damn about relation with West to begin with. It has never been beneficial anyway.

You also need to stop generalizing "Relation with West" we have good relations with many of the western countries who are respectful towards Iran. Italy, Sweden and most of the times Germany are good examples. If there have been any hickups, it is not because Iran caused it. It is because they followed the path of their boss, US in doing so.
Again Stereotyping. You don't know why I am here. And for your information it has nothing to do with government and or how the country is run. And I don't give a damn about relation with West to begin with. It has never been beneficial anyway.

You also need to stop generalizing "Relation with West" we have good relations with many of the western countries who are respectful towards Iran. Italy, Sweden and most of the times Germany are good examples. If there have been any hickups, it is not because Iran caused it. It is because they followed the path of their boss, US in doing so.

You didn't then specify the reason behind your stay in Canada. You had a prefernce one way or another for a western country over Korish Bozourg's stan.
You didn't then specify the reason behind your stay in Canada. You had a prefernce one way or another for a western country over Korish Bozourg's stan.
Yes. The reason is that my newborn daughter could not stand the pollution in Iran's industrial cities due to her special conditions and I could not move to smaller cities as what I do for living requires a big thriving city.

You need to change your mindset about immigration. Immigration does not always mean running away. Here in Canada, I can see number of magnitude more people from China, India, England and Europe in general than Iranians. All those people are here because of a variety of different reasons none of which has to do with their country governance. Same is true about Iranians.

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