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BJP won Uttar Pradesh Election 2022

Indians must be the stupidest people in the world. According to Lancet, the most respect medical journal, deaths in India from Covid were 8 time higher than what was officially reported, at over 4 million. Modi and his policies were directly responsible for the deaths and also for hiding the actual numbers. Now the Indians have re-elected his party with a record win. I think they will still vote for him even if he totally destroys the country.

I put it to you that the BJP in particular, the Sangh Parivar in general is a collection of the biggest idiots ever. Not one of them is competent. Jagdish Bhagwati, who set off that inferior idiot Panagariya, was introduced to their great economist - not Subramaniam Swamy, who has solid credentials, but Gurumurthy. After the encounter, a shaken Bhagwati was heard to say, "If he is an economist, I am a Bharata Natyam dancer."

Which area would you like to examine? Subbu and his mesmerised sycophancy? Sanyal, and his bumptious attempts at recreating history with no foundation? Your latest hero, Vikram Sampath, the cut-and-paste mega-scholar? Shinde, responsible for hijacking the scientific work done at Rakhigarhi? I hope you will not count Bhagwati as a Sanghi.
99 percent of voters have not heard of these names, and that is the point I am trying to convey,

Sangh , Hindutva story is a myth (may be true but does not play any role in decision making)
Forget common masses even the digital age folks have no idea who is the current leader is RSS / how do they operate , whether is run by family or elected leaders, there are hardly any shakas,

Sangh parivar and its power exists only in the mental illusion of people like you,

The acid test - do they consider all Indian citizens equal, and that the rule of law applies to all of them?
I dont know , and frankly they dont matter because they have no influence, they are a dying specie
Do you seriously think that a voter in lucknow or goa or manipur knows a shit about sangh parivar , what they think , who are they

A voter sees possible option and chose what is best for him among available options

Some time ago, I proposed the following 'types' of BJP followers,
and I am questioning your understanding, so you can have multiple self created theories but the reality is far from those
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Most Indians who are celebrating Congress decline don't realising that's really bad despite all the congress flaws
You are presumably aware that the gap between the richest and the poorest Indian is increasing, and has shown significant widening under this regime.

Do you think that breeding unicorns is the right way to go, rather than ensuring a decent way of life for the millions who will never be unicorns? And do you think that those who are consumed by greed, the Ashneer Grovers, are the people whose judgement of leadership you should trust?
Again moving from point,
my point was simple, pick the best brains/ decision makers and do a referendum

Poverty, income gap, ashneer grover are the noises you are creating to avoid my question
99 percent of voters have not heard of these names, and that is the point I am trying to convey,

Sangh , Hindutva story is a myth (may be true but does not play any role in decision making)
Forget common masses even the digital age folks have no idea who is the current leader is RSS / how do they operate , whether is run by family or elected leaders, there are hardly any shakas,

Sangh parivar and its power exists only in the mental illusion of people like you,
Dazzling in its scope.

So it is all a conspiracy but in theory, existing only in the fevered minds of ivory tower intellectuals.

That is what i got from your post above.

I dont know , and frankly they dont matter because they have no influence, they are a dying specie
Do you seriously think that a voter in lucknow or goa or manipur knows a shit about sangh parivar , what they think , who are they

A voter sees possible option and chose what is best for him among available options
You have heard of the phrase 'grooming'?

and I am questioning your understanding, so you can have multiple self created theories but the reality is far from those
Certainly. It so happens that this analysis finds favour with a lot of people I respect. Is that an echo chamber?
and I am questioning your understanding, so you can have multiple self created theories but the reality is far from those
Certainly. It so happens that this analysis finds favour with a lot of people I respect. Is that an echo chamber?
Again moving from point,
my point was simple, pick the best brains/ decision makers and do a referendum

Poverty, income gap, ashneer grover are the noises you are creating to avoid my question
Not at all.

My point is that these are emphatically not the best decision makers.

Again moving from point,
my point was simple, pick the best brains/ decision makers and do a referendum

Poverty, income gap, ashneer grover are the noises you are creating to avoid my question
Why do you consider them the best? Is it all due to their individual capacity, and are you discounting all the factors that go into their success?
Now, not being the CEO of a unicorn, I have to finish making dinner, have my medication and go to sleep.
Why should we Pakistanis care about Indian Muslims?

It is their country, their problem.
Now, not being the CEO of a unicorn, I have to finish making dinner, have my medication and go to sleep.

I suspect that you would carry out the first 2 activities, but not the last one. :lol:
Why do you consider them the best? Is it all due to their individual capacity, and are you discounting all the factors that go into their success?
Why are you avoiding the point and focusing on random details
If you dont like the sample set then
Replace them with top 10 rankers of UPSC
Replace them with top 50 PHDs in decision science

You know from inside that what ever be the sample set the outcome of the referendum will be the same
Why are you avoiding the point and focusing on random details
If you dont like the sample set then
Replace them with top 10 rankers of UPSC
Replace them with top 50 PHDs in decision science

You know from inside that what ever be the sample set the outcome of the referendum will be the same
My point is consistent.

Your argument is that there is a decision-making process that is innocent of ideology and only votes for the effective.

As examples, you have again and again identified those who want to preserve the status quo.

Why would wolves oppose a shepherd who feeds his sheep to them?

Why are you avoiding the point and focusing on random details
If you dont like the sample set then
Replace them with top 10 rankers of UPSC
Replace them with top 50 PHDs in decision science

You know from inside that what ever be the sample set the outcome of the referendum will be the same
As a corollary, tell me - tell us all - that you are not from the upper castes, that you were not educated at considerable expense to meet the requirements for joining one of the elite institutions of learning, that you are not esconced in a comfortable office environment far removed from the daily wager.

While you make sweeping observations about why people are voting this way or the other, you overlook the fact that your thinking is formed by your environment. You are not accidentally saying what you are saying.
There are no of members belonging to the “I Hate Modi Seppuku Squad” who become active during elections all over the internet carrying the hypocritical burden to hate Modi and Bjp.

This same delusional squad thinks branding Hindus and majority voters as Hindutva, again and again, might bring in guilty conscience for the majority to vote the other side so they can go back to their previous minority vote bank politics.

When they see their delusional utopia fall apart they throw a fit over the internet calling others Hindutva breeding rabbit. This goes on for a week and subsides until the next state election.

This is surprisingly rude and unmannerly.

One lives and learns.
Firstly, I asked your friend @Sudarshan what is meant by "liberandu" and I haven't received the answer.

Now, for saying the underlined callous and non-empathetic thing, if in 2014 a truly revolutionary movement had taken governance of India you would have been sent off to some newly-constructed gulag at best ( people like you deserve it ) or probably presented to a firing squad in a stadium in front of a crowd and the event livestreamed on YouTube.

@Joe Shearer @Mentee @fitpOsitive @Bilal9 @Goenitz @Vapnope @N.Siddiqui @KedarT @vishwambhar @The_Showstopper @Foinikas @takeiteasy @Jf Thunder, just look at his utter callousness. It is the unjust and oppressive societal system he perpetuates and when farmers, students, professionals and females suicide because of it he just brushes them off his consideration. He spoken about the suiciders being jobless so let him read this story from last year of a jobless Indian civil engineer who along with his family attempted mass suicide because unfortunately it is people like our friend Shakuni Mama who hold power in India. Shakuni Mama must be one of those millions of mediocre, useless but unfortunately employed minds who support Hindutvad not only in India but when they go to foreign shores they carry their oppression-filled ways there including oppress and discriminate the lower caste people from India among their co-workers. People like Shakuni Mama should be divested of their employment and then asked "Will you change your ways and be assigned scientific employment or will you still support Hindutvad and chant - Har har Modi, Ghar ghar Modi ?".
@Shakuni Mama is not wrong when he says that crime rate has gone down in UP.

I'm not sure whether Rakesh Tikait had earlier agreed to the farm laws under Congress and then went against the same laws under BJP.

For your third point, I agree with you.

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