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Pakistan fares better than India on hunger index

Dont be too happy on 2013 news, check the latest 2015. India is doing better than Pakistan.

2015 Global Hunger Index


being ranked 57th is still nothing to be proud of if we were in the the top 30 it wouldn't be so bad, Indian might be bigger losers at it then us but it still doesn't take away from the fact we're ranked near the bottom.
It is funny that you saying this. An Indian. Most delusional fools in the world.
Umm,you might wanna check the recent global ISIS recruitment chart.Last I heard it was your countrymen running in droves seeking jobs in Syria.Not enough food and bullets left in Pakistan,eh.
Dude.Too quick to burst bubbles.
You should have let them marinate in their delusions a bit more.

This thread reminds me of Indian space launch and missile test threads on pdf.

Whenever there is failure, you will see Pakistani trolls gleefully celebrating it.

Couple of years later when we have successful launch or test of the same, Pakistanis troll are now where to be seen :D
Umm,you might wanna check the recent global ISIS recruitment chart.Last I heard it was your countrymen running in droves seeking jobs in Syria.Not enough food and bullets left in Pakistan,eh.

Last I read ISIS twitter account was operated by an Indian.

The Man Arrested For Running The Top ISIS Twitter Account Is A Hawaiian-Shirt-Wearing Executive In India - Business Insider

This thread reminds me of Indian space launch and missile test threads on pdf.

Whenever there is failure, you will see Pakistani trolls gleefully celebrating it.

Couple of years later when we have successful launch or test of the same, Pakistanis troll are now where to be seen :D

We would get ahead soon. Eating meat is a death sentence in India. And pulses are already too expensive and beyond aukat of most Indians. Modi govt would help us. :)
I wouldn't be celebrating such news. I couldn't care less how much people go hungry in India or anywhere else. How on earth Pakistan can't feed its people when we have so much agricultural land and produce surplus wheat and rice? Problem lies with the way agriculture and food supply chain works. And then there is so much wastage of food. It breaks my heart to see food being wasted at weddings etc. Why the hell educated, well off people can't put in their plate less and walk for a second serving if required? Why wheat is rotten lying around and not stored properly or distributed? Just beyond me!
What a shame it is for India to be so low ranked! Feed your people India. Shame!

Pakistan surpasses India in the Hunger Index! Great! Slowly we will cross slum land country in each and every field!

Pakistan is the worst in the hunger index in all of Asia...Only preceded by Afghanistan (thanks to pakistan's terror proxies), you are comparable to the worst from Africa in hunger.
I wouldn't be celebrating such news. I couldn't care less how much people go hungry in India or anywhere else. How on earth Pakistan can't feed its people when we have so much agricultural land and produce surplus wheat and rice? Problem lies with the way agriculture and food supply chain works.

Same issues here in India as well.

There was is this significant movement in India when Wallmart was planning to open in India and would revolutionize Indian agricultural supply chain.

Thanks to the previous Govt that never happened.

And then there is so much wastage of food

Do you think food grain storage can solve this problem in Pakistan to some extant?

. It breaks my heart to see food being wasted at weddings etc. Why the hell educated, well off people can't put in their plate less and walk for a second serving if required? Why wheat is rotten lying around and not stored properly or distributed? Just beyond me!
This part is far worse in developed nations like USA and Japan. Efforts on preventing food wastage may help the homeless and beggars in cities, but will not address overall hunger problem

Pakistan is the worst in the hunger index in all of Asia...Only preceded by Afghanistan (thanks to pakistan's terror proxies), you are comparable to the worst from Africa in hunger.
Interesting observation :)
I wouldn't be celebrating such news. I couldn't care less how much people go hungry in India or anywhere else. How on earth Pakistan can't feed its people when we have so much agricultural land and produce surplus wheat and rice? Problem lies with the way agriculture and food supply chain works. And then there is so much wastage of food. It breaks my heart to see food being wasted at weddings etc. Why the hell educated, well off people can't put in their plate less and walk for a second serving if required? Why wheat is rotten lying around and not stored properly or distributed? Just beyond me!

Not so easy. Need to invest billions of $ in supply chain, cold storage etc. Then raods, railways also need to be improved that farmers dont have a problem selling their produce. More capital is required in agriculture to boost produce per acre as well. Poverty corruption and illiteracy doesnt help either.
Same issues here in India as well.

There was is this significant movement in India when Wallmart was planning to open in India and would revolutionize Indian agricultural supply chain.

Thanks to the previous Govt that never happened.

Do you think food grain storage can solve this problem in Pakistan to some extant?

This part is far worse in developed nations like USA and Japan. Efforts on preventing food wastage may help the homeless and beggars in cities, but will not address overall hunger problem

Interesting observation :)

It's factually wrong btw. ..pakistan is the third worst hungriest after Timor leste and Afghanistan in Asia.
Do you think food grain storage can solve this problem in Pakistan to some extant?

Yes. A lot of food is produced in Pakistan and then a lot is wasted. Right now we are sitting on a large surplus wheat but wheat prices are low in World market thanks to hundereds of billions dollars subsidy US and rich countries provide to their farmers. Now they are thinking of giving it in aid to Afghanistan. If one is driving along from North to South in early summer, he would see mountains of wheat all along lying in open. Then the rains and floods will come soaking the wheat and rotting it if it has not been moved into indoor storage yet!

This part is far worse in developed nations like USA and Japan. Efforts on preventing food wastage may help the homeless and beggars in cities, but will not address overall hunger problem

US can waste food if it wants. It's sad but not my problem. Food that is wasted in Pakistan is definitely our problem. So is the distribution problem. 2 years back when people were dying of famine in Tharparker, Pakistan was sitting on surplus wheat and rice. Then so much wheat and rice is smuggled to Afghanistan, Iran and even to central Asia. How the hell that happens when we have people going hungry in our country? Even one is too many.
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