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Iranian actress to be lashed 90 times

those are for adultery -- this women is not an adulterous, then how can this be applicable to her?
YES! there are two points in this new:
1/ about lashing
2/ in Iran they use lashing when you insult the government. it is their own version of Islam .. but it is no surprise when the leader believed to be the representant of twelve imam and that is forbidden to insult him personnaly (some people got death penalty for it)
Did you read Ali Shariati?

What it has to do with ayatollahs? from a mullah to another that can be a world of difference
comparing boroujerdi to mesbah yazdi would be a great joke

My personal opinion:
i think in that time lashing was necessary but as said Shariati we live in our world
we adapt

pardon my ignorance, but i do not know who the guys you are talking about are!
Indian friends..what is the point in pointing fingers if the people of Iran likes this kind of law....i mean it is their system and rule of law..this is unwanted..
Ali Shariati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
but what i mean is that the modern Islam of Shariati's book is the Islam of most people. The hard liner cleric is a very very minority group.. but they are leading the country.

Wow kind of like us. Where most Saudis are more open and ok with change but the very very minority group is leading the country. However this is where KSA and Iran are different. Iran is led by them literally while in KSA they form a challenge against the government.
Wow kind of like us. Where most Saudis are more open and ok with change but the very very minority group is leading the country. However this is where KSA and Iran are different. Iran is led by them literally while in KSA they form a challenge against the government.
i completely agree with this point
about this you're more lucky than us
I didn´t believe the news when it first came out as there is a anti Iran propaganda campaign going on in the US and Europe , we may not agree about Iran´s policies , but who doesn´t about our own countries policies?
i don't like the stupid ignorants that they come inside a forum to tell things they don't have any idea of
you're so ridiculous

nobody dead with lashes

of course i don't like this sentence by the way but it is your comment that is stupid

the law is that there should be NO BLOOD from her body after the lashes

a few days ago another girl was lashed and this was soft
compared to a man who insulted Ahmadinejad .... and was terribly lashed in an exceptional way that he had blood in his back... that is totally forbidden

Hussain ( < --- I Plan to name my son that insha'Allah)

You have seen the pagans, so why does the Gov @ Iran run to them ?
For God and Humanity sake stop justifying in the name of religion. If there is some problem with doctrine or teachings with your holy text then question it and change it. But please don't commit cruelty blindly in the name of religion. How could you feel if you were in the place of that lady. How could you feel if you get beatings on your back or your loved ones. Can you still justify and give the same explanation. Shame on such people for committing such grave crime.

Let me explain he doctrine of our holy text.

The penalty for adultery for unmarried people is lashes
the penalty of adultery for married is Stone to death
The penalty of theft is cut the hands of

All these have to be carried out in public, and there are very strict procedures which must be followed in order to accuse any one of these crime and then to punish.

Islamic doctrine also says that these punishments have to be given once the crime becomes public or is reported,
Till that happens it is a matter between God and his creation.
But if a crime is made public and there is ample evidence to prove it THEN it is a MUST to give a strict punishment so as to deter any future violators.

A woman came to the prophet pbuh, and said she has committed adultery and was now pregnant.
the prophet turned away his face and ignored her
she repeated this thrice, before the prophet paid attention to her,

She was told to repent and come back after the baby was born,
she came back after the baby was born, thus the prophet asked how will the baby be fed, so come back after 2 years of nursing the baby,

she came back after 2 years and asked for the punishment

The prophet then asked for some one to come forward and take guardianship of the baby, a man came forward and took the responsibility,

After so long, finally when the woman did not move from her stand and demanded she be stoned, she was given the punishment,

During the stoning some blood from her spilled on Syedna Umar's dress and he got Angry at this; which the prophet heard,

He called Umar and told him not to be angry at all,

the prophet said

" How that woman asked for forgiveness, her repent was enough to wash away all the sins of people of Mecca and Madina"

Such is our religion of Islam, and such are the principles behind it.
Let me explain he doctrine of our holy text.

The penalty for adultery for unmarried people is lashes
the penalty of adultery for married is Stone to death
The penalty of theft is cut the hands of

All these have to be carried out in public, and there are very strict procedures which must be followed in order to accuse any one of these crime and then to punish.

Islamic doctrine also says that these punishments have to be given once the crime becomes public or is reported,
Till that happens it is a matter between God and his creation.
But if a crime is made public and there is ample evidence to prove it THEN it is a MUST to give a strict punishment so as to deter any future violators.

A woman came to the prophet pbuh, and said she has committed adultery and was now pregnant.
the prophet turned away his face and ignored her
she repeated this thrice, before the prophet paid attention to her,

She was told to repent and come back after the baby was born,
she came back after the baby was born, thus the prophet asked how will the baby be fed, so come back after 2 years of nursing the baby,

she came back after 2 years and asked for the punishment

The prophet then asked for some one to come forward and take guardianship of the baby, a man came forward and took the responsibility,

After so long, finally when the woman did not move from her stand and demanded she be stoned, she was given the punishment,

During the stoning some blood from her spilled on Syedna Umar's dress and he got Angry at this; which the prophet heard,

He called Umar and told him not to be angry at all,

the prophet said

" How that woman asked for forgiveness, her repent was enough to wash away all the sins of people of Mecca and Madina"

Such is our religion of Islam, and such are the principles behind it.
You are everything i fight against and a disgrace to all of mankind. The things you just said seem to bring you pride, you are something.
Indian friends..what is the point in pointing fingers if the people of Iran likes this kind of law....i mean it is their system and rule of law..this is unwanted..

Your indian friends have soft corner for this irani actress and they are feeling her pain :P

But dude democracy is suck if Hamas( terrorist group for Isreal/US while freedom fighters for Palestinians) get elected by peoples or if local peoples prefer to live under Islamic laws which non muslims consider as barbarous ..i mean we know khomeni brought Islamic revolution with support of Iranians peoples so let them enjoy the fruit of their choices :)
Your indian friends have soft corner for this irani actress and they are feeling her pain :P

But dude democracy is suck if Hamas( terrorist group for Isreal/US while freedom fighters for Palestinians) get elected by peoples or if local peoples prefer to live under Islamic laws which non muslims consider as barbarous ..i mean we know khomeni brought Islamic revolution with support of Iranians peoples so let them enjoy the fruit of their choices :)
They wanted freedom, they got worse oppression.
They wanted freedom, they got worse oppression.

sorry but i dont like when peoples speak on behalf of others :)

many women who wear burqa by their own personal choice are oppressed according to those who find burqa as oppression and dude there is no true freedom
Your indian friends have soft corner for this irani actress and they are feeling her pain :P

But dude democracy is suck if Hamas( terrorist group for Isreal/US while freedom fighters for Palestinians) get elected by peoples or if local peoples prefer to live under Islamic laws which non muslims consider as barbarous ..i mean we know khomeni brought Islamic revolution with support of Iranians peoples so let them enjoy the fruit of their choices :)

@Raja.Pakistani : Again dude..we should not mix up many things in the same context...the bottom line is that if the people of any nation votes for a monster ...then respect people and their opinion....If any specific set of minority don't like it ...it is the responsibly of the majority group take care of the minority opinion holder group...If it does not happen....then nothing can be done...you can not antagonize or rule against majority opinion of a country to facilitate a set of minority opinion holding people..Either minority opinion group has to change their opinion or they have to live as per the way of living or opinion held by the majority group...

Regarding this thread....Respect the wishes of people of Iran..if majority of the people of Iran likes to live as they are now...Who are we to judge them...We can only help them as a friends if they need us...

You are everything i fight against and a disgrace to all of mankind. The things you just said seem to bring you pride, you are something.

you did not understand any of what I said, or your choose not to understand.

You are free to profess your belief and I am free to do what I feel is right.
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