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Indian Army Threatening Civilians in Kashmir for Protesting Against Using them as Human Shields

Soul Magazine? Never heard of it :lol:. Doubt anyone has.
I'm sure you've never heard of a lot things about him regarding how important his opinion is taken by the international strategic thinktank community...but I'm not surprised given the low sanghi iq you suffer from. ANYWAYS... who were those "300 terrorists" again? :lol:
Yes, some people do, but not our scientists. Meanwhile, your chief nuclear scientist doesn't believe in the laws of thermodynamics. Very high IQ :lol: If that's the standard of your scientists, pretty sure the sheeple will believe anything. Even in gow muttar if a mullah gives a speech.
dude...you phd doctors have written thesis after thesis on the miracles of gow muttar! :rofl:
Chaiwala vs Cricketer, and somehow you think you are better :lol:

Cricketer who studied at Oxford and is respected world over for being a great sportsman and a philanthropist

While the chai wala wasn't even allowed to visit usa until his low IQ nation voted him a their leader
But the same media (Reuters)confirmed that it was never bombed so this possibility is out

Again same media never found any trace of militant training either after interviewn and investigating for months in that area. So this possibility is out too

So what is left???

A pajeet with his guesswork desperately trying to turn a failure into a success but failing again like his airforce

Where did reuters confirm, what?

Yes that is why it took you 45 days, to seal the area and clean the area of terrorists and bodies.

Even Reuters confirmed, that Balakot was terrorist training camp, as per local villagers.

Screenshot_20200413-155039_Samsung Internet.jpg
Cricketer who studied at Oxford and is respected world over for being a great sportsman and a philanthropist

While the chai wala wasn't even allowed to visit usa until his low IQ nation voted him a their leader

Studied what at oxford? Math? Engineering? No, Political science :lol:. That's like having no degree at all. Even Modi has a bachelors and masters in political science. I studied at a major university in Toronto and had a few friends studying Anthropology, sociology, political science etc and all these fake degrees. You can only get a job as a waiter with one of these. They don't even take elementary calculus.
Where did reuters confirm, what?

That nobody died or even hurt

Reuters reporters toured the area late last month and interviewed people in the surrounding area. They found no evidence of anyone being killed or hurt.

And how can anyone die since your incompetent airforce failed to hit the building

Yes that is why it took you 45 days, to seal the area and clean the area of terrorists and bodies.

This is your pajeeti claim that you took out of your as$. Shove it back in your as$ since nobody in this world agrees to it

Even Reuters confirmed, that Balakot was terrorist training camp, as per local villagers.

then show us that they said any kind of militant training was given there even though I have no problem with it
Studied what at oxford? Math? Engineering? No, Political science :lol:. That's like having no degree at all. Even Modi has a bachelors and masters in political science. I studied at a major university in Toronto and had a few friends studying Anthropology, sociology, political science etc and all these fake degrees. You can only get a job as a waiter with one of these. They don't even take elementary calculus.

Still he has a degree

Poor chai wala can't even produce his political degree and that too from Delhi university

LMAO :rofl: :rofl:
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