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Relations between Uighurs and Han Chinese not all bad

Q: What do you and your friends think about the Uighurs who blew up buses and killed Han Chinese people over the past few years?

We hate them. We are completely against what they do. They go abroad and claim Xinjiang should be independent, but they don’t do anything. It jeopardizes our safety here.

This happens wherever the CIA tries to instigate instability. They can purchase segments of the society that forment violence for them. And typically those young of age and high on emotion/passion, are quickly made fools of. They can be fed stories and manipulated quiet predictably, given the right type of misinformation would foster the desired type of action from them, etc.

And with the Uighurs, the "AL-CIAda" makes China look anti-Islam, even though the US is really anti-Islam - killing millions of people in Iraq and Afghanistan because 3000 people died in their building.
This happens wherever the CIA tries to instigate instability. They can purchase segments of the society that forment violence for them. And typically those young of age and high on emotion/passion, are quickly made fools of. They can be fed stories and manipulated quiet predictably, given the right type of misinformation would foster the desired type of action from them, etc.

And with the Uighurs, the "AL-CIAda" makes China look anti-Islam, even though the US is really anti-Islam - killing millions of people in Iraq and Afghanistan because 3000 people died in their building.

Sorry cann't agree.. US is not anti islam, if it would be 5% of that the whole situation be very different for Muslim countries and Muslims from Amrika. You should be thankful to them after all they liberated Iraqi brother from Saddam's Genoside while in Afghanistan they stopped Talibani oppression.. They are saviours in both the cases...
Yes, I understand your Indian perspective. The US has liberated the ~4 million Iraqis and Afghans they've killed so far, and should be thanked like you said. Stories like Abu Ghraib prison, of them torturing natives for fun/sport, blackwater Americans deciding to sniper out random people driving down some road, and *many* human rights violations like that, that's liberation. That makes alot of sense, you should invite them to liberate India next...

Logically, they need some spooky enemy to suit their objectives. At one point, their media was villifying Communist Russia("commies"). Before that, the Germans("Jerries") were to be hated, and this goes back to the "redskins", native american people that the westerners were painting as villains, while the westerners were stealing their homeland.

Rightnow the west's painting China and Islam as it's next two enemies. It just needs an enemy to justify the things it does globally, and when it can't find a real threat, it uses it's media to create one up to keep the masses all nice and afraid. Like,"Here, take all my rights. Just help me feel safe".
Pray to God that East Turkestan destroys the Han invaders and achieves freedom once and for all.
Yes, I understand your Indian perspective. The US has liberated the ~4 million Iraqis and Afghans they've killed so far, and should be thanked like you said. Stories like Abu Ghraib prison, of them torturing natives for fun/sport, blackwater Americans deciding to sniper out random people driving down some road, and *many* human rights violations like that, that's liberation. That makes alot of sense, you should invite them to liberate India next...

Logically, they need some spooky enemy to suit their objectives. At one point, their media was villifying Communist Russia("commies"). Before that, the Germans("Jerries") were to be hated, and this goes back to the "redskins", native american people that the westerners were painting as villains, while the westerners were stealing their homeland.

Rightnow the west's painting China and Islam as it's next two enemies. It just needs an enemy to justify the things it does globally, and when it can't find a real threat, it uses it's media to create one up to keep the masses all nice and afraid. Like,"Here, take all my rights. Just help me feel safe".

Please, if the Kaaba was in China they would have bombed it to SHIZA. Get real.
Pray to God that East Turkestan destroys the Han invaders and achieves freedom once and for all.
What the hell is East Turkestan.Turks are esterners to westerners but they are also westerners to Chinese.
Han invaders for more than two thousands year and after all there are no more aggression more western.Hope the else world keep on this fortune.
On a serious note, the interview with the Uyghur man seem to suggest that relations has deteriated mostly in recent years

Q: What does your parents’ generation think of the Hans? Do they feel like their territory is invaded? Do you feel like younger people like you are more open to ethnic differences?

Quite the opposite. I think my parents’ generation is more open to the Han, while in our generation, the distance is growing. In Xinjiang, the Han people used to share a lot of habits with the Uighurs, like they didn’t eat pork, either.

Like when I was a child, when my mom made naan (a type of Uighur bread baked with butter), we would always invite our Han neighbors to share with us, and when they made their Han-style steamed bread, they would share with us, too. It seems like when the society is more developed, our relationship is somehow not as good as before. During my parents’ generation, it was like everyone was everyone’s friend, but it’s not like that anymore.
On a serious note, the interview with the Uyghur man seem to suggest that relations has deteriated mostly in recent years

Q: What does your parents’ generation think of the Hans? Do they feel like their territory is invaded? Do you feel like younger people like you are more open to ethnic differences?

This is happening every where. As I said before people in small villages where everyone knows everyone else are the friendliest. The bigger the population gets the more hostile people become.

---------- Post added at 08:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 AM ----------

Clever fella ain't he? Anyone wanna bet hold long he lasts before he gets banned?

You do realize that you have to report him, right? I've done my share. Did you do yours?
Another interesting pattern that I've noticed is that "Western" Chinese journalists, whether it be ethnic Chinese journalists working in the States or Europe or foreign journalists working in China, are striking back at the stereotypical reports and comments by the Western media. First the Christian Science article on false intellectuals, then the People's Daily journalist's "grilling" of U.S. state department spokes person over the Aircraft Carrier, and now an article on MSN countering Uighur Independence propaganda. What is next, I wonder?
This is happening every where. As I said before people in small villages where everyone knows everyone else are the friendliest. The bigger the population gets the more hostile people become.

I wonder how much of it has to do with socialist ideals keeping racism at bay. I have a feeling that China might be becoming a more racist place the more it opens to the world.

You do realize that you have to report him, right? I've done my share. Did you do yours?

Yes mother... j/k

Another interesting pattern that I've noticed is that "Western" Chinese journalists, whether it be ethnic Chinese journalists working in the States or Europe or foreign journalists working in China, are striking back at the stereotypical reports and comments by the Western media. First the Christian Science article on false intellectuals, then the People's Daily journalist's "grilling" of U.S. state department spokes person over the Aircraft Carrier, and now an article on MSN countering Uighur Independence propaganda. What is next, I wonder?

I wouldn't count on this being a reversal of the trend. There are always dissenting voices even within orthodoxy but they are rarely rewarded by the system and they tend to be marginal or marginalized.
Just few questions
Why Uighurs wants independence or does it really want independence ??

Wats the role of muslims in there?? Why it is said that muslims are being suppressed there ??

what is reality apart from a country's point of view
It depends what you call suppression.

Are muslims in China observe their religion the same as those in PK? Of course NOT. We will not allow them to do so.

Why? Because some part of your religion have conflicts with our Chinese Laws. When such conflicts exist, we have to get rid of such practices.

So muslims in China practice a limited version of islam, I think.

If you call that suppression, nothing can be done. That is the way it is. State is above any religion and indeed Chinese people support that notion as well.

Just few questions
Why Uighurs wants independence or does it really want independence ??

Wats the role of muslims in there?? Why it is said that muslims are being suppressed there ??

what is reality apart from a country's point of view
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