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Iran's answer to all doubters! 22 of Bahman

Yes. The reason is that my newborn daughter could not stand the pollution in Iran's industrial cities due to her special conditions and I could not move to smaller cities as what I do for living requires a big thriving city.

You need to change your mindset about immigration. Immigration does not always mean running away. Here in Canada, I can see number of magnitude more people from China, India, England and Europe in general than Iranians. All those people are here because of a variety of different reasons none of which has to do with their country governance. Same is true about Iranians.

The existsnce of poloution in Tehran (which is known to be way too bad), wihout proper action from the Iranian government is by itself an evidence of poor managment that created the prefernce in your mind to immigrat (assuming this is the main reason). Any way, daughers are very precious to their dad, as we say around here in your beloved KSA (soosmar-khore's stan).
Any way, daughers are very precious to their dad, as we say around here in your beloved KSA (soosmar-khore's stan).

Of course they are. Iranian attitude towards KSA people is not as bad as you think. Our problem with KSA is somewhere else.

The existsnce of poloution in Tehran (which is known to be way too bad), wihout proper action from the Iranian government is by itself an evidence of poor managment that created the prefernce in your mind to immigrated (assuming this is the main reason).

The pollution in Iran has two main reasons:

1- Population. Tehran for one has around 7 million people living inside it. It even increases to more than that during the day when people from suburban area move in for work. Iran didn't have pollution problem back in the days when it had the same population density that Canada has today.

2- Geographical elements. Iran is like a fortress with mountains on the borders and low altitude lands within. That doesn't let the wind blow the pollution away and also reduces rain and snow in central Iran.

The only thing that the government could do about above was to change the type of vehicle people are using which they did. There were massive program in place to change the fuel of the cars from gasoline to natural gas. However, the shear number of cars, has made it a futile attempt.

The other way is to force all cars to be electric. This is a new technology but it will eventually come anyway.

The only reason Canada is not as polluted as Iran is that it has half the population of Iran in a land 6 times larger with large amounts of rain and snow.

I personally can't blame the government about the pollution in Iran.
That's all you have to say? I tell you that during the Prophets own government when Abu Bakar was the Governor of Mecca people would walk around the Kaabeh completely naked! The only thing the Prophet (PBUH) did was to send Ali(S) to Mecca to ban people from walking around completely "naked" around the Kaabeh!

The Prophet of Islam NEVER forced a single women to cover her hair!

Now we have fools like you who think they are more Muslim than the Prophet!

I don't give a damn about feminist values! When it comes to your version of Hejab the only thing I give a damn about is Iran's Economy and the countries Brain Drain!
And your only comeback to historical facts & facts about Islam is that I'm a feminist and that I should move to Turkey! Pathetic! And it would seem that your the one that's been brainwashed!

Clearly you know nothing of Islam and you clearly can't think for yourself! Iran's economy has to suffer because people like you have so little self control that seeing a women's hair turns you into a sexual predator! And that say's more about you then the women! You have so little self control that if you saw a liquor store or a nightclub you wouldn't be able to control yourself!

You think people can't get Alcoholic beverages in Iran today? Anyone that wants can have it delivered to the house with a simple phone call! The only difference is criminals control it rather than the government & it's not being taxed! And rather than being produced in Iran under regulations it's being imported or produced in Iran underground that's causing ppl to go blind!

You think we don't have underground clubs in Iran? Again only difference is it's being done without rules and regulations with no regard to location or age rather than it being in a controlled area where the police can monitor it make sure people aren't driving drunk & the government can actually benefit from it both through tourism, licensing & taxing.

All those things that you hate that are in Turkey are in Iran as well and worse the only difference is their government is taking better advantage of it & rules and regulations allow the government to better protect the people and their country is a better tourist attraction with repeat tourist that actually bring money into the country!

You are acting like the Zionists. You are bringing in Feminist Zionist LGBT Mangina Type of Betamale logic here. Using Islam this and that.

You will Use even Religion or any cause and word as long as it justifies your agenda which is corruption.

I care more about Iran and Iranian Men, Women and Families remaining intact. Relationships, and words of love meaning a dime, then Democracy, Womens Rights or Islam. Hell with all of that. Most Important thing is our people, our women and that they know right from wrong and not get culturally invaded like everybody else.

To Me Iranian Women are more Important then any Muslim or any Prophet, Kabba or anything. Of course some women will want to sleep around, which is fine, Guys like me survive on that. But deal is with your AGENDA you will turn all Iranian women into that.

The Hijab is a SIGN so Women Ask Why they have to wear it, and who is making them wear it and again WHY. To remind them of what we want and what their role is.

And I also dont understand what does Iranian Missiles have to do with Women and why you keep bringing the Hijab into Iranian Missiles Topic? Well I can put 2+2 togather, you got an itch is that it? Lol.

I hope you are not a Woman?? :D
For 38 years the U.S. Media hasn't been able to go a single year without showing Iran in a negative light!
That is a FACT!
For 38 Years the U.S. has funded & provided a voice for every anti Iranian group whether they be the Pahlavi supporters who are still stuck in the 60's or MKO nut job traitors who have 0 support in Iran to any other anti Iranian group!
So Iran's response in terms of many social freedoms at home is reactionary to the actions and behavior of the most powerful country on the planet who has attempted coups in Iran before!

America has it's war party who are the Christian Conservative right wings Republicans for 38 years Iran has been threatened, attacked, sanctioned & meddled with so currently every political party in Iran is a war party from the reformist to the ultra conservatives
You can't constantly be under threat & expect to behave like Switzerland!

Fact is if you are trusted you can criticize but someone like you or me can't go to Iran and write articles but that has more to do with U.S. behavior against Iran in the past 38 years! Iran's response is only reactionary to that!
Or else here

What do these hooligans gain by such behavior? It's really shameful and unnecessary. This conduct, exhibited by "basijies", is one of the reasons why I would never want to visit IRI. They are such bullies; they remind me of Donald Trump and his minions. Mr. Zibakalam said it best when he said even with all the levers of the state at their disposal, these basijies would deprive those that disagree with them the opportunity to have an open and honest discussion. Shame.[/QUOTE]

You see the glass as half empty rather than half full!
My point was to show you that Iran is not as restrictive as you may think! And in terms of social freedoms it's reactionary!
Iran has top university professors who teach politics who practically call Mullah's idiots in their class Zibakalam is just the most famous one Dr.Saifzadeh is another we also have Female Parliamentarians that have said in interviews that Hijab by force is not going to last!

Do they get hackled? YES! So what that they do! The point is if you are trusted you can criticize! I don't see Ron Paul getting his own show on CNN or Fox! Why? Because his foreign policy is counter to their rule and I bet he gets hackled too!

As I said Iran's actions in such matters are reactionary! You can't threaten, attack, sanction, meddle with,.... for 38 years and expect them to act like Switzerland!

Basij is not the enemy! Basij is a part of Iran and the fact that many Basiji's hold different views and values than you do doesn't make them evil or Hooligans! They are people with different views who also like to voice their opinion! Nothing more! Do they hackle? Yes they do so do the other guys!

You are acting like the Zionists. You are bringing in Feminist Zionist LGBT Mangina Type of Betamale logic here. Using Islam this and that.

You will Use even Religion or any cause and word as long as it justifies your agenda which is corruption.

I care more about Iran and Iranian Men, Women and Families remaining intact. Relationships, and words of love meaning a dime, then Democracy, Womens Rights or Islam. Hell with all of that. Most Important thing is our people, our women and that they know right from wrong and not get culturally invaded like everybody else.

To Me Iranian Women are more Important then any Muslim or any Prophet, Kabba or anything. Of course some women will want to sleep around, which is fine, Guys like me survive on that. But deal is with your AGENDA you will turn all Iranian women into that.

The Hijab is a SIGN so Women Ask Why they have to wear it, and who is making them wear it and again WHY. To remind them of what we want and what their role is.

And I also dont understand what does Iranian Missiles have to do with Women and why you keep bringing the Hijab into Iranian Missiles Topic? Well I can put 2+2 togather, you got an itch is that it? Lol.

I hope you are not a Woman?? :D

Can't expect anymore out of a retard like you!

You clearly can't point to facts to support Hijab by Force in Islam so now Iranian women mean more to you than Islam!

Two posts ago you were telling Asghar that Iran meant more to VEVAK than Islam! Now your claiming Iranian women mean more to you than Islam! Because you couldn't find any facts to support your delusions about Islam! LOL! I mean how retarded are you really?

It's getting too off topic how do I close this thread????????????????????????
Can't expect anymore out of a retard like you!

Ah Vevak Bro, If you applied your own username to your own thoughts.

Dont bring religion into this.

And Dont Bring Hijab into Topics about Iranian Missile Program.

^ and you call me the retard, beta male, you are spiteful, just like any western indoctrinated slut in her 40's past any mating potential or reproductive desire and suggesting feminist bs to justify her past actions and devaluation and other hogwash for men to accept no different then any ISIS or Zionist Israelis. Religion this, Religion That, Chop This Chop that.

Bro..take your religion and womens right bs and head to usa or ksa.

Next time come with an empty glass... lol :D
What do these hooligans gain by such behavior? It's really shameful and unnecessary. This conduct, exhibited by "basijies", is one of the reasons why I would never want to visit IRI. They are such bullies; they remind me of Donald Trump and his minions. Mr. Zibakalam said it best when he said even with all the levers of the state at their disposal, these basijies would deprive those that disagree with them the opportunity to have an open and honest discussion. Shame.

You see the glass as half empty rather than half full!
My point was to show you that Iran is not as restrictive as you may think! And in terms of social freedoms it's reactionary!
Iran has top university professors who teach politics who practically call Mullah's idiots in their class Zibakalam is just the most famous one Dr.Saifzadeh is another we also have Female Parliamentarians that have said in interviews that Hijab by force is not going to last!

Do they get hackled? YES! So what that they do! The point is if you are trusted you can criticize! I don't see Ron Paul getting his own show on CNN or Fox! Why? Because his foreign policy is counter to their rule and I bet he gets hackled too!

As I said Iran's actions in such matters are reactionary! You can't threaten, attack, sanction, meddle with,.... for 38 years and expect them to act like Switzerland!

Basij is not the enemy! Basij is a part of Iran and the fact that many Basiji's hold different views and values than you do doesn't make them evil or Hooligans! They are people with different views who also like to voice their opinion! Nothing more! Do they hackle? Yes they do so do the other guys!

@VEVAK Yes I could have looked at it and say he does criticize freely, you are right. Was this broadcast on TV? I am not sure if it was!

Can't expect anymore out of a retard like you!

You clearly can't point to facts to support Hijab by Force in Islam so now Iranian women mean more to you than Islam!

Two posts ago you were telling Asghar that Iran meant more to VEVAK than Islam! Now your claiming Iranian women mean more to you than Islam! Because you couldn't find any facts to support your delusions about Islam! LOL! I mean how retarded are you really?

It's getting too off topic how do I close this thread????????????????????????[/QUOTE]
You see the glass as half empty rather than half full!
My point was to show you that Iran is not as restrictive as you may think! And in terms of social freedoms it's reactionary!
Iran has top university professors who teach politics who practically call Mullah's idiots in their class Zibakalam is just the most famous one Dr.Saifzadeh is another we also have Female Parliamentarians that have said in interviews that Hijab by force is not going to last!

Do they get hackled? YES! So what that they do! The point is if you are trusted you can criticize! I don't see Ron Paul getting his own show on CNN or Fox! Why? Because his foreign policy is counter to their rule and I bet he gets hackled too!

As I said Iran's actions in such matters are reactionary! You can't threaten, attack, sanction, meddle with,.... for 38 years and expect them to act like Switzerland!

Basij is not the enemy! Basij is a part of Iran and the fact that many Basiji's hold different views and values than you do doesn't make them evil or Hooligans! They are people with different views who also like to voice their opinion! Nothing more! Do they hackle? Yes they do so do the other guys!

@VEVAK Yes I could have looked at it and say he does criticize freely, you are right. Was this broadcast on TV? I am not sure if it was!

Can't expect anymore out of a retard like you!

You clearly can't point to facts to support Hijab by Force in Islam so now Iranian women mean more to you than Islam!

Two posts ago you were telling Asghar that Iran meant more to VEVAK than Islam! Now your claiming Iranian women mean more to you than Islam! Because you couldn't find any facts to support your delusions about Islam! LOL! I mean how retarded are you really?

It's getting too off topic how do I close this thread????????????????????????
You really don't know how to use quotes, do you?

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Ah Vevak Bro, If you applied your own username to your own thoughts.

Dont bring religion into this.

And Dont Bring Hijab into Topics about Iranian Missile Program.

^ and you call me the retard, beta male, you are spiteful, just like any western indoctrinated slut in her 40's past any mating potential or reproductive desire and suggesting feminist bs to justify her past actions and devaluation and other hogwash for men to accept no different then any ISIS or Zionist Israelis. Religion this, Religion That, Chop This Chop that.

Bro..take your religion and womens right bs and head to usa or ksa.

Next time come with an empty glass... lol :D

I currently reside in the US moron!! It's not about me!

You see the glass as half empty rather than half full!
My point was to show you that Iran is not as restrictive as you may think! And in terms of social freedoms it's reactionary!
Iran has top university professors who teach politics who practically call Mullah's idiots in their class Zibakalam is just the most famous one Dr.Saifzadeh is another we also have Female Parliamentarians that have said in interviews that Hijab by force is not going to last!

Do they get hackled? YES! So what that they do! The point is if you are trusted you can criticize! I don't see Ron Paul getting his own show on CNN or Fox! Why? Because his foreign policy is counter to their rule and I bet he gets hackled too!

As I said Iran's actions in such matters are reactionary! You can't threaten, attack, sanction, meddle with,.... for 38 years and expect them to act like Switzerland!

Basij is not the enemy! Basij is a part of Iran and the fact that many Basiji's hold different views and values than you do doesn't make them evil or Hooligans! They are people with different views who also like to voice their opinion! Nothing more! Do they hackle? Yes they do so do the other guys!

@VEVAK Yes I could have looked at it and say he does criticize freely, you are right. Was this broadcast on TV? I am not sure if it was!

Can't expect anymore out of a retard like you!

You clearly can't point to facts to support Hijab by Force in Islam so now Iranian women mean more to you than Islam!

Two posts ago you were telling Asghar that Iran meant more to VEVAK than Islam! Now your claiming Iranian women mean more to you than Islam! Because you couldn't find any facts to support your delusions about Islam! LOL! I mean how retarded are you really?

It's getting too off topic how do I close this thread????????????????????????

YouTube Zibakalam! Just like Ron Paul they both get some face time on TV BUT neither one goes all radical on TV because they wanna get invited back!
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