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Zaid Hamid in Islamabad: Wake up Pakistan

Inspiring bravery my ***. More like inspiring the youth of Pakistan to go on jihad instead of getting an education and actually bettering their country. Zaid Hamid is and will always be a moron.

Lol yeah right. Learning how to suck on Arab dick doesn't count as an education.

Bringing some humor to your posts eh ?? try again please you failed miserably.
I just don't get it ... why cant the Indians mind their own business and let us listen to him... is that too difficult for you to bear. Believe me everything he is saying is logical but for some who have peanut sized brains.. he is an extremist a maniac and jihad obsessed lecturer.
Most of fanatics on the Indian side ... are big parties .. are known for there practical demonstration of their extremism ... y pick on that poor guy alone .. are u scared of his invisible army of jihadis :lol:
Hey was that your cue for abuse?

Boy you are well trained.

You're well trained in trolling. What's your point? Don't talk here like you know it all and anyone questioning it is an idiot. You go to BR for that.
Brother, u dont get my point it seems. I said I agree with you - what happened in Gujarat or anywhere else in India where people were killed because they belonged to some other religion is a sin. It doesnt matter whether those killed were Hindu or Muslims, or 50 or 2000. I dont support that Ideology and most of the Indians too. Thats why you will never see any Indian posting videos of those morons hindu fundamentalist's flame speeches spreading hatred. On the contrary, see how many times Zaid Hamid's bul$h!t is posted here.

Well said, often people have told me here that nobody listens to that liar etc etc. The reality is, as is often the case in pakistan, much different ;)

And what I said that you guys DO peddle Hindu fundamentalist ideas, like Akhund Bharat, Supremacy of Hindus over minorities, just 2 days ago Indians were arguing about the right to build raam mandir over the sight of the destroyed mosque in support of Hindu fundos. Sure there were people against that as well, but then you have people against Zaid Hamid as well.

We have huge populations. Look around and you'll find each of every kind. Don't just paste Pakistanis in a poor light because it suits your preconceptions.
And what I said that you guys DO peddle Hindu fundamentalist ideas, like Akhund Bharat, Supremacy of Hindus over minorities, just 2 days ago Indians were arguing about the right to build raam mandir over the sight of the destroyed mosque in support of Hindu fundos. Sure there were people against that as well, but then you have people against Zaid Hamid as well.

We have huge populations. Look around and you'll find each of every kind. Don't just paste Pakistanis in a poor light because it suits your preconceptions.

False argument, comparing apples and oranges.

Are you a hamas supporter just because you want palestinians to have jerusalem? NO

Are you automatically anti muslim for believing Ram temple was destroyed and a mosque built there in the past? NO

Are you a crazy nut if you go into sloganeering when zaid says radio pakistan new delhi? YES
And what I said that you guys DO peddle Hindu fundamentalist ideas, like Akhund Bharat, Supremacy of Hindus over minorities, just 2 days ago Indians were arguing about the right to build raam mandir over the sight of the destroyed mosque in support of Hindu fundos. Sure there were people against that as well, but then you have people against Zaid Hamid as well.

We have huge populations. Look around and you'll find each of every kind. Don't just paste Pakistanis in a poor light because it suits your preconceptions.

OK man, dont get personal yar. I just hate religious fundamentalism, thats it. Whether it is ZH or VHP, doesnt make any difference to me. I dont subscribe to their idologies. But surely these people do have good leadership skills. they manage to influence large populations of people with their separatist thoughts and speeches. How much good to the society and humanity such people can do if they start preaching humanity instead of religious fundamentalism. Its the ideology and beliefs that creates a difference between a hero and a villian.Both have followers, but ..........
What a joke, as if the ideologues on any side themselves go on the street to kill.

And given the preferrend method of zaid types, they only get one show :lol::lol::lol:


one question

when did the delegation from india of dalits went to pakistan ? or did they crossed border to pakistan because there is a huge job market and better livelihood for the low caste hindus in pakistan:no:

and then guys still continue to belive him... can any pakistani member shed light on this one.
one question

when did the delegation from india of dalits went to pakistan ? or did they crossed border to pakistan because there is a huge job market and better livelihood for the low caste hindus in pakistan:no:

and then guys still continue to belive him... can any pakistani member shed light on this one.

These are the same dalits who told zaid Ajmal Kasab is Amar Singh, a Sikh :)

He tells white lies straight up, and ghairatmand lap it up :)
"New York shuts down after 8.00'o clock night!" This moron knows nothing! Another lie busted !!
Can someone translate Zaid's lectures in English? Although I get 80% of what he says but it will be better if I get 100% plus it will benefit people who don't understand Urdu? thanks
False argument, comparing apples and oranges.

Are you a hamas supporter just because you want palestinians to have jerusalem? NO

Are you automatically anti muslim for believing Ram temple was destroyed and a mosque built there in the past? NO

Are you a crazy nut if you go into sloganeering when zaid says radio pakistan new delhi? YES

You, Sir, Are a Gentleman and a Scholar
"New York shuts down after 8.00'o clock night!" This moron knows nothing! Another lie busted !!

New york and losangeles shut down , I have been there I have seen ppl living in homes, closing the windows, out of gang fear

I have seen streets being vacant after 8 pm you can't walk on street ...go on crime and homocide , radars/maps you will see how often and how severe is the homocide ration and brutal deaths by blunt force -

If you want to proof him wrong I dare you to go about walking after 8/8.30 pm at night (not the very posh posh areas but average hoods where normal ppl live)

I have seen helicopters at night chasing theives ....

Zaid Sahib's speech is for Pakistani Youth to self respect , it has nothing to do with Indian becasue we frankly do not have time to worry about our neighbours -

But for some odd reason , indians can't seem to get enough of the gentleman
My heart bleeds when I see all this ill-informed Pakistani's support the likes of Zaid Hamid, Ahmed Qureshi, Shahid Qureshi and other such conspiracy theorists. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with this show or the entire Wake-Up series, but there is something rotten about Zaid Zaman's hidden agenda.

Wake-Up Pakistan; Zaid Hamid is an ISI mouth-piece. His one-point agenda is to promote the image of the Pakistan Army and to justify expansion and increments in it's defense budget. How? Raw-Mossad-Cia are going to killl us, OH NO!. Think about this when you watch on of his more defense oriented talks. He lies through his teeth, all of his claims, all of his predictions are always wrong. The army, like other Pakistani institutions, is not entirely 'PAK', it has it's shortcomings and we should realize that. The whole Zia period who the darkest in Pakistan's history. Like I say "Pak Fauj tuje SALAM!, per sirf sarhad per'.

Finally, let me give you guys an example. Two-years ago Hamid Mir went to the tribal belt of Pakistan (Waziristan) and came back with the shocking news of the whole Taliban control, their Qila's, the lack of security forces presence and the ever so 'cosmetic' limited operations to eliminate the 'extremely low' Taliban presence. Here is what he said:
. and RIGHTlY SO, because a year later as we all know it turned out that in reality Taliban did actually exist there and had a heavy presence. Recently (in Nov 2009) 30,000 army personnel were sent in that area and ISPR reported a estimated 15,000 strong Taliban force was being fought. So to my understanding Hamid Mir was right.

Now in 2008 Zaid Hamid's comment on this statement of Hamid Mir's (in defense of Pakistan Army of course)
calling Mir a CIA agent and any Taliban presence 'A jhoot and khurafat'. Which of course was an outright lie.

There are a dozen more examples of such statements of Zaid Hamid which have absolutely no backing or any sort of weight, ranging from Amar Singh (Ajmal Kasab) to Quaid-e-Azams vision of a 'Khilafat' in Pakistan.

Again here Hamid works for his one-point agenda to promote the Pakistan Army. There is nothing wrong with that, but that being at the expense of breading hate, antisemitism, anti-hinduism and against various other common military rivals of Pakistan. Calling a Hindu 'paleet' is just not right, not according to Islam nor according to Pakistan law. This hate breading is indeed very dangerous. He may say 9 excellent things about Islam and Pakistan but his 10th point will always be a agenda-based pro-Pakistan army comment to sway public opinion.

May Allah bless these people with guidance to the right direction.
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I have to say .. I don't agree with this guy! I mean some of the things he says are valid .. but on the whole he just seems to be in an other world or somthing! He is just too provocative. I mean we are already going through a tough time, we need to calm down and the guy jst wants us to go lunatic! And look at Ali Azmat. Now Dope heads are gna lead us and teach us about Islam!? I mean what a jump from Mullahs to now ... this!! I dunno where we are heading but I wish my country and ppl all the best! I have a feeling that the guy is dodgy. Its jst my gut feeling. I may be wrong .. Perhaps friends here can shed some light! Baaqi .. wallah hu aalam! May Allah guide us all. (Ameen)

P.S: There is this thing out about him being a 'right hand' of some guy who claimed to be a prophet or somthing..! Anyone got any idea about that? please share and enlighten me. Thanks.
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