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India still far behind in the Global Hunger Index

Way less hungry then India for sure, India si comparable to African countries when it comes to hunger.

"That puts it in the category where the hunger index is between 20 and 29.9. Others in this category are Ethiopia, Sudan, Congo, Chad, Niger, and other African countries."

What exactly are you so ecstatic about??

Do you really think that the poor in either country care whether they are less hungry compared to the other??
Hunger is hunger....there is no quantifialble measure of it.

And what exactly do you think is going to happen by "showing the hindu banya that they arent a super power"???
You think our aspirations to grow on the world stage will disappear because some no name on the internet feels Pakistan is a few ranks higher than India on the hunger lndex?? The list and rankings make zero difference when South Asian Poverty is compared to developed countries. You still are dirt poor and so are we...

At this point you're making a mockery of poverty not only in India but your own country as well...

This is pathetic behavior...from you and from those Indians that think a tit for tat in this regard is even worth it...
Do not believe a thing about hunger in India. There is enough food, vegetables, pulses and fruits & milk produced in India to feed everybody. Except the appetite of western journalists to project India as Hungary never misses a beat. They would keep manufacturing statistics to show India hungary. With 250 million tons of grains 400 million tons of vegetables, fruits and produce (I do not have milk production data with me) there is enough for everybody. With the latest legislation to distribute surplus grain to poor people all over India, anybody who could not afford to pay market price can now have it at cut rate.

Then who is this fool producing statistics to show India is hungry. A person may not eat meat and poultry but there is enough food.

Now let us turn our attention to hunger in America. It is published statistics that 40% of kids arrive in school hungry. Their parents either did not give them breakfast or ran away to school hungry. That does not mean America is hungry.

In America 16% of people are either on food stamps (a method to distribute excess food at government expense) or strait on welfare or both. If they misuse these subsidies they would go hungry or join the church soup lines.

Does that mean America is hungry?

No. No. No.

So stop producing funny self serving statistics.

No person should go hungry should be our motto. Even if there is one person hungry, means we have work to do...

I would rather we highlight our problems than brush them under the carpet...

And yes, you are right that India produces enough food, but the lack of infrastructure, corruption and bureaucracy is hampering this food from reaching the intended recipients.
We do have a serious hunger and poverty problem and we cannot just stand bye and sugar coat our situation to look better in the worlds eyes....

Khud ko kar buland itna.....
One man has 3 fries in his hand, the other has 2 fries, both laugh at how hungry the other is. The key idea at play here is introspection.
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