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BREAKING: PAF base Mianwali under attack, suicide bombers and heavy weapons in use

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If Pakistan doesn't support Palestine it is going to get worse. Jihadis will eat the corrupts alive.
This instability is due to the military generals trying to forcibly rule Pakistan. With the current anti-army sentiment in the country, it'll be increasingly difficult for security forces to improve the law and order situation. Militancy and terrorist attacks significantly reduced during Khan's era. He talked sense into many of them and I'm confident he can unite Pakistanis from all walks of life. But the Americans do not want Khan because they fear he'll extend Pakistan's nuclear umbrella to Muslim countries like Turkey, Qatar, and other friendly states.

This whole political battle in Pakistan is to ensure that Pakistani nukes do serve as a deterrent force for the Muslim world. Have no doubt about this: Khan's removal is a U.S. move to keep Erdogan and Tamim out of a genuine nuclear umbrella. They know very well that Turkiye won't hesitate to confront any nuclear-armed country, including America and Israel, should Ankara be sufficiently provoked. They fear Turkey more than they fear China or Russia because they know true Muslim leaders won't shy away from war if Muslims are oppressed or threatened.

Should Pakistan forge a military alliance with Turkiye and deploy forces around the Muslim world alongside Turkiye to rebuild and defend Muslim governments targeted by America, the Western world would be in big trouble. An alliance of Turkiye, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Qatar, Libya, Sudan, and Somalia WILL DEFINITELY attract other Muslim countries to join since they'll enjoy complete security from military attacks.

This is what Asim Munir is helping the U.S. to prevent.
Hearing a convoy has been ambushed in Tirah? Has anyone created a thread yet?
As per Indian media Taliban forbid their fighters to go and fight in Gaza
I wonder how enraged volunteer fighters (of which there will be many, including here in India, btw) are planning to make their way to Gaza.

Iraq and Syria to bhot gae thei.. some might still be there, who knows.

No doubt some Talibs must be planning to get there, Chechen/Tajik talibans were the most dangerous ones.. highly spetznaz level trained kattar ones.

Boko Haram ki bhi planning chal ri hogi, those habshi nibbas be crazy too :mamba:
Hearing a convoy has been ambushed in Tirah? Has anyone created a thread yet?

This is a daily routine thing man

Why create new threads for things that happen daily?

I wonder how enraged volunteer fighters (of which there will be many, including here in India, btw) are planning to make their way to Gaza.

Iraq and Syria to bhot gae thei.. some might still be there, who knows.

No doubt some Talibs must be planning to get there, Chechen/Tajik talibans were the most dangerous ones.. highly spetznaz level trained kattar ones.

Boko Haram ki bhi planning chal ri hogi, those habshi nibbas be crazy too :mamba:

Koi nahi ja raha Gaza

Yeh bharwai sirf Muslims ko maartai hain. Syria Iraq bhi Muslims sai larhnai gaye thai
Your confused,, Taliban won because of Pakistan

Without Pakistan the Taliban would have been slaughtered

No one is asking much from these namak haram afghans,, just to stop terrorism and fassad

Your acting like we are asking the world from them

In the last month afghans
Attacked a mosque full of worshippers celebrating the prophets birthday

They attacked chitral

They now attacked a PAF base

A point comes when you realize afghans are animals who can't act like insaan

It's all good wanting this and that, but it doesn't matter is afghans continue their donkey behavior

And NO One will occupy Afghanistan,, what we will do is close the borders, refuse to allow Afghans access to our ports or country and if needs be but targets

All afghans neighbors hate them and won't give even a fraction of the benefit Pakistan has given

Pakistans choices are now complete,, undocumented afghans go out
Afghanis who obtained fake I D cards are out
All afghanis who are involved in crimes are out

Legal documented Afghan visitors will be protected under the law


You have heard this right: If you don't have a solution, you are part of problem. I gave you a solid solution to earn the trust of Afghan Taliban and make deep friendship and that's the key to all of your problems including getting rid of TTP.

I want to hear what's your solution? If solution involved military action against AF-Taliban OR any action that makes them your enemy rather than friends then you are already on a suicidal path. I would have agreed to military means and powerful actions if we would have ZERO threat on eastern border as if india even does not exist. Then you would have liberty to do something. Even then in such a treacherous terrain, mountains, caves with tremendous local support in tribal & KP areas the Taliban would give you run for your life. (even if there's no india at east and you put your entire military at east and somehow assuming you got 100s of billion dollars economy)

BTW, Its a complex problem and one can never find a solution by mixing things up.

I didn't talked about illegal or fake document afghans living in Pak. I didn't talked about terror groups either. I am talking about Afghan taliban. Its naive to assume that any country or any govt will take action on the powerful groups that are no threat to them but threat to any other country. But still Taliban was willing to do so, with previous isi leadership right after taliban took over there were many high value TTP targets which were eliminated in Afghanistan. TTP even issued an official letter for its members to be safeguard and keep themselves in hiding as they are being hunted out. All that changed with CIA / GHQ backed regime change and reversal of Pak - Afghan strategy. You are doing down the hill with such strategy, you already agreed and mentioned the attacks which are happening. How could even you generalize the population by saying (Afghans) and we expect them to behave ? This isn't that simple. There are various groups and those groups plan and execute separately. They are not being directly controlled by central afghan govt.

As, I see Pakistan don't have an option really. With such tiny resources and precarious situation. A monster size threat at eastern border, you need to think of a political approach, make partnership with Taliban, offer them projects, give them incentives, earn their trust and that's the way to deal with TTP. Only Af-taliban assistance can help you get rid of TTP. AF-Taliban on its own is really not capable to eliminate TTP or afford to make it their enemy. They can only collaborate with you if they trust you and they see enough benefit of doing so. You have to be much smarter then making a whole country as your enemy,

EDIT: I saw another attack on Pak forces. Do you understand now what am talking about. GHQ completely lacked a vision and ability to think of political approach because they are designed to do battle, they were never designed to do foreign policy matters. They dismantled political process and created a new mess. You need alliances, you need people at your side, you need talks and dialogs with Af-taliban, you need engagements, otherwise you will be beaten and beaten badly. Remember, the terror networks have complete access and local support in areas. Now all those attacks are not being directed by Af-Taliban, these are separate groups with hideouts both in Pak and Afghanistan. You need AF-taliban collaboration to reach those hide outs. You need to make them friends, its your necessity and not theirs.
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In this age of Motion detectors and motion sensing camera
Only reaction one can have is , wow this was quite a colossal failure

Motion detector cameras are like $30-40 bucks

However in last 2 years Pakistani people have already known, the performance of Top Brass in Pakistan

This was not as shocking as I would have imagined

Even today , someone will likely come release statement that they were "Successful" after losing 3-4 aircrafts

But those $40 bucks can go into the pockets of some general - remember it is more important that a fatty piggy corrupt General gets this money rather than the money going for something useful for the armed forces. :lol:
Three out of service f7ps and a fuel Bowser was damaged.


This is not an F7, and this is not a fuel Bowser.

What's the reality? If you would hide, you would do a disservice to the Nation because whoever needs to be blamed must be blamed for the complete loss. You must not hide or save the incompetent officers in the Pakistan Airforce. You owe it to the Nation.
You have heard this right: If you don't have a solution, you are part of problem. I gave you a solid solution to earn the trust of Afghan Taliban and make deep friendship and that's the key to all of your problems including getting rid of TTP.

I want to hear what's your solution? If solution involved military action against AF-Taliban OR any action that makes them your enemy rather than friends then you are already on a suicidal path. I would have agreed to military means and powerful actions if we would have ZERO threat on eastern border as if india even does not exist. Then you would have liberty to do something. Even then in such a treacherous terrain, mountains, caves with tremendous local support in tribal & KP areas the Taliban would give you run for your life. (even if there's no india at east and you put your entire military at east and somehow assuming you got 100s of billion dollars economy)

BTW, Its a complex problem and one can never find a solution by mixing things up.

I didn't talked about illegal or fake document afghans living in Pak. I didn't talked about terror groups either. I am talking about Afghan taliban. Its naive to assume that any country or any govt will take action on the powerful groups that are no threat to them but threat to any other country. But still Taliban was willing to do so, with previous isi leadership right after taliban took over there were many high value TTP targets which were eliminated in Afghanistan. TTP even issued an official letter for its members to be safeguard and keep themselves in hiding as they are being hunted out. All that changed with CIA / GHQ backed regime change and reversal of Pak - Afghan strategy. You are doing down the hill with such strategy, you already agreed and mentioned the attacks which are happening. How could even you generalize the population by saying (Afghans) and we expect them to behave ? This isn't that simple. There are various groups and those groups plan and execute separately. They are not being directly controlled by central afghan govt.

As, I see Pakistan don't have an option really. With such tiny resources and precarious situation. A monster size threat at eastern border, you need to think of a political approach, make partnership with Taliban, offer them projects, give them incentives, earn their trust and that's the way to deal with TTP. Only Af-taliban assistance can help you get rid of TTP. AF-Taliban on its own is really not capable to eliminate TTP or afford to make it their enemy. They can only collaborate with you if they trust you and they see enough benefit of doing so. You have to be much smarter then making a whole country as your enemy,

What you are saying is optimistic but not possible practically

Afghan Taliban would always support and host TTP no matter what incentive Pakistan would offer

TTP are momin jannati pashtuns as per Afghan Taliban while when they think of Pakistan they think of daalkhor kaliya murtad punjabis

I think it isn't difficult whom they would chose in such a situation

Afghan Taliban didn't even include Tajiks, Uzbeks in their government even when they are Afghans and Sunnis unlike Hazaras

Pakistan need to formulate their policy with this in mind
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According to this twitter account, there was prior intel of eminent attack and operational aircraft were moved into their HAS. Decommissioned aircraft were brought out from the boneyard and placed under sunshades purportedly as decoys.
I’d take that with a fist full of salt. If that was the case I-e prior intel, and we still let the Ts penetrate the perimeter….
Shame on us.

This is the kind of story you expect responsible people will cook to save their necks, truth however would be more hurting than the "meethi-goli" they want you to swallow.
To be very honest with you, the western neighbour is in bed with the eastern neighbour, no matter how hard you spin it they always have been natural allies due to hate for Pakistan. There is denial about it but it is what it is.

I think this issue will not be solved until Pakistanis take off their deluded blindfolds about their Afghani "brothers", and the mil-establishment doesn't decide to act like a proper institution with meritocracy instead of duffers
India cannot support a Shariah government even for a minute. You are a propagandist.
View attachment 968946

This is not an F7, and this is not a fuel Bowser.

What's the reality? If you would hide, you would do a disservice to the Nation because whoever needs to be blamed must be blamed for the complete loss. You must not hide or save the incompetent officers in the Pakistan Airforce. You owe it to the Nation.
Is this DA 20 on the right side?
In this context, it's not really master buying the slave

Both have independent (but similar) reasons to hate Pakistan, so its natural they come to work together

No matter how you look at it, both have to be neutered, and it makes sense neutering weaker one first so you can then focus on bigger one.

Writing is on the wall. They could have went to Pakistan.
View attachment 968028
Military propagandists. Just give Pakistanis their right to elect their leaders and all this terror will end. The Pakistani generals working to ensure Muslim disunity should be eliminated otherwise they'll turn Pakistan into another Egypt.
And NO One will occupy Afghanistan,, what we will do is close the borders, refuse to allow Afghans access to our ports or country and if needs be but targets

Oh Ok, I didn't read this earlier. Now I understand where you guys are coming from. As if its that easy to solve the whole mess.

Let me be very clear, Even if United States transfer all of its economy and all of its military equipment to Pakistan, even then sealing the border is practically impossible.

its 2700 km long most difficult border on earth with all kind of terrain, caves, rivers, mountains. I see you guys don't really study geographic & economic implications . If that would have been a solution, we would have done long ago. Even I would have asked for it if it was a simple open and close issue.

Gaza border is some 40 km and no terrain, its plain ground and Israel has built walls, top class sensors, top class equipment and still its not fool proof and every now and then Hamas was able to penetrate.

US the super power under president trump was building a Wall with mexican border because they simply cannot close the border. No country on earth can close a border. Its practically impossible.

I hope this would give a world view and overall sense of the scale of the problem. Your only solution is better relations with Afghanistan. Your only solution is making them your friends. That's the only way out.

What you are saying is pragmatic but not possible practically

Afghan Taliban would always support and host TTP no matter what incentive Pakistan would offer

TTP are momin jannati pashtuns as per Afghan Taliban while when they think of Pakistan they think of daalkhor kaliya murtad punjabis

I think it isn't difficult whom they would chose in such a situation

Afghan Taliban didn't even include Tajiks, Uzbeks in their government even when they are Afghans and Sunnis unlike Hazaras

Pakistan need to formulate their policy with this in mind

Please read above. There is no other solution. No country can seal a border like the one which exists between AF-Pak. Not even in 1000 years. Secondly, look from Taliban's prespective, why on earth they would want to make another enemy in the form of TTP when its not a threat to their own country. AF-Taliban will only collaborate with Pakistan when it will trust our military and govt. That's on us. They have to do action on our behalf that's a big thing. We need to do alliance with them. Otherwise you tell me what are really our options?
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