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'Roof of the World' rebels against Pakistan

It is a clear referendum by Kashmiris of whether they consider this militant a terrorist or a hero.

Do you know these fake encounters are common in India? They kill any innocent person terrorizing the innocent Kashmiris & proudly call him infiltrator.
If AJK regiment works for Govt of Pakistan i.e Pakistani army, they can not stay.

However if they work for local AJK/ GB authorities, they can stay.

The regiment is fully part of the army but acts under the authority of the AJK government, as part of the united defence policy of Pakistan and territories it administers.

Anyway these things have been discussed a thousand times. The situation will remain the same, as it is for years to come.
The regiment is fully part of the army but acts under the authority of the AJK government, as part of the united defence policy of Pakistan and territories it administers.

Anyway these things have been discussed a thousand times. The situation will remain the same, as it is for years to come.

I agree with second part of argument, that situation will remain the same.

Even Indian army is in Kashmir under authority and on request of Govt of J&K.

1.When the commission shall have notified the Government of India that the tribesmen and Pakistani nationals referred to in Part II, A, 2, hereof have withdrawn, thereby terminating the situation which was represented by the Government of India to the Security Council as having occasioned the presence of Indian forces in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, and further, that the Pakistani forces are being withdrawn from the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the Government of India agrees to begin to withdraw the bulk of its forces from that State in stages to be agreed upon with the Commission.

First part never happened.
"As the presence of troops of Pakistan in the territory of the State of Jammu and Kashmir constitutes a material change in the situation since it was represented by the Government of Pakistan before the Security Council, the Government of Pakistan agrees to withdraw its troops from that State."

link plz for this quote .....

BTW don't run from your claim you earlier replied to my query .....
UN resolution 47, Part 2 Truce Agreement...August 13, 1948.

against your post

By maintaining troops in Kashmir, without UN's prior approval, you are violating the it!!

I am agin simply asking plz post relevant sections on the basis of which 'you establish your claim', otherwise allow me to post Truce agreement duly signed by Indian Government and approved by UN representative ..........
Sir, No comments unless your apology & unless you declare/accept yourself with the names that you called me.

OooOooO...Sir it is funny that how you trying to be saint...Seems like those idioms are jumping & forcing me to put them in their place...if you know what I mean, Sir.;)

You may comment or not as you please; speech is free. As far as all observers are concerned, you have revealed yourself to be an unscrupulous propagandist, and a wholly unprincipled purveyor of untruths and half-truths to make a spurious case. You will remain a troll, no matter how hard you try to dignify yourself with pompous language.

Your mendacity is out in the wind, flying freely for everyone to see and laugh at.
link plz for this quote .....

BTW don't run from your claim you earlier replied to my query .....

against your post

I am agin simply asking plz post relevant sections on the basis of which 'you establish your claim', otherwise allow me to post Truce agreement duly signed by Indian Government and approved by UN representative ..........

I did quote the relevant sections, which required Pakistani army to vacate territories of J&K.

Presence of Pakistani army in Kashmir is a violation of the truce agreement of UN resolution 47.

Allow me

U.N.Resolution on J&K August 13, 1948
Sorry I think there is more to do this. Did they have roots originally from there? There have been people who migrated from AJK to Punjab during the Mangla dam build (1960's), as compensation from the government. These people then migrated back, but they are very, very few in number. Absolutely no settlement from outside AJK is allowed.

If your friend has no link to AJK then I simply don't believe you as will anyone else from AJK. Where does he live in AJK? What's his family name? Do you know any posts they hold within the AJK administration?

That's fine but he AJK regiment stays. That is entirely comprised of AJK's native sons.

This is about the second part of your post:
That's fine but he AJK regiment stays. That is entirely comprised of AJK's native sons
Your reasoning is specious. The composition of the regiment could be anything. If it is a regular regiment of the Pakistan Army, it is not allowed in Kashmir, in terms of the UN Resolution that Pakistanis are so fond of citing.
Almost half of Kashmir has been liberated from Indian occupation , liberation of other half is just a matter of time

Kashmir is not part of india , never was and never will be

This is good.

We now know your opinion.

The human race is now assured of progress.
You may comment or not as you please; speech is free. As far as all observers are concerned, you have revealed yourself to be an unscrupulous propagandist, and a wholly unprincipled purveyor of untruths and half-truths to make a spurious case. You will remain a troll, no matter how hard you try to dignify yourself with pompous language.

Your mendacity is out in the wind, flying freely for everyone to see and laugh at.

As I mentioned your views & opinions on me are not even worthy of wiping off my $h1t. In order to make me respond to your nonsense & propaganda you will have to apologize and rebut those names and instead declare that you are worthy of those names. The respect that I' am showing is just because of the PDF's title given to you and nothing else, otherwise your personal attack are forcing me to respond in same attitude.

Thank you
This is about the second part of your post: Your reasoning is specious. The composition of the regiment could be anything. If it is a regular regiment of the Pakistan Army, it is not allowed in Kashmir, in terms of the UN Resolution that Pakistanis are so fond of citing.

The composition of the regiment is vast majority AJK. It has been a home for many of our serving sons for years. It is a regular regiment of the army, and I did state this earlier.

In that case put aside the Pakistani uniform. The men stay alongside their weapons and the old AKRF uniforms are put on.
[quote="Areesh, post: 5877278, member: 25703"

Still Pakistan's own Kashmir is far more peaceful than Mumbai or Delhi. :D[/quote]

Incomplete sentence,it is like this 'Still Pakistan's own Kashmir is far more peaceful than Mumbai or Delhi but a million times worst Wairstan,Hazara province,Karachi,Queeta,every 2nd day there is a bomb blast.
Indian Occupier terrorists must be flushed out of Kashmir. They do not belong their. They are continuing with their state sponsored terrorism & unfortunately the world & UN is acting blind. Barbarism of India must be held accountable by the world & UN.

If this is not barbarism & terrorism of Indian state then what is this?

@Emmie @pakdefender @DESERT FIGHTER @Hazzy997 @al-Hasani @Leader @HRK @Patriots @KingMamba @kalu_miah

Indian occupied Kashmir is disputed territory. Pakistan must keep this issue alive and inform the world of illegal Indian occupation of this Muslim majority area against the people's will there. Eventually Muslim nations of the world will become developed and provide support to Pakistan on Kashmir issue, its just a matter of time. Once China forms its owns NATO like security alliance, then that alliance may also be able to put pressure on India to let go of this area.

As for Gilgit Baltistan, I have long known that Indians have wet dream of gaining a foothold in this area to cut off Pakistan's land border with China and get access to Central Asia. They hope to see a revolt in that area from local population due to its demographics, so Pakistan should do development work and keep the local population on their side. I am sure RAW has been and is active in that area to destabilize and incite the local people against Pakistan govt.:

[quote="Areesh, post: 5877278, member: 25703"

Still Pakistan's own Kashmir is far more peaceful than Mumbai or Delhi. :D

Incomplete sentence,it is like this 'Still Pakistan's own Kashmir is far more peaceful than Mumbai or Delhi but a million times worst Wairstan,Hazara province,Karachi,Queeta,every 2nd day there is a bomb blast.

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