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Pakistani Travel Agents Boycott Etihad Airlines !

I get confused between the 2...Etihad flies from Abu Dhabi...my bad

come again? :undecided:

was arranged long ago...I guess modi made sure he did Kashmir now to make sure many here squeal....after all he knew about the award long ago...didnt happen overnight! He just made sure Kashmir was on fire when he got it!
China has its own internal affairs, UAE was already going to award india- no one knew Kashmir would be next on agenda! OUR own didnt know and we are blaming others?
But who will blame Modi for his timing?
Apun ko apni awam, leaders and mil sub ka pata ha.
Sari ghairat went to the gutters when we took 3 billion usd of their money , if we are so ghairatmand than we should pay them back entire some with interest and than brag about so called ghairat and if this isnt done than that makes us the biggest bayghairat in the world
SOME of us think it is so ghairatmand to keep money and scream back?!

THE LEAST we achieved was show na shukri attitude! Even ALLAH doesnt like that, so wait for your adhaab!

Apun ko apni awam, leaders and mil sub ka pata ha.
Ji putter, I know :)

Hence we need to start to learn to blame ourselves ....like how Noonis blame IK and PTI fans blame Tinda brothers!

In foreign affairs or lack of it...we also need to trash someone :agree:
IF UAE wishes, they could impose taxes on Pakistani sending money home...Who is to stop them?

That money is coming home, coz most of these people couldnt find jobs in Pakistan or were looking for a "better" future....or to earn more money...clearly Pakistan is lacking otherwise why would they leave shinning glory?

Would ANYONE like to address WHY we are lacking? Why we got epic brain drain? Why are people selling their souls for American visa? Why people having jobs in Dubai are awed at?

Wow....thats a new one for me...... How about the US, UK, AUS, and just about any country in the world Taxing our expats sending remittances home??? why not??? ......
the rest of the questions you raised are out of the scope of this topic!

Do you not think that modi was used as a sacrificial goat to send the same "polite protest"? That we have done a lot for you every time in time of need but you forget? How else to get your attention?

No not at all.... this is yet again a very naive statement...... You simply erasing importance of India as country of 1.25 billion ....A much bigger, powerful and resourceful enough country with pockets big enough that the sheikhs just cannot resist to slide in their hands in somehow..... ever wondered why was India not that important say a 20 years back....??
Secondly would modi or India allow themselves to be used as baits or sacrificial goats by the sheikhs to lure us in????Simply ridiculous even to say.....We can downplay our enemy and its importance as much as we want...But thats not going to change the facts!

For me Business is separate from foreign affairs
...we dont have a Pakistani first policy! We should...the day we get it...we will have more respect I hope!
No....they are not.....Your foreign policy overrides everything when it comes to IR....your business policy is an integral part of your foreign policy.....
Sometimes the inside games are different and we should act with patience.
something that is lacking in the whole nation! :(

Wisdom and patience can make wonders! When BOTH lacking... :(

Why are you always defending them? No matter what they do or say, you blindly support them. Do you have personal business with UAE? Are your family members working there? You always find excuses for them which is strange.
I am not defending them...

I am showing my people what they have done and forgotten!

I have been in this country and have seen all this going on...Heck, I am even older than most of the members here so I have seen much more...Plus I am addressing my people about OUR fault, why are you hurt?
The dopey Arabs made a mistake by giving that Hindu monkey a worthless medal at the wrong time

Hate and anger are a funny thing, just like the Afghanis now have widescale contempt from Pakistanis for the foolish plans in last few years, it took a lot of effort by Pakistan to screw India in Afghanistan and screw the Afghanis at the same time

The Arabs must face the same, anyone who doesn't understand our war with India should face out hatred

The Arabs made a mistake and henceforth every death or misery forced upon these bastards anywhere in the world should mean nothing to us

We are in a eternal war with India which we will not backdown in
Wow....thats a new one for me...... How about the US, UK, AUS, and just about any country in the world Taxing our expats sending remittances home??? why not??? ......
the rest of the questions you raised are out of the scope of this topic!
Why not? Many go to UAE to get tax free income! That is why I raised this!

Our people are working there...they are getting a better pay than Pakistan...thus, why they are there!

No not at all.... this is yet again a very naive statement...... You simply erasing importance of India is country of 1.25 billion ....A much bigger, powerful and resourceful enough country with pockets big enough that the sheikhs just cannot resist to slide in their hands somehow..... ever wondered why was India not that important say a 20 years back....??
Secondly would modi or India allow themselves to be used as baits or sacrificial goats by the sheikhs to lure us in????Simply ridiculous even to say.....We cant downplay our enemy and its importance as much as we want...But thats not going to change the facts!
I dont give importance to india :)

It isnt powerful....it has built itself while our elites were building personal mansions and becoming billionaires! From politicians to generals! So, we had every opportunity but we didnt choose to!

Would modi or india allow? Who is to tell them once it has been done?
That is how diplomacy works and we always get kicked in the nuts with it!

We cant overestimate the enemy either!

Strength comes from unity not from numbers! We are least united hence we are getting slapped from everywhere!

No....they are not.....Your foreign policy overrides everything when it comes to IR....your business policy is an integral part of your foreign policy.....
Ok tell me this much do we have a foreign policy?

What does it state? How useful has it been? What exactly has it ever given us?

I think we should pay back in the same coin. 3$ billion is jack shit in the greater scheme of things.
ok mr. ameer ki aulaad...spit it out...because next to come claiming will be KSA...make sure your check is ready!
I get confused between the 2...Etihad flies from Abu Dhabi...my bad

come again? :undecided:

was arranged long ago...I guess modi made sure he did Kashmir now to make sure many here squeal....after all he knew about the award long ago...didnt happen overnight! He just made sure Kashmir was on fire when he got it!
China has its own internal affairs, UAE was already going to award india- no one knew Kashmir would be next on agenda! OUR own didnt know and we are blaming others?
But who will blame Modi for his timing?
Sir modi is a fascist hence beyond blame u.a.e should have and could have postponed the ceremony to a later date
Stronger & Pak friendly Iran is needed for stability in that corner.
when is that happening? Forgot ICJ and Yadev ??

So award was announced in April

Like Modi was any better in april and suddenly started acting a like goon

He was a Hindutva nazi in April too and tried to bomb Pakistan in February and yet you decided to award him in April

Good :tup:
Well in Feb the help came to you ....award was also offered to Qatari dude ....what was that about?

Not that I object it but what was it for? Wasnt Qatar also being cold in GCC back then?

SO our neighbours and their neighbours were never taken into account during award giving ceremonies so why the protest?

The dopey Arabs made a mistake by giving that Hindu monkey a worthless medal at the wrong time

Hate and anger are a funny thing, just like the Afghanis now have widescale contempt from Pakistanis for the foolish plans in last few years, it took a lot of effort by Pakistan to screw India in Afghanistan and screw the Afghanis at the same time

The Arabs must face the same, anyone who doesn't understand our war with India should face out hatred

The Arabs made a mistake and henceforth every death or misery forced upon these bastards anywhere in the world should mean nothing to us

We are in a eternal war with India which we will not backdown in
Hatred is from shaitan and I doubt any good come from Shaitan except gift of regret later!

They don't come and hand us some cheque, we work for it. It's a mutual trade and if not here, tomorrow we will be elsewhere, because provision comes from Allah.

And though I often criticize Arabs, its not because I have an issue with them, I just expect them to do more with the resources Allah has provided them with, instead of trying to seek luxury in a world that is described as "an enjoyment of delusion" and nothing but a temporary refuge for the traveler on his journey to his Creator.
What exactly have we worked for the last check?

As for them doing more in context of Islam...that only ALLAH can know if we were ungrateful or not...HE too is watching US not just them!

Sure, how many are coming back? Lets start with you, leaving Qatar for home ground .

For your info Qatar is not part of UAE..
So...your "home ground" speech was limited? Why? Isnt your home ground the same?

Sir modi is a fascist hence beyond blame u.a.e should have and could have postponed the ceremony to a later date
Thats their doing and their deal with ALLAH...not my concern!

IT shouldnt have effected us...But seems like india knows how to offend us with as little effort as possible! Or maybe we are just so easily offended by everything? Why is it never our fault?

Are we angels incapable of doing a wrong?

Sir modi is a fascist hence beyond blame u.a.e should have and could have postponed the ceremony to a later date
I dont agree with the award brother....It was sad...but I dont wish to show it nor make an issue out of it!

From a young age I learnt people watch and write down every of replies as behaviour analysis! THAT is their data...that is how they strike! When you give out your own weakness then you can be played by anyone!

Please pallu say band lo :angel:
Hatred is from shaitan and I doubt any good come from Shaitan except gift of regret later!

Dopey worthless medals are from shaitan too

If we don't give consequences to our enemies then we will never change
Thats their doing and their deal with ALLAH...not my concern!

IT shouldnt have effected us...But seems like india knows how to offend us with as little effort as possible! Or maybe we are just so easily offended by everything? Why is it never our fault?

Are we angels incapable of doing a wrong?
No sir we are almost always wrong but not in this case I for one expected a little better diplomacy from them that's it nothing more.
On what basis are we showing frustration? We have been frustrated for more than 3 decades...by our own elites politicians and situation....
Pakistani's don't own UAE and UAE doesn't own Pakistan. However, in this fight for Kashmir UAE has picked a side and that isn't our corner. People are within their right to lambaste the opponents.
Pakistani's don't own UAE and UAE doesn't own Pakistan. However, in this fight for Kashmir UAE has picked a side and that isn't our corner. People are within their right to lambaste the opponents.
How did it pick a side? It said the same thing Iran and the rest of world said....solve it peacefully..So whole world has taken a side?

Dopey worthless medals are from shaitan too

If we don't give consequences to our enemies then we will never change
sure...that is why I said that is their deal with ALLAh....

As for we giving a reply, first return the money and get back your respect...

Next dont go to IMF make sure each man is working his *** off and paying tax for the next collection date!

Lastly, also return all investment by GCC in CPEC...I am sure we are more than thrilled to return every penny, after all we have a gold mine right?

BTW, when will you return to Pakistan to help us return the money?

No sir we are almost always wrong but not in this case I for one expected a little better diplomacy from them that's it nothing more.
As for diplomacy...who did that? Where was our FO? Who has objected on state level?

If we don't give consequences to our enemies then we will never change
you want them to change? GET UP ON YOUR OWN FEET!

You want enemy to change? Fix the 70 years of damage
You want to fix KASHMIR which has only been talked after some decades...how do you fix that or blame others for it? Whose fault was that?
How did it pick a side? It said the same thing Iran and the rest of world said....solve it peacefully..So whole world has taken a side?

It chose to award our enemy at a time when our enemy was making anti Pakistan and anti Muslim moves

If we can't be incensed at this then we might as well let our enemies walk all over us

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