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India does better than Pakistan on hunger for the first time


Oct 13, 2014
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2014 IFPRI Global Hunger Index released and India reports less hunger than Pakistan for the first time. Hopefully, we're getting to a stage where India starts doing well on more indices of individual welfare and not just on macroeconomic indicators (education indicators also very far ahead of Pakistan now.).
Sorry can't post links yet- check International Food Policy Research Institute website.
2014 IFPRI Global Hunger Index released and India reports less hunger than Pakistan for the first time. Hopefully, we're getting to a stage where India starts doing well on more indices of individual welfare and not just on macroeconomic indicators (education indicators also very far ahead of Pakistan now.).

Not really. According to FAO, affiliated to the UN, India has been doing better than Pakistan on the issue of hunger for the past few years. IFPRI's GHI was only late in updating itself.
I think one of the most innovative govt programs was the mid day meal scheme. That shot two birds with one stone - it encouraged regular attendance in schools, and also gave vital nourishment for young children.
I think one of the most innovative govt programs was the mid day meal scheme. That shot two birds with one stone - it encouraged regular attendance in schools, and also gave vital nourishment for young children.
Couldn't agree more, that scheme really has improved the situation many-fold, the right to food is one of the best policies the UPA ever implemented.

Anyway, it is truly PATHETIC that people can have such low standards- India beats PAKISTAN on this, so f*cking what? On these criteria Indians need to be comparing themselves to Singapore and Japan not a country like Pakistan.

The positives in this news are that India has moved foreword on this front NOT that India has beat Pakistan- this is utterly meaningless.
Anyway, it is truly PATHETIC that people can have such low standards- India beats PAKISTAN on this, so f*cking what? On these criteria Indians need to be comparing themselves to Singapore and Japan not a country like Pakistan

Well you know why that is, on PDF. Any time India does something that Pakistan cannot hope to do in their wildest dreams, the hunger trolls have a field day lamenting about hunger in India. Whether we aquire a nuclear sub, or put a satellite in orbit around mars, or give four million dollars to Palestinians to rebuild their homes - people like @Icewolf will jump in with crocodile tears for India's poor. So a news like this will be highlighted by Indians, to remind Pakistanis that Pak is not Norway either.

On other platforms, like our media or public discourse or polity circles, nobody indulges in pointless comparisons to Pakistan. We are raising our living standards for our benefit and quality of life - what Pakistanis think of us is really the last of our concerns.
Pakistan should introspect what went wrong in so many decades that they are hungrier than us.

Pakistan is essentially run by capitalists and feudalists, its high time to accept that
Congratulations Indians for your achievement feeding more mouths mean happiness from the lower class.. Go on India perhaps it is not our time now but wish us luck!! and may we remain peaceful.
Indeed, let's hope that soon there will be no more hunger in our countries. Why should our people suffer from poverty and hunger and deprivation, when many other countries eliminated such things long ago?
Indeed, let's hope that soon there will be no more hunger in our countries. Why should our people suffer from poverty and hunger and deprivation, when many other countries eliminated such things long ago?
I agree with you mate we took enough beating from the british already its time our countries stand up and do something get rid of their problems and earn distinction in the world.

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