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NYT reporter: Pakistan has been our real enemy

That's even worse. He should be concentrating on polices to improve his country, yet those pesky Pakistanis are getting to him.

It was just a single line comment. Through his entire campaign ,he has barely mentioned Pakistan.

Anyway, my post wasn't about what Modi does or doesn't do. Why are we even discussing this ?
Many low-quality Indians members themselves like to post anti-Pakistan news daily for no reasons.
Chapter is closed, there is nothing to talk about much, US and Pakistan continue to work together and more cooperations. Tomorrow NYT reporters will tell story on India terrorisms in negative light as well as Ukraine crisis.
First control your own Low-Quality Pakistani member, all they do is keep digging for any anti-India news and make a thread.
I bet the Pakistani reaction would have been different if the OP wasn't Indian. Don't shoot the messenger please.

Nick, the original thread a while back was a Pakistani and yes the responses were a tad bit better, but it was mostly indifference.

Authors right the fantastic, the sensational, the facts, the conspiracies and so on. The world moves on,
It was just a single line comment. Through his entire campaign ,he has barely mentioned Pakistan.

Anyway, my post wasn't about what Modi does or doesn't do. Why are we even discussing this ?

A single line comment to bash another leader, and that to win votes as well. It's the multiplier factor at work here. Him mentioning us as some agent of evil is all that we need to know. Like I said he should be concentrating on his election not us evil, pesky, cloak and dagger Pakistanis.

You are right we should not discuss this.
Bro I love Supernatural man! Dean is the man's man hahaha

That's even worse. He should be concentrating on polices to improve his country, yet those pesky Pakistanis are getting to him.
Managing Pakistani threat is part of concentrating on improving India. The day terrorism having roots in Pakistan ends that day Pakistan will be of no concern to any party.
Our real enemy is ignorance and not any foreign nation.
Managing Pakistani threat is part of concentrating on improving India. The day terrorism having roots in Pakistan ends that day Pakistan will be of no concern to any party.

No you're not managing anything. Your potential leader is scaremongering folks and smearing another candidate.

Sure we have a terrorism problem and that will be solved by us. But here you are supporting the king of communal politics ha!
Someone? Since when is someone a credible source?

So she believes Zwahiri is in Pakistan. That's enough to make it true?
What about my belief that she is mentally challenged?

The third part was nice though. She is admitting that Taliban arose from the Mujahideen group and therefore originally created/funded/supported by the US. Who is to say that the US hasn't closed all doors even today?

Troll post, troll blog, troll book by a troll expert.

lol, no one will disclose their sources..especially if they r Pakistani, remember what happened to shakil afridi?

besides, nyt is a reputable media conglomerate and will never publish without verification.
No you're not managing anything. Your potential leader is scaremongering folks and smearing another candidate.

Sure we have a terrorism problem and that will be solved by us. But here you are supporting the king of communal politics ha!
King of communal politics, congress got you too... Lol
lol, no one will disclose their sources..especially if they r Pakistani, remember what happened to shakil afridi?

besides, nyt is a reputable media conglomerate and will never publish without verification.

Shakil Afridi was an undeclared foreign agent operating in Pakistan who was also involved in administering false drugs and risking people's lives.

And I don't believe NYT will publish books. This is just a reporter who works (or worked) for NYT and authored a book based largely on her beliefs.

I doubt anyone on the inside would reveal anything like that (if at all true) to some journo.
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