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Zaid Hamid in Islamabad: Wake up Pakistan

:lol::lol: And you find intellectual depth in cast syetm.


On another note Mythology in itself is an imaginery thing nothing based on facts, whereas Khilafat system was a reality, an adminsterative syetsm.

Ok thank you dont debate, it will save my time too.

Time is most powerful & things that Stand the test of time are reasonably powerful. We all know what out of Hindu mythology(5000 years) or Khilafat (a few hundread years)survives.

I can just smile as your ignorance and pity at your arrogance.

Live on in your dream world.
Ahh the Mumbai attacks. A year gone bye and Indains have realises the internal involvment at last.

oh so you mean ajmal kasb is really amar singh :rofl:

The game is still onn and you had seen India kicked out of Afghanistan. Pakistan is the same important player.

then why are you still sleepless with indian consulates. just a meeting madam does not mean india is out of afghanistan. :no: not so easily any ways best of luck keep trying. last time i heard turkish diplomats are coming to India and India has afghanistan and indian presence in the agenda

And there are no Chinese goods flooding Indian markets.

not at the expense of indian small scale industries. if you want i can tell you in depth about how the chinese products actually come in indian market and how in pakistani market. but that will be a totally diffrent discussion.

Neither he nor we consider Israel as direct enemy. rather we are against Zionism and there is nothing wrong in it. Eeven Jews consider Zionists as a threat.

I agree to the fact but his wet dreams of bombing tel aviv tell a altogether diffrent story. do you think the people of pakistan were outraged for israel 10 years back as they are now. and israel was so pro india 10 years back. think sincerly not for the sake of argument.

As far as your friendship with US well it was not the media rather US own interests which had drawn her towards India. And i see more good for Pakistan in this move
US always had more interests in pakistan then in india because india was already in the Russian camp. but at the end of the day the hostilities of pakistan made them come to us.

Lolz no he dint say "in case of war" rather he said a nuclear war should not be ruled out.

a country which does not have a no first use policy and hostile to us anyone should say and would say the possibility of nuclear war cannot be ruled out. he did not say we will bomb pakistan. like your rehman malik saheb or your zaid hamid regular quote of delhi radio pakistan.

NO we still are not losers even in this case. We made mistakes and we paid for that.

In the same breath we can recall 62 Indo-China war

and you continue to make mistakes thats another mistake. indo sino war was altogether a diffrent story we made a mistake we leart and we adapted. at your end you made a mistake you did not learn you again made a mistake and again and again... you continue to be on the same track. this gives us an upper hand to drag your economy into isolation as india may outgrow you.... but in case of china despite media rehoritic everyone knows india and china are not going to go for war as of now. but same cannot be said for pakistan with that confidence. china is stronger then us we have percieved our policies that way nor we feel anything in saying that but that cannot be said about you when you are taught a single pakistani soldier is equal to 10 indians..:lol:

Despite sanctions we are powerful enough to continue making India sleepless.

oh is it?????? :lol: a couple of planes and a nuclear bomb is called being powerful happy for you :lol: the power lies in your backup and economy. in case of war how much can you sustain....:lol:

The superiority is not due to Muslims ruled over India rather we were talking about Martial races in another post. werent we

Lolz as far as teaching Mughals as Indians to the Indian students is also a result of Indian inferiority complex because Mughals were not Indians in the first place. They were invaders mostly from CARs

Mughals when first came as agressors and then they settled in India. India has been part of many people from many places and indians have a unique quality of mixing them and integrating them very easily. we know they were from outside but once in india they becomes indians. the grandsons of mugharls are in india not in pakistan nor somewhere else. if you check their passport it says REPUBLIC OF INDIA
Time is most powerful & things that Stand the test of time are reasonably powerful. We all know what out of Hindu mythology(5000 years) or Khilafat (a few hundread years)survives.

I can just smile as your ignorance and pity at your arrogance.

Live on in your dream world.

:) we can clearly see with discriminating cast system still prevailing in India.

Anyhow Quran says You (the non-believers) on to your way and we on to our way.

I have no issue with your faith as long as you dont poke your nose into my faith.
oh so you mean ajmal kasb is really amar singh

call it Amar singh or Abu Jindal or Ismail the fact that Indians were the handlers with Americans excuted it well ;) dahhhh we have nothing to lose.

then why are you still sleepless with indian consulates. just a meeting madam does not mean india is out of afghanistan. :no: not so easily any ways best of luck keep trying. last time i heard turkish diplomats are coming to India and India has afghanistan and indian presence in the agenda

Ahhh how cunning. You are comparing Indian terror camps with Indian lack of sleep over Pakistani military.

As far your last time i think you are bit late. The London Conference is Over. All the decisions have been made and India is for sure left out.

Any change can take place as in politics nothing is final :) still a long way to go.

not at the expense of indian small scale industries. if you want i can tell you in depth about how the chinese products actually come in indian market and how in pakistani market. but that will be a totally diffrent discussion.

The Chinese goods indeed damaged the industries not only in Pakistan but even in US. But the still atleast We Pakistan has no reason to ditch China over this small issue.

mainly due to the fact we dont have much small scale indutries.

I agree to the fact but his wet dreams of bombing tel aviv tell a altogether diffrent story. do you think the people of pakistan were outraged for israel 10 years back as they are now. and israel was so pro india 10 years back. think sincerly not for the sake of argument.

As far as i know him he never said to bomb Israel. Pakistani people are outraged on Isreal due to their brutalities in Palestine and not due to anything else.

US always had more interests in pakistan then in india because india was already in the Russian camp. but at the end of the day the hostilities of pakistan made them come to us.

No i dont see US has came to India due to any hostility from Pakistan.

I still see US has more long term plans to infiltrate India simple as that.

a country which does not have a no first use policy and hostile to us anyone should say and would say the possibility of nuclear war cannot be ruled out. he did not say we will bomb pakistan. like your rehman malik saheb or your zaid hamid regular quote of delhi radio pakistan.

This is just a verbal thing there is no International rule which can bar Indian from breaking the rehtoric of No First use policy.

and you continue to make mistakes thats another mistake. indo sino war was altogether a diffrent story we made a mistake we leart and we adapted. at your end you made a mistake you did not learn you again made a mistake and again and again... you continue to be on the same track. this gives us an upper hand to drag your economy into isolation as india may outgrow you.... but in case of china despite media rehoritic everyone knows india and china are not going to go for war as of now. but same cannot be said for pakistan with that confidence. china is stronger then us we have percieved our policies that way nor we feel anything in saying that but that cannot be said about you when you are taught a single pakistani soldier is equal to 10 indians..
NOP not this time. we had learnd a lot and its not 71, India also knows that otherwise we would not have seen your interior minister coming up with poomp poomp poo.

oh is it?????? :lol: a couple of planes and a nuclear bomb is called being powerful happy for you :lol: the power lies in your backup and economy. in case of war how much can you sustain..

Not even US sustained in Afghanistan and Iraq who have no nuclear bombs. BTW our few or couple of planes make Indains sleepless

:lol: what would have been the case if we had the weaponery like you have.

Mughals when first came as agressors and then they settled in India. India has been part of many people from many places and indians have a unique quality of mixing them and integrating them very easily. we know they were from outside but once in india they becomes indians. the grandsons of mugharls are in india not in pakistan nor somewhere else. if you check their passport it says REPUBLIC OF INDIA

:lol: Yeh Aurangzeb had an Indian passport, Jehangir had an Indian passport.

So once in India they become Indians? OK then in that case The Indians have looted their own country whats the big fuss about that then.

Ok you continue with your posts i am off to sleep.
Well his message is simple

a) Study and learn your past to make proper decisions for future
b) Embrace the concept of why we got pakistan for , to live our lives
based on specific principles
c) Be proud of our heritage - and not be ashamed we have a rich
culture and heritage

He was not there to solve world crisis he is there to educate youth about importance of history and what it means to be Muslim in correct sense

a) Responsible
b) Proud
c) Just

I was thinking more specific and objective solutions. This is just motivational talk. The problem is that motivation will work only if you have correct direction. Even Suicide bombers are highly motivated.

I am not sure what direction does Zaid Hamid wants the youth to take.
call it Amar singh or Abu Jindal or Ismail the fact that Indians were the handlers with Americans excuted it well ;) dahhhh we have nothing to lose.

so why your government is running probe in your country.. why are your organizations banned. why is government still say that ajmal kasab is pakistani.... :wave:wake up

Ahhh how cunning. You are comparing Indian terror camps with Indian lack of sleep over Pakistani military.

As far your last time i think you are bit late. The London Conference is Over. All the decisions have been made and India is for sure left out.

Any change can take place as in politics nothing is final :) still a long way to go.

Yups but no one has brought an end to the development work in that place. we still continue to do that. no one had problems with indian presence in afghanistan we are still there. you with so much effort were just able to keep us out of that where we should actually be not there.

The Chinese goods indeed damaged the industries not only in Pakistan but even in US. But the still atleast We Pakistan has no reason to ditch China over this small issue.

mainly due to the fact we dont have much small scale indutries.

there is nothing ditching china or something like that. but the fact is to integrate the foreign products correctly. yes thats what i am saying you dont have much small scale industries. increase in products from outside will not let those small scale to grow because they will have to comepte chinese. so the entire entreneurship is endangered in that case. correct reforms and policies are needed not the dependence on china.

As far as i know him he never said to bomb Israel. Pakistani people are outraged on Isreal due to their brutalities in Palestine and not due to anything else.

he did said i remember but sorry i dont remember the lecture. it was against india only. people of pakistan are outraged fine but how much justified it is to make enemy out of someone which has nothing to do with pakistan in the first place when you are already troubled with enemies like India.

No i dont see US has came to India due to any hostility from Pakistan.

I still see US has more long term plans to infiltrate India simple as that.

US will have to face more stiffer competetion in India due to europe and russia where as in case of pakistan which is much more favorable. but the people are very hostile for them. india offers them safety and same consideration as others.

This is just a verbal thing there is no International rule which can bar Indian from breaking the rehtoric of No First use policy.

then what stops pakistan from signing it. there are many things verbal which ensures the credibility of the nation on the international scenario. wars and peace fought because of verbs only mainly. it all starts with statements.

NOP not this time. we had learnd a lot and its not 71, India also knows that otherwise we would not have seen your interior minister coming up with poomp poomp poo.
and it is not 71 for india also.... we come up because we want peace we are not a war mongering nation.

Not even US sustained in Afghanistan and Iraq who have no nuclear bombs. BTW our few or couple of planes make Indains sleepless

:lol: what would have been the case if we had the weaponery like you have.
national geographies play a vital role in the region. US has been kicked every where it has gone. they have just bombed made a mess and left. but when you say indians and pakistanis this region is our playground.

letting a enemy to arm itself to the slightest level is called stupidity so we try not let you arm. last time what war you have won with us at the end of day which would make us sleepless.

:lol: Yeh Aurangzeb had an Indian passport, Jehangir had an Indian passport.

So once in India they become Indians? OK then in that case The Indians have looted their own country whats the big fuss about that then.

Ok you continue with your posts i am off to sleep.

they were indians but they are never looked upon in the good light in India. all those who have invaded india looted the money and went back were the actual invaders whom you praise though you forget they invaded your land also. any one who settled in india was indian. though thats another matter of fact though being indian how much they gave to india.
when you were not present there in this or any of his other live lectures then dont comment without knowing.

I attended Wake Up Islamabad and there was nothing anti-India rather many strategic things were discussed.

And on yes indeed the threat of Cold War Doctrine hurled by dumb sheep Gen Kapoor did come under discussion in his lecture.

And he very nicely explained the implication of Cold war two front attack by dumb sheeps and how to counter it.

The slogans were raised rightly over the narration of a pure Islamic welfare and Justice system in the era of Khilafat and in the era of Our Last Prophet of Allah, Muhammad (PBUH).

And it was encouraging to see the learned, educated modern lot understanding the importance of justice and a welfare society as advocated by Islam. :pakistan:

Allah o Akbar


Dumb sheep - on cue - white lies and mythology - you have found the saviour you deserve

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fateh - stop trolling the post and go to BR for that. **** off kid.
For the same reason for which thousands of Indians attended killing riots of Hindu fundamentalist organisations in case of Babri Mosque, Gujrat killings of Muslims and recently massacar of Indian Christians by these Hindu fanatics.

I wonder why all of the Indian members on this thread of forum should not been asking why majority of Indians get enchanted by verbal and physical diarrhoea of Hindu militant organisations like RSS, VHP, and their allies??

When these Indians should have been either sitting in the educational institutions or should have been working for resolving their country's issues instead of killing Muslims, Christians and low cast Hindus.

Rest of your post implies to Indian ills too so i dont see any reason to reply to that untill you suggest the same for your bharat.

Sorry for late reply:

As usual you have intentionally made this thread again a India- Pakistan contest. Was i comparing Pakistan with India? was there any need for me to clear air on my country's evils as far as this thread is concerned.

The points i mentioned and question i raised were purely academic on the topic of religion. You can not snub critics on the merit because they are Indians. Grow up and learn to respect your critics. I would recommend you to read more books (i wont tell you the names) where many intellectual/scholars has given extremely opposite views about the mechanism of social upliftment ethics moral values and have been proving to be very effective in this modern age.
Message to all indians - stop acting like you know it all and what you know is the truth. Yes, this is what I see in your posts - anyone suggesting other than what you believe is said to be misguided and not knowing the truth and what not. Quit this behaviour, or display it on BR. These are the kinds of posts I am talking about:

This is excellent cmmentary on the psyche of Pakistan.
zaid hamid should be given a big bell where he can go around in street waking people up in the sehri time in ramadan , he seems to love this JOB .
Does anyone know he's from a bihari family and his father was in the army ... and he got rejected from the army due to very weak eyesight.
Since then he has started these programs i mean after he got done with his education.
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