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Zaid Hamid in Islamabad: Wake up Pakistan

Good, atleast nobody can throw that argumnt at me anymore that Zaid Hamid has no following in Pakistan.

This is excellent cmmentary on the psyche of Pakistan. The awesome role played by mythology and the oft repeatd (and debunked) lies bout israel's first PM helps to pump up the feeling of self importance.

Zaid is a proven liar, but thats not a problem for people with ghairat -why - because ghairat for them is not honesty its about ego.
The show was "Wake up Pakistan" Zaid Hamid just stole the show, because well he is a professional speaker compared to all the other folks who were just having some fun.
I think what inspires people (wrongly) to Zaid Hamid is that he unlike others in Pakistan is a strong man. He talks with conviction (even if half of what he says is quoted from religious books and not history books). He continuously asks Pakistanis to improve Pakistan, work hard as your founding fathers did, to not back off in the face of adversity.

Very close to how Musharraf's attitude was. Inspiring bravery. Musharraf repeatedly told his public "Humein halaat se darna nahi hai". Why? Because Pakistan is going through tough times and a little bit of fear comes in now and then. But where Musharraf was a secularist as our founding father - Jinnah, he is not.

Most people don't think about the dangers he poses. I mean for most, Oh hes talking about Islam, Islam is good, no harm can come from this. People who follow him haven't really thought about all the facets involved with his "plan". They are naive, do gooders.
Inspiring bravery my ***. More like inspiring the youth of Pakistan to go on jihad instead of getting an education and actually bettering their country. Zaid Hamid is and will always be a moron.

Does anyone know he's from a bihari family and his father was in the army ... and he got rejected from the army due to very weak eyesight.
Since then he has started these programs i mean after he got done with his education.

Lol yeah right. Learning how to suck on Arab dick doesn't count as an education.
For the same reason for which thousands of Indians attended killing riots of Hindu fundamentalist organisations in case of Babri Mosque, Gujrat killings of Muslims and recently massacar of Indian Christians by these Hindu fanatics.

I wonder why all of the Indian members on this thread of forum should not been asking why majority of Indians get enchanted by verbal and physical diarrhoea of Hindu militant organisations like RSS, VHP, and their allies??

When these Indians should have been either sitting in the educational institutions or should have been working for resolving their country's issues instead of killing Muslims, Christians and low cast Hindus.

Rest of your post implies to Indian ills too so i dont see any reason to reply to that untill you suggest the same for your bharat.

I agree with you on one point - that there is no difference between this Zaid Hamid and those Hindu fanatics from Shiv Sena & VHP in India. both are equal morons. But tell me, have you ever seen anyone from India posting their rants and Bull$h!t here., while pakistani posters keep posting this man's rotten ideas every now & then. Doesn't this an indication of popularity of such fanatics among general educated public in India vis-s vis pakistan?
Inspiring bravery my ***. More like inspiring the youth of Pakistan to go on jihad instead of getting an education and actually bettering their country. Zaid Hamid is and will always be a moron.

Lol yeah right. Learning how to suck on Arab dick doesn't count as an education.
Dude, a little less theatrics and a little more etiquette is mandated around here.
I agree with you on one point - that there is no difference between this Zaid Hamid and those Hindu fanatics from Shiv Sena & VHP in India. both are equal morons. But tell me, have you ever seen anyone from India posting their rants and Bull$h!t here., while pakistani posters keep posting this man's rotten ideas every now & then. Doesn't this an indication of popularity of such fanatics among general educated public in India vis-s vis pakistan?
Talk about the 2000 Muslims killed in Gujarat and it is always defended by the claim that 50 Hindus were first killed. People defend their right to genocide. Equally crazy in my opinion.
Inspiring bravery my ***. More like inspiring the youth of Pakistan to go on jihad instead of getting an education and actually bettering their country. Zaid Hamid is and will always be a moron.

Lol yeah right. Learning how to suck on Arab dick doesn't count as an education.

:eek: ehhh how can we allow this man to post such fil.thy words?????????????
I agree with you on one point - that there is no difference between this Zaid Hamid and those Hindu fanatics from Shiv Sena & VHP in India. both are equal morons. But tell me, have you ever seen anyone from India posting their rants and Bull$h!t here., while pakistani posters keep posting this man's rotten ideas every now & then. Doesn't this an indication of popularity of such fanatics among general educated public in India vis-s vis pakistan?

I have no issue with Hindu fanatics advocating their ideology as long as they dont kill Muslims and low cast Hindus and Christians and as long as they dont destory structure of other faiths in India out of their hate.

So i dont see anything common between Zaid Hamid and Hindu fanatics.

ZH doesnt kill anyone like those fanatics.

As far as posting something its an open forum you can post ideology of RSS, VHP Bajrangis no one stops you.

This thread as always once again was mared by Indians without checking what was it all about.

The Wake Up Pakistan movement is all about creating hope in Pakistanis and make them understand the situation and pursuing them for improving their education and work for the country.

In between we can not ignore Indian threats simple as that.

For India is an enemy with all its destructive plans for Pakistan.
Talk about the 2000 Muslims killed in Gujarat and it is always defended by the claim that 50 Hindus were first killed. People defend their right to genocide. Equally crazy in my opinion.

Brother, u dont get my point it seems. I said I agree with you - what happened in Gujarat or anywhere else in India where people were killed because they belonged to some other religion is a sin. It doesnt matter whether those killed were Hindu or Muslims, or 50 or 2000. I dont support that Ideology and most of the Indians too. Thats why you will never see any Indian posting videos of those morons hindu fundamentalist's flame speeches spreading hatred. On the contrary, see how many times Zaid Hamid's bul$h!t is posted here.
Brother, u dont get my point it seems. I said I agree with you - what happened in Gujarat or anywhere else in India where people were killed because they belonged to some other religion is a sin. It doesnt matter whether those killed were Hindu or Muslims, or 50 or 2000. I dont support that Ideology and most of the Indians too. Thats why you will never see any Indian posting videos of those morons hindu fundamentalist's flame speeches spreading hatred. On the contrary, see how many times Zaid Hamid's bul$h!t is posted here.

Well said, often people have told me here that nobody listens to that liar etc etc. The reality is, as is often the case in pakistan, much different ;)
I have no issue with Hindu fanatics advocating their ideology as long as they dont kill Muslims and low cast Hindus and Christians and as long as they dont destory structure of other faiths in India out of their hate.

So i dont see anything common between Zaid Hamid and Hindu fanatics.

ZH doesnt kill anyone like those fanatics.

As far as posting something its an open forum you can post ideology of RSS, VHP Bajrangis no one stops you.

This thread as always once again was mared by Indians without checking what was it all about.

The Wake Up Pakistan movement is all about creating hope in Pakistanis and make them understand the situation and pursuing them for improving their education and work for the country.

In between we can not ignore Indian threats simple as that.

For India is an enemy with all its destructive plans for Pakistan.

What a joke, as if the ideologues on any side themselves go on the street to kill.

And given the preferrend method of zaid types, they only get one show :lol::lol::lol:


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I have no issue with Hindu fanatics advocating their ideology as long as they dont kill Muslims and low cast Hindus and Christians and as long as they dont destory structure of other faiths in India out of their hate.

So i dont see anything common between Zaid Hamid and Hindu fanatics.

ZH doesnt kill anyone like those fanatics.

As far as posting something its an open forum you can post ideology of RSS, VHP Bajrangis no one stops you.

This thread as always once again was mared by Indians without checking what was it all about.

The Wake Up Pakistan movement is all about creating hope in Pakistanis and make them understand the situation and pursuing them for improving their education and work for the country.

In between we can not ignore Indian threats simple as that.

For India is an enemy with all its destructive plans for Pakistan.

Even I dont have any issues about what ZH teaches pakistanis so long as his speeches are not against India.
And if this thread was about pakistan, then tell me - who mentioned India here first?

As for the bold part - India is your enemy or not is your opinion, but India's ALL DESTRUCTIVE PLANS are not against pakistan alone. they are directed against all those other than pakistan too who treat us as their enemies and spread violence in India.
Even I dont have any issues about what ZH teaches pakistanis so long as his speeches are not against India.
And if this thread was about pakistan, then tell me - who mentioned India here first?

As for the bold part - India is your enemy or not is your opinion, but India's ALL DESTRUCTIVE PLANS are not against pakistan alone. they are directed against all those other than pakistan too who treat us as their enemies and spread violence in India.

Check the entire thread indeed some Indian jumped into this thread to express your phobia :)

Lolzz if you can have DESTRUCTIVE plans against Pakistan, China and other neighbouring countries then I dont see anything wrong in speeches highlighting the Indian threats to Pakistan.

ZH had not killed any Indian unlike RSS, VHP fanatics who killed thousands of Muslims and Sikhs and Christians besides own Dalit low cast Hindus.
Check the entire thread indeed some Indian jumped into this thread to express your phobia :)

Lolzz if you can have DESTRUCTIVE plans against Pakistan, China and other neighbouring countries then I dont see anything wrong in speeches highlighting the Indian threats to Pakistan.

ZH had not killed any Indian unlike RSS, VHP fanatics who killed thousands of Muslims and Sikhs and Christians besides own Dalit low cast Hindus.

You just now admitted that pakistan along with China and some other neighbouring countries treats India as their enemy and SPREADS VIOLENCE in India. This is what I had written - India's ALL DESTRUCTIVE PLANS are not against pakistan alone. they are directed against all those other than pakistan too who treat us as their enemies and spread violence in India.

People like VHP fanatics and ZH are just same, both are doing the same thing - spreading hatred and Religion backed violence. I hate VHP, I hate Shiv Sena and I hate ZH too. Its only people in pakistan that hates VHP, hates Shiv sena but loves ZH. Unless you remove the religion tinted glasses from your eyes (glasses that ZH king of scums sell for free), your opinions will always be biased.
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