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BJP won Uttar Pradesh Election 2022

When the fish curry keep on electing CPIM or that Baboon llead TMC which is known for lynching hindus or killing them based on their affiliation with other parties then they don't think what is going wrong with their country. They dont talk about emigrating to other countries when lving happily in that bengali lead shit hole.

As against who, Mor Baba and Bulldozer Baba who enable lynchings, crushing of farmers, suicide of farmers and students, oppression of the female and many such atrocities ?
How did Muslim and Hindu become political? It began with British rule. From their point of view, it was easier to recognize people as Hindu, Muslim, or Christian, instead of the many different local identities. I don't accept the former framework. Politics is about providing services and not about dividing people by their religion. Think about this. Why would Biharis want to move to Bangladesh or Pakistan when there is Bihar for Biharis. Fight for your rights in your own homeland, not in someone else's homeland.
Indian Muslims already fought for their rights. And lost.

Carving out a separate country is the only option left for them.
When the fish curry keep on electing CPIM or that Baboon llead TMC which is known for lynching hindus or killing them based on their affiliation with other parties then they don't think what is going wrong with their country. They dont talk about emigrating to other countries when lving happily in that bengali lead shit hole.
People like you will create millions of Jinnahs and Dawoods
When the fish curry keep on electing CPIM or that Baboon llead TMC which is known for lynching hindus or killing them based on their affiliation with other parties then they don't think what is going wrong with their country. They dont talk about emigrating to other countries when lving happily in that bengali lead shit hole.
Indian Muslims already fought for their rights. And lost.

Carving out a separate country is the only option left for them.

People like you will create millions of Jinnahs and Dawoods

You wont be talking about what your beloved Mamta is doing in Bengal but have the audacity of talking about North Indian belt. Anyways come with your Suvarna Teja or Half moon or AJTR handle and then have a word.
Also, me adding "Communist" to my credentials becomes an inclusive thing, that my ideals are not reserved only for the Muslims of India and the world but for all. :)

Yes, this looks to be legit and makes sense.
As against who, Mor Baba and Bulldozer Baba who enable lynchings, crushing of farmers, suicide of farmers and students, oppression of the female and many such atrocities ?

You know zilch and try to portray as if you know everything. People call you right as liberandu. Law and order has been better than under the rule of SP. BSP also maintain good law and order. No one crushed farmers, they get loans and then those loans are waived off. It was all a political stunt before elections but it failed. If you dont know much then read how the father of their leader Rajesh Tikkat agreed to the same reforms under Congress Govt and then this turncoat went against it. If you are jobless and a retard who commits suicide then it is not state fault.
Carving out a separate country is the only option left for them.

Muslims are fine with BJP being their Messiah and would be mentor...they are not duplicitious and corrupt like Congress, call them ultra nationalists and Hindutvadis.

Like if you can't fight them, join them.
Muslims are fine with BJP being their Messiah and would be mentor...they are not duplicitious like Congress, if they are ultra nationalists and Hindutvadis.

Like if you can't fight them, join them.
You don't get it.

The BJP cannot fix the economy.

So they will have to persecute Muslims to keep their Hindutva Brigade happy.

Even if Muslims join the BJP, the Sangh Parivar will not let them live peacefully.

The RSS workers in here have already revealed their next strategy. Force Muslims to convert to Hinduism.
You don't get it.

The BJP cannot fix the economy.

So they will have to persecute Muslims to keep their Hindutva Brigade happy.

Even if Muslims join the BJP, the Sangh Parivar will not let them live peacefully.

The RSS workers in here have already revealed their next strategy. Force Muslims to convert to Hinduism.

Muslims are not strong enough to stand up against rejuvenated Hindutvadis, much better to keep their profile and aspirations low, a kind of truce with the RSS backed BJP.

The current situation calls for pragmatism and not bravado and false chest thumping. Otherwise it would be a matter of survival for them, they are not one strong united group, dispersed and weak, don't have the political clout, don't have the finances.
Anyways come with your Suvarna Teja or Half moon or AJTR handle and then have a word.

Ajtr was absent before I became a member in 2014 and she probably moved to Pakistan after marrying a Pakistani.

You know zilch and try to portray as if you know everything. People call you right as liberandu. Law and order has been better than under the rule of SP. BSP also maintain good law and order. No one crushed farmers, they get loans and then those loans are waived off. It was all a political stunt before elections but it failed. If you dont know much then read how the father of their leader Rajesh Tikkat agreed to the same reforms under Congress Govt and then this turncoat went against it. If you are jobless and a retard who commits suicide then it is not state fault.

Firstly, I asked your friend @Sudarshan what is meant by "liberandu" and I haven't received the answer.

Now, for saying the underlined callous and non-empathetic thing, if in 2014 a truly revolutionary movement had taken governance of India you would have been sent off to some newly-constructed gulag at best ( people like you deserve it ) or probably presented to a firing squad in a stadium in front of a crowd and the event livestreamed on YouTube.

@Joe Shearer @Mentee @fitpOsitive @Bilal9 @Goenitz @Vapnope @N.Siddiqui @KedarT @vishwambhar @The_Showstopper @Foinikas @takeiteasy @Jf Thunder, just look at his utter callousness. It is the unjust and oppressive societal system he perpetuates and when farmers, students, professionals and females suicide because of it he just brushes them off his consideration. He spoken about the suiciders being jobless so let him read this story from last year of a jobless Indian civil engineer who along with his family attempted mass suicide because unfortunately it is people like our friend Shakuni Mama who hold power in India. Shakuni Mama must be one of those millions of mediocre, useless but unfortunately employed minds who support Hindutvad not only in India but when they go to foreign shores they carry their oppression-filled ways there including oppress and discriminate the lower caste people from India among their co-workers. People like Shakuni Mama should be divested of their employment and then asked "Will you change your ways and be assigned scientific employment or will you still support Hindutvad and chant - Har har Modi, Ghar ghar Modi ?".
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Muslims are not strong enough to stand up against rejuvenated Hindutvadis, much better to keep their profile and aspirations low, a kind of truce with the RSS backed BJP.

The current situation calls for pragmatism and not bravado and false chest thumping. Otherwise it would be a matter of survival for them, they are not one strong united group, dispersed and weak, don't have the political clout, don't have the finances.
I wish that were an option.

They have only two options : fight or perish.
Ajtr was absent before I became a member in 2014 and she probably moved to Pakistan after marrying a Pakistani.

Firstly, I asked your friend @Sudarshan what is meant by "liberandu" and I haven't received the answer.

Now, for saying the underlined callous and non-empathetic thing, if in 2014 a truly revolutionary movement had taken governance of India you would have been sent off to some newly-constructed gulag at best ( people like you deserve it ) or probably presented to a firing squad in a stadium in front of a crowd and the event livestreamed on YouTube.

@Joe Shearer @Mentee @fitpOsitive @Bilal9 @Goenitz @Vapnope @N.Siddiqui @KedarT @vishwambhar @The_Showstopper @Foinikas @takeiteasy @Jf Thunder, just look at his utter callousness. It is the unjust and oppressive societal system he perpetuates and when farmers, students, professionals and females suicide because of it he just brushes them off his consideration. He spoken about the suiciders being jobless so let him read this story from last year of a jobless Indian civil engineer who along with his family attempted mass suicide because unfortunately it is people like our friend Shakuni Mama who hold power in India. Shakuni Mama must be one of those millions of mediocre, useless but unfortunately employed minds who support Hindutvad not only in India but when they go to foreign shores they carry their oppression-filled ways there including oppress and discriminate the lower caste people from India among their co-workers. People like Shakuni Mama should be divested of their employment and then asked "Will you change your ways and be assigned scientific employment or will you still support Hindutvad and chant - Har har Modi, Ghar ghar Modi ?".
He can be a child or just brainwashed who is just 'protecting' the govt, and not state. A state is by its people, so its all state responsibility anyway to protect its citizen and look after them. Lastly, that revolution justice is mob justice. To punish by law, one should be impartial, emotionless and has no fear.
He can be a child or just brainwashed who is just 'protecting' the govt, and not state. A state is by its people, so its all state responsibility anyway to protect its citizen and look after them.

You are right.

Lastly, that revolution justice is mob justice. To punish by law, one should be impartial, emotionless and has no fear.

Well, the revolution has to deliver a message that the law henceforth will be one of true justice and the message will be both to the citizens in general that the revolution will care for their problems and issues and the message will be also for people like Shakuni Mama that "Here know the fate of an oppressor and hereon you change your ways towards being empathetic, kind and thoughtful". But okay, if not for a straight out firing squad then I at least wish to have a debate with people like @Shakuni Mama and his leaders on a stage in front of a crowd of a few thousand and that debate livestreamed on YouTube. They can't hide behind nonsense words like "Nationalism", "Anti-national", "Sixth-largest economy in the world" and "Vishwaguru".
You are right.

Well, the revolution has to deliver a message that the law henceforth will be one of true justice and the message will be both to the citizens in general that the revolution will care for their problems and issues and the message will be also for people like Shakuni Mama that "Here know the fate of an oppressor and hereon you change your ways towards being empathetic, kind and thoughtful". But okay, if not for a straight out firing squad then I at least wish to have a debate with people like @Shakuni Mama and his leaders on a stage in front of a crowd of a few thousand and that debate livestreamed on YouTube. They can't hide behind nonsense words like "Nationalism", "Anti-national", "Sixth-largest economy in the world" and "Vishwaguru".

Rather than calling names to others like cyber coolies, what is the status of your third grade microprocessor which you are making from last so many years ? You keep on opening retarded post, your jamahariya theory and what not and then putting the link of your retarded thread in every post is not going to make you look wise.
Indian Muslims already fought for their rights. And lost.

Carving out a separate country is the only option left for them.
I am Bihari. I am way prouder Bihari than a Bihari Hindu as it is my natural blood identity. My ancestry created Bihar for Biharis. I am not seeking a separate homeland. When you say Indian Muslims lost their rights, it is the same as saying Indians lost their rights. Who is winning?
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