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BJP won Uttar Pradesh Election 2022

People vote for BJP for only one reason - to teach Muslims a lesson. There is no other reason.

This is it, and 'to teach Muslims a lesson' could be like a 30 page manifesto with thousands of 'things to do' clauses by RSS backed BJP.

This is the real development plank they had in mind, the rest was, as you said is mostly hogwash.
Well, Voting with Freedom is taking Poison ?
They could have voted for Muslim friendly Liberals like SP or Congress. They Dont.
Muslim Husband Votes for SP while Wife Votes for BJP. Do you call it taking poison ?

if Muslims in India willingly choose BJP ( Despite having options ). Whats your problem ?

Yaar Muslims are not picking BJP,

Across India there
is ghettoization and division, Indian Sikhs, Muslims, Christians and even ethnic states are starting to push back so you will have areas of hindutva and non hindutva
He is too drunk to come down now

Is that the only explanation that you are left with?

PDF gives him importance as he sprouts nonsense against Hindus and Hinduism.
Does that apply to the other places as well?

Obviously being anonymous helps.
It certainly does. Not everybody can afford to attract the attention of cretins by sporting their real names as you do.

He spends most of his useless life in these forums.
I spend a lot of time on these forums. The system is on, when a reply comes in, there is a ring, and I answer. Or sometimes, when there is an idiot striving for attention, I don't.

You think anybody takes you seriously for all the nonsense you sprout.
You could start by asking yourself that.


Is that the only explanation that you are left with?

Does that apply to the other places as well?

It certainly does. Not everybody can afford to attract the attention of cretins by sporting their real names as you do.

I spend a lot of time on these forums. The system is on, when a reply comes in, there is a ring, and I answer. Or sometimes, when there is an idiot striving for attention, I don't.

You could start by asking yourself that.
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Lol. He should learn to handle the differences first. Just as he can berate others we can too.
The difference being in the coarse, rasta-chhaap manner you use, and I don't.:azn:

All drunkards think they are intellectual.
But all intellectuals do not think they are drunkards.

Good enough; the first one seems to cover your case, the second, mine.
Suverna Teja,

No Muslim Will/should convert.
Azhar or Zheer Khan, didnt need conversions either.
They won't.

When Hindu Rashtra becomes a reality they will fight for a separate country.
It's all clear now.

The BJP has won Uttar Pradesh. Although I don't think this is a fair victory. But Hindu liberals and Indian Muslims think that hate has prevailed. Lot of sane Indians have no hope left.

It's also clear that BJP is going to win the 2024 National elections by hook or crook. They have islamophobic agendas like the Uniform Civil Code and NRC/CAA to create more polarization. Let's not forget EVMs.
2024 might be the last National election for India. As many Hindutva intellectuals have expressed their wish to abolish Democracy and Elections.

A civil war seems very likely.

What should we do to prevent catastrophe?

@jamahir @Joe Shearer @SIPRA @DrJekyll @Pajeet @Rollno21 @aryadravida @xeuss @Chak Bamu
Then How did Punjab elect AAP?
I gave an example where a Wrong Guy can be jailed.

Being a Hindu or Muslim is Immaterial, if you are - Anti-India.
Kahlid or Arora we dont care.

Its your Blind Agenda which cannot let you see the obvious.
Thankfully a "REAL MUSALMAAN" knows/understand India far better, thats why he is voting for BJP.

1. You are repeating. I ask again, how was the jailing of Col. Purohit a wrong thing ?

2. So the Malegaon bombing was not anti-India ?

3. Who is this Real Musalmaan ?

I am just stating fact not just some fake narrative peddled by Lalu Prasad. Godhra was barbaric act... And it helped Modi in unthinkable ways....

I agree that the incident helped Modi a lot but don't you believe in the findings of a retired Supreme Court judge since you yourself respect the Supreme Court ?

Banerjee investigation​

Appointment and Report​

Justice U.C. Banerjee, presenting the final report of enquiry on Godhra fire incident to the Chairman of the Railway Board, J.P. Batra, in New Delhi in 2006

On 17 May 2004, with the victory of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) in the Indian general election, Lalu Prasad Yadav was appointed railway minister. In September 2004, two and half years after the train burning, Yadav appointed former Supreme Court Justice Umesh Chandra Banerjee to investigate the incident. In January 2005 Banerjee presented his interim report, which tentatively ascribed the fire as an "accidental fire," after ruling out other theories. He cited a forensic report stating that the injuries on the victims were only compatible with an "internal fire." The report was also critical of the railways' handling of the evidence relevant to the case.

Listen to yourself too. Modi wanted to bring in reforms and modernise agriculture. Punjabi middle men thugs countered it. Modi out of concern for national security repealed the laws for now.

How is Modi modernizing agriculture ? Is he introducing collective farming instead of continuing the Indian system of tiny-to-small farm holdings that start from one acre of space to a few acres ? Is he building a water pipeline network across the country exceeding the Libyan Great Manmade River project which is the world's biggest water delivery project ? Is he replacing the traditional, unscientific idea of open-land-based for all crops and many trees and flowers with introduction of that uses hydroponics in collective-labor Vertical Farms that are set up at neighborhood level in newly built townships in rural areas replacing the population of 30 villages ? How is he modernizing agriculture ?

Of course those were needless loss of life. They should have sit at home and helped other farmers in other parts of the country prosper.

Right, in fascist India there is no right to protest for valid causes and if some do then they can either than die by themselves and no regrets from the government or they can be jailed and die in jail and no regrets from the government.

Your opinion is of no relevance with respect to EVMs. You have no say in those matters.

Wasn't I born in India and lived here all my life ? How do I have no say about the EVM fraud ?

After Modi, it will be Yogi, but that will be in 2029. Once the upper castes finally get tired of the killing games and India is reduced to a shithole, they will start voting for the next RSS experiment - the Aam Aadmi Party

No, AAP is not an RSS experiment. Though Kejriwal did some vote-getting-tricks by going soft Hindutva he did some Socialist things too AFAIK.
Full happies..BC... Librandus should at least now realise Hindus have united and they won't for anyone who hurts their feelings.
Congress decimated..UP, Goa, manipur ,ultrasound. Mast mazaa aa gaya.
Petrol prices and farm bills....librandus thought people would vote against Bjp ..haha
Wow... Kia bat hai.
Punjab main BJP jeet gai.... Great yar.... 👏
Capitalist nonsense like GDP doesn't matter one bit. According to Capitalist economics India is the 6th largest economy in the world but does it fill the stomachs of the many hungry in India, the many of ill health who suffer only because of lack of Capitalist money in an irrational, unscientific and oppressive socio-economic system which requires money to decide everything including the love of parents for their child ?

Well based on nominal GDP calculation India is ranked 6 biggest, it shows India geopolitics power and help India to have 60 billion USD spending for its defense ( compared to Singapore despite rich and has high percentage of defense spending to its GDP only can have 12 billion USD spending for defense ).

Meanwhile we know that India is 1.2 billion population and because of this its GDP percapita is quite low around 1900 USD in 2020.
Well based on nominal GDP calculation India is ranked 6 biggest, it shows India geopolitics power and help India to have 60 billion USD spending for its defense ( compared to Singapore despite rich and has high percentage of defense spending to its GDP only can have 12 billion USD spending for defense ).

Meanwhile we know that India is 1.2 billion population and because of this its GDP percapita is quite low around 1900 USD in 2020.

1. If you think that being high and favorable on Wall Street Capitalist rankings enabled a country to have geopolitics power then the USSR shouldn't have been influential in the world at all. And India being high on this ranking should have made India be the enabler of peace talks between Russia and Zelensky government. But are these or were these the cases ? :)

2. India is the second-largest importer of weaponry in the world after Saudia. You think keeping a huge military with blue water navy ambition is more important than enabling a welfare society within the country and supporting progressive thought outside ? There are people in India who are blind, cancered, with kidney ailment, having debilitating conditions like SMA, with heart conditions etc but many of them suffer for long or die not because the country has no treatment for them or the treatment can't be imported but the government does not want to spend on these sufferers but will absolutely spend of wasteful things. There are people with hunger and homelessness, there are farmers who suicide because of an anti-human socio-economic system based on extremest Capitalism. There are students who suicide because of India's unnecessarily competitive and dog-eat-dog so-called education and employment system that is maintained by Capitalism. The country earning trillions of dollars every year matters not one bit to avoid these needless deaths and sufferings. If the government does not establish a welfare system for its citizens then there is no point in that government existing nor is there is a point in a huge, offensive-oriented military existing because there is no correct and nice internal system in the country to protect.

3. India's population is not 1.2 billion but around 1.4 billion and logically speaking, such a big population should have meant an actual contributing work-force population of a billion people at least, contributing towards building India into an evolved, advanced and harmonious society in terms of politics, socio-economics, social sphere, technological advancement and interaction with environment and Nature but is that the case ? Thus, going by logic and your Capitalist calculation India should have had GDP per capita. No, what India and humanity needs is a scientific and progressive socio-economic system of which one variety I have presented in this thread. It is a simplified and better result of traditional Communist socio-economics which itself was results of previous progressive socio-economic ideas. Only then will India advance and evolve.
1. If you think that being high and favorable on Wall Street Capitalist rankings enabled a country to have geopolitics power then the USSR shouldn't have been influential in the world at all. And India being high on this ranking should have made India be the enabler of peace talks between Russia and Zelensky government. But are these or were these the cases ? :)

2. India is the second-largest importer of weaponry in the world after Saudia. You think keeping a huge military with blue water navy ambition is more important than enabling a welfare society within the country and supporting progressive thought outside ? There are people in India who are blind, cancered, with kidney ailment, having debilitating conditions like SMA, with heart conditions etc but many of them suffer for long or die not because the country has no treatment for them or the treatment can't be imported but the government does not want to spend on these sufferers but will absolutely spend of wasteful things. There are people with hunger and homelessness, there are farmers who suicide because of an anti-human socio-economic system based on extremest Capitalism. There are students who suicide because of India's unnecessarily competitive and dog-eat-dog so-called education and employment system that is maintained by Capitalism. The country earning trillions of dollars every year matters not one bit to avoid these needless deaths and sufferings. If the government does not establish a welfare system for its citizens then there is no point in that government existing nor is there is a point in a huge, offensive-oriented military existing because there is no correct and nice internal system in the country to protect.

3. India's population is not 1.2 billion but around 1.4 billion and logically speaking, such a big population should have meant an actual contributing work-force population of a billion people at least, contributing towards building India into an evolved, advanced and harmonious society in terms of politics, socio-economics, social sphere, technological advancement and interaction with environment and Nature but is that the case ? Thus, going by logic and your Capitalist calculation India should have had GDP per capita. No, what India and humanity needs is a scientific and progressive socio-economic system of which one variety I have presented in this thread. It is a simplified and better result of traditional Communist socio-economics which itself was results of previous progressive socio-economic ideas. Only then will India advance and evolve.

India with that GDP also means power, their geopolitical power is derived from that also

High GDP per capita is nonsense if your country can be invaded and attacked by other country easily.

Event in Ukraine has shown that
1. You are repeating. I ask again, how was the jailing of Col. Purohit a wrong thing ?

2. So the Malegaon bombing was not anti-India ?

3. Who is this Real Musalmaan ?

Now you are Changing Goal Posts.

1. You mentioned how Umar Khalid was jailed for 9 Months.

I merely countered it by stating that ANYONE, be it a HINDU or a MUSLIM can be jailed for YEARS. IF he is anti India.
No one is Jailed because he is from some community. You LIED.

Mention any Incident related to Muslims in India, I can counter it with 10, Same Story.. with a Hindu Name. It must have happned with Hindus too.

2. Malegaon was not the focus.

3. the Real Musalmaan is the one fightying for Roti-Kapda-Makaan and Bandwidth, who Votes based on his "Understanding" rather "Political Perceptions".
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