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Superpower?India home to a quarter of the world’s hungry: GHI

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How can you be so myopic???
Those are rules which you have to follow and you dont have any choice other than following them.

Quoted for truth especially the highlighted one. Chinese having opinions on their government policies - that is far fetched.
They come here with an agenda of earning, not surprising even though they were utterly defeated in arguments, they post again most of the time they don't know what they are arguing..

Quoted for truth especially the highlighted one. Chinese having opinions on their government policies - that is far fetched.

so we are in majority here...great.

Pray that our Indian population doesnt outgrow your's(by 2050).Otherwise you'll be bashed up black and blue beyond the forum too.:lol:
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so we are in majority here...great.

Pray that our Indian population doesnt outgrow your's(by 2050).Otherwise you'll be bashed up black and blue beyond the forum too.:lol:

So many times these guys are made to eat their words but they keep posting rants against India, it has become phobia for them ..... :lol:
Only Indians thought their country was a superpower。

Let's leave it at that。:azn:
in India you need to have 6-8 children so that there is a higher probability that at least 2 of the children will survive.
India's fertility rate is in the range of 2-3 which is the same range as the world average. So unless you know the facts, please don't troll.

I found it


I know i am very stubborn.
It is and india should take steps to help its lower class population thats it
850 Million Chinese earn under 5$ perday, does that mean chinese eat less or their puny little bodies do not need much???

Chinese stats are always fake even the stats related to pollution are fake. These CCP programmed slaves who do not have any freedom, vent there frustration on India related threads.

Pitiful souls....:lol:
i dont believe CCP statistics,either.and i think India is a much bigger market for companies such as MS, TOYOTA,SAMSUNG,BMW........it must be fake if any of them sell 3 or 5 times products in China more than in India.
Is it the reverberation of that Gutter oil fiasco? If yes,then we all are running in a circle.

No, for that they already had a thread yesterday. 
@IndoCarib Yaara post it like below, looks better. :)

Fighting child malnutrition in rural China

© UNICEF/China/2012/Jerry Liu
Grandmother is feeding little Han a bowl of porridge enriched with a packet of essential micro-nutrients.
13 March 2013, Beijing, China - Little Han is having her breakfast. Her older brother, too shy to share his own name, stands close by, wearing the typical white skull cap of the Hui ethnic group. Mouthful by mouthful, he watches intently, as his sister is spoon-fed by their Grandmother. Breakfast is a bowl of porridge which has been enriched with a small foil packet of essential nutrients.

Known as Ying Yang Bao, the contents of these amazing packets are mixed into the first solid foods that young children begin to eat.

One Ying Yang Bao sachet per day provides a powerful mixture of essential vitamins, minerals and protein that are often missing in the local diet. Specially formulated for children 6-24 months old, these micro-nutrients will significantly improve Han’s growth and nutrition.

In Qinghai Province, where the Han family resides, the prevalence of anemia among children from 6 months to 2 years old is astonishingly high at more than 70 per cent.

Local health teams have visited the Han household a number of times to explain the benefits of Ying Yang Bao. Grandmother Han is convinced that little Han will grow “taller and do better in school than her big brother,” pointing to the young boy.

Noticing that attention has shifted towards him, little Han’s brother flees. He is 9-years-old and stands barely 1.2 meter tall.

After comparing the height of the young boy with that of his grandmother, UNICEF Health Specialist Robert Scherpbier concludes, “This is not because of genetic reasons. The boy is definitely suffering from malnutrition, and very likely he’s stunted.”

12.7 million MalnourishedA little known malady in China, stunting is the irreversible outcome of chronic nutritional deficiency during the first 1,000 days of a child’s life, starting from conception. The effects of chronic malnutrition become a life sentence of stunting, and that child will most likely never learn, nor earn, as much as he or she could have if properly nourished in early life.

In China, there are an estimated 12.7 million stunted children, a population the size of Tokyo. In poor rural communities in China’s central and western provinces, one out of 10 children under 5 is stunted.


© UNICEF/China/2012/Jerry Liu
Little Han's elder brother (right) is 9-years-old and stands barely 1.2 meter tall. It is likely that he is stunted due to malnutrition during his first two years of life.
UNICEF has been supporting intensive efforts on finding solutions.

Pilot projects in cooperation with the Ministry of Health have demonstrated the effectiveness of Ying Yang Bao, a simple easy-to-use complementary food supplement, in preventing and controlling childhood malnutrition.

From 2008-2011, UNICEF distributed Ying Yang Bao to mothers and babies in 8 counties in Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi provinces benefitting of more than 30,000 rural children. The rate of childhood anemia in these counties was reduced by as much as 50 per cent. They also saw reduction of overall childhood malnutrition

Qinghai campaignIn 2011, the Qinghai provincial government, in a landmark decision, announced that it would scale-up Ying Yang Bao distribution to improve infant and young child feeding in 15 of its poorest counties. Hualong County, where the little Han and her family reside, is one of the counties in the campaign.

"Ying Yang Bao will benefit a lot of families in my county,” said Ms An Hongbing, deputy county governor of Hualong.

Hualong has a per capita income of RMB 3,000. The Hui-majority autonomous county is located on the Tibetan plateau. With an altitude of 1,800 to 4,400 meters, farming is very difficult. One hundred thousand Hualong residents have immigrated to coastal cities, where many operate beef noodle shops under the recognized brand of Lanzhou Beef Noodle. The money they send home constitutes half of the county’s income.

Back home, noodles without beef and porridge are the staple foods. For an average rural family in Hualong, potato is almost their sole source of vegetable. Beef and mutton are only consumed during rare festive occasions.

Many families cannot afford to keep any sheep or cattle, therefore both milk and meat can be rarely found on the dining table.

"Babies eat the same food as their mothers after breastfeeding stops – we all know there is not enough nutrition for them, but we didn’t know what to do,” said Dr. Wang Chunhua, from the township hospital,. She has delivered over 500 babies during her 10 years’ service in Hualong.


©UNICEF/China/2012/Jerry Liu
Grandmother Han is very confident that her baby girl will grow stronger and taller because her diet has been enriched with essential micro-nutrients.

Improving impactFollowing Qinghai’s initiation of the Ying Yang Bao pilot project, the lessons learned from UNICEF’s earlier trials in other provinces have been applied to ensure the effectiveness of the programme here.

One lesson is the importance of efficient distribution and handling of the Ying Yang Bao from production to household. County hospitals build warehouses and township hospitals build storerooms for the storage of Ying Yang Bao. At the beginning of each month, a 30-day supply of Ying Yang Bao is transported to village clinics and distributed to each family by the village health workers who also promote the daily consumption of Ying Yang Bao.

UNICEF also supports training on weaning food supplementation in county and township hospitals. Subsequently, the trainees become trainers for the village doctors. There is a monthly face-to-face session and discussion in the township hospital. Every other month, the county doctors will visit villages for field inspection.

In little Han’s family yard, a colorful poster with illustrations of Ying Yang Bao with a growth monitoring chart are put in a significant place on the wall facing south. Every day Grandmother Han will tick on the chart after feeding her granddaughter. “It is certain the baby girl will grow stronger and taller,” she says with confidence.

By Liang Ruoqiao
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Malnutrition stunts growth of 10 million Chinese children


A child who has special needs, with his teacher. (Photo/Xinhua)

There are at least 10 million children of preschool age in China suffering from stunted growth due to malnutrition, the second-highest number in the world behind India. The situation for babies six to 11 months old could deteriorate if action is not taken.

A UNICEF report reveals that in 2009, 40% of children in China's rural areas suffered from growth retardation. In its 2010 report, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention indicated that the growth retardation rate for children in China under the age of five stood at 9.9% overall, including 3.4% in urban areas and 12.1% in rural areas.

A representative for UNICEF in China said that growth retardation is caused by malnutrition from pregnancy to the time when a child is two years old and the effects are irreversible. Growth retardation refers to children with height significantly lower than the standard height of the average of 97% of children of the same gender in the same age group, according to the definition of the World Health Organization.

UNICEF's statistics show that there are 180 million children with growth retardation worldwide in 2009. In 2006, China had 12.7 million children with the condition, again second highest in number behind India. Nigeria was third, followed by Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Congo, the Philippines and Tanzania. In Afghanistan, 59% of children under five had stunted growth, the highest percentage in the world.

The Chinese government has invested only limited resources in the malnutrition problem for children aged two and under.

The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevision reports that the percentage of children aged the age of one year in impoverished rural areas remained unchanged during 2008-2009 but dropped to the 2005 level in 2010. The percentage of babies from six to 11 months with growth retardation doubled from 2008's 6.7% to 2009's 12.5% before dropping slightly to 12.1% in 2010.

Chang Suying, a nutritional expert with UNICEF, notes that Chinese society invests its resources in addressing the nutritional issues of college students and students of elementary and high-school age, while leaving the nutritional needs of infants under five to families. Yet it is essential to tackle malnutrition at an earlier age, Chang said.

To address the problem, UNICEF has been providing nutritional packages to children from impoverished backgrounds in some villages in China's western province of Qinghai. The results have been encouraging, prompting the provincial government to appropriate 10 million yuan (US$1.58 million) to extend the program to the entire province from 2011.

So be it.
If UNICEF says that about India.....then GOOD MORNING!!! We share equal footage on such reports.
Why do you turn a blind eye to such reports ??

The reports from WHO and UNICEF are a lot more authoritative and widely quoted
No! we are aware of our problems
it is the hordes of cheerleaders who are blind to see theirs

How can you be so myopic???
Those are rules which you have to follow and you dont have any choice other than following them.

No! we dont have a choice for the policy and most of us Han and urban living know why we need it.
The ultimate aim is for the good of our Country

ROFL.....such false notions.:haha:

cant blame you from a failed state

Aahhh suddenly your eyesight has improved.I hope you are not wearing "made in China" spectacles.God save you.

We save ourselves. Made-in-China rising in the ranks for the last 30 years and more to come.

Mmhhhmmm jealousy....pure jealousy. :omghaha:
These days the international media is going gaga about our mars mission.

looks like cheerleaders are blowing a bigger trumpet
I cant see many international media are reporting anything much about it - going gaga in these days - WTF! and the irony and worthiness of the news are because you have millions of people dying every year and yet sending a spacecraft to the moon. It is like a person who is very boney, breathless, infected with leprosy, multiple drug resistant TB, HIV-aids is going to have a sumptuous dinner in a luxury restaurant

Bad logic!!
If fruits are indeed rotting then why pelt stones at all.
I had heard common sense is not so common.....you proved it.

The fruits are indeed rotting. The fruit-men are pelting stones in large volume on fourms

Lol.....i am proud of my country and i can say it a 100 times.
Btw laughing is good for health.:rofl:

Keep smoking your chillams. Add more doses!

It will save you from all the frustration that you are going through and which gets manifested on the forums as hatred towards other countries.

Because your massive and shameless denial of your reality and constantly pelting a lot larger amount of stones at us and others while occupying our land! You dont know how to grow up!
The reports from WHO and UNICEF are a lot more authoritative and widely quoted
You haventdone your HOMEWORK properly.
Did you even care to open the link that i had posted in my previous post???
In big bold letters it said " According to UNICEF".
Next time when you come back with your brick bats dont forget to do your HOMEWORK....lol

shuttler said:
No! we dont have a choice for the policy and most of us Han and urban living know why we need it.
The ultimate aim is for the good of our Country

Yeahhhhhhh....the Stockholm syndrome!!! :azn:
Get over it asap.

shuttler said:
cant blame you from a failed state

YES...I am from a FAILED COUNTRY ....which couldnot drill sense into its neighboring countries.:moil:

shuttler said:
We save ourselves. Made-in-China rising in the ranks for the last 30 years and more to come.
I like that......every fool has a rainbow.:yahoo:...you proved it yet again.

shuttler said:
looks like cheerleaders are blowing a bigger trumpet
I cant see many international media are reporting anything much about it - going gaga in these days

International media???
International media in China???
You must be kidding right.
There's NO international media in China.All you have is beefed up National media.

shuttler said:
The fruits are indeed rotting. The fruit-men are pelting stones in large volume on fourms

Oops....then the so called FRUIT MEN are FOOLISH.........i pity them.:tdown:

shuttler said:
Keep smoking your chillams. Add more doses!
Are you already high early in the morning??? :coffee:

shuttler said:
Because your massive and shameless denial of your reality and constantly pelting a lot larger amount of stones at us and others while occupying our land! You dont know how to grow up!

What plethora of sight and feelings!!!!!8-)

My sense of triumphalism about country is not based on false presumptions.

I am proud of my country....we dont cheat....we dont say "HINDI- CHINI bhai bhai" and then back stab.
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