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Quaid e Azam did NOT have a British Passport


Lol. Looks like Altaf bhai ruffled a few feathers here. But it seems to me that whatever he said is technically correct as always.
Non-Pakistani Altaf is just showing his monkey side once again.

No actually, he is pretty smart. He is just testing how baigherat we pakistanis are. So far he has been very successful. You know whats next? "Lets break sindh from pakistan" By Altaf Bhagora.
No actually, he is pretty smart. He is just testing how baigherat we pakistanis are. So far he has been very successful. You know whats next? "Lets break sindh from pakistan" By Altaf Bhagora.

I don't believe your bigoted post requires a response but for the sake of others, the next step may most likely be demand of division of Sindh into 2 provinces which is very much needed now especially when interior Sindh wants to be governed by the old commissioner rule system and Karachi/Hyderabad/Sukkhar etc. want to be under the much more appropriate LG system.
Illegal immigrants? What can one say after this?

Bad choice of words, but try to understand the sentiments behind this outburst. It is not anti-Urdu speaking (people), it is anti-Muhajir (identity popularized by MQM). Many Pakistanis do understand the narrative popularized by MQM within their support areas. Most of us do not agree with that narrative - in fact it is offensive in many ways. @haviZsultan has an excellent thread on it, if you wish to read it. You might then understand this negative outburst.

And the answer to your question is that you would seek asylum in UK still as the constitution does not bar anyone from being a leader of a political party especially since you would have no aspirations to hold public officer, ever. AH has never held any public officer, nor wishes to hold it ever and that is why there is no issue with his dual citizenship!

If only you actually knew the constitution!!!

When SC's interpretation prohibits dual-nationality holders from contesting elections in Pakistan (a position virtually 100% supported areas outside of MQM influence), then one can only guess how would AH's leadership of a political party would be viewed. It is not an issue really. The fact that AH & MQM is trying to make it an issue shows you what is their mentality. It is not an issue with anything to do with constitution. If MQM feels that this has anything to do with constitution, then they may ask SC for a judgement. But of course this is never going to happen. I hope EC asks SC someday. We might be rid of AH. MQM without AH would have a positive role to play in my view. AH is wrecking MQM.
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It's not a question of which passport he held. Quaid-e-Azam had to pledge allegiance to the British Crown as the governor general of Pakistan, the top representative of the British monarch in the country. This is not a criticism but a statement of fact.

This statement of fact misses the point that Pakistan did not have a constitution until 1956! Any modern state needs a head of state. The King of England filled that nominal role.

Now that we DO have a constitution, interpretation of which leads to banning dual nationality holders from contesting elections, why is it an issue for AH? Because it undermines his position as head of a party that contests elections in Pakistan.
is there anything special on this page? I can't make out anything

On the right side page it is a visa granted (without any fee) to him by the diplomatic commission of the Kingdom of Iraq in London on 13/12/1946 and signed by the Consul.

On the left side page it is probably the entry stamp dated 20/12/1946
Quaid did not have a British Passport..

He had a British Indian Passport, the defacto Indian travel document during British colonial rule over India..and the terriority of Passport reads as "Indian Empire" not "British Empire" or "Great Britain" !

So much of Altaf propaganda, this exposes his true intention and respect towards Pakistan and its founders..
British Bulldog owned by the queen is what Altaf really is!
No actually, he is pretty smart. He is just testing how baigherat we pakistanis are. So far he has been very successful. You know whats next? "Lets break sindh from pakistan" By Altaf Bhagora.

He has already stated Pakistan shouldn't exist so I don't really have a clue what else he actually has to say.

Altaf is a terrorist but the only way to deal with him are people from his own community. A massive rejection of Altaf by us Karachites can result in his destruction. By the way this sparked a larger amount of debate than his speech on partition which more openly and clearly called partition a mistake and made the sacrifices of each migrant who moved from ancestral lands with only the word Pakistan on their lips look like a joke.

It horrifies me how no one protested this, not a single one in our family even though all these uncles had seen how difficult it had been to move and how much we had believed in Pakistan. It would not be a lie that MQM is the representative of a decline in migrants sense of Nationalism and their solid belief in Pakistan which is sad. The support resonates out of a variety of factors prevalent in all parties feeding on ethno-fascist ideologies and MQM is undeniably one of them
@Chak Bamu is speaking of this thread here. A number of points covered in this thread:
-The myth of MQM and Muhajir being one or in other words the MQM being the representative of all so-called "Muhajirs".
-Analysis of MQM policy, statistics on murders committed by MQM from charts, graphs and reports.
-Analysis of "Muhajir" identity itself and the shortfalls of the term, the falseness of it.
-Analysis of true ethnicity-The fundamental question that is the real ethnic group Bihari, Lucknowi, Delhi Muslim or "Muhajir" as muhajirs share no common culture, language or history, it is an amalgamation of various cultures.
-Solutions to the (debatable) myth of Muhajir identity. (We are at this stage in this debate)
-Debate over the solutions and their practicality (In my next response to Chak Bamu we will move here)

To date it is the best discussion on Muhajir identity ever on this forum or perhaps anywhere else. Now moving away from this defense of MQM and its supporters deflecting blame, in my next post I can begin discussing things which make it impossible for Altaf to compare himself to a leader of Lord Jinnah's caliber.
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quaid e azam lived in britain for a long time, got educated, practiced there i guess, had british life style, he must have british citizen ship

Indian under British control were allowed to travel, stay and get education in England, big deal was getting the passport but once you had it you could travel to England as if it is a British passport
Sigh, only in Pakistan can a man who burns the nations flag at the tomb of its founding father be considered an important national politician :disagree:
The guy is a joke, and is doing a big disservice to MQM and the urdu speaking community.

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