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Pakistani Travel Agents Boycott Etihad Airlines !

Yes they said Pakistan not joining Yemen war won't make any difference
And some UAE prince said Pakistan will pay for it

Mr fighter pilot training arab pilots isn't sacrifice
They are helping Pakistan since 1947 but when they needed Pakistan's help Pakistanis said we aren't mercenaries

Uncle jaha akal aur ilm na ho, waha faltoo ki been nhi bajatey.

Some of the gulf countries came into existence because of Pakistani involvement.
And if Pakistanis are working in these countries, we are not sitting and enjoying the wealth but contributing to their economies. They don't come and hand us some cheque, we work for it. It's a mutual trade and if not here, tomorrow we will be elsewhere, because provision comes from Allah.

And though I often criticize Arabs, its not because I have an issue with them, I just expect them to do more with the resources Allah has provided them with, instead of trying to seek luxury in a world that is described as "an enjoyment of delusion" and nothing but a temporary refuge for the traveler on his journey to his Creator.

Are Pakistanis boycotting remittances being sent from Gulf countries?? @Khafee @Falcon26 @Flight of falcon

what are you upto or just lacking the brains and being the regular idiot?
Remittance comes for free?
People effin work for it which in turn contributes to the development and riches of these very countries.
Ask countries who lack manpower.
And why should some one refuse their own hard earned money?

Try and use your brain before you say something stupid but then again you are the same kid whose supporting the thug clowns you refer to as leaders so...

GCC is not UAE we should handle everyone as per their policies toward us . UAE is first line hostile now .

no one is crying here . no need to be personal

Yeah except you were amongst the same people who were jumping up and down when the same arab countries gave you the needed aid to survive with your economy.

Uncle jaha akal aur ilm na ho, waha faltoo ki been nhi bajatey.

Some of the gulf countries came into existence because of Pakistani involvement.
And if Pakistanis are working in these countries, we are not sitting and enjoying the wealth but contributing to their economies. They don't come and hand us some cheque, we work for it. It's a mutual trade and if not here, tomorrow we will be elsewhere, because provision comes from Allah.

And though I often criticize Arabs, its not because I have an issue with them, I just expect them to do more with the resources Allah has provided them with, instead of trying to seek luxury in a world that is described as "an enjoyment of delusion" and nothing but a temporary refuge for the traveler on his journey to his Creator.

what are you upto or just lacking the brains and being the regular idiot?
Remittance comes for free?
People effin work for it which in turn contributes to the development and riches of these very countries.
Ask countries who lack manpower.
And why should some one refuse their own hard earned money?

Try and use your brain before you say something stupid but then again you are the same kid whose supporting the thug clowns you refer to as leaders so...

Yeah except you were amongst the same people who were jumping up and down when the same arab countries gave you the needed aid to survive with your economy.

please show me those posts sir

Are you actually trying to debate with the immature childish folk on this forum, half of whom are actually supporting the thug mafia who have looted their own country?
They dont use brains, they just follow the trend and forget what they were doing a month back. Same folk who will vote a criminal in power just because he will get their street paved and loot the country instead.

please show me those posts sir

oh bhai just relax.
The international game of politics is not that simple and straightforward as it sounds.
Countries have their interests, they play games, they take chances.
You can complain to the arabs for not supporting you, but do you really want to speak against them while the same folk were keeping your boat afloat just a few months back?

Why does every one become an expert in international politics in my country and start singing their own saga before waiting for the official stance from their government because those people actually know whats going on more than you folk would?

the same folk gave you aid to survive a few months back and today you want to talk trash against them just because they didnt this time? Why do we always depend on what others should be doing for us and not making us strong enough to make people think a hundred times before going against us?
Is this the standard of dialogue, Not a single counter. Who da hell made you a mod?
O you are actually making an effort...Sorry seen too much crap! I take my words back!

For those "billions and billions and billions" they get strategic partnership with us, we sideline Iran which is our neighbor because of those "billions and ...". We ain't getting that doe for free.
Any favors on a strategic level with strategic consequences for us are worth a lot more than that 3$ billion they threw our way. We should be getting billions more and I think Pakistan should make it clear to them if they want Pakistan to respect Gulf's strategic interests the 3$ billions is pennies.
Lets try to re-annalyze what you said as part of a "dailogue"

You sidelined Iran...when?

You didnt sideline anything with Iran nor does anyone wish for an unstable nieghbour...but was your neighbour being neighbourly? Does Yadhav kulbhushan ring a bell? He had been entering Pakistan multiple times OVER YEARS....What sort of a neighbour does that favour?

As for the $3billion ...even with it, you guys rejected Yemen...No one demanded back 1 penny, what does that show? We should be getting more? Why? Do you own their treasury? No..you did zilch you showed zilch for so called "pennies" who will believe you now?

3 billions is pennies? It is not pennies coz it helped Pakistan...Would you like to see something from Pakistan's POV for a change maybe?

Which UAE dollars(dirhams to be precise)???The ones coming from their government??? Or the ones earned by our countrymen through hard labor ....and the services they provide to them?
IF UAE wishes, they could impose taxes on Pakistani sending money home...Who is to stop them?

That money is coming home, coz most of these people couldnt find jobs in Pakistan or were looking for a "better" future....or to earn more money...clearly Pakistan is lacking otherwise why would they leave shinning glory?

Would ANYONE like to address WHY we are lacking? Why we got epic brain drain? Why are people selling their souls for American visa? Why people having jobs in Dubai are awed at?

Beautiful send them clear message if you do this we do that more sud be coming. Stop visiting UAE unless needed.
PLS sud move to Pakistan and if we cant then make other country our home ground instead of UAE.
Sure, how many are coming back? Lets start with you, leaving Qatar for home ground anytime soon?

thank you for saying it out loud, i thought i was the only one holding this view.
You are...1 removed his other one was removed coz I apologized for my mistake so that puts you back at lonely planet!

Will be hard to replace Pakistanis contribution in building UAE. Remittance sent by Pakistani expats are not favour. That money is earned by doing backbreaking labour in inhuman conditions. This trade body should do something about Emirates as well. That will send send a loud message.
loud msg is sent by someone in power not someone who needs to pay back a debt!

You killing your own business and industries...then your next generation cries why we got no jobs and no business/ friends?

positive steps all in all , keep it up kudos , you show em whats what.
And ladies and gentlemen this is the spectacle you have created and you will cry about next century and find an escape goat to blame?

my people need to realize that Boycott is a polite way to registrar protest with someone ....That we are concerned and extremely unhappy with your actions....that your actions at these particular timings are hurting us....and this insensitive approach from you was never expected ...cause you were always regarded as brothers...and your acts of lately are not so brotherly....Thank You!
Do you not think that modi was used as a sacrificial goat to send the same "polite protest"? That we have done a lot for you every time in time of need but you forget? How else to get your attention?

For me Business is separate from foreign affairs...we dont have a Pakistani first policy! We should...the day we get it...we will have more respect I hope!
Point scoring is never a good decision putter...It is sad and shows more about our attitude than actual situation. Also gives idea to foreigners how to divide us further. ..sad thing is none of Pakistanis can think strategically ...just like they couldn't think of Feb events
Mama ji I wasnt calling for blood than neither now.

But if travel agents do boycott emirates airlines, I personally support them. We are a democracy, whoever imperfect.

And we have to do some soul searching and set our priorities straight.
this is all in the domain of civility.....It doesn't mean we have gone enemies from being brothers....And i am all for it.....For having some respect in the comity of nations.....One must respect its own-self....If you cannot respect your country....your nation....your own people.... your Integrity....dont expect any other nation will do....So i am all for such protests....
Last thing......This is not a boycott from the govt....But from an association.... well am glad that, the people of this country are standing-up for their dignity....and practically showing solidarity with the kashmiri brother-en.... Its not that this boycott will last for ever....but right now this gesture of theirs is truly commendable!
Can I just ask a few questions:

1) What respect? Respect is earned and is a 2 way street....How much have we done to get this "free" respect that we keep expecting?

2) As for Kashmir...how many of our politicians and elite have talked openly about Kashmir? Apart from in OIC and maybe in UN...we dont ever address Kashmir suddenly we are their saviours? We never built a narrative nor initiated much ( saying we did nothing would be wrong) for their benefit...Now we know how hard it is about Palestine...with israel lobby...We are in a similar (not same) position with KASHMIR and a goon like india?

india did so much we just watched! And we have the audacity to blame Arabs for not doing anything for PALESTINE...we did nothing for Kashmir either!

3) As for "SOME ASSOCIATION" being pissed and showing they are burning over modi award...that is sadly showing weakness..if you really think of them as brothers...them such weakness should not surface! Brothers trust one another...when there is no trust...what brother?

4) Modi getting an award was bad...but not bad enough for whole country to start burning itself live for the indians to know we were hurt! The right approach was for our FO office to speak and declare we were unhappy...not a mass protest and jahil harkatain!

Never SHOW your enemy your weakness! I am afraid Pakistanis love to air their laundries...courtesy of the stupid media who does so!

Mama ji I wasnt calling for blood than neither now.

But if travel agents do boycott emirates airlines, I personally support them. We are a democracy, whoever imperfect.

And we have to do some soul searching and set our priorities straight.
How is this helping anyone?

I am all out for soul searching and priorities...our priorities have never been Pakistan...and suddenly everyone thinks we are king of the mountains?
Sure, how many are coming back? Lets start with you, leaving Qatar for home ground .

For your info Qatar is not part of UAE..
Already limited airlines fly to Pakistan. If we lose Emirates and Etihad, PIA are going to have a field day with us.

Those blocked toilets, kids raking havoc everywhere, chaos and fights erupting between badtameez UK born Pakistanis and flight attendants is making me gag already thinking about it.

There are other ways to register your protest. Nuke Abu Dabhi if need be but please don't make us lose Etihad and Emirates.
Identify yourself first ....Emarati or a Sauadi.....or someone...please?
I Am neither too polite nor myopic at all.....thats just your opinion....and you can have one...

In my previous posts on the other threads.... I particularly mentioned Pakistan must not be reactive..... though the window of opportunity for being proactive is long gone and shut.....None the less....the official policy of the govt is yet to come....they should take time now...but come out with a well thought out plan and procedure.... and the way forward..

I fully support the decision of Chairman senate..... Though he does not represent the govt ....but showing displeasure through cancelling his visit .... will not be gone un-noticed....

Sending IK.....???? this is not how the world works..... IK does not work as a butler in the royal palace... A knee jerk reaction of this sort would not work in our favor.....but only akin to appeasement and weakness.... Right now the foreign office and its mission can and should engage .... and at an opportune time the foreign minister can engage ....
The PMs visit should always be well planned ...with a properly worked out agenda....as its done all over the world!
it is not about being a butler but one who can actually drill the msg....

You see many in the past went to KSA and UAE...we were promised alot and when they came back we suddenly didnt get much...Why?

Not coz we werent given, but coz it didnt reach us....we know now that alot of corruption happened....also in foreign affairs!

And why IK? coz he caught the attention and ALSO coz he has shown sincerity others fail to show! Many show salivating drooling which is not an ability to gain trust!

Already limited airlines fly to Pakistan. If we lose Emirates and Etihad, PIA are going to have a field day with us.

Those blocked toilets, kids raking havoc everywhere, chaos and fights erupting between badtameez UK born Pakistanis and flight attendants is making me gag already thinking about it.

There are other ways to register your protest. Nuke Abu Dabhi if need be but please don't make us lose Etihad and Emirates.
Maza ai ga haina ;)

Nuke Abu Dabhi if need be but please don't make us lose Etihad and Emirates.
I am not sure if your brain is functional...Emirates flies from Abu Dhabi...nuking Abu Dhabi - not just killing Pakistanis who live there to show "protest for Kashmiri in IOK" (which mind you is beyond dumb)...but also nuking whoever flies from your beloved Emirates?

Let me put it out there @_Sherdils_

I dont like burgers who talk about nuking like it is waxing the hair on their backs! So please mind it!

Your post is so idiotic I choose not to comment. You have no idea how many billions we owe. How many billions we get from there through remittances and yes as for Iran I hope that shot hole of a country gets taken over by Saudis soon .
easy with the language please :)
Can I just ask a few questions:

1) What respect? Respect is earned and is a 2 way street....How much have we done to get this "free" respect that we keep expecting?

2) As for Kashmir...how many of our politicians and elite have talked openly about Kashmir? Apart from in OIC and maybe in UN...we dont ever address Kashmir suddenly we are their saviours? We never built a narrative nor initiated much ( saying we did nothing would be wrong) for their benefit...Now we know how hard it is about Palestine...with israel lobby...We are in a similar (not same) position with KASHMIR and a goon like india?

india did so much we just watched! And we have the audacity to blame Arabs for not doing anything for PALESTINE...we did nothing for Kashmir either!

3) As for "SOME ASSOCIATION" being pissed and showing they are burning over modi award...that is sadly showing weakness..if you really think of them as brothers...them such weakness should not surface! Brothers trust one another...when there is no trust...what brother?

4) Modi getting an award was bad...but not bad enough for whole country to start burning itself live for the indians to know we were hurt! The right approach was for our FO office to speak and declare we were unhappy...not a mass protest and jahil harkatain!

Never SHOW your enemy your weakness! I am afraid Pakistanis love to air their laundries...courtesy of the stupid media who does so!

How is this helping anyone?

I am all out for soul searching and priorities...our priorities have never been Pakistan...and suddenly everyone thinks we are king of the mountains?
And you think im a centrist not a jingoistic loan or an idealist.. or a liberal.

Shoot em all.
it is not about being a butler but one who can actually drill the msg....

You see many in the past went to KSA and UAE...we were promised alot and when they came back we suddenly didnt get much...Why?

Not coz we werent given, but coz it didnt reach us....we know now that alot of corruption happened....also in foreign affairs!

And why IK? coz he caught the attention and ALSO coz he has shown sincerity others fail to show! Many show salivating drooling which is not an ability to gain trust!

Maza ai ga haina ;)

I am not sure if your brain is functional...Emirates flies from Abu Dhabi...nuking Abu Dhabi - not just killing Pakistanis who live there to show "protest for Kashmiri in IOK" (which mind you is beyond dumb)...but also nuking whoever flies from your beloved Emirates?

Let me put it out there @_Sherdils_

I dont like burgers who talk about nuking like it is waxing the hair on their backs! So please mind it!

Brother, it was clear sarcastic. No need to get over emotional over the word nuke. Sometimes the N word signifies extreme measures in context. Also, if you take it literally than its obvious if you Nuke Abu Dhabi, you end up nuking Abu Dhabi airport and Etihad's base. So clearly I didn't mean that.

Also, Emirates flies from Dubai not Abu Dhabi. See how I picked on your mistake now assuming you didn't know that?
So award was announced in April

Like Modi was any better in april and suddenly started acting a like goon

He was a Hindutva nazi in April too and tried to bomb Pakistan in February and yet you decided to award him in April

Good :tup:
Before pointing fingers at others - What was your FO doing for 5 months?
Brother, it was clear sarcastic. No need to get over emotional over the word nuke. Sometimes the N word signifies extreme measures in context. Also, if you take it literally than its obvious if you Nuke Abu Dhabi, you end up nuking Abu Dhabi airport and Etihad's base. So clearly I didn't mean that.

Also, Emirates flies from Dubai not Abu Dhabi. See how I picked on your mistake now assuming you didn't know that?
I get confused between the 2...Etihad flies from Abu Dhabi...my bad

And you think im a centrist not a jingoistic loan or an idealist.. or a liberal.

Shoot em all.
come again? :undecided:

What about the timing sir
was arranged long ago...I guess modi made sure he did Kashmir now to make sure many here squeal....after all he knew about the award long ago...didnt happen overnight! He just made sure Kashmir was on fire when he got it!
China has its own internal affairs, UAE was already going to award india- no one knew Kashmir would be next on agenda! OUR own didnt know and we are blaming others?
But who will blame Modi for his timing?
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