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Who is the real enemy of Pakistan? Your opinion please.

The reason for Pakistan's slow, or non-existent, improvement over the past many decades is cultural. Pakistani culture does not reward individual merit either economically or with respect. Until Pakistani culture reduces the affects of tribalism, feudalism, religious bigotry and sexism, it will not progress at a pace with other societies that have diminished the debilitating affects of these cultural practices. Individual merit must be cultivated and celebrated in order for Pakistan to improve the lives of its citizens. Focus on external "enemies" is part and parcel of the weakness the pervasive Pakistani mindset.
Focusing on external enemies is not a bad thing in my opinion, a degree of awareness of your surroundings and foes is good.

But there's a clearly a fault in prioritisation when most issues we face are actually derived from internal cultural factors.

The failure, negligence and low productivity of our state institutions are representative of our culture. Severe corruption, carelessness, nepotism, low work ethic, inability to pay attention to detail, lack of foresight and beyond surface level thinking.

The entire state machinery is dysfunctional and practically useless and majorly that's due to our culture, this includes the Fauj. This is why I laugh when the average Pakistani blames the fauj, their own family or themselves in the fauj would probably do the exact same thing and be no different.
Alot of people are willing to lie to themselves.. Yes we have had unfortunately bad regimes but not everything was bad under them.

I was reading reddit here recently about an article on Pakistan and the western voices sounded like as if they blamed their defeat in Afghanistan on Pakistan but even before that the Americans always viewed us as enemy even when they claimed to be our allies they were never our friends and never had the best interest for us politically, militarily or economically. The Americans viewed us as an enemy since the creation of Pakistan. They see us as someone who is from an opposite civilization that they view hostile.

Why do you think the US has put block on selling all their spare-parts to Pakistan armed forces while there is no sanctions on us for years now?

We are the once who liberated East German and all of East Europe and honestly it was a mistake allying with them to defeat the communists.

Some of the talking points of the reddit comments were quite interesting because they said Pakistan is a breeding ground for terrorists but that was vague and it didn't clarify the meaning but what it means is that Pakistan is a country of muslims = Terrorists by default. They view each and every single Pakistani as a potential terrorist in their view point meaning a muslim default enemy. Westerners are more primitive then you realize.

When you see someone saying well they should change this or that they don't mean that but what they mean is un-islam that is basically what it means to delete your civilization and adopt theirs
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Alot of people are willing to lie to themselves.. Yes we have had unfortunately bad regimes but not everything was bad under them.

I was reading reddit here recently about an article on Pakistan and the western voices sounded like as if they blamed the fall of Afghanistan on Pakistan but even before that the Americans always viewed us as enemy even when they claimed to be our allies they were never our friends and never had the best interest for us politically, militarily or economically. The Americans viewed us as an enemy since the creation of Pakistan. They see us as someone who is from an opposite civilization that they view hostile.

Why do you think the US has put block on all their spare-parts to Pakistan armed forces because they aren't sanctions for years now?

We are the once who liberated the East German and all of East Europe and honestly it was a mistake allying with them to defeat the communists.

Some of the talking points of the reddit comments were quite interesting because they said Pakistan is a breeding ground for terrorists but that was vague and it didn't clarify the meaning but what it means is that Pakistan is a country of muslims = Terrorists by default. They view each and every single Pakistani as a terrorist in their view point meaning a muslim default enemy. Westerners are more primitive then you release
Everyone is an enemy to America (unless you accept their authority), it's a global empire that wants to retain it's power and leverage. Pakistan could never be an ally to America anyway, we are culturally, historically, and religiously on different ends.

The only time we've been "allies" is when America needed something from Pakistan. (Use as a forward base against the Soviets)
Everyone is an enemy to America (unless you accept their authority), it's a global empire that wants to retain it's power and leverage. Pakistan could never be an ally to America anyway, we are culturally, historically, and religiously on different ends.

The only time we've been "allies" is when America needed something from Pakistan. (Use as a forward base against the Soviets)

No America is not an empire but a failing country. Besides no just no they don't view everyone as an enemy. China grows strong threat, Even the tiniest muslim country is a potential threat in their view point, Russia grows strong another threat. North Korea etc etc. Bro they were fighting non-state actors across the world chasing shadows and ghosts not long ago.

They allied with us twice.. We won the cold war and not them and blamed the Afghan defeat on us as scapegoat which is based on a fallacy.

It is hopeless countries they use as cannon fodders and as legit allies and subservants but they will never trust Pakistan to that extend even when they were in bed together.

America has learned one thing and always knew that it can't use power, leverage or anything on Muslim states because they are hot-blooded and to stubborn.. Example look at Saudi-US ties now you messed with them they turn.. Respect is always demanded by default as virtue in this parts of the world... You can be even fuking aliens coming down from the sky without giving respect nothing works for you in this region
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Please tell us who is the real reason behind the suffering of people of Pakistan.

1) West
2) India
3) Some Pakistanis
4) Someone else.

Please tell us, and I will also give my opinion, but may be later.

Let's bring every enemy of Pakistan to light.
Let's discuss people and factors.

@Mentee @MastanKhan @DESERT FIGHTER @ziaulislam

Pakistanis are their worst enemies---.

They are responsible of all the miseries the nation is facing.
Please tell us who is the real reason behind the suffering of people of Pakistan.

1) West
2) India
3) Some Pakistanis
4) Someone else.

Please tell us, and I will also give my opinion, but may be later.

Let's bring every enemy of Pakistan to light.
Let's discuss people and factors.

@Mentee @MastanKhan @DESERT FIGHTER @ziaulislam
Some Pakistanis are the biggest and most harmful enemies.
Pakistan and the western voices sounded like as if they blamed their defeat in Afghanistan on Pakistan but even before that the Americans always viewed us as enemy even when they claimed to be our allies

You are partly correct.
So what is stopping America, with a flick of Biden's pen, to remove Pakistan from SWIFT banking as the first and the easiest way to destroy the Pakistani economy? What was so good about Pakistan when Pakistan was obviously sheltering the Taliban leadership for 20 years--the leadership was the basis for the Afghan Taliban to inflict heavy casualties on Americans, leading to the eventual humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021.

Pakistan has a place in America's regional geopolitics and the strongest reason for that place is Pakistan's location, combined with a potent, disciplined military. Pakistan can be used against even India should it come to that-- a few dozen billions of $$ is chump change for Americans to pump into Pakistan and cause unimaginable violence in India.

Americans are not stupid. They know Pakistan's value. And Indians are rightly wary of Americans.

BUT... Pakistan needs to really get out of the 'Security State' mindset and that only be done by making peace with India. Why are Pakistanis abandoning Imran Khan's fake anti-Establishment narrative? That's because Pakistanis instinctively know that once you remove the Establishment without an alternative you cause the demolition of 'Pakistan' itself.

From day one, Pakistan has been a Security State and that's because of the rivalry with India. I propose an 'honorable peace' instead. The rest will fall in place. It is not rocket-science. Europe has done that. Bangladesh has done that. And probably other regions of the world have done that.
Please tell us who is the real reason behind the suffering of people of Pakistan.

1) West
2) India
3) Some Pakistanis
4) Someone else.

Please tell us, and I will also give my opinion, but may be later.

Let's bring every enemy of Pakistan to light.
Let's discuss people and factors.

@Mentee @MastanKhan @DESERT FIGHTER @ziaulislam
Mullahs, Elites made by the brits and the self proclaimed defenders!.
no longer can we separate the West and India. The West and Indian interests are the same. Kudos to India for having a successful foreign policy and having leaders who put their own country first.

Pakistan biggest enemy is the people who are supposed to protect it... yes chaukidaar is the chor... For 75 years the army generals have been treating Pakistan as their own personal property, doing as they please and stealing from the poor. It is time they pay for their crimes
Enemies within are more dangerous than external enemies...Pak is in this state today bcoz they focused only on and at point got so much obsessed with its animosity with India...kashmir topic has been blown out of proportion by Army, now the situation is they cant hold on it or let it go...pak would have been a much better and prosperous place today, had they not had anti India focused policies.
Primarily its the deep state ,establishment . Mainly army.
But let's not forget the two hostile neighbours we have. And the involvement of global powers bcz of our location on map.
Pakistan‘s worst enemy is its establishment.

Believe it or not that the Pakistan establishment including the Army is its worst enemy. You do not need others to pick up enmity which you can do it so well yourself. If Pakistan is backward and going into the wrong direction then who lead this state of affairs. It is the Pakistani establishment including the Army which interfered in others war (Afghanistan and Kashmir). Initially the free economic and military aid looked great but when that aid vanished then the Pakistan became the pauper state. That is the state now just two years after the aid disappearance.

On top of all these, the Pakistan aligned with the wrong state (China), who never gives anything free. It is on 6% interest. Whereas most of the Western aid was either grants not to be paid back or on 3% interest.

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