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RSS-BJP anti-Islam propaganda for upcoming UP election: Uttar Pradesh ATS arrests two for forcing over 1000 religious conversions


Nov 29, 2020
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Note: Propaganda has been started by upper caste organizations for UP elections. OIC and UNHCR should take note and take action.
Saudi invests money in Ambani's Reliance, he funds RSS and BJP. Saudi and other Muslim countries should pressurize the rich people in India funding BJP through electoral bonds. https://economictimes.indiatimes.co...-2-04-stake/articleshow/79060769.cms?from=mdr

Upper caste media is not showing this video of accused Umar Gautam's daughter.

Propaganda by Upper caste media

Umar Gautam and Jahangir, have allegedly forced around 1000 non-Muslims to convert to Islam.
Uttar Pradesh ATS arrests two for forcing over 1000 religious conversions

photo courtesy: IANS

Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh ATS have arrested two people from Delhi for allegedly forcing over 1000 people to change their religion.

The two accused, Umar Gautam and Jahangir, have allegedly forced around 1000 non-Muslims to convert to Islam.

One of the accused revealed that he is a resident of Batala house in Jamia Nagar and he himself has converted his religion.

UP ADG (Law and Order) Prashant Kumar said in a press conference here on Monday (June 21) that there is a racket operating in the state, forcing people to convert to Islam.

Kumar confirmed that around 1000 people have converted their religion till now.

The ADG further said that these two people used to target poor families, unemployed youth, and handicapped people, especially those who were hearing and speech impaired, children and forced them to change their religion.

According to the police, people were lured to convert their religion for money and financial stability.
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Lol these pagans and there make believe self comforting bullshit .

don’t carry money around pagans Muslims of India you’ll be booked for ................

Rupee jihad :lol:
Note: Propaganda has been started by upper caste organizations for UP elections. OIC and UNHCR should take note and take action.
Saudi invests money in Ambani's Reliance, he funds RSS and BJP. Saudi and other Muslim countries should pressurize the rich people in India funding BJP through electoral bonds. https://economictimes.indiatimes.co...-2-04-stake/articleshow/79060769.cms?from=mdr

Umar Gautam and Jahangir, have allegedly forced around 1000 non-Muslims to convert to Islam.
Uttar Pradesh ATS arrests two for forcing over 1000 religious conversions

photo courtesy: IANS

Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh ATS have arrested two people from Delhi for allegedly forcing over 1000 people to change their religion.

The two accused, Umar Gautam and Jahangir, have allegedly forced around 1000 non-Muslims to convert to Islam.

One of the accused revealed that he is a resident of Batala house in Jamia Nagar and he himself has converted his religion.

UP ADG (Law and Order) Prashant Kumar said in a press conference here on Monday (June 21) that there is a racket operating in the state, forcing people to convert to Islam.

Kumar confirmed that around 1000 people have converted their religion till now.

The ADG further said that these two people used to target poor families, unemployed youth, and handicapped people, especially those who were hearing and speech impaired, children and forced them to change their religion.

According to the police, people were lured to convert their religion for money and financial stability.
Okay, let use do Gharwapsi for them, looks like you didn’t saw how bad one of the victim’s mother was crying. Let us do gharwapsi for those 1000 people, just don’t whine hindutva bs after we do so. Typical leftisticle.
Note: Propaganda has been started by upper caste organizations for UP elections. OIC and UNHCR should take note and take action.
Saudi invests money in Ambani's Reliance, he funds RSS and BJP. Saudi and other Muslim countries should pressurize the rich people in India funding BJP through electoral bonds. https://economictimes.indiatimes.co...-2-04-stake/articleshow/79060769.cms?from=mdr

Umar Gautam and Jahangir, have allegedly forced around 1000 non-Muslims to convert to Islam.
Uttar Pradesh ATS arrests two for forcing over 1000 religious conversions

photo courtesy: IANS

Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh ATS have arrested two people from Delhi for allegedly forcing over 1000 people to change their religion.

The two accused, Umar Gautam and Jahangir, have allegedly forced around 1000 non-Muslims to convert to Islam.

One of the accused revealed that he is a resident of Batala house in Jamia Nagar and he himself has converted his religion.

UP ADG (Law and Order) Prashant Kumar said in a press conference here on Monday (June 21) that there is a racket operating in the state, forcing people to convert to Islam.

Kumar confirmed that around 1000 people have converted their religion till now.

The ADG further said that these two people used to target poor families, unemployed youth, and handicapped people, especially those who were hearing and speech impaired, children and forced them to change their religion.

According to the police, people were lured to convert their religion for money and financial stability.
Religious conversions should have a legal process and GoI should take this into consideration.
Okay, let use do Gharwapsi for them, looks like you didn’t saw how bad one of the victim’s mother was crying. Let us do gharwapsi for those 1000 people, just don’t whine hindutva bs after we do so. Typical leftisticle.

Total population of UP is > 200000000 , Total official covid deaths in UP 22,282 , actual covid deaths would be 60k plus.

The latest National Crime Records Bureau data show an increase of 7.3 per cent in crimes against scheduled caste people with 45,935 cases -- an increase from 42,793 cases registered in 2018.

This 1000 or so people converting for some personal reasons is being made into a bigger issue than all above, by upper caste media. to influence UP elections.
Total population of UP is > 200000000 , Total official covid deaths in UP 22,282 , actual covid deaths would be 60k plus.

The latest National Crime Records Bureau data show an increase of 7.3 per cent in crimes against scheduled caste people with 45,935 cases -- an increase from 42,793 cases registered in 2018.

This 1000 or so people converting for some personal reasons is being made into a bigger issue than all above, by upper caste media. to influence UP elections.
Lol, like you made a small issue of Muslims beating a Muslim taweez seller as some communal issue, and started playing victim when police came with their Mahindra TUV300, I know no body would like to listen La la lalalalla before dying.
Total population of UP is > 200000000 , Total official covid deaths in UP 22,282 , actual covid deaths would be 60k plus.

The latest National Crime Records Bureau data show an increase of 7.3 per cent in crimes against scheduled caste people with 45,935 cases -- an increase from 42,793 cases registered in 2018.

This 1000 or so people converting for some personal reasons is being made into a bigger issue than all above, by upper caste media. to influence UP elections.
Would be, could be, I know you leftist ecosystem is on a heartburn but cope with it, your propaganda isn’t bought anywhere, you come with inbuilt hypocrisies surviving on victim card.
"he was brainwashed by the mullas to convert to islam, I request the government to brainwash him again to make him hindu again."

This is nothing more than harassment of Muslims. The anti-conversion law was created for this.

I find it amusing that members of the depraved society arguing that this is not fair, when their whole society is based on unfairness and oppression.

On a side note, Maulana Umar Gautam was profiled in a newspaper a few years ago.

he was brainwashed by the mullas to convert to islam,

You don't need to be brainwashed to convert out of Dindooism into Islam. All you need to be told is you won't be considered an untouchable subhuman being punished for sins you committed in your previous life like in a certain peaceful lingam worshipping religion and people will happily abandon it. That's why there are entire regions in India where people have abandoned Dindooism to become Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, etc.
i like thsi kind of india jai ho modi yogi ki

To be fair, I love this kind of India too. This is what I voted for and I am happy to see they are delivering.

More power to Yogi and Modi.
Religious conversions should have a legal process and GoI should take this into consideration.

UP Forced Conversion Racket: Differently Abled Children Were To Be Brainwashed And Used As Human Bombs, Reveals Report


In a shocking development, the further questioning of two individuals accused of mass religious conversion racket by the Uttar Pradesh anti-terrorist squad (ATS) has revealed that the duo had devised a sinister plan to first convert the hearing and speech impaired children into Islam and then use them as human bombs, reports Dainik Jagran.

According to the report, the accused Mufti Qazi Jahangir Qasmi and Mohammad Umar Gautam received funding from Pakistan’s notorious spy agency ISI and other global sources. The duo from Delhi's Jamia Nagar was apparently involved in coercively converting around 1000 people to Islam and especially targeting deaf and mute individuals along with women and children for the same.

A senior official stated that the people involved in the racket wanted to brainwash these children into accepting Islam and later on utilise them as human bombs in India and around the world.

The conversion gang is said to have targeted people in Noida, Varanasi, Mathura and Kanpur. Earlier, the UP ATS had arrested the said individuals following the registration of an FIR in the case at Lucknow's ATS police station.

Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order) Prashant Kumar had stated that Gautam, who is himself a convert to Islam from Hinduism, boasted to the police of having converted at least 1,000 people to Islam, luring them with marriage, money and jobs.

"I converted at least 1,000 non-Muslims to Islam, marrying them all to Muslims," Kumar quoted Gautam as saying.

The outfit that they ran is 'Islamic Dawah Center', having access to funds from Pakistan's ISI and other foreign agencies, said the ADG.

He further said that the ATS had been working on the intelligence inputs that some people were getting funds from the ISI and other foreign agencies for converting poor people to Islam and spreading communal enmity in the society.

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had ordered action under the Gangster Act and National Security Act (NSA) against the culprits.
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ISI paid two guys in UP to convert people to blow themselves up. 1000 people had been converted but the only violence we see in those parts of UP is when some chimps decide to go out and rape and murder someone for their gau mata. Really makes you ponder!

If you ever wonder how these people were gullible enough to chug gallons upon gallons of cow piss, thinking it will save them from Coronadevi, just look at the braindead bhakt above.
Kanpur: Hindu families put “for sale” signs outside their houses after being forced to convert to Islam, SP MLA accused of shielding the goons

Hindu families living in Rail Patri Colony in Kanpur are living under a constant shadow of fear after their neighbouring Muslim hooligans pressurise and coerce them to embrace Islam or leave the locality


Something akin to the Kairana exodus is currently underway in UP’s Kanpur, where Hindu families are forced to either convert to Islam or vacate and leave the place. The Hindu families accuse the local Muslim ruffians of threatening, intimidating and coercing them to leave their religion and embrace Islam.

The case pertains to Rail Patri colony under Colonelganj Police station area of Kanpur district, where 10 Hindu families are living under a constant threat of persecution by their Muslim neighbours. On Saturday evening last week, a daughter of a Hindu family was molested by the mobsters of the locality and when the girl’s brother confronted them, the goons barged into their house and assaulted the family members. Reportedly, an attempt was also made to sexually assault the girl.

Following the incident, the family of the victim rushed to the nearby police station and narrated their ordeal to the police. A complaint was registered against 9 known and 3 unknown people. The police have arrested 3 suspects in the case. However, the family of the victim claims 2 of them have already been released by the police.

On-sale signboards put up outside Hindu families in Kanpur locality

Meanwhile, some Hindu families in the locality have scribbled messages and put up “on-sale” signboards outside their houses, informing the prospective buyers that the property is available for sale. The victim’s family have also written a message outside their house, expressing the desire to sell their house and flee the town amidst threats of persecution at the hands of hooligans from the Muslim majority.

Victims claim they have been given only options by the hoodlums—either accept Islam or leave the locality. The victims say they don’t want to abandon their faith and therefore, they have no option but to leave the locality or risk staying here and suffer a terrible fate that awaits them. In order to escape the wrath of the Muslim hooligans in the locality, the Hindu victims have decided to sell their houses and move to a safer location, where they and their family members would not be targeted because they follow Hinduism.

Hindu victims accuse local SP MLA of shielding Muslim hooligans

One of the hooligans who has reportedly threatened the Hindu families in the locality to embrace Islam is a man named Aftab. The victims say Aftab has even threatened them with dire consequences for filing a police complaint against hooliganism by his co-religionists. They allege Aftab had intimidated them saying that once the Yogi Adityanath government is replaced by Samajwadi Party government, they will exact revenge for this case from the Hindu families.

Furthermore, the victims have also accused the local SP MLA Amitabh Bajpai for supporting the Muslim hoodlums. They claim the goons enjoy the patronage of the local MLA, who protects them from any punitive action taken against them by the police.

Kanpur police issue statement

Reacting to reports on Hindus in the area getting threats to convert, Kanpur Police Commissioner Asim Arun has issued a statement saying that they are probing the issue. He informed that an FIR has already been filed on the molestation case of the girl, and now reports of local citizens feeling unsafe have emerged today.

The IPS officer said that police officers have been deputed to probe the matter, and proper action in this regard will be taken including registration of FIRs. He said that nobody will be allowed to create such a situation of fear, the administration will not tolerate issue such threats to their neighbours. If someone is found doing this, actions will be taken against them under NSA and Gangstar Act, Asim Arun said.

Kairana Exodus

The case has an uncanny similarity with the Kairana exodus from the 2014 to 2016 period when a large number of Hindus migrated from Kairana to safer destinations after being threatened by Muslim gangsters. According to the BJP, more than 346 Hindu families left the village. According to the reports, Hindus in Kairana lived under a constant shadow of fear as Muslims, who were in majority in the town, made provocative remarks against Hindu men and passed lewd/taunting remarks against Hindu females.
Kanpur: Hindu families put “for sale” signs outside their houses after being forced to convert to Islam, SP MLA accused of shielding the goons

Hindu families living in Rail Patri Colony in Kanpur are living under a constant shadow of fear after their neighbouring Muslim hooligans pressurise and coerce them to embrace Islam or leave the locality


Something akin to the Kairana exodus is currently underway in UP’s Kanpur, where Hindu families are forced to either convert to Islam or vacate and leave the place. The Hindu families accuse the local Muslim ruffians of threatening, intimidating and coercing them to leave their religion and embrace Islam.

The case pertains to Rail Patri colony under Colonelganj Police station area of Kanpur district, where 10 Hindu families are living under a constant threat of persecution by their Muslim neighbours. On Saturday evening last week, a daughter of a Hindu family was molested by the mobsters of the locality and when the girl’s brother confronted them, the goons barged into their house and assaulted the family members. Reportedly, an attempt was also made to sexually assault the girl.

Following the incident, the family of the victim rushed to the nearby police station and narrated their ordeal to the police. A complaint was registered against 9 known and 3 unknown people. The police have arrested 3 suspects in the case. However, the family of the victim claims 2 of them have already been released by the police.

On-sale signboards put up outside Hindu families in Kanpur locality

Meanwhile, some Hindu families in the locality have scribbled messages and put up “on-sale” signboards outside their houses, informing the prospective buyers that the property is available for sale. The victim’s family have also written a message outside their house, expressing the desire to sell their house and flee the town amidst threats of persecution at the hands of hooligans from the Muslim majority.

Victims claim they have been given only options by the hoodlums—either accept Islam or leave the locality. The victims say they don’t want to abandon their faith and therefore, they have no option but to leave the locality or risk staying here and suffer a terrible fate that awaits them. In order to escape the wrath of the Muslim hooligans in the locality, the Hindu victims have decided to sell their houses and move to a safer location, where they and their family members would not be targeted because they follow Hinduism.

Hindu victims accuse local SP MLA of shielding Muslim hooligans

One of the hooligans who has reportedly threatened the Hindu families in the locality to embrace Islam is a man named Aftab. The victims say Aftab has even threatened them with dire consequences for filing a police complaint against hooliganism by his co-religionists. They allege Aftab had intimidated them saying that once the Yogi Adityanath government is replaced by Samajwadi Party government, they will exact revenge for this case from the Hindu families.

Furthermore, the victims have also accused the local SP MLA Amitabh Bajpai for supporting the Muslim hoodlums. They claim the goons enjoy the patronage of the local MLA, who protects them from any punitive action taken against them by the police.

Kanpur police issue statement

Reacting to reports on Hindus in the area getting threats to convert, Kanpur Police Commissioner Asim Arun has issued a statement saying that they are probing the issue. He informed that an FIR has already been filed on the molestation case of the girl, and now reports of local citizens feeling unsafe have emerged today.

The IPS officer said that police officers have been deputed to probe the matter, and proper action in this regard will be taken including registration of FIRs. He said that nobody will be allowed to create such a situation of fear, the administration will not tolerate issue such threats to their neighbours. If someone is found doing this, actions will be taken against them under NSA and Gangstar Act, Asim Arun said.

Kairana Exodus

The case has an uncanny similarity with the Kairana exodus from the 2014 to 2016 period when a large number of Hindus migrated from Kairana to safer destinations after being threatened by Muslim gangsters. According to the BJP, more than 346 Hindu families left the village. According to the reports, Hindus in Kairana lived under a constant shadow of fear as Muslims, who were in majority in the town, made provocative remarks against Hindu men and passed lewd/taunting remarks against Hindu females.

Disclaimer: GauPoOpIndia as source. Give a non-Hindoo, non-Gobar source for veracity please.
Fake-xodus? Reports dispute BJP's claims on ‘Kairana exodus’ after probe
A war of words broke out Monday over alleged migration of Hindus from Kairana in Uttar Pradesh with BJP saying it is not good for democracy and that a party team will be sent to probe the 'sensitive' issue, prompting Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav to accuse the saffron leaders of resorting to lies.

FP StaffJune 14, 2016 12:05:05 IST
Fake-xodus? Reports dispute BJP's claims on ‘Kairana exodus’ after probe

A war of words broke out Monday over alleged migration of Hindus from Kairana in Uttar Pradesh with BJP saying it is not good for democracy and that a party team will be sent to probe the "sensitive" issue, prompting Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav to accuse the saffron leaders of resorting to lies.
As political temperatures rose over the alleged exodus of Hindus from Kairana village in Shamli district in western UP ahead of elections due in the state next year, the BJP promised "proper action" after the completion of the probe. Shamli district had witnessed communal riots in 2013.
BJP MLA from Kairana Hukum Singh has alleged that 346 families have been forced to flee the town, which has 85 percent of Muslim population.
Fakexodus Reports dispute BJPs claims on Kairana exodus after probe
File photo of Amit Shah. AP

Shamli District Magistrate asked the SDM and Circle Officer to probe into the allegations that "jihadi elements" had forced migration of Hindus from there, IG (Law and Order) HR Sharma told reporters. They have been asked to verify the list of 346 families handed over by the local MP who have allegedly migrated, he said.
The state government's action came after VHP joint general secretary Surendra Jain's on Monday said, "Jihadis are being encouraged to carry out their activities... VHP calls upon the state government to rein in jihadi elements who are responsible for this exodus and tighten law and order in the state."
A day after BJP chief Amit Shah expressed serious concern over the "migration", senior BJP leader and Union minister Nitin Gadkari said his party has taken up the issue with all seriousness.
"Party President has set up a committee, which will go there and study the situation. Such a migration is not good for democracy. The party is sensitive about it and proper steps will be taken after the report comes," Gadkari told reporters on the second day of BJP National Executive meeting in Allahabad. The seven-member committee comprises four MPs and three leaders from UP.
Shah, in his address to the National Executive on Monday, had said, "The migration happening in Kairana due to violence is a matter of serious concern. There is an atmosphere of violence. The lack of development and the lack of governance in the largest state of India, that is Uttar Pradesh, is becoming a matter of serious concern."
But according to an Indian Express investigation, which tracked down 22 people who figure in Singh’s list, five had died, four had moved out of Kairana looking for better opportunities, 10 left more than 10 years ago, three had moved fearing “local criminals”.
Out of 118 names submitted by the UP police and the Shamli district administration, who are checking on names in Singh’s list, found similar patterns: five dead, 12 still present, 46 moved out since 2011, 55 moved out at least 6-11 years ago, according to The Indian Express report.
Shamli DM Sujeet Kumar said they could not just go by "the word of one person", reports The Times of India. He added that, "It is unlikely that such a massive exodus could have taken place. If mass movement on such a scale had taken place, we would have got to know about it."
According to the TOI report, it's not just Hindus who have migrated from Muslim-dominated areas, but vice-versa. Mass movement of families happening across religious lines is leading to ghettoization in the region.
Akhilesh Yadav on Monday accused the BJP leaders of being "dishonest" and "lying" on the issue and said he would like to see "better work" from the party.
"The BJP is alleging that the Samajawadi Party Government forced the people flee from Kairana... BJP can be dishonest to this extent," Yadav told reporters in Mathura. He also claimed that most of the people left the village about 10 to 15 years back while others left in search of jobs about seven or eight years back.
"A house to house search shows the lie of BJP," Yadav said.
Taking a dig at the BJP, which is seeking to wrest power from the SP in the state, Yadav said he would like to see "better" work from the BJP. "I want them to show some work. They should come and say that they distributed laptops to the people and not only talk about digital India," he added.
Gadkari, a former BJP President, parried a question about the Samajwadi Party(SP) government's assertion that many Hindus had migrated from Kairana long back and some of them are now already dead, saying the BJP President has already reacted to this matter.
"The party is sensitive on this issue and will take proper action," was his repeated refrain.
With inputs from PTI



According to this article, things are different. The families left a long time ago, the people had actually died, or they never left at all. Why would you, as a Dindoo, lie to us? Is it because we are mlecchas to you? Is it because your creed does not require of you any morals besides blind subservience to Brahmins, cows and Shiv Lingams? Do tell us.
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Disclaimer: GauPoOpIndia as source. Give a non-Hindoo, non-Gobar source for veracity please.

I generally don't entertain bigots, but I will make an exception,

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